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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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kaching said:
That's my bit of handwringing for the day. Seeing reports of Americans turning against press staff is wigging me out a bit.
Are you talking about the Palin rally? If it's not that, please link. Share your paranoia :D
So, registration just ended in Florida yesterday. At UCF I overheard from one of the annoying bastards pushing registration with the Obama campaign that about 10,000 new people were registered on campus. They were there perpetually for months and months pushing voter registration and were effectively spread all over campus, not just the Student Union area. Pretty impressive.
EMBee99 said:
Open question to the forum, just so I don't feel like a complete hopium addict:

Despite all this shitty news and general fear of our economy going full reverse, is anyone just plain optimistic up in this mother? I feel like this is some darkness before the dawn kind of times.
It depends on what you're referencing we be optimistic about. The economy? I think it'll ultimately turn around, obviously, but I think things are going to continue to get worse for a while before they get better.

As for as the election? I don't want to argue that it's a forgone conclusion that Obama is definitely going to win, but honestly I think this thing is about as "in the bag" as it can get without actually holding the official election tomorrow. I won't rule out some calamity, though.


EMBee99 said:
Open question to the forum, just so I don't feel like a complete hopium addict:

Despite all this shitty news and general fear of our economy going full reverse, is anyone just plain optimistic up in this mother? I feel like this is some darkness before the dawn kind of times.


We believe in Harvey Dent..I mean Barack Obama. :D
Fragamemnon said:
No, Asheville, NC. You should find a way to get out there for a weekend sometime-I proposed to my wife in the mountains there and I can honestly say that there is really no prettier part of the country east of the Mississippi than the Blue Ridge Mountains in the fall .
Someday... someday.

kkaabboomm said:
that was a monday. the weekend before lehman bro's collapsed and people realized the market was dying. it dropped 550 that day and people thought it was bad. ha. 2 weeks later they learned how wrong they were.

but yeah, that entire week was piss poor. lehman, aig, merril lynch being bought, yeah...
Ah yes, that's right.
scorcho said:
I get it as a rhetorical device, and I have no doubt that Obama will be more inclined to massage votes and work across party lines than any prez since Johnson (maybe), but I just found the appearance of accommodation juxtaposed against McCain's attacks somewhat out of place. I'm sensitive to the appearance of Democratic/liberal spinelessness.

I agree. And in any other year I would be right there with you. Actually I am right there with you as I think he can still be friendly without saying he agrees with Mccain so much when Mccain of course will never do the same.

To be honest I'm more concerned with the spin of it than what actual people think. I fear the people are dumb enough to be swayed by pundits and Mccain operatives who frame it as weakness so that's why I think tactically there are better ways to go about it.

But honestly I've consistently over-looked Obama instincts which are generally correct all the way back to the primaries so I might be wrong in this case also.


More Republicans throwing McCain under the Hopium bus. Gingrich called him a dead man unless he is willing to stab Bush in his undead heart.

GoldenEye 007 said:
So, registration just ended in Florida yesterday. At UCF I overheard from one of the annoying bastards pushing registration with the Obama campaign that about 10,000 new people were registered on campus. They were there perpetually for months and months pushing voter registration and were effectively spread all over campus, not just the Student Union area. Pretty impressive.

Voter registration numbers in Florida are simply absurd-Democrats gained a net 250,000 voters this year. For reference, that number is over half of the margin of victory that Bush won FL in 2004.


lawblob said:
More Republicans throwing McCain under the Hopium bus. Gingrich called him a dead man unless he is willing to stab Bush in his undead heart.


Newt doesn't give a damn about McCain. He knows it's impossible to come out AGAINST something that you fought for two weeks ago, took credit for, and voted for. He's just setting up for the 2010 and 2012 elections. Post-bailout GOP basically.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
scorcho said:
I get it as a rhetorical device, and I have no doubt that Obama will be more inclined to massage votes and work across party lines than any prez since Johnson (maybe), but I just found the appearance of accommodation juxtaposed against McCain's attacks somewhat out of place. I'm sensitive to the appearance of Democratic/liberal spinelessness.
Spineless? Spineless is refusing to acknowledge what should be obvious common ground out of the irrational macho fear of not being the only one with good ideas in the room.

And, frankly, I think Obama agreeing with McCain probably just pisses McCain off more at this point, regardless of how his campaign tries to spin it.

