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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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typhonsentra said:
Bill Burton laying the smackdown on Fox and they have no idea how to respond.

Acorn, acorn acorn acorn! Ayers Ayers Ayers. He even called them out.


Someone, please tell me you recorded that.

Please tell me there's footage of this. I need a good laugh this morning.


Stoney Mason said:
Yeah, this is what I have been sensing. I've been planning on making a last donation, but with Obama's strong lead and the sheet volume of "wind at his back" factors, I can probably help more with GOTV stuff at this point. So I'm donating to Martin, Franken, and will look up a few (maybe 2-3) really close and really interesting House races. I've given a ton to the man already (and am still waiting for my cool gift shop stuff!) Too bad Kleeb never got close, I always thought he was a really awesome candidate.

I strongly encourage all Obamaniacs to do the same.
grandjedi6 said:
Its a logical argument. Though I wonder why he included Georgia with the other two.
Are you serious? That one has been getting closer by the minute.
StoOgE said:
StoOgE's drunk Poligaf tirad:
First tragedy, then farce. Then, drunken rage.
Amir0x said:
PoliGAF 2010 Thread of Remember when we had Hopium? (Post fav. Obama moments)
Oh, I know what you're doing. But that's just mean.


all that he wants is another baby
Can someone explain what Obama's ties to ACORN are?

Is it only that he represented them in a case? Because, you know, you can't really blame a lawyer for representing a party in a case. The non-partisan lawyer-client relationship is one of the foundations for a fair judicial system.



:lol :lol


EMBee99 said:
Yep. Obama is not going to catch anything off the Rezko fallout.

Now our beloved Rod Blagojevich? He's joining the long list of Illinois governors going to FMITA prison very soon.

Rezko, Blagojevich, Obama...those names all sound very strange and unamerican to me, they must all be best friends!!


But the Branchflower report still makes for good reading, if only because it convincingly answers a question nobody had even thought to ask: Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.

The 263 pages of the report show a co-ordinated application of pressure on Monegan so transparent and ham-handed that it was almost certain to end in public embarrassment for the governor. The only surprise is that Troopergate is national news, not just a sorry piece of political gristle to be chewed on by Alaska politicos over steaks at Anchorage's Club Paris.

A harsh verdict? Consider the report's findings. Not only did people at almost every level of the Palin administration engage in repeated inappropriate contact with Walt Monegan and other high-ranking officials at the Department of Public Safety, but Monegan and his peers constantly warned these Palin disciples that the contact was inappropriate and probably unlawful. Still, the emails and calls continued — in at least one instance on recorded state trooper phone lines.
But even though she won't likely face any legal repercussions, the amateurism and cronyism of her brief administration hardly leaves Palin sitting pretty. Troopergate's final verdict may be even more damaging than a rebuke: her administration was, at least this regard, just as self-motivated as the Washington fat cats and lobbyists she hopes to unseat.


Frank the Great said:
Can someone explain what Obama's ties to ACORN are?

Is it only that he represented them in a case? Because, you know, you can't really blame a lawyer for representing a party in a case. The non-partisan lawyer-client relationship is one of the foundations for a fair judicial system.

Even worse, he represented them with the help of the Justice Dept. What a sinister plot!
Let's compare the first lines from the FN, CNN, and MSNBC articles on Troopergate:

CNN said:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her power as Alaska's governor and violated state ethics law by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police, a state investigator's report concluded Friday.

MSNBC said:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday. The politically charged inquiry imperiled her reputation as a reformer on John McCain's Republican ticket.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Sarah Palin "abused her power" as governor in the disciplinary case against a state trooper, according to a legislative panel's report released Friday, though it also found that her firing of a state commissioner was "proper and lawful."

Fucking pathetic how Fox worded that.
Gruco said:
Yeah, this is what I have been sensing. I've been planning on making a last donation, but with Obama's strong lead and the sheet volume of "wind at his back" factors, I can probably help more with GOTV stuff at this point. So I'm donating to Martin, Franken, and will look up a few (maybe 2-3) really close and really interesting House races. I've given a ton to the man already (and am still waiting for my cool gift shop stuff!) Too bad Kleeb never got close, I always thought he was a really awesome candidate.

I strongly encourage all Obamaniacs to do the same.
I got a call a few weeks ago from the Obama campaign asking my to donate again. I said I would donate on-line again when I got my next pay check, well, then I moved into my new place and have sense run out of money, the kind where I'm praying I can pay my bills this month after a more than likely stupid impulse purchase. I can't believe I did this at crunch time.


