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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Deleted member 17706

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TDG said:
Sure they would have. In fact, the USG had recieved reports that Japan was willing to surrender, but not unconditionally. Washington was demanding unconditional surrender, but the Japanese wanted assurance that their Emperor would not be harmed. The USG wasn't willing to do this, which is why the Japanese were so resistant to the idea of surrendering.

Exactly. People are still buying into the war-time propaganda about the Japanese. To say they wouldn't surrender without the atom bomb is just ridiculous. There was talk about surrender before the atom bomb. If you really look at those months leading up to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it becomes apparent that the United States really wanted to use the atom bomb on Japan and was deliberately delaying negotiations and talks of surrender with the Japanese in order to allow them enough time to finish development of the bomb.
Cyan said:
The amazing thing about that clip is how incredibly excited he sounds. Like he just found a $100 bill on the sidewalk.

One of my favorite Fox and Friends moment. The ignorance from everybody is..... delicious


I also love the Colbert Tag for the other guy which is "Brown-Haired Guy Who Isn't Steve Doocy" which how Colbert always refers to him.



adamsappel said:
It also makes it a lot easier to justify any future criticism. "I voted for this guy! I can't believe he's doing [whatever]!"

I wonder if "I voted for Obama, but" will be the new "I have a black friend, but", while preceding some glaringly racist statement.
Zefah said:
and only defend the nation against direct attacks purely with volunteer forces!

What's so fucking bad about that? No government should ever have the power create a military draft. If a nation can't muster up a voluntary force necessary for military defense than it doesn't deserve to exist.


adamsappel said:
Thanks for the reply, Jay. I'd say that American democracy just isn't for you, but it's all you've got.

If the Republicans hadn't adopted a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach to foreign policy hawkishness, they'd be an okay party.

The modern incarnation of the Republican party has taken the aggressive stances of Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ. The most recent Democrat President embodied the notion of America as the world's policeman to a T.

Humble foreign policy and a concern for tackling that debt is what we need, and neither major party provides that.
ViperVisor said:
David Gergen comes with it. 'The Barack Obama isn't being completely forthright with Ayers talking point can now be applied to Palin'

Exactly my argument. The same way the selection of Palin invalidated the experience argument that McCain had been hammering on Obama with imo.

Hopefully surrogates will go out there and keep this thing in the talking points.
Haunted said:
They're also talking about the clip on AC360.

McCain should thank the heavens today is Friday. I can't remember a more disastrous day for a presidential candidate. Maybe that day the Dukakis tank video came out... Maybe.


Zeliard said:
It's quite strange, but I think O'Reilly actually likes Obama, to the extent that I think he may be a closeted Obama voter this year. He wrote a rather glowing piece on Obama on his website after they had that sit-down interview. Don't expect me to understand it. O'Reilly's an odd cookie.
It's not exactly closeted. I heard him say he believed the traditional Republican talking point that Obama wouldn't keep us safe but said he was swayed by Obama that America would be safe under him as President and said he is considering voting for him. Odd guy but there you go.
Zeliard said:
I wonder if "I voted for Obama, but" will be the new "I have a black friend, but", while preceding some glaringly racist statement.

Will? I've already heard it. I guess "I have a black friend" was getting a little stale.


The McCain events in Minnesota today were despicable and sad. :( What are people so afraid of? Is it just that their party's candidate is losing? That they hear Socialism being yelled and freak out (most of whom probably have no idea what it means), so they just go with the mobthink and roll with it? Rational thought is gone.

This is not good for McCain, and he really doesn't have any choice but to try to play the good cop and calm his people the hell down. His failure was not putting an end to it immediately. He's definitely reaping the damage of the low blows dealt from his party. I just hope this ends soon because it's getting really scary.


Shiggie said:

Beautifully edited video.

Cheebs said:
It's not exactly closeted. I heard him say he believed the traditional Republican talking point that Obama wouldn't keep us safe but said he was swayed by Obama that America would be safe under him as President and said he is considering voting for him. Odd guy but there you go.