MightyHealthy said:
Are you talking about the Palin rally? If it's not that, please link. Share your paranoia
Yeah, the accounts from her Clearwater rally I think, in the WaPo article linked on the last page or two.

McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
54 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama has his William Ayers connection. Now John McCain may have an Iran-Contra connection. In the 1980s, McCain served on the advisory board to the U.S. chapter of an international group linked to ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America.

The U.S. Council for World Freedom aided rebels trying to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua. That landed the group in the middle of the Iran-Contra affair and in legal trouble with the Internal Revenue Service , which revoked the charitable organization's tax exemption.

The council created by retired Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub was the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League, an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America. After setting up the U.S. council, Singlaub served as the international league's chairman.

McCain's tie to Singlaub's council is undergoing renewed scrutiny after his campaign criticized Obama for his link to Ayers, a former radical who engaged in violent acts 40 years ago. Over the weekend, Democratic operative Paul Begala said on ABC's "This Week" that this "guilt by association" tactic could backfire on the McCain campaign by renewing discussion of McCain's service on the board of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, "an ultraconservative right-wing group."

Tamanon said:
Newt doesn't give a damn about McCain. He knows it's impossible to come out AGAINST something that you fought for two weeks ago, took credit for, and voted for. He's just setting up for the 2010 and 2012 elections. Post-bailout GOP basically.

Newt clearly wants to run an insurgent, Dean style campaign rooted in fiscal conservatism and limited government in 2012. I was actually shocked that he didn't do it this year.
lawblob said:
More Republicans throwing McCain under the Hopium bus. Gingrich called him a dead man unless he is willing to stab Bush in his undead heart.

I don't understand what Newt is arguing, there. What he's suggesting makes sense if, and only if, McCain hadn't already made his heroic last stand to save the economy by 'suspending' his campaign and tethering himself to the already passed bailout plan. What does he do now to save the economy? Can he be taken seriously if he tries?
kaching said:
Spineless? Spineless is refusing to acknowledge what should be obvious common ground out of the irrational macho fear of not being the only one with good ideas in the room.

To be fair he's talking about the media narrative that has already been written from the past and is very difficult to change. Republicans are "tough guys" and liberals are "accommodating".


The whole "liberals are spineless" narrative gets hilarious when they accuse Obama of being too hawkish on Pakistan, hehe.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Have some time? Check out this maddening AIM conversation with my "independent" friend:

(I had brought up McCain graduating at the bottom of his class, crashing a bucnh of planes, etc)

