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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Obama started off a bit slow but started kicking ass after around 20 minutes in. It was a bit livlier than I expected as they both were able to break format a teeny bit to give more detailed responses.

McCain's THAT ONE line is gonna get some play on the news for sure. that was awful :lol :lol


dude that was mccain's chance to say:
"Well what i don't know is what America doesnt know, who is Barack Hussien Obama? And what is his relationship with Bill Ayers?":lol :lol :lol


SSGMUN10000 said:
It was pretty much a wash...so McCain loses. Obama leads in most of the analyst scorecards.

How was it a wash? Obama destroyed him. Did you not listen to the words they were saying?

It was much closer the first time around.


OMG!!! He actually looks at him!!!



testicles on a cold fall morning
Stumpokapow said:
:lol at people saying it was dull. That was the most substantial debate in the last four elections. Either people are Johnny come latelies or they're nuts.

I transcribed the whole debate if anyone wants it.
WTF :lol


cbc analysts saying McCain made game changers
-attacked Obama's character
-the announcement of the plan to buy up bad mortgages put him back in the game


anyone watching the c-span stream notice McCain snubbed Obama on a hand shake... Obama stuck out his hand and he stepped back and gestured to his wife...wtf


That last question was bullshit. "What's your greatest weakness?" It's that I can't kill people that ask that question with my mind! Fuck you!


Red Scarlet said:
I hope the last debate lets them go back and forth.
What? Then what you're hoping for is "two candidates answering questions in the same room," not a debate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Deku said:
cbc analysts saying McCain made game changers
-attacked Obama's character
-the announcement of the plan to buy up bad mortgages put him back in the game
Is the CNBC Analyst a "free market" type of guy? If so, ignore him.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Deku said:
cbc analysts saying McCain made game changers
-attacked Obama's character
-the announcement of the plan to buy up bad mortgages put him back in the game
Further proof that Canadians should stay out of discussions on American domestic politics (RIP Kittowny)
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