What will be the subject in the next debate?
Only three of the five polls show Bush ahead, and by a very small margin. Kerry wasn't doing very well in most polls pre-debates, but he made it close and took the lead in most polls after the debates. Things evened out, and eventually gave Bush an edge in most polls. On election day, the exit polls seemed to show that Kerry would win.reilo said:Talk about desperation and panic. Also, those polls clearly show Bush ahead. So what exactly are you trying to prove here?
The economy.XxenobladerxX said:What will be the subject in the next debate?
XxenobladerxX said:What will be the subject in the next debate?
tanod said:That would put the official wheel count of the Straight Talk Express at approximately -352.7.
The Chosen One said:Or rather Obama needs to say something incredibly stupid that causes a huge backlash.
Even if Obama has a mediocre debate and McCain has a great performance, I still don't think that will be enough. Obama/Biden have won the first three debates 3-0. Losing one won't be a game-changer because they'll still have a 3-1 edge. Meaning people may just think Obama had a bad day instead of thinking he is unqualified. It was the first debate that McCain needed to land the death-blow. The Obama Genie is out of the bottle now.
McCain needs to hope that he can come out of this debate maybe gaining a couple of percentage points in the polls. Then pray for some outside event that dramatically swings things in his favor. It took about 3-4 weeks for Obama to build this lead. If McCain wants to catch up, he literally needs to start reversing the trend tomorrow.
Incognito said:some of the concern trolling taking place is really irritating
Incognito said:some of the concern trolling taking place is really irritating
Incognito said:some of the concern trolling taking place is really irritating
AniHawk said:Kerry was able to come from behind and lose?
It's not trolling, I'd call it "being reasonable." For example, I am still concerned about the election and am expressing it, just as I expressed to many people how there was no reason to be freaking out after the RNC because McCain was only experiencing a post-convention bump, and that the tide wasn't actually turning.Incognito said:some of the concern trolling taking place is really irritating
Tyrone Slothrop said:it's over for obama
Slurpy said:The McCain camp must be hoping and praying for a major gaffe by Obama in the final debate, which they can then exploit the hell out of, distort, and create a anew narrative from. I have a feeling its not gonna happen.
And LOL at McCain's loud-mouthing... just like you kicked his ass in the last 2 debates, right? Reminds me of that kid in school that would keep coming back saying hed kick your ass after you give him beatdown after beatdown.
Well outside of the fact that there's plenty of time for many people to be swayed, an even bigger concern is the voting itself. People vote, not poll numbers.reilo said:What many people seem to think [especially the ones praying for a McCain comeback] is that every person polled from now until the end of the election is an "undecided" the moment they pick up the phone. Like they haven't made up their mind before the pollster called, and they will somehow miraculously change their mind from now until that moment.
Guess fucking again: None of them are undecideds. At best, a tiny insignificant percentage of people polled is. Somehow this notion that McCain will reverse people's minds at this point in the election is a bit superfluous. The time for him to change people's minds was a month ago.
The number of undecideds is shrinking by the hour.
soul creator said:McCain = Wimp Lo
[Chosen One kicks Wimp-Lo in the face. Wimp-Lo does a pose]
Wimp Lo: Ha! Face to foot style, how do you like it?
Chosen One: I'm sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: this is Earth.
Wimp Lo: Oh yeah? Then try my nuts to your fist style!
There was a graph posted of the percentage of people that actually changed their minds from one candidate to the other with less than a month to go.TDG said:Well outside of the fact that there's plenty of time for many people to be swayed, an even bigger concern is the voting itself. People vote, not poll numbers.
I, like most reporters, chase a lot of tips; I've made calls on plausible stories that, if confirmed, would damage one candidate or the other. But while the blogosphere sometimes reports by starting with a tip or a theory (Obama didn't write his own book! Palin didn't bear her own child!) and testing it by making it public, I'm old-fashioned enough not to print what I can't confirm. I'm not even entirely sure which of the tips I've chased those blogs are referring to (if this rumor has any basis in reality at all), though I have a guess.
