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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Dax01 said:
I find it best to just ignore political ads.

Weekends are sooo boring. No countdown, no hardball, no daily show, no colbert report, no new gaffes, no debates...

This week was already slow enough, a little debate here, a little trooper gate there, double digits polls numbers, some race baiting & a booed retraction from mccain.

Poligaf is slowing down.



Rasmussen          SurveyUSA
[U]Daily[/U]              [U]Iowa[/U]
52% Obama          54% Obama
45% McCain         41% McCain
[B]+7[/B] Obama           [B]+13[/B] Obama

SurveyUSA          Research 2000
[U]Alabama[/U]            [U]Florida[/U]
62% McCain         49% Obama
35% Obama          44% McCain
[B]+27[/B] McCain         [B]+5[/B] Obama


First tragedy, then farce.
Rur0ni said:

Rasmussen          SurveyUSA
[U]Daily[/U]              [U]Iowa[/U]
52% Obama          54% Obama
45% McCain         41% McCain
[B]+7[/B] Obama           [B]+13[/B] Obama

SurveyUSA          Research 2000
[U]Alabama[/U]            [U]Florida[/U]
62% McCain         49% Obama
35% Obama          44% McCain
[B]+27[/B] McCain         [B]+5[/B] Obama

So McCain is wasting his time today in Iowa?



What the fuck! Is it seriously going to be the case that Team Badguy's deliberate delay of the release till late Friday will make stupid Americans everywhere call this "old news" when they haven't even heard it yet?!



First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Wait, he's back in Iowa? He has a better shot at Michigan.

Yeah, Obama is in Pennsylvania for 3 events, McCain has 1 event in Iowa.

McCain needs to ramp up the number of events he is doing at this point, we are less than a month out, you need to be hitting 3-4 events a day.
Xisiqomelir said:

What the fuck! Is it seriously going to be the case that Team Badguy's deliberate delay of the release till late Friday will make stupid Americans everywhere call this "old news" when they haven't even heard it yet?!


Relax, it'll be in the papers on Monday. And if the Obama camp decides they need to make it an issue, it will blow up whenever necessary.
Xisiqomelir said:

What the fuck! Is it seriously going to be the case that Team Badguy's deliberate delay of the release till late Friday will make stupid Americans everywhere call this "old news" when they haven't even heard it yet?!


Honestly, my reaction to all this is zzzzzzz. People dislike Palin already and are tired of the McCain's, hrmmm, as the NYTimes puts it, "traveling road show."


StoOgE said:
Yeah, Obama is in Pennsylvania for 3 events, McCain has 1 event in Iowa.

McCain needs to ramp up the number of events he is doing at this point, we are less than a month out, you need to be hitting 3-4 events a day.
Most of the time he doesn't even do appearances on weekends, so this is actually ramping up for him. Also, he's really fucking old and probably just can't keep pace.

Interesting that Obama is in Pennsylvania today - so is Palin. Can't wait for her to drop the puck in that game, somehow I don't think she's going to get a warm welcome.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Xisiqomelir said:

What the fuck! Is it seriously going to be the case that Team Badguy's deliberate delay of the release till late Friday will make stupid Americans everywhere call this "old news" when they haven't even heard it yet?!

Was on the front page of the Detroit Free press today, even with the news of the chrysler/gm merger.


StoOgE said:
Yeah, Obama is in Pennsylvania for 3 events, McCain has 1 event in Iowa.

McCain needs to ramp up the number of events he is doing at this point, we are less than a month out, you need to be hitting 3-4 events a day.
The man needs his naps, dude.
StoOgE said:
Yeah, Obama is in Pennsylvania for 3 events, McCain has 1 event in Iowa.

McCain needs to ramp up the number of events he is doing at this point, we are less than a month out, you need to be hitting 3-4 events a day.

It's pretty clear that McCain is getting physically and mentally tired on the campaign trail. Palin usually does more daily events than he does and his body language in news clips looks like a guy who wants to lie down.


GhaleonEB said:
Most of the time he doesn't even do appearances on weekends, so this is actually ramping up for him. Also, he's really fucking old and probably just can't keep pace.

Interesting that Obama is in Pennsylvania today - so is Palin. Can't wait for her to drop the puck in that game, somehow I don't think she's going to get a warm welcome.

Hell Obama got booed for talking good about McCain, at this point I'll be disappointed if she's not booed heavily.


iapetus said:
Which makes him a more appealing candidate to me.

If it were motivated by anything but calculated reasons, I'd agree.

I'm sure it will help with moderates if he tones this back down. But let's be brutally honest, if this hate campaign was working in the polls, it would have continued. The only reason he seems to be growing a conscious suddenly is because it's destroying his campaign. Anyone not a wingnut is appalled by it.

It'll be interesting to see if he can pull back the moderates without causing the wingnuts to jump ship. And if he losses even more votes by this flip, it's his fault for positioning himself where he did. He doesn't get my admiration for doing what he should have done in the first place. It's not like he was the victim in this. He was the instigator.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Most of the time he doesn't even do appearances on weekends, so this is actually ramping up for him. Also, he's really fucking old and probably just can't keep pace.

Interesting that Obama is in Pennsylvania today - so is Palin. Can't wait for her to drop the puck in that game, somehow I don't think she's going to get a warm welcome.