Frank the Great said:
Let's compare the first lines from the FN, CNN, and MSNBC articles on Troopergate:

Fucking pathetic how Fox worded that.

yeah, but they're technically correct. NYT worded it similarly.

Gov. Sarah Palin abused the powers of her office by pressuring subordinates to try to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired, an investigation by the Alaska Legislature has concluded. The inquiry found, however, that she was within her right to dismiss her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, who was the trooper’s boss.

it was shitty, but there was nothing unlawful about firing Monegan.
I was curious about CAIR, since Fox News ran the story on Obama/CAIR, so I checked Wikipedia and read about any kind of criticism:

Critics have accused CAIR of having ties to terrorist organizations, and of "pursuing an extreme Islamist political agenda". They claim that "five figures with ties to the group or its leadership have either been convicted or deported for links to terrorist groups".[35] However, this assertion is disputed by CAIR, which notes that only one of the individuals mentioned was ever employed by CAIR, and his arrest was on a weapons charge, not a terrorism charge, and took place after the period of his employment by CAIR.[9] According to The New York Times, several U.S. government officials "described the standards used by critics to link CAIR to terrorism as akin to McCarthyism, essentially guilt by association."[6]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) states that CAIR’s credibility as a community relations agency promoting “justice and mutual understanding” is tainted because it is a spin-off of the Islamic Association for Palestine, which is a front group for Hamas and associated with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.[36] Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby criticized CAIR in a 2007 article, calling them an Islamist group. He writes that CAIR Chairman Emeritus Omar Ahmad wishes Islam to reign supreme in America, and contrasts such statements with the words of those he calls Islamic moderates.[37] Investor's Business Daily condemned CAIR as "the PR machine of militant Islam" after CAIR "dispatched its henchmen" to "try to shout the reformers down" at the first Secular Islam Summit.[38]

Daniel Pipes alleges that CAIR attempts to suppress criticism of Islamic terrorism and intolerance through accusations of racism and anti-Muslim bias, and of deliberate deception in its claims to be a civil rights group.[39] American journalist Steven Emerson's organization, The Investigative Project on Terrorism, has produced a series of articles on CAIR that contain similar accusations.[40]

Critics have also taken aim at CAIR's fundraising and sources of funds.[7] Steven Emerson testified before the US Senate that CAIR was founded with funding from the alleged "Hamas group" Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.[41] In 2007 U.S. federal prosecutors named CAIR as one of several hundred Muslim "unindicted co-conspirator" organizations in a plot to fund the designated terrorist organization Hamas, through the Holy Land charity.[42][43] The Holy Land Foundation was later closed as a money-laundering scheme for terrorist support, but in 2007 the case ended in a mistrial.[44] CAIR disputes allegations that it was started with "seed money" from the Holy Land Foundation.[9]

Criticism of CAIR is confronted by the organization itself. It claims that "even a cursory examination of the statements and agendas of our detractors will show that they represent the extremes in our society."[9] It also claims a meeting with the FBI where, according to CAIR, an agent allegedly said "false claims originate from one or two biased sources." These sources, according to CAIR, are primarily organizations such as Jihad Watch. According to CAIR, one senior FBI official said that CAIR will just have to live with what CAIR calls "urban legends".[9]
LCfiner said:
yeah, but they're technically correct. NYT worded it similarly.

it was shitty, but there was nothing unlawful about firing Monegan.

But she did break an ethics law. My point was that they didn't mention her breaking the ethics law, but went out of the way to include the phrase "proper and lawful" in the opening line. It's clear what they intended in their wording, I never said it was incorrect just pretty shitty.
So I heard McCain was forced to correct a supporter about Obama being an arab, and when he tried to do that, the cried booed him. We MUST NOT BE RESPECTFUL! :(

You've let this go too far, McCain.


Scary Euro Man
Tobor said:
I can't harp on this enough, guys. McCain has no avenues to victory left. He doesn't have the stomach(or pure evil) to take this hate tactic all the way. He's finished.

Which makes him a more appealing candidate to me.