He didnt do coke, hang out with a convictided terrorist or follow a rasist preacher if you wanna sling out dirt
2 of those things mean a lil more to me then a guy who sucked it up at the academy and crashed his plane...
McCain even said his time in the prison camp changed his view on life
so, basically what you have on Obama is that he's... come into contact with some people that have done some bad things?
That's almost as bad as GOP saying you shouldn't vote for Obama because he's too popular.
not just contact
he is friends with the guy
he wrote a book review, had a political meetup at the guys house
I was taught early on the company you keep is a reflection on you
really what I am saying is I find it funny you bring up mudslinging articles.... yet in your twitter hope for no mudslinging in the debate...
i guess it no mud slinging at obama only
You think it's the same thing?
No one in the Obama campaign is saying "you crashed your plane 100% because you were reckless, lol"
the only things they bring up are things germaine to the current narrative.
People give Obama shit for bringing up McCain's involvement in the Keating stuff in the 80s
and I can sort of see where they're coming from.
But ultimately, that whole scandal focused around regulation, or the lack of it... the stripping of it. And that's extremely relevant to what's going on today
so to say "hey, you know, here's McCain's history with this" is OK.
How about the advisors of Obama are they fair game?
Bringing up that Obama has met a radical who went to prison for things he did when Obama was EIGHT.... that's less OK.
You do realize that Ayers was doing that stuff when Obama was in 2nd grade, right?
I will put it this way
I woulnt associate with a former terrorist (and in my view someone who still pushes that view)
Hm... you and I work with lots of older people, in this business. People in their 50s, early 60s
do you know what they were all up to, back then?
you've never worked with a businessperson that could have been involved in some radical activities, in the past?
Better question: You've never associated with someone now who held beliefs or did things in the past that you didn't agree with?
Calling Ayers a Terrorist is like calling George Bush a coke-head and an alcoholic. Even though he does neither.
So you think it's OK for peeps to be branded for life?
regardless of what he does, he is and will forever be a "terrorist" ?
but bush isnt talking about how he should have done more coke
I think specific acts lend a life branding
if you kill people our a murder
if you commit acts of terror, on your own country more so.. your a terrorist
does it matter to you that Ayers is on the board of dir. of a philanthropic organization? For the last eight years
after being convicted and getting out of prison, what should he have done?
Obama's closest connection to Ayers is that the both served on that board, in fact.
The fact that Ayer's fundraised for his state senate position doesn't mean much
the KKK supports McCain, after all.
Im sure the Black Panters support Obama...
they still exist? ;)
I mean I'm sure they do support O
that's sorta my point
it isn't a reflection on the candidate.
I hear ya
its one thign to have an outside group back you
its another to have a political meeting at their house
The Ayers thing is meaningless. If you wanna support McCain for policy reasons fine. But I'm saddened to spouting this one, because it's hot air.
Ayers did bad shit 40 years ago, and in the decades since has become a strong voice for education reform.
keep in mind that the radicals in the 60s weren't called terrorists, at the time.
that label has been placed on them retroactively.
i back mccain on policy
i never b4 have brought up this other stuff
I know you do.
obama has MANY issues I have problems with him on
this stuff is like the side order... not the main dish
I have a BIG problem with both parties right now
So you should have the indepedant thought to say "McCain bringing up Ayers is disenginouous and harms the political process"
because that's what it is
the economy....having govenment involved in the first place... the forced loans "for equality" to people who clearly shouldnt have had them int he first place... including illegals...
it's very transparently a ploy to say "hey don't look at all this... look over THERE"
If McCain is putting country first by ensuring the public is aware of Obama's connections with Ayers, why now? Why not 6 weeks ago?
I do question Obamas choice in the people he hangs with and I DO feel that factors into things
i mean look at the people Bush brought with him,....
You mean the people surrounding McCain now?
those Bush people?
or other Bush people?
Im tryin to rembember names... (sorry got a lot on my plate right now)
I mean look, we can have differing opinions. I don't care.
But you have to be honest. You can't intentionally mislead. That's when I'll go after you.
And that's what Ayers is. Ayers isn't someone Obama "hang out" with.
Rumsfeld, Ashcrpft and those clowns
He did though
it is a fact he was at his house for political meet ups
it was a fact he wrote a positive "review" of the guys book
Ayers reviewed Obama's, or vice versa?
I mean I agree pointing to everyone he knows and what they did isnt a solid debate
obama wrote one on Ayers book
but after a while when all these folks keep poping up who are connected with him.... it makes you wonder about his choice in who he works with
but what does that mean?
Should Obama have not served on those philanthropic boards?
you don't think it should matter that Ayers has a positive impact on society this decade?
oh also the last time they met was 6 years ago. Weren't you and I in highschool then?
Ayers still spouts off nut job talk
and it was THIRTEEN years ago that the fund raiser happened.
I am sayin Bil Ayers today is still a wack job
the bottom line is they haven't been social outside of the work they did together
charity work
I mean just be straight with people. If Ayers concerns you what you need to be saying is "He's done charity work with people who were radical against the US in the 60s"
not that he "hangs around with terrorists"
or "palling around" as Palin put it.
In the months before Ayers' memoir was published on September 10, 2001, the author gave numerous interviews with newspaper and magazine writers in which he defended his overall history of radical words and actions. Some of the resulting articles were written just before the September 11 terrorist attacks and appeared immediately after, including one often-noted article in The New York Times, and another in the Chicago Tribune. Numerous observations were made in the media comparing the statements Ayers was making about his own past just as a dramatic new terrorist incident shocked the public.
keep reading.
I know what you're pasting from.
Much of the controversy about Ayers during the decade since the year 2000 stems from an interview he gave to The New York Times on the occasion of the memoir's publication.[19] The reporter quoted him as saying "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" as saying "I don't want to discount the possibility."[14] Ayers has not denied the quotes, but he protested the
interviewer's characterizations in a Letter to the Editor published September 15, 2001: "This is not a question of being misunderstood or 'taken out of context', but of deliberate distortion."
ive read it all
so he says he still doesn't support the vietnam war.
thats fine i get that
but he also said "I've thought about this a lot. Being almost 60, it's impossible to not have lots and lots of regrets about lots and lots of things, but the question of did we do something that was horrendous, awful? ... I don't think so.
there's a couple key take aways from this. The first is to not mis-characterize Ayers. You can't take the bad but not the good. I hope you'd agree to that.
the 2nd is to not mis-characterize his connection with Obama
which is pretty laughably tenuous.
Eh I feel some people who do bad... well the good they do is overshadowed....
bombing your own people...
I aint too ok with that even if you fight for education the rest of your life
Its my "I suck at being a christian" side of me

