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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I'm sure there are other whisper campaigns you can start though, like maybe she's racist against Eskimos or something


devilhawk said:
Here is the city of Wasilla's official document concerning any banned books incident. The link to the pdf is in the list. It also includes list to financial reports and other documentation relelvant to the years she was mayor.


Edit: And the 'new lists' that are going around aren't real either. Deleting the Harry Potter books from the 'old list' doesn't make it real.


APF said:
I'm sure there are other whisper campaigns you can start though, like maybe she's racist against Eskimos or something
I'm already running with the black baby story, but I might follow up with you on the Eskimo thing tomorrow.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Y2Kev said:
edit: I'm gonna come right out and say that I don't think Virginia would ever go blue despite Kaine and Warner. I just don't. Call it old habits die hard or whatever but I do not see Virginia going blue on election night.
i have a friend working for the Obama campaign in VA and their registration numbers are well beyond expectations at the moment. there was also an outpouring in volunteers the day after Palin's speech, but, as you said, old habits die hard.

i wrote this earlier, but i'm still optimistic that the DNC/Obama's ground game will make the difference in the swing states.


when is my burrito
capslock said:
Ok, ignore the list I posted, it was from the thread of responses to the Wasilla documents at Kos, it's probably fake. Apologies to Palin and her supporters, I will delete it.

The comments section of any website, let alone dailykos, should automatically raise an extreme level of skepticism as to their validity.

Also, Kos is no huffpo. Not all liberal websites are created equal.


Steve Youngblood said:
I'm already running with the black baby story, but I might follow up with you on the Eskimo thing tomorrow.
Whatever, just make me proud to be an American.


My boss volunteered me to work for the local Obama campaign office. They have all my personal information, and they won't stop contacting me.

I feel so violated.

At least I haven't had to pay 1200 dollars for a kit though, I guess.


APF said:
Whatever, just make me proud to be an American.
Palin says thanks but no thanks to things even though she really did say thanks. She's such a tough woman. Which should make you feel like a tough man -- and American, dammit.

Shins said:
My boss volunteered me to work for the local Obama campaign office. They have all my personal information, and they won't stop contacting me.

I feel so violated.
He really shouldn't have done that without your consent, but obviously, he sees potential in you.


gkrykewy said:
Yes, that's exactly it. University professors brainwashing our young people who, of course, can't think for themselves. Curse those "learned" hacks! Fortunately there are fair and balanced alternatives, where evangelical conservatives (who have a gold star record of thinking for themselves!) can preserve their shining intellectual virtue.

Unless you're in a hard science, a lot of stuff taught at university is ivory tower horseshit. Even then their exists a disconnect between theory and application. I was one of the believers, quite liberal in disposition, after graduating college. A few years on the ground in social services opened my eyes up to many things. My attitudes are mostly conservative now because I've seen what this intrusive government do-gooder bullshit has wrought first hand.
Guts Of Thor said:
Edit: From the article: "We all support somebody in this political race, but he took it right smack into this (investigation)," Coghill said of French. "I don't want to stop the investigation, but I think Sen. French has made it very difficult to get an independent view."
The only one to make this political circus was McCain by selecting someone that was already under investigation to be his VP pick.

You can't pick someone already under investigation and then claim the investigation has been politicized.
HokieJoe said:
My attitudes are mostly conservative now because I've seen what this intrusive government do-gooder bullshit has wrought first hand.
So, you hate liberalism because of the big government social programs? Am I correct in this assumption?


Shins said:
My boss volunteered me to work for the local Obama campaign office. They have all my personal information, and they won't stop contacting me.

I feel so violated.

At least I haven't had to pay 1200 dollars for a kit though, I guess.

post of the night


Shins said:
My boss volunteered me to work for the local Obama campaign office. They have all my personal information, and they won't stop contacting me.

I feel so violated.

