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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Fragamemnon said:
McCain could have done himself a whole lot of good by responding directly to that dude who screamed "TERRORIST" in the crowd at his speech yesterday had he resoundedly rebuked that kind of comment.

Instead he looked like a man at a point of reckoning, where the consequences of all the choices he's made to this point hit him squarely in the face.

It's seriously despicable but it seems McCain will say or do anything to win.

I even heard on the radio today that a guy wearing an Obaama shirt got shot at somewhere. It was in the background on the radio while I was getting ready for work :\


*drowns in jizz*
Haunted said:
Stupid trophy wife or just mindlessly indoctrinated?

You decide.

The thing is, even with how ridiculously and obviously dirty McCain's campaign actually is, the Obama camp were never crass enough to characterize it as the 'dirtiest campaign in history. Nice to see McCain has 2 female 'pitbulls' at his disposal.

EDIT: And is it dirtier than the campaign that spread rumors about your husband having an illegitimate black child, Cindy?
Haunted said:
Stupid trophy wife or just mindlessly indoctrinated?

You decide.


DancingJesus said:
My brother had to take out 60K in loans for his school. I really worry about him getting a job afterword’s, since he only has 6 months after he graduates to start paying off the debt.

It's really no laughing matter.
You get 6 months free grace, but you are allowed up to 18 months with extensions. I should know, I used the full 18 months of mine. I then cosolidated and got another free 18 months. I only have $20k in loans, but I did a whole lot of sitting on my ass and not working after I graduated. PEACE.


maniac-kun said:
jesus christ i hope you guys get some universal medical coverage in europe youre not in such bad situations if you get ill or family members getting ill
No, see. You don't understand. The United States- the wealthiest country in the world, with by far the world's largest economy, largest federal budget, and largest military- cannot afford universal health care. It's expecting way too fucking much out of our government to get the same level of care that everyone else in the first world enjoys.


The best part of Cindy's comment is that voters know better. McCain and Palin's favorabilitiy have cratered, while Biden and Obama's are up. That began when McCain kicked off the really nasty stuff after the convention. So they're not in a good position to start throwing that out there. :lol

I do hope McCain spends the debate kicking and screaming. It will just sink him further.


CharlieDigital said:
My sister owes something like $60k. My wife owes something like $40k.

I'm clear because I went to a cheap state university :D (but even that was getting obscene in my final year).

I went to a cheap state university but then I decided to be a dumbass and dropped out and instead went to a trade school and now am $40K in debt.:lol
GhaleonEB said:
The best part of Cindy's comment is that voters know better. McCain and Palin's favorabilitiy have cratered, while Biden and Obama's are up. That began when McCain kicked off the really nasty stuff after the convention. So they're not in a good position to start throwing that out there. :lol

I do hope McCain spends the debate kicking and screaming. It will just sink him further.
I think he's re3ally underestimated how much negativity can hurt him during a 'debate' of this format. I just want one good horrible moment from him, that's not asking too much : (


Sucks at poetry
I just heard on the news (the John and Ken show to be exact - great show btw) that AIG execs were spending over 400,000 dollars in tax payer's money (from the bailout) partying and relaxing at a very high name resort in California. over $200k in room expenses, and over $100k in food.

The bailout at work...
TheClimaxan said:
I agree it's no laughing matter, but I would say you don't have to freak out too much depending on your brothers lender. I just finished my 6 month grace period and my first loan payment is due in December, but if I hadn't of found a job all I would've done is make one phone call and they would defer payment until I found one.

Like I said though, it all depends on your lender.

We'll see, I hope he finds himself in a similar situation. I don't doubt his abilities to get a good job though.

Fortunately I'll be nearly debt-free when I get out of college.


Extollere said:
I just heard on the news (the John and Ken show to be exact - great show btw) that AIG execs were spending over 400,000 dollars in tax payer's money (from the bailout) partying and relaxing at a very high name resort in California. over $200k in room expenses, and over $100k in food.

The bailout at work...
That, uhh, wasn't part of the bailout. Not the bailout bill passed last week at any rate.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Wait... so McCain's saying that Obama's the one running the dirtest campaign ever?

Well that just about cements my view on Republicans. They're the bully at school who punches kids over and and over, laughing all the while. But the second one of them punches back, they get all offended. "Hey, you punched me! You can't do that!!!"

They can dish it but they can't take it. Obama 08 bitches!
ViperVisor said:
Has she never seen a black person before this and assumed he was covered in dirt? Thought she would of learned when the girl she adopted didn't change color?

Wow, that's really uncalled for, especially since she didn't mention race at all.
Where did this "Big govt. forced institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them" meme come from?

