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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Fox318 said:
I'm just saying that you should still treat this like its a close race. Anything could happen. Thats all.
Well, yeah. I'm not counting the chickens before they come home to roost. It's not November 5th yet. But I'm just glad Obama lead keeps getting bigger, as opposed to shrinking. Every day this holds is a good one.


Speevy said:
Even if/when Obama wins, he's not going to win by this huge margin these polls are indicating.

America isn't that motivated.
Yeah, a 100 electoral vote win seems possible, but he ain't going to win the popular vote by 10%. McCain's supporters are fired up, scared, and angry, they'll show up and vote. Obama's youth supporters... don't have a great track record.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'm fine with PoliGAF folks saying 270 is good, but do not take that message outside of this thread.

The last thing we need is people thinking this shit is over.
Speevy said:
Even if/when Obama wins, he's not going to win by this huge margin these polls are indicating.

America isn't that motivated.
I disagree. I think that it will be a pretty large win margin at the end. There's just nothing for McCain to dissuade uncommitted voters to vote his way and all of this negativity has only served to rile up the lazier Obama/Dem/clear-thinking supporters into ensuring that their vote will put the better candidate in office. And as the economy will no doubt head down darker roads, the chance to vote becomes more and more appealing.

It really has to be decisive or else we'll be hearing a large group whine incessantly about how they got robbed for the next four years.


Cloudy said:
LMAO, now Fox has a clip of Farrakkan calling Obama a messiah :lol

Thus making it the first time FOX has ever actually cared about what Farrakhan is saying regarding another black man.


TDG said:
Yeah, a 100 electoral vote win seems possible, but he ain't going to win the popular vote by 10%. McCain's supporters are fired up, scared, and angry, they'll show up and vote. Obama's youth supporters... don't have a great track record.

I was just thinking about this. McCain's supporters are definitely angry and will show up come election time to try and keep the black guy out of office, but the left and moderates have been privy to those disgusting videos featuring those supporters saying all kinds of racist and hateful shit about Obama, and I think that will motivate them to come out when they otherwise might have been too lazy to.


Zeliard said:
I was just thinking about this. McCain's supporters are definitely angry and will show up come election time to try and keep the black guy out of office, but the left and moderates have been privy to those disgusting videos featuring those supporters saying all kinds of racist and hateful shit about Obama, and I think that will motivate them to come out when they otherwise might have been too lazy to.

Plus I think a lot of people are going to be energized just by a feeling of "taking their country back"


force push the doodoo rock
So what's worse, presidential candidates inciting racial tensions or a racist muslim radical ...what exactly is he trying to do calling Obama the messiah?

In a day where people are starting to realize they have taken things too far, they try to open yet another can of hate?

This stuff needs to end, not just for having honest politics in an election, but for the health of our country.

Speevy said:
There's not much I can do, being in a red state.

1. Vote, you idiot.
2. Help Campaign.
Ventrue said:
You should mention that the Manchurian candidate was a film about a prisoner of war in Asia who ran for President. :lol
No, the prisoner of war was to be the assassin, who kills the presidential candidate and the vice-presidential nominee (he is the Manchurian Candidate) will be elected to the White House.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Speevy said:
There's not much I can do, being in a red state.
Tell that to West Virginia. Tell that to Indiana. Tell that to Florida.


giga said:
screw 270. i just know gop nuts will go crazy over recounts. 300+ or bust.
Well the highest I can see obama doing is 376.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Clevinger said:
I think the clip is from February or something too.

oh, thank god. i thought farrakahn just recently took it upon himself to make news. i guess fox news is dragging the bay for anything they can find these next few weeks.
sp0rsk said:
Oh, so that's why andyismoney was using that as ammo.

dammit sporsk you gotta single me out cause i thought it was funny and ironic ive been saying for months hes treated like a messiah and Farrakhan said it? i thought it was funny. not "ammo"


force push the doodoo rock
AndyIsTheMoney said:
dammit sporsk you gotta single me out cause i thought it was funny and ironic ive been saying for months hes treated like a messiah and Farrakhan said it? i thought it was funny. not "ammo"

Oh come on, you used it as direct contrast to the "angry mob" videos to try and paint Obama supporters as crazies. Your motives are paper thin.


Master of the Google Search
Fox318 said:
Well the highest I can see obama doing is 376.
Pretty much. If anything else flipped a ton of shit would too. So thats pretty much as high as Obama can go swing state wise without going into "holy crap landslide" stage


Cloudy said:
LMAO, now Fox has a clip of Farrakkan calling Obama a messiah :lol

Amazing. :lol

Just saw that on O'Riley. And my question for fox is: what exactly does this have to do with anything?
sp0rsk said:
Oh come on, you used it as direct contrast to the "angry mob" videos to try and paint Obama supporters as crazies. Your motives are paper thin.

is that not comparable...crazy rednecks calling Obama a terrorist? and Farrakhan, a major black leader, calling him the messiah?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Speevy said:
1) Georgia will get called for Mccain within seconds.
2) Don't call me an idiot. I've done nothing to you.
1) Obviously, since you aren't doing anything to help it. It's on you just as much as it's on the rest of the McCain voters if you do nothing and idly watch it happen.
2) I'm sure it was playful, but regardless, you've got the wrong attitude.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Speevy said:
1) Georgia will get called for Mccain within seconds.
ah, do you live on blue island too? inside the perimeter away from all the scary red people?
Speevy said:
1) Georgia will get called for Mccain within seconds.
2) Don't call me an idiot. I've done nothing to you.