At least I haven't had to pay 1200 dollars for a kit though, I guess.
Post of the day.


scorcho said:
i have a friend working for the Obama campaign in VA and their registration numbers are well beyond expectations at the moment. there was also an outpouring in volunteers the day after Palin's speech, but, as you said, old habits die hard.

i wrote this earlier, but i'm still optimistic that the DNC/Obama's ground game will make the difference in the swing states.

Virginia will not swing to Obama IMO. Practically, it may serve Obama's purpose to put it in play and make McCain use up campaign resources here though.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
HokieJoe said:
Virginia will not swing to Obama IMO. Practically, it may serve Obama's purpose to put it in play and make McCain use up campaign resources here though.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it, Northern Virginia is strongly for Obama, I live there part-time, and they've elected 2 Democratic governors and as well as a Democratic senator recently.


Reevaluation of the debates:

Debate 1
SEP. 26 - "The first presidential debate, at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, will focus on foreign policy and national security. John McCain and Barack Obama will stand at lecterns and answer questions from moderator Jim Lehrer."

Most Americans view McCain as the one with the most foreign policy experience, the best suited for a terrist attack, the toughest of the two, etc. Jim Lehrer is the host of NewsHour:

Jim Lehrer recently explained to CJR Daily (6/2/06) how he views his job at the NewsHour: “My part of journalism is to present what various people say . . . the best we can find out [by] reporting. . . . I’m not in the judgment part of journalism. I’m in the reporting part of journalism.”

But the decision about exactly which “various people” will be given the opportunity to say what they wish about events is a crucial “judgment part” of journalism. As the anchor and executive editor, Lehrer bears much responsibility for those decisions, and as FAIR’s study shows, the judgments that Lehrer and the NewsHour have made present viewers with virtually the same voices heard in corporate media, voices that overwhelmingly represent those in power rather than the public that PBS is obliged to serve.

So debate #1 will definitely go to McCain.

VP debate
OCT. 2 - "The vice presidential debate will be held at Washington University in St. Louis."

Female moderator, correct? Afterwards, Palin have given a performance 'better than expected' unless she seriously screws up on several facts.

2nd debate
OCT. 7 - "The second presidential debate, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., will have a town-hall-style format. Moderator Tom Brokaw will call on audience members and pose questions submitted through the Internet."

Pray for Mojo.

Final debate
OCT. 15 - "The final presidential debate, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., will center on domestic and economic policy. Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama will sit at a table with moderator Bob Schieffer."

Domestic and economic policy is Obama's perceived strong suit and the biggest issue of the election. Bob Schieffer has family that's friends with George W Bush, but I doubt that would lead to a Charlie Gibson-esque performance. Don't remember which Kerry/Bush debate he did though.


HokieJoe said:
Virginia will not swing to Obama IMO. Practically, it may serve Obama's purpose to put it in play and make McCain use up campaign resources here though.

Yeah, I think it's still too close to call.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AniHawk said:
Reevaluation of the debates:

Debate 1

Most Americans view McCain as the one with the most foreign policy experience, the best suited for a terrist attack, the toughest of the two, etc. Jim Lehrer is the host of NewsHour:

- quoted garbage -

So debate #1 will definitely go to McCain.
this is already the shittiest pseudo-analysis i've read. at least watch the News Hour yourself before parsing someone else's musings on it.

and your casual dismissal of the 'female journalist' for the VP debate is Gwen Ifill.


Just saw the 2nd part of the Obama/O'Reilly interview. Barack was on point and made his case even though Bill is so fucking rude...


Steve Youngblood said:
So, you hate liberalism because of the big government social programs? Am I correct in this assumption?

I don't mind for an instant helping someone who legitimately needs help, but yes, entitlement programs are a huge drain on our system. Fraud is the biggest issue I have. A huge portion of our funding comes from matching funds provided by the Fed's. The money/benefits are administered at the local level. Fraud is under reported, and not dealt with because local agencies will get their budgets cut if they take people off the welfare/medicaid/food stamp/fuel assistance rolls.


scorcho said:
this is already the shittiest pseudo-analysis i've read. at least watch the News Hour yourself before parsing someone else's musings on it.
I prefer to lower my expectations about everything, thanks.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
AniHawk said:
Reevaluation of the debates:

Debate 1

Most Americans view McCain as the one with the most foreign policy experience, the best suited for a terrist attack, the toughest of the two, etc. Jim Lehrer is the host of NewsHour:

So debate #1 will definitely go to McCain.

