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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Stoney Mason said:
Someone mentioned this earlier and I thought I would bring it up again because it really is funny. Fox News has in the past cited Greta Van Susteren as an example of them hiring "liberals" for balance.

Check out the page for her "liberal" show.

I've been railing against this woman for a while now. Her show was apolitical and rarely even discussed politics before the primaries but once they rolled out she's been a loyal attack dog for the Republicans ever since, it's pretty clear that even if she was once a Democrat she's turned pure PUMA. Go back to talking about missing white girls lady.
Bishman said:
How the fuck do you shut up your friends who say Obama is a socialist. This is really pisses me off.
The home mortgage deduction is socialist
Food stamps are socialist
medicare is socialist
Social security is socialist.
Public schooling is socialist
Alternative energy subsidies are socialist

Socialism is not a yes or no thing . . . it is a sliding scale. And McCain is a socialist . . . that buying up of home mortgages . . . totally socialist.


I like how the term liberal stop sticking to the wall and now conservatives have started using the term socialists.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
speculawyer said:
The home mortgage deduction is socialist
Food stamps are socialist
medicare is socialist
Social security is socialist.
Public schooling is socialist
Alternative energy subsidies are socialist

Fire and Police forces are socialist
Local health departments are socialist
Laws that bust up monopolies are socialist
Unempoyment benefits are socialist


Tamanon said:



This is a) a really creepy man and b) what the fuck, a monkey with an Obama sticker and then when the camera catches him with it he tries to dump it

From a Palin rally.

And Greta probably got orders from the head office of Scientology that McCain is the one to win.
I'm sure he just wanted to lure kids into his rape van with the doll.

I got nothing.
I mean, do racists don't even have a sense of self awareness anymore?
lol i for a second i turned to the Ayers News Network (you know which one) and Tucker Bounds was answering questions in another hard-hitting </sarcasm> interview. and then they pass it to that one newswoman (i forget her name) and she says "to be fair, we need to let the other side speak out now..." i would think that they were going to let an obama spokesman on, but instead she reads an email from some random dude who claims that he's been voting democrat all his life, but for once will vote republican because of obama's dishonesty on his terrorist affiliations.

you can't make this shit up


tak said:
I like how the term liberal stop sticking to the wall and now conservatives have started using the term socialists.

They're using that term now because it sounds "bad" and I'm willing to bet the vast majority of the people who hear that term don't even know what it means to begin with. It just sounds "bad".

Tyrone Slothrop said:
lol i for a second i turned to the Ayers News Network (you know which one) and Tucker Bounds was answering questions in another hard-hitting </sarcasm> interview. and then they pass it to that one woman (i forget her name) and she says "to be fair, we need to let the other side speak out now..." i wouild think that they were going to let an obama spokesman on, but instead she reads an email from some random dude who claims that he's been voting democrat all his life, but for once will vote republican because of obama's dishonesty on his terrorist affiliations.

you can't make this shit up

About a half hour ago they were on there with the story: "Should Ayers be a factor in this election?"


Chichikov said:
I'm sure he just wanted to lure kids into his rape van with the doll.

I got nothing.
I mean, do racists don't even have a sense of self awareness anymore?
The guy bringing that doll to the rally is completely fucked up, but unfortunately expected at this point.

Regardless, the expression the guy's face is priceless. The camera points to him and you can tell reason finally sets in with a look that says, "uh-oh, this could really backfire. I better get rid of this thing."
Tyrone Slothrop said:
lol i for a second i turned to the Ayers News Network (you know which one) and Tucker Bounds was answering questions in another hard-hitting </sarcasm> interview. and then they pass it to that one newswoman (i forget her name) and she says "to be fair, we need to let the other side speak out now..." i would think that they were going to let an obama spokesman on, but instead she reads an email from some random dude who claims that he's been voting democrat all his life, but for once will vote republican because of obama's dishonesty on his terrorist affiliations.

you can't make this shit up
ANN. I like it.
Wolcott has a good hblog post up from eariler this week. He goes into a full on gulp of haterade, but there's a certain name-dropping that makes some sense:

I don't want the Republican Party simply defeated in November, I want to see it smashed beyond all recognition, in such wriggling, writhing, anguished disarray that it can barely reconstitute itself, so desperate for answers that it looks to Newt Gingrich for visionary guidance, his wisdom and insight providing the perfect cup of hemlock to finish off the conservative movement for good so that it can rot in the salted earth of memory unmissed and unmourned in toxic obscurity.

When the elections are over and the GOP is essentially a decaptiated lumbering beast, it'll be interesting to see who the remnants turn to for leadership. Newt very well might be one of the figures they go to for advice.


Fragamemnon said:
When the elections are over and the GOP is essentially a decaptiated lumbering beast, it'll be interesting to see who the remnants turn to for leadership. Newt very well might be one of the figures they go to for advice.

I suspect it won't take long for an ambitious, half-educated, charismatic Republican to fill in the void by toning down the fundie side of social conservatism, while repeating the usual conservative economic mantras and making broader appeals to the center of the electorate; a kind of New Republicanism, if you will. Of course, it'll all be a nice dressing up of the same failed philosophies, but that's besides the point. Newt could be that person, but I think he carries as much baggage as the Clintons he so despises at this point, so I don't really see that happening.

