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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Illuminati said:
I'm curious where you are getting that from, because it is updating multiple times a night. The gallup poll shows a completely different picture and that is updated daily:


national polls have nothing to do with state polls and EVs which is why its so damn silly to worry about national polls


capslock said:
Here's the list of books that Palin wanted banned, this list is from public documents released today by the city of Wasilla.

Palin wants to ban Judy Blume and Shakespeare. Also, JK Rowling, A Wrinkle In Time, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Classy, Sarah. Very classy.


Illuminati said:
I'm curious where you are getting that from, because it is updating multiple times a night. The gallup poll shows a completely different picture and that is updated daily:


Gallup updates every DAY!?!? Well holy shit, who knew. That about wraps it up for Obama. Now that I've seen this Gallup poll. Which I'd never before heard of.


AniHawk said:

First they took into account the daily polls, which lowered the numbers to the 298-thing. Then were individual state polls, which lowered them to what you see now.
Also, they lag national polls a bit so their model doesn't flip around with every twitch of the trackers. So it takes about a week of sustained polling at a one level to get their popular vote metric to swing that way. So if McCain's bounce fades over the course of this week, the model will have predicted it. If McCain's bounce holds, the model will move to that position.
gkrykewy said:
Now that I've seen this Gallup poll. Which I'd never before heard of.
You've never heard of the Gallup poll before?


Gallup Polls are best known for their accuracy in predicting the outcome of the current United States presidential election. A notable exception is the 1948 Thomas Dewey-Harry S. Truman election, where nearly all pollsters predicted a Dewey victory. The Gallup Poll also inaccurately projected a slim victory by Gerald Ford in 1976, where he lost to Jimmy Carter by a small margin.



Rugasuki said:
Here are two Articles about the suspicious selection of Charlie Gibson for the Palin interview and how the arrangement of the interview basically guarantees that no difficult questions will be asked.



*shakes head*
ABC needs to stay the fuck away from politics. Gibson and Stephanopoulos especially. Not only do I never want to see them near another debate, I really don't want to see him tossing softballs to Palin as she walks through Wasilla.

We really need Tim Russert back.


when is my burrito
numble said:
Both sides (Obama and Clinton) gave the other a max contribution when Hillary endorsed Obama.

Obama donated $4,600 which means he donated to her GE campaign. Defeatist confirmed! :p

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin


AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain already has a 5 point lead? i thought obama had a 6 point lead last week. How big of a bump did McCains speech give him?

6 points according to gallup.

Here's how it works: They poll people once a day. Then they take the three day total up until the most recent day and average them. Even though McCain's lead went from +3 to +5 in a single day, it was because of an Obama lead cycling out and a positive McCain day filling in. It might go to +6 tomorrow, but it's nothing to be particularly alarmed about as it's a low day of polling for McCain being replaced by a slightly higher one. Once we get to Wednesday and there's not a significant drop (down to +2 either direction or a tie)? Then you can start to worry.

At least, that's how I understand it.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain already has a 5 point lead? i thought obama had a 6 point lead last week. How big of a bump did McCains speech give him?

ABC/WaPo: Obama 47%, McCain 46%.

CBS: McCain 46%, Obama 44%.

CNN: McCain 48%, Obama 48%.

Rasmussen: McCain 48, Obama 47

Don't just look at one poll. This is at about the likely peak of McCain's bounce. Or at any rate, about where Obama's bounce began to fade (because the GOP convention was getting underway). A bounce is called a bounce because they tend to fade. So combine Obama's bounce fading, and McCain getting his bounce, and you get....


Something that looks like this.
Ah, fake.

Hopefully the real list comes out.

quadriplegicjon said:
witchcraft. i have a friend whose mother is quite religious and she thinks those books are evil.

Oh, I'm from a 'born again' household. My mom told me in 1983 that Star Wars and E.T. were works of Satan. She gave me literature. Also gave me tapes of Gary Greenwald ranting about all the hidden subliminal messages in rock music.


She wanted to ban A Wrinkle in Time?

OK. I'm getting a better grasp of this woman's religious views.

EDIT: OR it's fake.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Ah, fake.

Hopefully the real list comes out.

Oh, I'm from a 'born again' household. My mom told me in 1983 that Star Wars and E.T. were works of Satan.

i dont think there was ever a specific list... she just asked if the librarian would have a problem banning books, not which specific book


capslock said:
Here's the list of books that Palin wanted banned, this list is from public documents released today by the city of Wasilla.
Hahaha wow Harry Potter? Seriously? She's a Jesus Campistic psycho christian.
APF said:
Uhhh wow, actually thanks for that. I dislike Palin but I don't want to become someone who desperately clings to falsehoods.
GhaleonEB said:

ABC/WaPo: Obama 47%, McCain 46%.