Obama needs to keep spending time and money in the "swing" states that he has all but locked up. He has to make sure he doesnt sleep on PA, MI, MN, WI or IA. Even though they all look very solid for Obama, he needs to make sure he holds them. The other states are clearly important to, but keeping ahold of the ones he's got.


mckmas8808 said:
WOAH!!!! Where did this come from?

It's been around those numbers for two straight weeks, it's remarkable how steady Obama's leead has been once he's hit 52. That's with all the negative campaigning and mudslinging and playing to fear and hate.
LCfiner said:
Anyway, for independent voters who are paying attention, this should hopefully let them know just how petty and ham-fisted the Palin administration was up in Alaska. makes all her "hometown values" speeches sound hollow and false.
I'm surprised that Palin apparently didn't do what practically every other state governor does, which is use the state cops as their own personal police force & errand squad. It's almost a perk of the office.
1-D_FTW said:
It'll be interesting to see if he can pull back the moderates without causing the wingnuts to jump ship. And if he losses even more votes by this flip, it's his fault for positioning himself where he did. He doesn't get my admiration for doing what he should have done in the first place. It's not like he was the victim in this. He was the instigator.

I don't think he needs to worry about losing the wingnuts. I mean, hasn't that been that the general Republican play since 2000? Rally the ultra conservative base (the wingnuts), mobilize them, then try to divide the moderates...


adamsappel said:
I'm surprised that Palin apparently didn't do what practically every other state governor does, which is use the state cops as their own personal police force & errand squad. It's almost a perk of the office.

I *think* I read somewhere that apparently she's either too stupid or too pig-headed to bother though it was written to only suggest that her pattern of abuse was so transparent and obvious those are the only conclusions one could draw. Just like Bush.


force push the doodoo rock
XxenobladerxX said:
Failin digging up the culture war bullshit,saying that Obama supports "Unconditional Support For Unlimited Abortion".

Unlimited Abortion, lol.

You think with the way people talk women are just going in for weekly abortions.


n1n9tean said:
I understand being supportive of your party but come on. I really don't give a damn about people he breifly met. If everyone were to be held accountable with whom they kept company, everybody would be dirty. For example, a few years back my catholic priest was found to be a child molester. All the years I knew him I never knew about that shit. So I guess everyone that attended that particular church is guilty also according to Fox news. Give me a break. Rome is fucking burning and all they care about is who Obama was associated with. If their so-called viewers really wanted to know everything, then I am pretty sure this screwed up economic situation would be at the top of that list.

If Obama had dropped a bomb like John did about that taxpayer mortgage bailout, I would want to know more about that than who McCain was tied to. By the way, if you can find one person in Washington who hasn't been tied to anything shady I would be surprised.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'd love to know if anyone on this board like John McCain or Sarah Palin as people.

I see people taking general principles of the Republican party and citing those as the reason they are voting for John McCain and Palin...but I does anyone like these actual candidates, or just not like the democrats?

If you like John McCain and Sarah Palin as candidates, please say something and give us some incite if you can.

I'd be very curious to hear the reasons.


Xisiqomelir said:

What the fuck! Is it seriously going to be the case that Team Badguy's deliberate delay of the release till late Friday will make stupid Americans everywhere call this "old news" when they haven't even heard it yet?!


Troopergate won't get much play for the same reason the Ayers thing hasn't exploded. People are too focused on the economy to give a shit.


force push the doodoo rock
lawblob said:
Troopergate won't get much play for the same reason the Ayers thing hasn't exploded. People are too focused on the economy to give a shit.

We're also kinda at this point where most people's minds won't be changing. A report about how Palin is corrupt won't change the minds of the people who think Obama is a terrorist ayrab.


RubxQub said:
If you like John McCain and Sarah Palin as candidates, please say something and give us some incite if you can.

A famous man once said it best... the thought of them sends "little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America."

How can you argue with that?
Hmm. So even Powell and Bush met with CAIR back in 2001. How will Fox News spin this one since it seems like they have new fodder to attack Obama for having "terrorist connections" to CAIR. :lol


XxenobladerxX said:
Failin digging up the culture war bullshit,saying that Obama supports "Unconditional Support For Unlimited Abortion".

I would pay money to see the police sketch made from an Obama description given by the person this sort of garbage resonates so loudly with.

Black Terrorist Abortionist Muslim. With big-ass ears.


you'll have to get exact details from youtube when it comes out, but Obama supporter barged in with a big sign, crowd freaks out, McCain responds


Amir0x said:
you'll have to get exact details from youtube when it comes out, but Obama supporter barged in with a big sign, crowd freaks out, McCain responds

God, I hope the sign was a giant photo of Obama and "BOO!" in large letters underneath.


I was at an Obama rally he had in Portsmouth, Ohio on Thursday and some guy in a leather jacket and leather hat behind me was yelling shit about "being a veteran" and Obama being a muslim. We were right beside the stage and there's a very good chance one of the speakers that was introducing Obama at the time, the head of the local VFW no less, could probably hear someone angrily yelling something. I hear some teenage girls start cackling behind me after ignoring the dude and, lo and behold, he was carried away by the secret service. Funny, yet scary, stuff.
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