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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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devilhawk said:
A lot of people feel that they don't get anything back for the taxes they pay already. This is the major difference between local and federal taxes as well. The federal government has always been horribly inefficient with the money they get already so people don't see the point in anteing up more.

I'm aware; that still doesn't change the fact that people increasingly expect more and more for less and less.


Gigglepoo said:
Which is why I said that I feel politicians are pandering to the stupidest segment of society when they talk about tax cuts. It's insulting! :lol
Smart people are not going to change their minds based on a 30 seconds TV spot, so yeah, those ads are pretty much by definition going to appeal to the less intelligent portions of the electorate.


WickedAngel said:
I'm aware; that still doesn't change the fact that people increasingly expect more and more for less and less.
That really isn't the point though. There is a historical precedent that the government is terribly inefficient. Until the government actually does something to prove it is worthy of additional tax money, people will continue to think this way. People who hold this sentiment aren't stupid for thinking this either.
devilhawk said:
That really isn't the point though. There is a historical precedent that the government is terribly inefficient. Until the government actually does something to prove it is worthy of additional tax money, people will continue to think this way. People who hold this sentiment aren't stupid for thinking this either.

People who expect the government to provide them with more services with less tax revenues while maintaining the value of the dollar and squashing the national debt are, in fact, the model of stupidity in America.

Flawed or not, the government can't correct itself without tax revenue. Cutting taxes and cutting spending will not satisfy the national debt.


WickedAngel said:
People who expect the government to provide them with more services with less tax revenues while maintaining the value of the dollar and squashing the national debt are, in fact, the model of stupidity in America.

Flawed or not, the government can't correct itself without tax revenue. Cutting taxes and cutting spending will not satisfy the national debt.
Well, anyone screaming for services like gigantic national health care reform or whatever and yet tax cuts are simply asking for handouts. Those people are stupid. The people that do not want to pay more taxes and don't want additional services are not necessarily stupid.

What about the group that wants more services but only tax increases that aren't in my bracket? What do we classify them as?


devilhawk said:
That really isn't the point though. There is a historical precedent that the government is terribly inefficient. Until the government actually does something to prove it is worthy of additional tax money, people will continue to think this way. People who hold this sentiment aren't stupid for thinking this either.

People shouldn't expect an efficient government when Texas oil tycoons are running under the banner of the average joe and gay marriage is THE big election year issue. We've got too many single issue voters who don't give a shit what happens to the country otherwise and way, way too many people voting on "I like this guy/I hate that guy". Nobody has a right to bitch about issues like the economy when they didn't factor them into their vote in the first place.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Five Thirty Eight Updated


Not much of a Pacman Left
WickedAngel said:
The sad part is that people actually believe this shit.

It doesn't take an economist to notice that you can't pay your bills if you cut your revenues. Everyone that has ever attempted to balance their fucking checkbooks knows that.
Exactly. They just continue this meme of 'cutting taxes raises revenue!' when it just does not work. Yes . . . if income tax rates are 90% then cutting taxes is a good idea. But when you get down to lower levels, it stops working . . . yet these idiots seem to think will work despite the fact that we have history showing it doesn't.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Suikoguy said:
Five Thirty Eight Updated


Not much of a Pacman Left
HOLY FUCK! :lol :lol :lol

A whopping 4 point drop for McCain on the %...jesus fucking christ :lol :lol :lol


It is getting really hard to fight the urge to gloat and celebrate. must...wait....until...election day...

Seriously, that's amazing, and just think:

1) Ground game advantage
2) Crazy mortgage proposal turning off corporate cons
3) Partisan registration/Youth/Cell phone polling under sampling
4) 30 minute air time bump
devilhawk said:
Well, anyone screaming for services like gigantic national health care reform or whatever and yet tax cuts are simply asking for handouts. Those people are stupid. The people that do not want to pay more taxes and don't want additional services are not necessarily stupid.

What about the group that wants more services but only tax increases that aren't in my bracket? What do we classify them as?

We classify them as the middle class, for the moment. When the economy prospers again, that classification will shift to "greedy" as they continue to expect the upper class to foot the bill (And they will).

The only reason that it's acceptable now is that it is necessary to keep people afloat. When the economy recovers, the middle and lower class should receive a slight increase in taxes as well.


speculawyer said:
Exactly. They just continue this meme of 'cutting taxes raises revenue!' when it just does not work. Yes . . . if income tax rates are 90% then cutting taxes is a good idea. But when you get down to lower levels, it stops working . . . yet these idiots seem to think will work despite the fact that we have history showing it doesn't.
History does reach farther back than 8 years. If you are arguing the details of trickle down economics, alright then. Cutting individual income taxes hasn't been historically disproved at all though. You just can't expect every bell and whistle from the government.
Amir0x said:
I love just comparing McCain's version of "there's a movement/I support" advertising versus Barack Obama's "there's a movement/I support" type videos.

Why is all McCain's videos so lame!

So, in 2006 we voted in a Democratic Congress and yes we got CHANGE all right
1)Consumer confidence has plummeted
2)Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing!
3)Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase)
4)Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping
5)1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6)THE DOW is probing another low

Love youtube comments.


TheKingsCrown said:
There can be no celebration until November 5th. I am going out and I will probably be extremely drunk if Obama wins.

I'll be extremely drunk either way, just different motivations for Obama (elation) and McCain(depression).


Trakdown said:
Consider the subject.

Naturally, but I mean it's just so amateurishly produced. It's so awful to watch!

Also, just skimming through his videos is telling: compare his negative character assassination bullshit to the amount Obama has. Distinguish it from the ads taking shots at policy differences, and those taking shots at the person themselves.

It's a shocking difference.

Also, I am going to throw a hammer through the TV. Hannity is on.


First tragedy, then farce.
cjdunn said:
Okay, seriously. Warner Bros. needs to endorse and just put McCain's run out of its misery! Seriously!

"John McCain has canceled his press conference tomorrow at CES, the plane is headed back to Japan, Universal and Paramount have no comment"

Chris R

titiklabingapat said:
I just hope that you guys remember that there is no way to go but down for Obama from here on out. Do not panic when that happens. It has to go down someday.
That day will come either 4 years from now or never. Either a democratic Whitehouse/Congress gets shit done or the USA goes red for the next few elections


Amir0x said:
I love just comparing McCain's version of "there's a movement/I support" advertising versus Barack Obama's "there's a movement/I support" type videos.

Why is all McCain's videos so lame!
Signs of Hope and Change, as well as Four Days in Denver are just amazingly good. I dunno why John McCain media teams are so terrible, but it fits in with everything else in his campaign.

But still, even if his teams were, say, moderately competent, they'd still get embarrassed compared to those two videos.
rhfb said:
That day will come either 4 years from now or never. Either a democratic Whitehouse/Congress gets shit done or the USA goes red for the next few elections
I'm talking about the polls :lol

I'm pretty confident Obama will straighten all this post election shit out once he gets elected.
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