That CBS video is a riot btw. Racists should be shamed into silence and the sooner the xenophobia & racism that's become so pronounced at these McCain/Palin rallies gets called out and addressed for what it is, the better.
I hate this woman



Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Apparently McCain's outraged because John Lewis compared him to George Wallace, he's asking Obama to repudiate Lewis.
capslock said:
Apparently McCain's outraged because John Lewis compared him to George Wallace, he's asking Obama to repudiate Lewis.
Lewis was right, and Obama shouldn't repudiate shit. Obama should simply stay far away from this one.

Nabs said:
that could potentially be your future president.
I'm still in denial about GW Bush.
Fragamemnon said:
Wolcott has a good hblog post up from eariler this week. He goes into a full on gulp of haterade, but there's a certain name-dropping that makes some sense:

When the elections are over and the GOP is essentially a decaptiated lumbering beast, it'll be interesting to see who the remnants turn to for leadership. Newt very well might be one of the figures they go to for advice.

Newt is one of those guys who will always have cache with Republicans because he is a darling of the punditocracy and he is a republican hero because of the contract with America but I think he is quite unelectable on a national level. If I was forced to pick a guy right now for Republicans in 2012 if Obama wins, at this moment I would go with Huckabee although the environment will change so much by then the guessing game is pretty useless.


You know what I get, if Obama's universal healthcare plan is socialist, then what the hell would think they of state funded healthcare such as the NHS?
Loudninja said:
Fake outraged again.

obama responded:

UPDATE: Obama spox Bill Burton responds to McCain's statements: "Senator Obama does not believe that John McCain or his policy criticism is in any way comparable to George Wallace or his segregationist policies. But John Lewis was right to condemn some of the hateful rhetoric that John McCain himself personally rebuked just last night, as well as the baseless and profoundly irresponsible charges from his own running mate that the Democratic nominee for President of the United States 'pals around with terrorists.' "


this is NOT what the conversation needs to be about, and i have a suspicion that the mccain camp will try and play this up a LOT to try and move the attention away from the economy/his crowds/etc, because thats what they're good at. it might even be their talking point for tomorrows sunday shows. lipstick on a pig/celebrity/etc anyone?


i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.


The thing I find most funny about American politics is that our (UK) Conservative Party is more to the left than Obama is and yet Americans complain about Obama being too liberal/socialist/left-leaning. In fact most Conservative parties around the world are probably more to the left than Obama is.
So classy...

Man At Palin Rally Displays Monkey Doll Donning Obama Sticker

(PHILADELPHIA) As the crowd cheered at a Sarah Palin rally this morning in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a man in the audience grinned as he held up a stuffed monkey doll with a Barack Obama bumper sticker wrapped across its forehead.

The incident came at a time when McCain and Palin’s events have increasingly been fueled by angry crowds, since Palin began drawing a connection between Barack Obama and 1960s radical William Ayers, claiming that the Democratic nominee has a history of “palling around” with a terrorist.

At a rally in Lakeville, Minnesota, on Friday, McCain was booed after he called on his audience to be respectful of Obama. The Republican nominee took the microphone away from one woman who said she couldn’t trust Obama because “he’s an Arab.”

After Palin finished her remarks this morning, the man holding the stuffed monkey seemed to notice that a video camera was pointed at him, at which point he removed the Obama sticker from the doll’s head and crumpling it up in his hand. He then handed the doll to a young boy who was watching the rally from his father’s shoulders. The boy’s parents later told CBS News that they weren’t acquainted with the man who gave their son the stuffed monkey.



Joe said:
i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.

Ya, I can't help but worry about this even with all the optimism now.
I just hope people continue to ignore this shit and concentrate on real issues like the economy.


kkaabboomm said:
this is NOT what the conversation needs to be about, and i have a suspicion that the mccain camp will try and play this up a LOT to try and move the attention away from the economy/his crowds/etc, because thats what they're good at. it might even be their talking point for tomorrows sunday shows. lipstick on a pig/celebrity/etc anyone?
Haha no they don't want to talk about this

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
DSWii60 said:
The thing I find most funny about American politics is that our (UK) Conservative Party is more to the left than Obama is and yet Americans complain about Obama being too liberal. In fact most Conservative parties around the world are probably more to the left than Obama is.

i keep hearing this, but in what ways are your conservative parties more to the left? and how much further to the left are your liberal parties? .. just curious.
Joe said:
i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.

I think character defamation works better when A) Most people haven't made up their minds about who the candidate is and B) When the person doing the defamation has any credibility at all with the people he's trying to win over.

It's too late to try to redefine Obama now. Voters have seen too much of him. They may give people who really don't want to votr for him an excuse not to but that's not going to tilt the election into McCain's favor.


Master of the Google Search
DSWii60 said:
The thing I find most funny about American politics is that our (UK) Conservative Party is more to the left than Obama is and yet Americans complain about Obama being too liberal/socialist/left-leaning. In fact most Conservative parties around the world are probably more to the left than Obama is.
I remember a few months ago when a couple of European countries elected in their conservative parties, our Republican party proclaimed it a new wave of conservatism in the world as if the same applied to America. lawl


Joe said:
i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.

Overriding narrative is the economy and on that basis McCain fails and fails hard.

They can't make this election about small issues.


DSWii60 said:
The thing I find most funny about American politics is that our (UK) Conservative Party is more to the left than Obama is and yet Americans complain about Obama being too liberal/socialist/left-leaning. In fact most Conservative parties around the world are probably more to the left than Obama is.
that's cuz you guys don't have real MERKUN traditional small town valuez!!


Joe said:
i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.

:lol Don't let the noise fool you. The old man is done. The only question left is the size of Obama's victory.
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