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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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First tragedy, then farce.
Stoney Mason said:
We'll see tomorrow with the national polling. If it trends Mccain again that means there is definitely a potential trend in effect. The state polling always will trail that. Not saying it's suddenly a close race or anything but as usual I never share the GAF confidence in 538 Pac Man charts.

McCain needs the national polling to move this week or he is done, early polling starts in even more states this week.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Frank the Great said:
By Wednesday, most of the daily trackers will have McCain within 3-4 points, and you all will be panicking.

Dude what? That black guy from McCain's rally begging McCain to talk about Rev. Wright is about to come on CNN in a minute.



BTW, apparently John Oliver is going to be doing a piece interviewing Palin rally attendees this week for Daily Show. I hope it's during the West Virginia tour.:D


Stoney Mason said:
We'll see tomorrow with the national polling. If it trends Mccain again that means there is definitely a potential trend in effect. The state polling always will trail that. Not saying it's suddenly a close race or anything but as usual I never share the GAF confidence in 538 Pac Man charts.

Debate Wednesday could refocus the country on the economy and give Obama another boost. And then there's the October 29 thing. Far from over, but you shouldn't be so completely worried


Scott Rasmussen thinks McCain's in trouble..


For McCain, it is no longer a question of picking one state or another to gain the magic number of Electoral votes. His campaign is like a football team down by a couple of touchdowns halfway through the fourth quarter. It’s not time to panic and throw a desperation “Hail Mary” pass. Instead, he needs to keep moving forward, take the opportunities that are available to him, present the best possible case for his campaign -- and hope for those breaks.

*snorts hopium*


Why would so many people buy into the liberal biased media right before a election. Of course there going to say its going to be a landslide.

This reminds me of the last one:

Kerry 337 EV / 51.8%

Bush 201 EV / 48.2%

Poll Updates:

Zogby: Kerry 47 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)

TIPP: Kerry 44 Bush 45 (Kerry +4)

Rasmussen: Kerry 47.4 Bush 48.8 (Kerry -.4)

FOX: Kerry 48 Bush 45 (Kerry +1)

WaPo: Kerry 48 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)


+ 8 is a bit worrying, but it will settle right before it comes time.


Obama Aides: Record Cash Raised In September, Polls Show McCain Ads Backfired, Obama Starting Voter Protection Campaign Monday

With the presidential campaign approaching its final stretch, Barack Obama finds himself in an enviable position.

One official close to the campaign said that September's fundraising haul set a new record, surpassing the $66 million Obama raised in August. Another aide, asked about the campaign's take, would only describe it: "big."

Moreover, the assault that John McCain has launched against Obama's character - including repeated criticisms of the Illinois Democrat's association to former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers - has largely backfired. Obama sources shared internal campaign polling figures that show a sharp fall in positive feelings for the Republican ticket. Following the most recent spat of negative ads, they say, McCain's unfavorable rating has gone over 50 percent, notably higher than anything detected in recent public polling.

Gov. Sarah Palin is fairing just as poorly if not worse. In New Hampshire, an official with knowledge of internal polling says the Alaska Republican's favorable rating has nosedived to 36 percent, with 56 percent viewing her unfavorably.

Even within Republican circles it seems there is a growing sentiment that McCain's recent strategy has had a blow-back effect. On Sunday, the Weekly Standard's William Kristol called the negative tactics "stupid."

"The main thing to say about these negative ads -- which, I don't think, almost none of them has been across the line -- they haven't worked," he said on Fox News Sunday. "Obama's favorable rating is as high as it's been in three months. It's actually gone up in the last month. So it's a stupid campaign."

Conservative writers George Will and Paul Gigot, as well as more than a handful of Republican officials, expressed equal amounts of doubt or disparagement with how the Arizona Republican has handled his campaign in recent days.

And yet, the McCain campaign seems content to double down on its recent course of action. On Sunday night it was announced that the Republican National Committee would make a new push - in the form of a web video - to raise the Ayer's issue.

