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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Zeliard said:
The Republican establishment would be a lot more tolerable if they had a candidate that combined McCain 2000's politics with Huckabee's personality (and none of his politics).

I'm not sure how accurate Huck's wiki page is, but aside from like three or four issues where he's really out there, he doesn't seem that bad. Huck or Palin? I'd take Huck.


gcubed said:
so... got an email through work today (Comcast) that they are having Obama fundraisers, and for the small donation of $1,000 I could go to a private Comcast/Obama dinner/meet in Philadelphia. I dont think i can pull together that money, oh well. Although i never thought Comcast of all places would be a place with explicit democratic support, given the whole, you know, FCC / Deregulation thing

Yeah but this administration is fucking with their money inflow; cable and internet are leagues more superfluous compared to gas, food and housing prices nowadays. How can they rip off their customers if the customers can't afford it in the first place?

Yes I pulled that out of my ass.



her words not mine.
The ban hammer would have come down hard if he were a neoGaffer . . .

Student GOP leader resigns over Obama remark
Print By MICHAEL RUBINKAM, Associated Press Writer Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press Writer – Mon Sep 8, 6:47 pm ET
ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The leader of a statewide group of college Republicans has been forced to resign after posting racially insensitive comments about Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama on the Internet.

Adam LaDuca, 21, the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans, wrote on his Facebook page in late July that Obama has "a pair of lips so large he could float half of Cuba to the shores of Miami (and probably would.)"

LaDuca, who previously had called Martin Luther King Jr. a "pariah" and a "fraud," also wrote: "And man, if sayin' someone has large lips is a racial slur, then we're ALL in trouble."

Certainly not representative of most Republicans . . . but probably too far from rare as well.


Brannon said:
Yeah but this administration is fucking with their money inflow; cable and internet are leagues more superfluous compared to gas, food and housing prices nowadays. How can they rip off their customers if the customers can't afford it in the first place?

Yes I pulled that out of my ass.

but its true, so good job :). Bad housing market = less people moving into Comcast areas = less hookups = less money.


Here comes Ron Paul to save the day!

September 8, 2008

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Congressman Ron Paul will hold a press conference in the Ball Room at the National Press Club on Wednesday, September 10th at 10:00 am. Dr. Paul will announce his intentions for the fall presidential election and will be accompanied by several special guests.

This event comes on the heels of Dr. Paul’s historic three-day Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis, Minnesota that drew over 12,000 supporters.
Amir0x said:

Replace Huckabee with Palin and you wouldn't be far off at all.

"[Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards," Huckabee said, referring to the need for a constitutional human life amendment and an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Huckabee often refers to the need to amend the constitution on these grounds, but he has never so specifically called for the Constitution to be brought within "God's standards," which are themselves debated amongst religious scholars. As a closing statement he asked the room of nearly 500 supporters to "pray and then work hard, and in that order," to help him secure a victory in Tuesday's GOP primary.


Kittonwy said:
I went to University of Toronto, it's not really a religious school.


My precious UofT, tainted by the retardation of Kittonwy?!

Goodbye cruel world!

Tell NetMapel....tell her...she was right...
polyh3dron said:
Yes Keith, why are people so hesitant to say that the REPUBLICANS ARE LYING?

Tonight when Obama said that Americans were too smart to fall for this shit, my wife (a Pro-Live Catholic who is an Obama supporter and who is absolutely terrified of a McCain/Pain presidency) screamed back at the TV "No they aren't!"

Obama is trying to counter jingoistic buzzwords and soundbites with intelligent, well-reasoned, nuanced responses that take a minute or two per.

In today's America that doesn't work. Too many people don't have the attention span for it.

He needs to call a lie a lie, and do it in five seconds. "That's a lie, Palin's Alaska sucked up more taxpayer pork than anybody, see the proof at McCainLies.org". Then move on to the next response.


Olberman is clearly liberal but I don't see him unfairly trying to tear down people he doesn't agree with for no reason like O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh etc. He will call them out on their stupidity but it's just different than those other guys. Maybe it's because he's much more informed/educated than those clowns. I do cringe at some of his stuff but I'd argue that he's fairer than any of his colleagues on the right.

Oh and the Obama interview was clearly softball but so what? Must he be grilled everywhere?

PS: I'm really impressed with Barack cos he's such a good public speaker even though he obviously has a stammering problem..


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
Obama misspelled it himself then lol. The one donating has to fill out his title and his company.

I somehow doubt that Obama misspelled something so simple. Maybe whoever entered the records misspelled it OR was unable to read his hand writing?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
I seem to recall folks here objecting to the citation of employee donations to suggest some political tilt on the part of that company or sector.


I expect written apologies on my desk by noon.

Yay, intellectual honesty* is finally back in this thread.

So, if an oil rig worker donates money to Obama, does that mean Obama is receiving money from oil companies?

By honesty, I mean dishonesty and bullshit.
reilo said:
Yay, intellectual honesty* is finally back in this thread.

So, if an oil rig worker donates money to Obama, does that mean Obama is receiving money from oil companies?

By honesty, I mean dishonesty and bullshit.