VP debate

Obama is on the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Don't sell him so short.


Cloudy said:
Just saw the 2nd part of the Obama/O'Reilly interview. Barack was on point and made his case even though Bill is so fucking rude...

Ack...did you watch it online or on Fox? I still have to check it out.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Obama is on the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Don't sell him so short.

I personally feel he'll give the better answers, but the public response will be that McCain comes out the winner because they already perceive him to be the guy better suited to foreign policy.
the NYT article drudge was talking about earlier is out:

After months of record-breaking fund-raising, a new sense of urgency in Senator Barack Obama’s fund-raising team is palpable as the full weight of the campaign’s decision to bypass public financing for the general election is suddenly upon it.

translation: Obama team is gearing up to fundraise hardcore in many states, upping the ante, pressing illinois realllllly hard for money, going to press all their big donors to donate to the general campaign now...

David Plouffe, the Obama campaign manager, said the majority of the Obama campaign’s donors during the primary had yet to write checks for the general election. When they do, he said, it will be the equivalent of the large injection of cash the McCain campaign is receiving from the government — about $70 million or $80 million.

so that'll be a nice boost from the big donors, but he's still got to make up a bunch of cash in the next 6 weeks or so. apparently August was their best month ever, but, considering $55 million was the best month, and McCain got $47 million in August (not including RNC), they better have gotten a lot more than that...

but hey, at least the NYT's admits they have no clue how much Obama raised in August, only that the fundraising team is being kicked into super hard gear now


testicles on a cold fall morning
ronito said:
wait NewsHour is suddenly a bastion for the right?
no, no. the CORPORATE right. you know those corporate sponsors shown before and following the show?

...conservative corporations. all of 'em.


ronito said:
wait NewsHour is suddenly a bastion for the right?
Yes, and Gwen Ifill is a chick so obviously she'll be a mindless shill for someone who shares her genetic profile.



Okay, okay. I thought it was weird myself. I thought PBS was always more center or left of center so it was strange when I ran across that article. But I still think the general notion will be that McCain gets the win in the first debate.


factcheck said:
She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library.
Well that's a powerful and succinct summary. I wonder if I should keep reading.
factcheck said:
It’s true that Palin did raise the issue with Mary Ellen Emmons, Wasilla’s librarian, on at least two occasions.
factcheck said:
Wasilla resident Anne Kilkenny, who was at the meeting, corroborates Emmons' story, telling the Chicago Tribune that "Sarah said to Mary Ellen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?' "
factcheck said:
Moreover, although Palin fired Emmons as part of a "loyalty" purge, she rehired Emmons the next day, and Emmons remained at her job for two-and-a-half more years.
Well, I guess if was more of a tepid, casual book ban effort/loyaltry purge that's not such a bad thing, right. I mean people are making making up lists over here! Why did Palin change her mind though? Factcheck doesn't say, but I wonder what their own own source for debunking the book banning "smear" says about it.
Chicago Tribune said:
After a wave of public support on Emmons' behalf, Palin relented and let her keep her job.

Since apparently the book banning story is suffering from some exaggerations, let's try to keep focus on what it is about. The meaningful stuff is still true. Irrelevant lists aren't. Ho hum.
I listened to the Obama interview on Olbermann . . . meh. Weak. He's gonna have to bring his A game to the debates and do much better than that.


McCain offers nothing new on foreign relations, which got the US into Iraq to being with, and which Americans are not happy about.


speculawyer said:
I listened to the Obama interview on Olbermann . . . meh. Weak. He's gonna have to bring his A game to the debates and do much better than that.

He sounded tired. And I think he was stammering more than usual.
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