he didn't bomb people FYI.
We are gonna go round and round on this lol
i know what the bombing was
and here's why this angers me: I don't want to defend Ayers' actions. Because I don't support them
and neither does Obama.
That's what's at the heart of all this.
anyways i gtg back to work ( gotta prep for all those extra taxes Obama is gonna throw at me ....to be "fair)
How much more will you pay under Obama's tax plan?
I pay less.
Not even gonna get into it.... cause thats like 4 hours more chatter
ok. Keep fighting the good fight... don't worry about facts getting in your way ;)
Rightttttt.... lol Well we will see what happens when people vote...
yeah! GOP must have their fingers crossed that there's more latent racism out there than most people believe.
naw... its the hope we have more people out there who arent socialist's
lol gtg bud
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't understand what Newt is arguing, there. What he's suggesting makes sense if, and only if, McCain hadn't already made his heroic last stand to save the economy by 'suspending' his campaign and tethering himself to the already passed bailout plan. What does he do now to save the economy? Can he be taken seriously if he tries?

To be honest Mccain is so erratic at the moment I could almost see him suddenly coming out against the bailout ;).

You are correct of course. There is no logical way for him to have voted for it and suddenly be the angry populist who is against it. His "advice" only makes sense before the bailout bill.


BobTheFork said:
Obama should just stay the hell away from that. It's there if people care, but McCain's attacks have been failing and Obama doesn't need to fire unnecessary shots
Obama didn't go there.


BobTheFork said:
Obama should just stay the hell away from that. It's there if people care, but McCain's attacks have been failing and Obama doesn't need to fire unnecessary shots

Of course Obama will, hell he probably will never even mention Keating himself.


Tamanon said:
I thought that too, but Brokaw is saying that he never agreed to the follow-up question terms in the debate agreement so he'd be doing follow-ups if he wanted. It's weird.

Here are the debate rules, to clarify for everyone:

the questions to be culled from a group of 100 to 150 uncommitted likely voters in the audience and another one-third to come via the Internet. The Gallup Organization -- as in past debates like this -- has the job of making sure the questioners reflect the demographic makeup of the nation.

Brokaw selects the questions to ask from written queries submitted prior to the debate, according to the "contract."

An audience member will not be allowed to switch questions. Under the deal, the moderator may not ask followups or make comments. The person who asks the question will not be allowed a follow-up either, and his or her microphone will be turned off after the question is read. A camera shot will only be shown of the person asking -- not reacting.


BobTheFork said:
Obama should just stay the hell away from that. It's there if people care, but McCain's attacks have been failing and Obama doesn't need to fire unnecessary shots
I agree, Keating should be as far as he goes seeing as it ties into our current crisis.
Tamanon said:
The whole "liberals are spineless" narrative gets hilarious when they accuse Obama of being too hawkish on Pakistan, hehe.

Of course we all know it's bullshit but you have to play the game. In that sense Democrats even have to play the game by never saying that decreasing defense spending is actually something we should be looking at. We have to be hawks on that issue politically always to reach independents even though if you polled Democrats we are generally against it. It's the world we live in.



Goreomedy said:
Did this happen again? Or are you watching a clip of the earlier incident?

I'm assuming it's just a replay.

Interesting fact about our Sheriff, Mike Scott. He's a huge improvement over the old one:( The previous, John McDougall, was CONSTANTLY making national headlines for asinine statements.

My parents have friends of friends who claim Scott was really a "Democrat" who just ran as a Republican so he could get McDougall out of office (Local offices are not held by Democrats... elections are decided by the Republican primaries.) Seems hard to believe now, but regardless, that fool is still better than the old Sheriff.