It doesn't surprise me. That piece he wrote about Obama after the interview conveyed that he was pretty damn pleasantly surprised at how Obama came across.

Price Dalton said:
Will? I've already heard it. I guess "I have a black friend" was getting a little stale.

Oh yeah? :lol

Closest thing I've heard so far is when Colbert tongue-in-cheek (as usual) called Obama "America's black friend".


So this is an email my oldest brother sent to me today. Honestly, I love my brother.... I have three brothers and I'm closest with this one, but this election has driven him off the edge. He is so bought. He is so gone. I almost feel like I don't even know him after reading this. Please don't make personal attacks against my brother.
Your boy is a "terrorist"..
The manchurian candidate.....it will be a very bad day when that SOB takes office...
Any logical person has to BEGIN the blame of liberal lending standards with CRA/Govt policy...and that only became much larger with FNM in the late 90's and even greater in the early part of this decade.
FNM did securitize the loans with help from their friend on wall street .
Bearn Sterns created the first "sub-prime" mortgage backed security.
Remember....(you probably wouldn't care to)..in the NY (OBAMA) Times..Franklin Raines had a conference of somesort in 1998 with executives of Bear taking pictures and celebrating the new security..sub-prime MBS's (A FACT)
They (Wall Street) metastized the leverage and the rest is history...its a mess.
FNM went bankrupt...they are insolvent and had to be "NATIONALIZED"..did you miss that..if they didn't have significant "nuclear waste" to guarantee than why did they go up in smoke?


You are like Anakin Skywalker (You) that has been turned to the dark-side by your father (the emperor)...real weird.

And now I hear that you believe it's all our fault...(USA)..
that because of our foreign policy.....Everything's effed up because of us. It's all our fault..It's our military's fault, it's guantanamo bay's fault. It's bush's fault..Of course...
EFF that..you should know better. Shame on You..You have some god damn nerve..

I don't get it..
Good luck living in the U.S.S.A...the United Socialist States of America...You better go get a gun!


CharlieDigital said:
Summary please. I don't think my brain can handle it.

Those silly fools are extremely upset at McCain telling people to knock the racist/hateful bullshit the fuck off, and want McCain off the ticket.


Cheebs said:
It's not exactly closeted. I heard him say he believed the traditional Republican talking point that Obama wouldn't keep us safe but said he was swayed by Obama that America would be safe under him as President and said he is considering voting for him. Odd guy but there you go.

O'Reilly is only trying to makes sure that if Obama wins he and Faux news still have access to the White House. Who is going to want to watch a network where the only guests they can get are a pundit hacks and washed up Republicans?

:lol :lol at the though of some of you believing O'Reilly actually had some kind of epiphany.
Zeliard said:
Those silly fools are extremely upset at McCain telling people to knock the racist/hateful bullshit the fuck off, and want McCain off the ticket.

:lol okay, yeah, I'm glad I didn't actually read the originals :lol wow...
JayDubya said:
"Slavery" is a kind word for what the military draft is, considering the whole killing and dying by the master's command thing.

Xisiqomelir said:
So uhh, did CNN retract the lawbreaking headline or was that a fake? Watching GaoGaiGar here.

Apparently the firing was within her right but the badgering leading up to the firing was unethical. Doesn't sound like anything will happen to her.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Just got back from the movies and wooooo-weeeeee!

Palin found to have abused power? Awesome. Palin found to have been lawfully...abusing power? Fuck it, still a blemish. McCain showing some decency and pointing out that Obama is not an Arab...and not a dangerous guy? Awesome.

McCain stirred up this pot of shit, and it's his problem to fix.

Glad he has to take the boos of his supporters for magically turning on all of their ideas of who Barack is.


:lol CNN showing the clip where McCain defends Obama. CNN commentator "Nothing like getting booed at your own rally".

Cheeky, CNN, cheeky.

