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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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mckmas8808 said:
So does anybody here give a shit that these polls aren't including alot grass roots efforts that's going on?
Fivethirtyeight thinks Obama will see a 2-5 point margin over the current polling due to his advantage in ground game. (Based on number of offices, etc.)


It takes about 3 minutes to fill out and then all you have to do is stick it in your mail-box. Just wanted to make sure GAFers are all registered.

You have to register 30 days before election day too.


100% logic failure rate
mckmas8808 said:
Kerry got 87% of the black vote in VA in 2004. So they are saying that Obama will only increase that % by 2 points? :lol
It's difficult to make those percentage comparison with such a low sample size.
Dax01 said:
I would do that, but I'm


Get anyone you know whos over 18 to register if they haven't yet.

I really want to see a big turnout for young people this election. Its about time Politicians start taking us young guns seriously.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
GhaleonEB said:
Fivethirtyeight thinks Obama will see a 2-5 point margin over the current polling due to his advantage in ground game. (Based on number of offices, etc.)

Is there an article on that stat?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Fivethirtyeight thinks Obama will see a 2-5 point margin over the current polling due to his advantage in ground game. (Based on number of offices, etc.)

So lets say he gets a 2.5% point margin over the current polling due to his advantage in the ground game.

So Obama could go into 11/04/08 up by 2 points and win by as much as Bush did in 2004?
I like seeing Biden hit the ground with wheels already rolling . .

In a joint appearance with Obama 12 hours after Obama announced that Biden was his choice for vice president, Biden called Obama an inspiration to millions with "steel in his spine" and "a clear-eyed pragmatist who will get the job done."

He went after McCain, a longtime personal friend, as having given "into the right wing of his party and yielded to the very Swift Boat politics he once so deplored."

He also said McCain would continue President Bush 's policies. And he chided that McCain is so wealthy and insulated from average people's concerns that his version of making difficult kitchen-table decisions is that "he'll have to figure out which of his seven kitchen tables to sit at."



Karma Kramer said:
People need to stop following poll numbers so much.

Anything can happen in 2 months. Polls now are basically pointless.

Exactly. Last poll had obama taking a 1-2 point lead in Nevada. Now McCain is suddenly 6 points ahead.

At this point especially for the next two weeks the polls will be very unreliable due to the conventions. once both conventions are over and the dust settles we can start to see real poll impacts
Could a mod (Ani) make a sticky thread with just a quick run-down on how to register to vote? I think its essential that GAF turns out this election.

We need to make sure people are registered.


I think we're all intelligent enough to understand how to register to vote. I think if you can register to join a forum, and you're over 18, you probably know how to register to vote. If you haven't you've probably chosen not to, have been to lazy to or don't care about politics.

No sticky for that :p
Amir0x said:
I think we're all intelligent enough to understand how to register to vote. I think if you can register to join a forum, and you're over 18, you probably know how to register to vote. If you haven't you've probably chosen not to, have been to lazy to or don't care about politics.

No sticky for that :p

I think you are completely wrong on this... I personally hadn't registered until recently (19 years old) cause I had no need to when I turned 18 (no election). So I bet a lot of people here on GAF (even people who frequent in PoliGAF) haven't registered yet, cause they just haven't taken the time.

Plus how could it hurt?

It would take like 3 minutes to type up... and if you are too lazy I can type it up for you.


It might be worth it just because many states have a registration deadline. Can replace the Olympics thread if we're worried about too many stickies!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
Exactly. Last poll had obama taking a 1-2 point lead in Nevada. Now McCain is suddenly 6 points ahead.

At this point especially for the next two weeks the polls will be very unreliable due to the conventions. once both conventions are over and the dust settles we can start to see real poll impacts

No the last poll had McCain up 2 points.


Karma Kramer said:
I think you are completely wrong on this... I personally hadn't registered until recently (19 years old) cause I had no need to when I turned 18 (no election). So I bet a lot of people here on GAF (even people who frequent in PoliGAF) haven't registered yet, cause they just haven't taken the time.

But that was because you didn't have the desire to, not because you were incapable of doing it or because you didn't know how. Because clearly without help from a GAF thread, you figured out how to do it.

Karma Kramer said:
Plus how could it hurt?