At this point, Obama might welcome the move. His campaign's data suggests that the remaining undecideds are those voters who tend to be non-political -- a group that does not respond well to negative advertisements. As such, much of what Chicago headquarters plans to do going forward will echo the economic message it has pushed in recent weeks.

There will, however, be one new ripple. On Monday, Obama's communication's shop is expected to go on the offense on issues of voter protection after a week in which Republicans cried foul about registration efforts in various states and painted the community organizing organization ACORN as a criminal enterprise.

Obama aides will attack Republicans for what they view as efforts to disenfranchise voters in several states, and announce a voter protection campaign involving hundreds of volunteer lawyers around the country.
Tamanon said:
BTW, apparently John Oliver is going to be doing a pice interviewing Palin rally attendees this week for Daily Show. I hope it's during the West Virginia tour.:D

oh god yes, PLEASE let it be West Virginia.

Oliver should find the guy selling meth out of the trunk of his '74 Ford Maverick at the rally and ask him how the Bush economy has impacted his business.


so_awes said:
somebody did the same thing with Bush four years ago:

more here: http://flickr.com/photos/31219120@N03/sets/72157607895787418/


That's awesome. If people actually walked anywhere in Texas so that people would actually get a kick out of these, I'd order a huge pile of flags myself. No pun intended.
Cloudy said:
Scott Rasmussen thinks McCain's in trouble..

Part of the slime blizzard from the McCain camp may just be to stay in contention for as long as possible before the negative advertising completely collapses their independent support, with the hope that a huge gamechanging event outside the campaign's control unfolds.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
StoOgE said:
McCain needs the national polling to move this week or he is done, early polling starts in even more states this week.

McCain HAS to win this next debate or it's ovah!
Nicodimas said:
Why would so many people buy into the liberal biased media right before a election. Of course there going to say its going to be a landslide.

This reminds me of the last one:

Kerry 337 EV / 51.8%

Bush 201 EV / 48.2%

Poll Updates:

Zogby: Kerry 47 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)

TIPP: Kerry 44 Bush 45 (Kerry +4)

Rasmussen: Kerry 47.4 Bush 48.8 (Kerry -.4)

FOX: Kerry 48 Bush 45 (Kerry +1)

WaPo: Kerry 48 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)


+ 8 is a bit worrying, but it will settle right before it comes time.

Geocities? Really?

And the point is that the "liberal" media ISN'T reporting the landslide that ALL the independent pollsters are reporting.
Nicodimas said:
Why would so many people buy into the liberal biased media right before a election. Of course there going to say its going to be a landslide.

This reminds me of the last one:

Kerry 337 EV / 51.8%

Bush 201 EV / 48.2%

Poll Updates:

Zogby: Kerry 47 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)

TIPP: Kerry 44 Bush 45 (Kerry +4)

Rasmussen: Kerry 47.4 Bush 48.8 (Kerry -.4)

FOX: Kerry 48 Bush 45 (Kerry +1)

WaPo: Kerry 48 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)


+ 8 is a bit worrying, but it will settle right before it comes time.

Funnily enough, free republic is doing the same thing niko here is doing.
Any predictions on how the McCain appearance on Letterman will go? I'm sure Dave won't be so belligerent with McCain sitting there right next to him.
Tamanon said:
Hey, Stoney, you'll be shocked to learn that Zogby's back on Drudge Report now that it's back to a 4 point distance!

Yeah I noticed that earlier along with his Gallup poll tightening story. He's a shill but an obvious predictable one. At least he hasn't been able to drive the media narrative for the most part like he did in the primaries.


speculawyer said:
Any predictions on how the McCain appearance on Letterman will go? I'm sure Dave won't be so belligerent with McCain sitting there right next to him.
It's going to be pretty interesting. Talk show hosts kiss guest's ass as a rule, but Dave is pissed and probably doesn't give shit. I expect McCain's toughest interview since the View.


speculawyer said:
Any predictions on how the McCain appearance on Letterman will go? I'm sure Dave won't be so belligerent with McCain sitting there right next to him.