Just about everything I know regarding the federal crisis came from This American Life... so are they referring to Greenspan keeping the interest rate low to "force" investment?
Evlar said:
No, see. You don't understand. The United States- the wealthiest country in the world, with by far the world's largest economy, largest federal budget, and largest military- cannot afford universal health care. It's expecting way too fucking much out of our government to get the same level of care that everyone else in the first world enjoys.
Europe: population: 680.000.000
USA: population 304.482.526 ( July 1th 2008)
if the countrys in europe can do it so can you ^^ just stop bombing the brown people for a while. if i remember correctly the usa spends like$ per week on the 2 wars.


Banjo Tango said:
Where did this "Big govt. forced institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them" meme come from?

Just about everything I know regarding the federal crisis came from This American Life... so are they referring to Greenspan keeping the interest rate low to "force" investment?
There's an idea circulating out there amongst the right-leaning blogs that the mortgage crisis is due to Fannie and Freddie being encouraged by Congress to approve loans to more minority and lower-income families. If you believe that one I've got miles and miles of condo-blighted beachfront in Miami to sell you.
maniac-kun said:
Europe: population: 680.000.000
USA: population 304.482.526 ( July 1th 2008)
if the countrys in europe can do it so can you ^^ just stop bombing the brown people for a while. if i remember correctly the usa spends like$ per week on the 2 wars.

Who do you propose we bomb instead in the meantime?


SnakeswithLasers said:
That's petty... I can't stand Palin or McCain or their campaign; but this doesn't seem like a big deal.
Yeah, after watching the video it doesn't really seem like much at all.

She basically just mentions him, in the context of talking about Obama.

If she said something like "Where is Biden, why is he running away", yeah, maybe.

No gold.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Stoney Mason said:
To be fair he's talking about the media narrative that has already been written from the past and is very difficult to change. Republicans are "tough guys" and liberals are "accommodating".
Well then we wouldn't want to be seen as accomodating to the media narrative either. ;)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Evlar said:
There's an idea circulating out there amongst the right-leaning blogs that the mortgage crisis is due to Fannie and Freddie being encouraged by Congress to approve loans to more minority and lower-income families. If you believe that one I've got miles and miles of condo-blighted beachfront in Miami to sell you.
Hi, I don't have a job or any income...but I have a credit card with a $2,500 credit line. Can I buy one of your houses? You'll have to give me a mortgage of course.
Cindy was already low on the respect scale for me but her new accusations make her "worse person in the world" material. The View should be interesting tomorrow, aka the daily Hasselbeck (sp?) beatdown.


So will tonight's debate be live on MSNBC again?
I kinda feel like a madman for staying up till 4:30 in the morning watching a US presidential debate (I'm not an American nor do I live or plan to live in America). :lol
I don't why but for some reason I've really gotten interested in the US presidential election.

edit: question was answered before I posted. Should have refreshed the page before I decided to make a post.


maximum360 said:
Cindy was already low on the respect scale for me but her new accusations make her "worse person in the world" material. The View should be interesting tomorrow, aka the daily Hasselbeck (sp?) beatdown.

Daily Hasselback beatdown? Well that explains why Matt tries to fill in every Sunday also for the role!


Tamanon said:
Daily Hasselback beatdown? Well that explains why Matt tries to fill in every Sunday also for the role!

Actually, she is married to the other Hasselbeck. I was disappointed.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Danielsan said:
So will tonight's debate be live on MSNBC again?
I kinda feel like a madman for staying up till 4:30 in the morning watching a US presidential debate (I'm not an American nor do I live or plan to live in America). :lol
I don't why but for some reason I've really gotten interested in the US presidential election.

edit: question was answered before I posted. Should have refreshed the page before I decided to make a post.
Yup, I think this is the link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/22886841#22886841 It won't go live till 9 P.M. EDT (~2 hours from now).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
MrHicks said:
why is socialist such a scary word in america?

stuff like universal healthcare, free education and stuff THAT's whats considered socialist in the us right?

or am i wrong?
Communism and socialism as terms have kind of been merged in the US. Now, socialism and communism are considered aliases for the same ideology, and an attack on freedom and the precious market.
Chris Matthews talking about the candidates' agility and movement.

IMO the man's a genius. I mean what other pundit is talking about that shit right now? With everybody else, it's all "ohhh who's gonna gaffe?" Just like that John Oliver piece last night.


Killthee said:
C-SPAN (Direct Link)

CNN.com Live
Direct Links:
Stream 1 (Should be just the debate)
Stream 2 (Should be the debate + reaction meter)
Stream 3 (Should be just the pundit scorecards)
Stream 4 (Should be the CNN.com Live Pundit reactions)

MSNBC; link will be posted in big bold letters on MSNBC.com frontpage when the stream goes live.

Thanks. Mods, spare us all a little sanity, and please embed this info in the first post and throw it in the title, lest we add 4 pages to this thread just reposting this info.
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