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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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I'll answer the question


testicles on a cold fall morning
Almighty_Chocobo said:
Cursing out Brokaw for not allowing debaters to debate. Who cares if the debate runs over by 5 minutes at the end.
Dude, these are the rules each candidate negotiated for. No one should be hatin' on Brokaw for trying to enforce those rules.


TDG said:
McCain being a condescending asshole again, since that worked so well last time. Does this man not have any advisors?

His advisors apparently think they can run Rezko/Ayers/Wright. Obv, they rate themselves better than Clinton advisors.


scorcho said:
PoliGAF cursing out Brokaw for trying to adhere candidates to the rules they negotiated.

Stay classy .y'all
It's a format problem rather than a personal problem. Although the dude could dial down the dick factor.

Also, the fact that McCain wanted 10 if these is scientific proof that the man is senile.
fourzerotwo said:
Obama is getting in the zone now.

John McCain comes across like he's selling snake oil to you with the way he semi-whispers to you.

Obama orates and it booms in the hall. Amazing difference just in oration.
"we know how to fix it, it's easy"....
no suggestions on how to fix social security

....... "now medicare is a bit tougher"

Thanks John, thanks.


my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends

i'm getting dizzy


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ninja Scooter said:
why does McCain always sound like he's talking to preschoolers?
At that age, everyone seems like they're in preschool.


shitting in the alley outside your window
I thought McCain was going to answer that question? Maybe I'm just drunk from all the 'My Friends...'


Professional Schmuck
when i hear someone say "green jobs" i know they're repeating something they heard. perfect example of making words up and hearing people adopt them.
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