Since Obama receives way more donations from soldiers than McCain does, it must mean that the entire United States Armed forces has effectively endorsed Obama for President.


reilo said:
Yay, intellectual honesty* is finally back in this thread.

So, if an oil rig worker donates money to Obama, does that mean Obama is receiving money from oil companies?

By honesty, I mean dishonesty and bullshit.

In a roundabout way.

gkrykewy said:
Clearly something went wrong somewhere along the line. Did you go to Bob Jones University?

too be young, educated and liberal means you swallowed everything your professors tried to shove down your throat. god 4 years of pol-sci and philosophy classes, you wouldn't believe some of the shit ive heard and read



Updated for the second or third time tonight. The 298-something EC drops below 295. Meanwhile, Colorado gets a little bluer, and Ohio and Virginia turn a lovely shade of pink.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
I love seeing arguments spin 180 degrees when I make an incisive point.

Your argument was fine, your source was legitimate - but it would be interesting to see the same donation totals for the other candidate. I still think employee donations is a weird stretch, especially for that site.

I mean, I do not represent my profession when I donate, in any sensible fashion.
AniHawk said:

Updated for the second or third time tonight. The 298-something EC drops below 295. Meanwhile, Colorado gets a little bluer, and Ohio and Virginia turn a lovely shade of pink.

This really isn't that bad, if this is the extent of the McCain bump.

I am officially exiting panic mode.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
too be young, educated and liberal means you swallowed everything your professors tried to shove down your throat. god 4 years of pol-sci and philosophy classes, you wouldn't believe some of the shit ive heard and read

I was a computer science major and had only like 1 poli-sci class, but I'm liberal as hell HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT HUH?
OuterWorldVoice said:

Your argument was fine, your source was legitimate - but it would be interesting to see the same donation totals for the other candidate. I still think employee donations is a weird stretch, especially for that site.

I mean, I do not represent my profession when I donate, in any sensible fashion.

is Obama in the pocket of Big Covenant?


AndyIsTheMoney said:
too be young, educated and liberal means you swallowed everything your professors tried to shove down your throat.

Yes, that's exactly it. University professors brainwashing our young people who, of course, can't think for themselves. Curse those "learned" hacks! Fortunately there are fair and balanced alternatives, where evangelical conservatives (who have a gold star record of thinking for themselves!) can preserve their shining intellectual virtue.


CharlieDigital said:
I'm kind of depressed this morning and a little bit in shock.

I was speaking with my boss last night and it was apparent that he readily bought into all of the sound bites which are out there on Obama. He was on every talking point which negatively framed his experience (in fact, he didn't even know that Obama was an IL legislator...as if he was a "community organizer" one day and a US Senator the next (seriously)). He thought McCain's stance on taxes would save the country more money (according to the Tax Policy Center, it won't ($2.9 trillion in cuts for Obama, $4.2 trillion for McCain)). He called out Obama for his 130 "Present" votes, but did not understand the strategic usage of the "Present" vote nor did he know the context of the 130 (it's out of some 4000 total votes).

He railed on about how Obama wouldn't be able to get us out of Iraq any faster than McCain and cited the failure of the "Democratic Congress" to get us out of Iraq. Of course, this ignored the fact that the Democrats have only had a majority in the Senate since January of 2007 and, in reality, the so called majority is razor thin (or even non-existent).

He bought into the talking points about how Obama has been running for the presidency since he was in the US Senate, failing to see that in the 109th Congress, Obama only missed 1.9% of the votes while McCain missed 9% of the votes. Then of course, in the 110th Congress, he railed against Obama for missing 45.5% of the votes, but he didn't realize that McCain lead everyone with 63.8% missed votes.

It was sad because this guy is very well educated, he's wired and I felt that he should have known better on most of these talking points which have framed Obama as a know nothing, do nothing senator. It was a sad realization that the public is so easily fooled by numbers framed out of the context of the whole.


The public isn't easily fooled. It's not easy to fool somebody in an advanced country like the US. The public is fucking STUPID. And it thrives on hatred. A message that's anti-something spread like wildfire, while another on hope and policies based on clear and rational thinking simply doesn't captivate it.

If it makes you feel any better, the world isn't really much better. And from personal experience, the middle east makes the ignorance and stupidity displayed in this election look like a joke. Trust me, you don't even want to IMAGINE what exactly that means.
AniHawk said:

Updated for the second or third time tonight. The 298-something EC drops below 295. Meanwhile, Colorado gets a little bluer, and Ohio and Virginia turn a lovely shade of pink.
I'm curious where you are getting that from, because it is updating multiple times a night. The gallup poll shows a completely different picture and that is updated daily:



Illuminati said:
I'm curious where you are getting that from, which is updating multiple times a night. The gallup poll shows a completely different picture and that is updated daily:



First they took into account the daily polls, which lowered the numbers to the 298-thing. Then were individual state polls, which lowered them to what you see now.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Here's the list of books that Palin wanted banned, this list is from public documents released today by the city of Wasilla.

Edit: This is apparently fake, so I pulled it.
AniHawk said:

First they took into account the daily polls, which lowered the numbers to the 298-thing. Then were individual state polls, which lowered them to what you see now.
That page is craziness.
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