I must have missed this. McCain is going on Letterman? When?


mckmas8808 said:
Dude what? That black guy from McCain's rally begging McCain to talk about Rev. Wright is about to come on CNN in a minute.

yea I saw that shit. I don't think he's a Tom for being a conservative and voting McCain. But begging him to bring up wright and incite more racial tension in a campaign already wrought with racism is disgusting and for that he's a lame in my book.
AniHawk said:

As much as I'd love him to do what he did to Paris after she got out of jail, I doubt he will.

Nah Dave will rib him about it but and they'll make a few jokes but it won't be uncomfortable. McCain wouldn't come on if he felt it was going to be a jabfest. He will most likely be very affable and self-effacing in that environment.


mckmas8808 said:
Yeah the love for Chuck Todd internet wise will fall on the fact if he is more interested in the truth of numbers or media hype.

Hell the reason he got popular is because he let the numbers tell the truth when nobody else on TV would.

NOOOOO he can't release those numbers; the closer it appears, the more motivated people will be to vote. Chuck is saving us, even if we don't realize it!
mckmas8808 said:
McCain HAS to win this next debate or it's ovah!

Or rather Obama needs to say something incredibly stupid that causes a huge backlash.

Even if Obama has a mediocre debate and McCain has a great performance, I still don't think that will be enough. Obama/Biden have won the first three debates 3-0. Losing one won't be a game-changer because they'll still have a 3-1 edge. Meaning people may just think Obama had a bad day instead of thinking he is unqualified. It was the first debate that McCain needed to land the death-blow. The Obama Genie is out of the bottle now.

McCain needs to hope that he can come out of this debate maybe gaining a couple of percentage points in the polls. Then pray for some outside event that dramatically swings things in his favor. It took about 3-4 weeks for Obama to build this lead. If McCain wants to catch up, he literally needs to start reversing the trend tomorrow.


Imm0rt4l said:
yea I saw that shit. I don't think he's a Tom for being a conservative and voting McCain. But begging him to bring up wright and incite more racial tension in a campaign already wrought with racism is disgusting and for that he's a lame in my book.
These ass whoopings he's talking about might have been deserved.


Jenga said:
Wait, so did Drudge ever put the Palin troopergate as headline news?
Drudge is a fuckin joke. I remember when that whole "lipstick on a pig" comment was made by Obama and he had a huge spread with her picture and Obama's "comment" underneath it. I got so disgusted that I haven't been back to the site since.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Nicodimas said:
Why would so many people buy into the liberal biased media right before a election. Of course there going to say its going to be a landslide.

This reminds me of the last one:

Kerry 337 EV / 51.8%

Bush 201 EV / 48.2%

Poll Updates:

Zogby: Kerry 47 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)

TIPP: Kerry 44 Bush 45 (Kerry +4)

Rasmussen: Kerry 47.4 Bush 48.8 (Kerry -.4)

FOX: Kerry 48 Bush 45 (Kerry +1)

WaPo: Kerry 48 Bush 48 (Kerry -1)


+ 8 is a bit worrying, but it will settle right before it comes time.
You're citing some no-name Geocities site? :lol

Talk about desperation and panic. Also, those polls clearly show Bush ahead. So what exactly are you trying to prove here?


ryutaro's mama said:
Straight Talk Express
seems to have lost a wheel.

McCain: We're just a couple points down, it's still good! It's still good!
We're just a little bit racist, it's still good! It's still good!
We're just a little bit airborne, it's still good!
RNC: It's gone.
McCain: I know.

reilo said:
You're citing some no-name Geocities site? :lol

Talk about desperation and panic. Also, those polls clearly show Bush ahead. So what exactly are you trying to prove here?

Kerry was able to come from behind and lose?
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