You don't deserve to be called an idiot. That being said you should definitely vote if you are bothering to post in poligaf. I don't know you so I don't know if you've always said you will or not.


still no update from Drudge, you'd almost think he doesn't want to post anything about the Palin story.

I'm curious to see if Drudge will finally turn sometime in the next few weeks, I don't think he would have a problem piling on if things still look this bad for McCain in another week or so.

Justin Bailey

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adamsappel said:
No, the prisoner of war was to be the assassin, who kills the presidential candidate and the vice-presidential nominee (he is the Manchurian Candidate) will be elected to the White House.
Yeah that's how it goes. I think the remake has the guy actually run for president though.

edit: or vice president


Walter Monegan on Maddow's show just a bit ago: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27125462#27125462

suaveric said:
still no update from Drudge, you'd almost think he doesn't want to post anything about the Palin story.

I'm curious to see if Drudge will finally turn sometime in the next few weeks, I don't think he would have a problem piling on if things still look this bad for McCain in another week or so.
He's a GOP shill who periodically tosses in a story to feign neutrality. Post-primary he's dropped the pretenses.


Cloudy said:
LMAO, now Fox has a clip of Farrakkan calling Obama a messiah :lol
This is from February if it's the same one (with the hip hop beat in the background). They tried to make a big deal of those "Obama youth" a few weeks ago too (and the kids singing that Obama song), but nothing's stuck. I think they're trying to continue making the Obama ties to Farrakhan/Ayers/Finkle/Einhorn since this seems to be all they have at this point.
mattiewheels said:
oh, thank god. i thought farrakahn just recently took it upon himself to make news. i guess fox news is dragging the bay for anything they can find these next few weeks.

Yup. And to continue the metaphor, soon they'll have exhausted the open sea and be turning to hatcheries and man-made fish farms.
striKeVillain! said:
Which event?

I'm trying to decide which one will be easier to park for :lol

Vernon Park or 52nd+Locust

May also take the train. Would be coming from Princeton Junction, but I have to check the schedules and figure out if it'd even take me there.

I wouldn't mind parking in downtown Philly and taking one of the trains (subway?) out there. As close as I am to Philly, I rarely actually go there.
suaveric said:
still no update from Drudge, you'd almost think he doesn't want to post anything about the Palin story.

I'm curious to see if Drudge will finally turn sometime in the next few weeks, I don't think he would have a problem piling on if things still look this bad for McCain in another week or so.

You mistake Drudge. He only piles on a conservative if it is to serve a higher conservative cause. If Mccain loses the conservative punditocracy will rewrite the election to say that always hated him and he wasn't conservative enough so that's why he lost. But they will only do that after the fact. Unlike liberals conservatives for the most part are pretty co-ordinated with their talking points.


force push the doodoo rock
Speevy said:
1) Georgia will get called for Mccain within seconds.
2) Don't call me an idiot. I've done nothing to you.

I voted for Obama in Knoxville Tennessee. Every vote counts.

I'm going to vote. Who said I wasn't?

Good grief.

The point is voting DOES help. A defeatist attitude won't get you anywhere. There are plenty of ways you can go out and help. Coming here saying you can't do anything cause you live in GA is silly.


unfortunately i wont be able to make any of the Philly events. But as a long time Flyers season ticket holder, i'll be voicing my support by raining down boo's the minute Ms. Palin steps on the ice... other Flyers fans can do me proud to make sure i'm not the only one
Tamanon said:
Plus I think a lot of people are going to be energized just by a feeling of "taking their country back"

Definitely. I live in the liberal bastion of Los Angeles. I could sit back and hang out with my Hollywood liberal friends and stay home and the guy would still win.

But I'm genuinely excited to go and vote. This time it's different. I want to crush that fucking guy this year. Bring about a real mandate.


CharlieDigital said:
Philly area GAF: any tips for parking for tomorrows events?
No driving for me. It'll probably be crazy. I'm taking public transportation in from NJ. PATCO to the Broad Street line FTW. 8 AM rally, BTW.
CharlieDigital said:
I'm trying to decide which one will be easier to park for :lol

Vernon Park or 52nd+Locust

May also take the train. Would be coming from Princeton Junction, but I have to check the schedules and figure out if it'd even take me there.

I wouldn't mind parking in downtown Philly and taking one of the trains (subway?) out there. As close as I am to Philly, I rarely actually go there.
I'm not quite as familiar with Center City and it's surrounding areas as I'd like to be. The event I was thinking of attending was at Progress Plaza in N Philly. You will probably be better off parking far off and taking the subway in.


sp0rsk said:
I voted for Obama in Knoxville Tennessee. Every vote counts.

The point is voting DOES help. A defeatist attitude won't get you anywhere. There are plenty of ways you can go out and help. Coming here saying you can't do anything cause you live in GA is silly.

Yep Obama will win ILL in a landslide, but I am still going to go and vote for him.
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