CBS: McCain 46%, Obama 44%.

CNN: McCain 48%, Obama 48%.

Rasmussen: McCain 48, Obama 47

Don't just look at one poll. This is at about the likely peak of McCain's bounce. Or at any rate, about where Obama's bounce began to fade (because the GOP convention was getting underway). A bounce is called a bounce because they tend to fade. So combine Obama's bounce fading, and McCain getting his bounce, and you get....


Something that looks like this.
What a lame post. Let's just disregard this nonsense and get back to doom and gloom kneejerk reactions and expressing disgust with the general public since McCain has this thing in the bag.


Illuminati said:

I'm sorry, I was being a sarcastic asshole. Your earnestness has disarmed me.

Hootie said:
What the fuck?

No seriously, what the FUCK?

Should have known it was fake since it said "city" of wasilla. Still, let it distribute and do some damage. A smear for a smear - the gloves are off.

She probably IS one of those nutters who'd want to ban Harry Potter anyway.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
DigitalSoul said:
Suddenly I have the urge to go read Fahrenheit 451......
List is fake, but that shouldn't stop you from picking up such a great novel.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Ah, fake.

Hopefully the real list comes out.

Oh, I'm from a 'born again' household. My mom told me in 1983 that Star Wars and E.T. were works of Satan.
I thought there was no list, she just asked the librarian if she had the power to ban books and then she wanted to get the librarian fired for not pledging her loyalty to her.


gkrykewy said:
That about wraps it up for Obama.

Anyway, all of these recent developments are very interesting, and initially troubling. However, I think it's basically turning out to be a +3 or so convention boost for McCain. If the rules were different, and the incumbent party had their convention first, Obama would be enjoying the same kind of thing right now, I'd bet. Let's not forget that he had a pretty big post-convention bounce too, but it was short-lived thanks to the DNC and RNC being right up against each other, which is all kinds of stupid -- and something that really hasn't happened before, so you really can't rely on looking at polls the same way during this short period...

Also, I think Chuck Todd said it best -- if it was really 54-44% like good old Gallup suggests, this race would be done with. States like Pennsylvania would nearly be a lock for McCain right now. They're not.

If Obama wins this election, one must seriously question Gallup's polling methods.

New polling data seen on 538 tonight is also very interesting.

State/Pollster WAS          NOW            SWING
OH  Rasmussen  McCain +5    McCain +7      McCain +2
MI  PPP        Obama  +3    Obama  +1      McCain +2
PA  Rasmussen  Obama  +3    Obama  +2      McCain +1
VA  Rasmussen  McCain +1    McCain +2      McCain +1
VA  SurveyUSA  McCain +1    McCain +2      McCain +1
FL  Rasmussen  McCain +2    TIE            Obama  +2
CO  Rasmussen  McCain +1    Obama  +3      Obama  +4
AVERAGE       McCain +0.6   McCain +0.7    McCain +0.1

Ohio really starting to go for McCain based on this data, which quite honestly I had figured would happen. I never have and probably never really will consider Ohio to be a state that Obama will likely get, but I like surprises.

Virginia is kind of disappointing, but again, the state going red is nothing shocking.

Colorado with +3 Obama is VERY interesting, and good news for any Obama supporter.

Florida as a tie is quite a surprise, to be honest I don't think it will mean anything in the long run, though.

McCain sneaking up on Obama in Michigan sucks, though. Hopefully Obama will get some points back there. He can't afford to lose that state.
Killthee said:
I thought there was no list, she just asked the librarian if she had the power to ban books and then she wanted to get the librarian fired for not pledging her loyalty to her.

To normal people that would be good enough, unfortunately there aren't enough normal people.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
scorcho said:
i hear Palin is also exotic, and that her middle name is really MUHAMMED, but got changed
really? I heard it was Muhammedina.

edit: I'm gonna come right out and say that I don't think Virginia would ever go blue despite Kaine and Warner. I just don't. Call it old habits die hard or whatever but I do not see Virginia going blue on election night.

I also don't like relying on west coast states/mountain states like Colorado. I have bad memories of Karl Rove rallying the troops in 2004.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Ok, ignore the list I posted, it was from the thread of responses to the Wasilla documents at Kos, it's probably fake. Apologies to Palin and her supporters, I will delete it.


McCain's camp and IIRC the candidate himself have also praised them and pointed folks to the site.

BTW I hear Palin has a black baby


APF said:
McCain's camp and IIRC the candidate himself have also praised them and pointed folks to the site.

BTW I hear Palin has a black baby
Look, owning one and having one are two different things!
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