It would take like 3 minutes to type up... and if you are too lazy I can type it up for you.

Wouldn't hurt. It just would be a waste of sticky space for something so simple. I, unlike some politicians, do not believe Americans are idiots. And as such if you're posting in this thread or you're interested in this election, you likely know how to register. The only thing they MAY not know is how long they have left to register if they're interested in doing it. :p
Amir0x said:
Wouldn't hurt. It just would be a waste of sticky space for something so simple. I, unlike some politicians, do not believe Americans are idiots. And as such if you're posting in this thread or you're interested in this election, you likely know how to register. The only thing they MAY not know is how long they have left to register if they're interested in doing it. :p

Giving people information on how and when they need to register, is a waste of space?

I guess Girl-age threads and other wonderful threads that frequent on GAF are far more important.


when i sticky a girl-age thread, you can PM me or something.

If you want to make a REGISTER TO VOTE thread, you be my guest. It's just not going to be stickied.
Amir0x said:
when i sticky a girl-age thread, you can PM me or something.

If you want to make a REGISTER TO VOTE thread, you be my guest. It's just not going to be stickied.

I'll make a thread sure... but its not going to last on the front page long... which defeats the whole purpose.

I think a sticky thread that replaces the Olympic thread, does absolutely no harm... and if anything helps stimulate younger people to get out and vote in November.

The principals that you follow although contain some logic, really seem more like an angst against me (cause of our fight yesterday) rather then a substantial disagreement with my idea.


And here we go on Biden,


A few tidbits from the article,

"Last year, Biden sponsored an RIAA-backed bill called the Perform Act aimed at restricting Americans' ability to record and play back individual songs from satellite and Internet radio services. (The RIAA sued XM Satellite Radio over precisely this point.)

All of which meant that nobody in Washington was surprised when Biden was one of only four U.S. senators invited to a champagne reception in celebration of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act hosted by the MPAA's Jack Valenti, the RIAA, and the Business Software Alliance. (Photos are here.) "

A few other things on Patriot act, P2P networks and other things.
Amir0x said:
when i sticky a girl-age thread, you can PM me or something.

If you want to make a REGISTER TO VOTE thread, you be my guest. It's just not going to be stickied.

Well in light of our wonderful NHL/NFL/NBA offseason stickied threads, I don't think it would hurt to sticky Poligaf, with mention of simple ways of registration.

I may be wrong here, but I don't think it is a stretch that being active in the political process is just as important as sports talk.
Byakuya769 said:
Well in light of our wonderful NHL/NFL/NBA offseason stickied threads, I don't think it would hurt to sticky Poligaf, with mention of simple ways of registration.

I may be wrong here, but I don't think it is a stretch that being active in the political process is just as important as sports talk.

Seriously good point...

Your stance on this Amirox is kind of off putting.

How about we take our wonderful rule of democracy and vote on it? Or do you just want to run this site like a dictatorship?
Byakuya769 said:
Well in light of our wonderful NHL/NFL/NBA offseason stickied threads, I don't think it would hurt to sticky Poligaf, with mention of simple ways of registration.

I may be wrong here, but I don't think it is a stretch that being active in the political process is just as important as sports talk.
The presidential election is far more important than any sport...

Though, this thread get's enough posts per day to consistently stay on the front page.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Dax01 said:
I have never seen a campaign as organized as Obama's. Though, that really doesn't mean much because this is the first election I have paid great attention to.

I've seen pundits talk about how organized this is as well.


Dax01 said:
The presidential election is far more important than any sport...

Though, this thread get's enough posts per day to consistently stay on the front page.

And if people are that worried about the outcome of the election they have already registered and hopefully been taking part in the election process.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
if you get jury duty then you're already registered to vote, right?

Not always. Court systems use several methods. Most states have voter identification cards etc that they send out if your registered and such.

You can check your states Secretary of state website they usually have a way to confirm if registered.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
if you get jury duty then you're already registered to vote, right?

No, you don't need to have a drivers license or be registered to vote, they just increase the chances of being selected.


Karma Kramer said:
I'll make a thread sure... but its not going to last on the front page long... which defeats the whole purpose.