McCain is clearly back-pedalling (which is good), but it's already too late, it provided too many soundbites and they fuelled the fire for too long, the backfire's already happening.


thefit said:
O'Reilly is only trying to makes sure that if Obama wins he and Faux news still have access to the White House. Who is going to want to watch a network where the only guests they can get are a pundit hacks and washed up Republicans?

:lol :lol at the though of some of you believing O'Reilly actually had some kind of epiphany.

I really don't think it's as out of the realm of possibility as you make it seem that O'Reilly genuinely thinks Obama would be a superior president to McCain, the latter of which I'm thinking he doesn't have much love for. There have been people further on the right than O'Reilly who have endorsed Obama's presidency and publicly said they'd be voting for him.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Death_Born said:
See? The misinformation has already spread to the populace!
I see that she can be impeached, but what she did was not illegal, yes?

Like I said, I just got home, but I'm taking my cues from this:
RubxQub said:
Just got back from the movies and wooooo-weeeeee!

Palin found to have abused power? Awesome. Palin found to have been lawfully...abusing power? Fuck it, still a blemish. McCain showing some decency and pointing out that Obama is not an Arab...and not a dangerous guy? Awesome.

I think it breaks down like this:

1) It's within her power to fire him.

2) But the stuff she pulled before actually firing him broke ethics laws.

If she had just outright fired him or fired Wooten herself (dunno if she had that power, but I suppose so), none of this might have happened.
worldrunover said:
Apparently the firing was within her right but the badgering leading up to the firing was unethical. Doesn't sound like anything will happen to her.
Well, it was that she knowingly allowed her husband, someone who is not employed by the state of Alaska, to lead the charge on pressuring Monegan to fire Wooten using her own staff and state resources. It's definitely impeachable because it is a clear violation of the public trust and abuse of her own powers.
McCain's audience booing him for calling his opponent a decent person is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in politics.

These despicable people want their red meat. They want their enabler. They care nothing for the truth, they want something to rationalize their hate.

This kind of scum threatens our very society.

If McCain wants to show that he means it, he orders a stop to campaign ads that accuse Obama of being friendly to terrorists.

Anything else is just sending a mixed message, and leaves him culpable for this disgusting, anti-American behavior.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
CharlieDigital said:
I think it breaks down like this:

1) It's within her power to fire him.

2) But the stuff she pulled before actually firing him broke ethics laws.

If she had just outright fired him or fired Wooten herself (dunno if she had that power, but I suppose so), none of this might have happened.

Further, it's obvious she didn't fire Wooten at the time, because everyone would immediately know she did it because of her brother in law.


RubxQub said:
I see that she can be impeached, but what she did was not illegal, yes?

Like I said, I just got home, but I'm taking my cues from this:
Pretty much.

Finding one was that her conduct trying to get Wooten fired (or at least not doing anything against her hubby trying to get him fired) violated an ethics law. She broke the law, and this can be seen as grounds for impeachment.

Finding two was that the actual firing of Monegan was in her right, and as such lawful.

That's where some of the confusion's coming from.


JB1981 said:
So this is an email my oldest brother sent to me today. Honestly, I love my brother.... I have three brothers and I'm closest with this one, but this election has driven him off the edge. He is so bought. He is so gone. I almost feel like I don't even know him after reading this. Please don't make personal attacks against my brother.


The Anakin thing is what did it for me.


Zeliard said:
I've been a 2K guy since the Dreamcast days. They simply make better games than EA. If NFL2K was still around, I'd be buying it instead of Madden, though I've admittedly been having a lot of fun with Madden '09.

And to segue this into something that's vaguely on-topic:


Thats awesome, never saw that.


McCain is what in LA streets we call a "little bitch"

He goes about talking smack and when he gets a chance to be face to face with Obama he won't even look the guy in the face. Afterwards, he goes back to talk more smack and incite dangerous rhetoric from his supporters only too once again back down from his own campaign strategy. The reason he's backpedaling is because he's been called out on it by Obama, Biden and the Media. They have asked him to say it to Obama's face and with one more debate left he knows that he won't dare bring it up and would rather back off.

McCain, your a little bitch...also
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