TDG said:It's not trolling, I'd call it "being reasonable." For example, I am still concerned about the election and am expressing it, just as I expressed to many people how there was no reason to be freaking out after the RNC because McCain was only experiencing a post-convention bump, and that the tide wasn't actually turning.
blame space said:Interesting look into West Virginian Democrats' views on Obama (from the primaries):
kkaabboomm said:http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Sitting_on_it.html?showall
everyone loves figuring things out -- what do you think he's talking about?
Stoney Mason said:Boy you are just a trainwreck of stupid today aren't you...
Tobor said:I'm only concerned at this point with fraud. In a straight up fight, McCain is beyond finished.
AniHawk said:I'm concerned with disenfranchisement and violence.
MThanded said:
on slow news days/weekends/etc yeah the same couple of videos/etc show up. during the week more real news is made and thus things dont get echoed as muchTobor said:This thread is a real echo chamber. The same videos being posted over and over again. I should probably check in less often.
Lol, do some parts of america suck or what. :lolblame space said:Interesting look into West Virginian Democrats' views on Obama (from the primaries):
He's probably pulling a Casamassina.kkaabboomm said:http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Sitting_on_it.html?showall
everyone loves figuring things out -- what do you think he's talking about?
AniHawk said:A little OT, ever since PoliGAF became the official name for the US election threads in April, there have been:
-18 threads
-150,892 posts (11,569 for this one as of right now)
-4,692,570 views (446,564 for this one as of right now)
-an average of 8,383 posts per thread
-an average of 260,698 views per thread
The largest PoliGAF thread was [PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts] (25k posts, 811k views).
The largest PoliGAF thread also has the 3rd most views and 3rd most replies in OT gaf history (8th and 7th overall) :OAniHawk said:A little OT, ever since PoliGAF became the official name for the US election threads in April, there have been:
-18 threads
-150,892 posts (11,569 for this one as of right now)
-4,692,570 views (446,564 for this one as of right now)
-an average of 8,383 posts per thread
-an average of 260,698 views per thread
The largest PoliGAF thread was [PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts] (25k posts, 811k views).
StoOgE said:but how many bannings?
saelz8 said:He's probably pulling a Casamassina.
Don't forget CoolTrick!AniHawk said:siamesedreamer, phoenixdark, triumph, anihawk, king slender... and many more.
I'll bite. What on earth are you talking about?Stoney Mason said:We'll see tomorrow with the national polling. If it trends Mccain again that means there is definitely a potential trend in effect. The state polling always will trail that. Not saying it's suddenly a close race or anything but as usual I never share the GAF confidence in 538 Pac Man charts.
Who was that one Obama fan that kept talking about Hilldawg running out of money, everybody laughed at him, he got banned, and then ended up being right? Lefty something?reilo said:Don't forget CoolTrick!
Lefty42oTDG said:Who was that one Obama fan that kept talking about Hilldawg running out of money, everybody laughed at him, he got banned, and then ended up being right? Lefty something?
GhaleonEB said:I'll bite. What on earth are you talking about?
Lefty42oTDG said:Who was that one Obama fan that kept talking about Hilldawg running out of money, everybody laughed at him, he got banned, and then ended up being right? Lefty something?
was chuck on tv today spouting chuck-todd-esque knowledge? or is he saving his 'im going to pimp surface and update my map' spiel for tomorrow?Tobor said:I think Stoney is trying to maintain the high levels of PoliGAF posts. aka. "pulling a Chuck Todd"
reilo said:Lefty42o
Also, CoolTrick was the ultimate "victim card" member. He played that shit like a flute.
I remember he was debating me, proclaiming that Hillary was gonna win Oregon, because she won California, because the demographics favored her [???], and since kept close in the Washington general primary [which was literally useless]. Fun stuff.
You're either gonna end up banning all of the six total right-wingers on the forum, or half of the left-wingers.Amir0x said:Election Night PoliGAF thread will be LOLOLOLOL, that's all I'm going to say. Fastest moving thread of all time? Seems so.
I remember that! So funny.AniHawk said:CoolTrick would pull that shit over in media create threads too. Just as cheesemeister and crew were starting to post the nice graphs and such in the OP, he would make a thread with one or two games of the top 30 and translate the rest later, just so he could be first. And then he'd cry about it in the real topic.