I think a sticky thread that replaces the Olympic thread, does absolutely no harm... and if anything helps stimulate younger people to get out and vote in November.

The principals that you follow although contain some logic, really seem more like an angst against me (cause of our fight yesterday) rather then a substantial disagreement with my idea.

hahaha. oh dude please give me a break man.

I was not even thinking at all about our discussion yesterday when I said there's no reason to sticky that. Not only that, but my moderation is 100% independent from my day-to-day goings on with GAFers. I routinely get into arguments with individuals, and if I banned or made decisions because of it I doubt most of this place would even exist. Bans and decisions are based on rules, interpretations of rules, and simple common sense.

I already said precisely why there's no point in stickying it. I am not keeping anything from you regarding that.

1. Anyone who wants to vote in this election and posts here is intelligent enough to find out how
2. Anyone who wants to vote in this election and genuinely didn't know can simply ask in this thread
3. Anyone who is eligible to vote in this election and decided not to doesn't care about a sticky trying to get them to do it

I sincerely hope you're mature enough to accept this at face value, instead of taking it as a personal insult because of some disagreement we had earlier in this topic. You guys really take the forums too seriously. If you wish to make a thread about voting, be my guest. I personally am just not going to sticky it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:

I can give two: Clinton, McCain.

Link Here

But now there's additional evidence that casts doubt on the bias claims aimed -- with particular venom -- at three broadcast networks.

The Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University, where researchers have tracked network news content for two decades, found that ABC, NBC and CBS were tougher on Obama than on Republican John McCain during the first six weeks of the general-election campaign.

You read it right: tougher on the Democrat.

During the evening news, the majority of statements from reporters and anchors on all three networks are neutral, the center found. And when network news people ventured opinions in recent weeks, 28% of the statements were positive for Obama and 72% negative.

Network reporting also tilted against McCain, but far less dramatically, with 43% of the statements positive and 57% negative, according to the Washington-based media center.

The center reviews and "codes" statements on the evening news as positive or negative toward the candidates. For example, when NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell said in June that Obama "has problems" with white men and suburban women, the media center deemed that a negative.

Those are actual facts. And yes there are more companies that found the same thing. I'm still looking for those stats as well. The truth is I have facts you have one biased brain.
mckmas8808 said:
Those are actual facts. And yes there are more companies that found the same thing. I'm still looking for those stats as well. The truth is I have facts you have one biased brain.
Do you have a link to prove that his brain is biased lolz


Small balls, big fun!
Macam said:
Ha! I never thought I'd see Biden on the ticket, but I'm ecstatic that he is. The only thing that would've been a bigger surprise would've been to see an Obama/Feingold ticket.

Coincidentally that's the premise of an erotic fanfic I'm going to write STARTING NOW.
Amir0x said:
hahaha. oh dude please give me a break man.

I was not even thinking at all about our discussion yesterday when I said there's no reason to sticky that. Not only that, but my moderation is 100% independent from my day-to-day goings on with GAFers. I routinely get into arguments with individuals, and if I banned or made decisions because of it I doubt most of this place would even exist. Bans and decisions are based on rules, interpretations of rules, and simple common sense.

I already said precisely why there's no point in stickying it. I am not keeping anything from you regarding that.

1. Anyone who wants to vote in this election and posts here is intelligent enough to find out how
2. Anyone who wants to vote in this election and genuinely didn't know can simply ask in this thread
3. Anyone who is eligible to vote in this election and decided not to doesn't care about a sticky trying to get them to do it

I sincerely hope you're mature enough to accept this at face value, instead of taking it as a personal insult because of some disagreement we had earlier in this topic. You guys really take the forums too seriously. If you wish to make a thread about voting, be my guest. I personally am just not going to sticky it.

Well I guess I will just make my own thread then at some point. If you truly think that its a waste of space... then fine. You're in-charge.
Dax01 said:
The presidential election is far more important than any sport...

Though, this thread get's enough posts per day to consistently stay on the front page.

... yea I know that...

I was being diplomatic, and a bit sardonic.


Karma Kramer said:
Well I guess I will just make my own thread then at some point. If you truly think that its a waste of space... then fine. You're in-charge.

As a sticky! It's a waste of sticky space is what I was saying.
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