So all of the questions that will be asked by the audience are already selected? That really keeps the debate from keeping up with current events. I really think there should be some way for someone to ask McCain about what is practically hate speech being spewed out by his supports at his own rallies.
debate debate debate!!

whats the current spin? that john mccain loves townhalls? that obama is so high any minor slip will cause him to crash? mccain is angry?
teiresias said:
So all of the questions that will be asked by the audience are already selected? That really keeps the debate from keeping up with current events. I really think there should be some way for someone to ask McCain about what is practically hate speech being spewed out by his supports at his own rallies.

I was thinking the same thing. Thursday it is.


The Lamonster said:
Those rules are lame as FUCK.

seriously, what the fuck. we will never have a debate like the epic 1992 debate :\

These so called "debates" aren't even debates anymore. They're shit.

I want some hardcore debating like when everything hit the fan at the Constitutional Convention. It was debate that led to the creation of the United States, but nowadays it's almost extinct in its pure form.


The Lamonster said:
Those rules are lame as FUCK.

seriously, what the fuck. we will never have a debate like the epic 1992 debate :\

Yes, but a 1992 debate can backfire for either candidate. Given how clamped down this debate is, it means there's less of a chance of a major meltdown. While McCain melting down would be nice, Obama really just needs to play out the clock. A tie in the next two debates is actually not a bad thing.


Professional Schmuck
Stoney Mason said:
Of course we all know it's bullshit but you have to play the game. In that sense Democrats even have to play the game by never saying that decreasing defense spending is actually something we should be looking at. We have to be hawks on that issue politically always to reach independents even though if you polled Democrats we are generally against it. It's the world we live in.


Agreed. It's the same thing as accepting Obama's and Biden's slant on Gay Marriage, Gun Control, and Abortion. "Don't piss off the middle."


speculawyer said:

'printing money' is a shorthand for creating money which is done through Open Market Operations. It's not actually physically printing bills, the mint does that, not the Federal Reserve/Central Bank.

The point is, from a budgetary standpoint, a monetarist policy allows for 'growth in money supply' based on 'real' growth in the economy. Of this money supply aggregate physical bills and coins only occupy a small percentage. What money printing means is that a fraction of the annual spending is 'free' as its newly created money which the central banks gives to itself thus increasing the funds available to the government to spend.

The Wiki link you privoded links to this much more instructive article on the monetary policy of the US

Also Money creation generally


Professional Schmuck
Hootie said:
These so called "debates" aren't even debates anymore. They're shit.

I want some hardcore debating like when everything hit the fan at the Constitutional Convention. It was debate that led to the creation of the United States, but nowadays it's almost extinct in its pure form.

I know you're probably writing tongue-in-cheek, but you do know long and arduous of a process it took for the US to be created from those debates? And even then when compromises were made, we could still have become a monarchy (post-revolution) and on top of that, the seeds for the Civil War were being sewn even then.

/history dork


why is socialist such a scary word in america?

stuff like universal healthcare, free education and stuff THAT's whats considered socialist in the us right?

or am i wrong?


Hootie said:
These so called "debates" aren't even debates anymore. They're shit.

I want some hardcore debating like when everything hit the fan at the Constitutional Convention. It was debate that led to the creation of the United States, but nowadays it's almost extinct in its pure form.
Although, let's be fair, the format for the first debate was pretty good, far better than anything we saw in 2004. Town hall-style debates do fucking suck, they really shouldn't even be called debates at all.


MrHicks said:
why is socialist such a scary word in america?

stuff like universal healthcare, free education and stuff THAT's whats considered socialist in the us right?

or am i wrong?
The idea of having someone whose job it is to run the government actually believe in the governement's ability to do shit is incredibly scary to Americans, for some reason.
TDG said:
Although, let's be fair, the format for the first debate was pretty good, far better than anything we saw in 2004. Town hall-style debates do fucking suck, they really shouldn't even be called debates at all.
Honestly, though, I don't think the first debate was anything stellar. To me, these days, debates are largely meaningless outside how they can be spun. Meaning, avoid mistakes, throw out some zingers, and you did fine. Who won? Probably the guy you liked going into the debate.

This is almost by design, though. Seriously, 90 minutes covering a wide variety of topics? You couldn't satisfy policy wonks even if you wanted to. When you're asked about the economy and how you're going to fix it, what can you do in three minutes outside of hitting generalities? Nothing, really.


MrHicks said:
why is socialist such a scary word in america?

stuff like universal healthcare, free education and stuff THAT's whats considered socialist in the us right?

or am i wrong?
Universal healthcare is socialist, free education isn't.

I don't know why, either.
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