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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Master of the Google Search
I believe worldrunover ended up winning the "I predict Joe Biden as VP" pool. At least I think so. It's hard to separate "I predict" and "I wish one of these 12 people..."

oh and mandark and Triumph will probably be crushed when they learn that Biden is the VP


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
grandjedi6 said:
I was talking about SecretDestroyer. Amir0x's ban is obviously a self-created joke

I swear, this is like the 5th person that has been banned after directly arguing with me.

Absinthe, ToxicAdam, CoolTrick, SecretDestroyer...


force push the doodoo rock
Chances are dude was just some joke character, move along no one's rights are being violated.


reilo said:
Why I was rooting for Clark so hard:

Not a Washington insider
Four-star general, Supreme Allied Commander of Nato
Extremely huge FP experience from the ground
Old White dude from the south
Incredibly smart and effective attack dog
Rhodes scholar, masters in economics, politics and philosophy from Oxford
Knows the chain of command
Just pure awesome


And emphasis on pure awesome. God damnit Obama why can't you just pick this man now and get it over with?


reilo said:
I swear, this is like the 5th person that has been banned after directly arguing with me.

Absinthe, ToxicAdam, CoolTrick, SecretDestroyer...

I don't think it's arguing with you that's making mods ba-


speculawyer said:
Hillary's negatives were just too high. Unfairly so but that is the way it is. She's been a target for so long that some of the bullshit thrown at her has managed to stick.

To some degree, Obama's relative newcomer status has been a positive. They are scrambling to find things to attack him with.

Not just her negatives but they would also have to deal with big Bill's dealings. Bills been making a LOT of cash since he left the presidency and there are a lot of questions as to where and how he's been making that money not including who and how some of the money was raised for his library questions that would have to be vetted and that he has been less that willing to disclose. Remember the GOP had Hillary pegged as the front runner and sure winner for the Dem's so they had an entire strategy already set-up for her "inevitable" selection one that would have gone into play had she also have been picked VP. Putting aside the ugly campaign her team ran there was still to chance she would ever get picked.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Chuck Todd just confirmed that Kate Sebeluis was in the last five on the short list. She was close for you guys.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Prost said:
He was expressing his dismay over the VP choice....
He was claiming if hillary was the nominee then mccain would have already been beat. Primaries are over.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
AniHawk said:
I don't think it's arguing with you that's making mods ba-


Honorary Canadian.
i think the VP will be michael jackson. when asked about it Obama will be like, "HE MADE THRILLER!" and everyone will be like "Eh, he has a point." and then will disperse.


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I'm sure they are all in IRC laughing their asses off at us.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Larry King owns this republican strategist: "Not to be glib, but you could have said the same thing about Lincoln."


I've got no text message. I'm disappointed.

Still, like I've been saying all year, Biden's the most solid pick. He's the sharpest tongue in Washington and he knows foreign affairs far better than McCain does. Just stick his ass in Pennsylvania for the next two months and air it in rural Ohio and he'll pick up the blue collar vote too.


Moving on...

I think Biden is a solid choice given what he has to work with, but I do think McCain and co. are going to come out strong against him; there's definitely some ammo there for them to work with.
Anyway, Huzzah for Osama Bin Biden!

Biden will help a great deal in Pennsylvania. Also, Biden's mouth will be an asset because he knows how to drive home an argument without relying on tired talking points. Evan Bayh and especially Bill Richardson were rather anemic attack dogs because they just regurgitate talking points. They don't know how to land their own jabs. On the other hand, Biden doesn't need campaign talking points to land a upper cut.

Plus Biden isn't a weasel. I think he'll be straight up with Obama right or wrong. Bayh is too passive. Kain would probably be "me too" too much. And Hilary would be a snake just biding her time until she can run for president again.

I think Biden is a great choice for VP. It really helps balance the ticket.
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