Frank the Great said:
But she did break an ethics law. My point was that they didn't mention her breaking the ethics law, but went out of the way to include the phrase "proper and lawful" in the opening line. It's clear what they intended in their wording, I never said it was incorrect just pretty shitty.

the opening paragraph also said she "abused her power" in trying to get Wooten fired. which was the language used on the findings. they could have worded it to say that these acts were unlawful but that's not it was worded in the findings summary.

like you, I'm similarly unsurprised that they would work the sentence to include "proper and lawful" but, in this case, it's not a real stretch. Again, the evil librul New York Times used nearly the exact same wording in the opening paragraph.

Anyway, for independent voters who are paying attention, this should hopefully let them know just how petty and ham-fisted the Palin administration was up in Alaska. makes all her "hometown values" speeches sound hollow and false.


LCfiner said:
yeah, but they're technically correct. NYT worded it similarly.

it was shitty, but there was nothing unlawful about firing Monegan.

This stuck out for me:

The investigation revealed that Palin's husband, Todd, has extraordinary access to the governor's office and her closest advisers. He used that access to try to get Wooten fired, the report found. Branchflower noted there is evidence the governor herself participated in the effort.

I've the feeling her husband is a Cheney type--not evil but pulling the strings nonetheless.


Dax01 said:
So I heard McCain was forced to correct a supporter about Obama being an arab, and when he tried to do that, the cried booed him.

Its not his fault his supporters don't want a terrist in the White House. But still, pretty awkward when you are booed for not hating your opponent enough.. Seems like only yesterday conservatives hated McCain for being McCain. Now they hate him for not hating other people enough... Gotta love that GOP!

So does anyone think WV will actually go blue this year? Remember what happened during the primaries: race played a factor in about a fourth of the people's decision.


Dax01 said:
So does anyone think WV will actually go blue this year? Remember what happened during the primaries: race played a factor in about a fourth of the people's decision.
Hell no.


Dax01 said:
So does anyone think WV will actually go blue this year? Remember what happened during the primaries: race played a factor in about a fourth of the people's decision.
Not a chance. Too many racists. It is one of the few states where there will be a Bradley Effect.


Jealous Bastard
Cheebs said:
Not a chance. Too many racists. It is one of the few states where there will be a Bradley Effect.

what's amazing is how casual and open people are about it. my mum is the nurse at a doctor's practice, and patients she barely knows who come across the state line to see an allergist (from wv to ky) flaunt their racism like a badge of honor. one lady who was roughly my mum's age said to her, "i don't want a black president." my mum consequently lectured her for ten minutes :lol

anyway, i heard the same poll results you guys did just the other day on the local news, which broadcasts out of huntington (again, right across the state line in wv). they did say that obama was up 50-42, but as has been noted, when people get in the privacy of a voting booth they feel much more comfortable about their bigotry. it sucks, but some part of me also relishes the fact that they'll have to live in misery for at least the next four years, accepting that a black man was the best man for the job.

deal with it, you pieces of shit.
Dax01 said:
So does anyone think WV will actually go blue this year? Remember what happened during the primaries: race played a factor in about a fourth of the people's decision.

I think there's a good chance of it happening. If polling in Pennsylvania and Ohio is to be believed, then Obama does have a shot at keeping it close. And if his national lead grows another 2-4% then winning WV shouldn't be a problem. The fact that the McCain campaign is sending Palin there should tell you all you need to know about Obama's chances...
beelzebozo said:
what's amazing is how casual and open people are about it. my mum is the nurse at a doctor's practice, and patients she barely knows who come across the state line to see an allergist (from wv to ky) flaunt their racism like a badge of honor. one lady who was roughly my mum's age said to her, "i don't want a black president." my mum consequently lectured her for ten minutes :lol
What did that lady say after being lectured?:lol
typhonsentra said:
Bill Burton laying the smackdown on Fox and they have no idea how to respond.

Acorn, acorn acorn acorn! Ayers Ayers Ayers. He even called them out.


Someone, please tell me you recorded that.
Is this up on the nets yet?


Jealous Bastard
Dax01 said:
What did that lady say after being lectured?:lol

more amazingness: she was staggered by the whole situation, baffled to have run into someone who would object to her racism. that's the extent that these ignorance bubbles pop up around the state of west virginia (and, to be fair, kentucky, and many other states). people in these areas are really insular and live under the supposition that every good american white person understands that even though there are plenty of people of other ethnicities living and succeeding in america, that ultimately it's really made for white people, and that white people should really be running the country, and white people really know what's best for everyone.

i don't want to give the impression that it's like that everywhere--plenty of great people live in these places, and are completely disgusted by the parts that suck--but it's an ongoing fight to knock down these jokers and slap some sense into them.
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