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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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gkrykewy said:
He got another one. I wonder if there were any actual suicides :(
I think that people shouldn't get discouraged; you will only lead yourself to believe your vote wont count.
These daily polls could have the effect of tricking people into staying home on Nov 4th. Just what the GOP wants.
Price Dalton said:
I did the same.... and was greeted with a Palin-McCain rerun in Pennsylvania. What a damn disappointment.

Is it normal for a candidate to repeat the same speech verbatim? I'm guessing it must be. All I hear is "lavish praise...[insert local small town]...San Francisco."

Palin is a great hype man for McCain.
All candidates repeat the same "stump speech" constantly. It's one of the reasons reporters on the campaign trail are so lazy and jaded.


Pakkidis said:
USELESS FACT: People who stutter have a higher IQ on average than those that don't

If Republicans found out this they would say

Obama elitism confirmed?

I don't know if that's largely the case, but that title as being an 'elitist' is probably why it's a little known fact that Obama has an unusually high IQ of something like 170.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Who cares what public perception of "lipstick on a pig" is? If Obama didn't say it, in a matter of days the McCain campaign would claim he said something like it and make it sound as wrong as possible anyway.


*drowns in jizz*
What the fuck is wrong with you people? 'Lipstick on a pig' is the oldest analogy in the book, of trying to dress up something as something its not. He was referring to the whole 'change' theme of the McCain camp. People are saying he called Palin a pig? Christ.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
AndyIsTheMoney said:
if i said this you would label me a shovenistic, insensitive, right wing asshole...but i guess its ok for you
You could always grow a pair of fallopian tubes if you'd like.


The problem with the media today is that there's no room for actually holding people accountable for lies. It's always "misleading" or when responding, ignoring the lie and attacking something else. Another reason this 24/7 media coverage, with its complete lack of actual reporting, is a disservice to the nation, and partially to blame for a lot of bad things that have happened in recent years.


This can't be posted enough, McCain used the same phrase referring to Hillary:

Nytimes said:
Mr. McCain also criticized the Democratic plans, but his comments were more in passing and were far less barbed.

But when asked about Mrs. Clinton his speech, he said her proposal was “eerily” similar to the plan she came up with in 1993, when she headed a health care reorganization effort during her husband’s administration. “I think they put some lipstick on a pig,” he said, “but it’s still a pig.”



testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
if i said this you would label me a shovenistic, insensitive, right wing asshole...but i guess its ok for you
Troop "what?"


The Associated Press has learned that President Bush plans to keep the number of U.S. troops in Iraq near the current level through the end of the year, then bring home up to 8,000 combat and support troops by mid-January.

In a speech on Tuesday, Bush is expected to announce that he will maintain the current U.S. forces - that’s roughly 145,000 troops, including 15 combat brigades and thousands of support forces - through the final full year of his administration.

So while Bush bragged this morning, and much of the mainstream media lapped it up, that returning troop numbers to pre-surge levels constitutes a “withdrawal,” the math…and the consequences…don’t add up. From The Guardian (UK):

But a reduction of 8,000 troops over the next few months will still leave US troop levels in Iraq at about 140,000, posing a big problem for Bush’s successor.

In fact, the pace of the reduction in combat troops is both slower and smaller than had been anticipated. US commanders see little alternative to keeping a big troop presence in Iraq for now because the situation remains fragile, although Baghdad has made it clear it would like all US combat forces to leave by 2011 in current talks on a security pact.

He went on to argue that the US needed to maintain current levels through the Iraqi provincial elections later this year, and that consideration of force reductions makes sense only after those elections and until the incoming commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, has assessed the new situation.

Toby Dodge, an analyst at Queen Mary, University of London, said Bush’s decision was a compromise between Petraeus and Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.

He said: “Petraeus wanted a slower withdrawal because the thinks the gains are reversible, while the other commanders wanted to shift troops to Afghanistan and to save the army from being broken, so Bush compromised between the two camps.”

Although the violence has dropped largely because of the surge, Dodge also believes the progress that has been achieved is clearly reversible.

“The Iraqi army is a work in progress and the police is still completely divided along sectarian lines.”…

Current US deployments to Afghanistan include 14,000 troops that are part of a Nato force and an additional 19,000 under separate US command. As Bush shuffles American troops around, one thing remains certain: American forces are fully stretched and are likely to remain so well into next year.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Slurpy said:
What the fuck is wrong with you people? 'Lipstick on a pig' is the oldest analogy in the book, of trying to dress up something as something its not. He was referring to the whole 'change' theme of the McCain camp. People are saying he called Palin a pig? Christ.

No kidding:




Slurpy said:
What the fuck is wrong with you people? 'Lipstick on a pig' is the oldest analogy in the book, of trying to dress up something as something its not. He was referring to the whole 'change' theme of the McCain camp. People are saying he called Palin a pig? Christ.

Perception is everything. Even if Obama didn't mean it that way and his supporters were wrong to interpret it that way it still matters if people ARE interpreting it the offensive way even if they shouldn't.
Jak140 said:
This can't be posted enough, McCain used the same phrase referring to Hillary:

Mr. McCain also criticized the Democratic plans, but his comments were more in passing and were far less barbed.

But when asked about Mrs. Clinton his speech, he said her proposal was “eerily” similar to the plan she came up with in 1993, when she headed a health care reorganization effort during her husband’s administration. “I think they put some lipstick on a pig,” he said, “but it’s still a pig.”

Wow! :lol :lol


Slurpy said:
What the fuck is wrong with you people? 'Lipstick on a pig' is the oldest analogy in the book, of trying to dress up something as something its not. He was referring to the whole 'change' theme of the McCain camp. People are saying he called Palin a pig? Christ.
the retards on Fox will definitely spin this. Anyone with intelligence will see that Obama was not talking about Palin, but McCain's new theme of "Change". Although I do not expect republicans to get this; they still believe trickle down economics is good for the economy.


Price Dalton said:
Ah, makes sense then. I just haven't seen enough Obama/Biden coverage to gauge their tendency to repeat.

They've actually been doing more off-the-cuff stuff recently, especially Biden, he does a lot of just rambling. During the primary itself, most GAFfers could probably know what position Obama was going to mention next in the stump or what story Hillary would tell.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AndyIsTheMoney said:
if i said this you would label me a shovenistic, insensitive, right wing asshole...but i guess its ok for you


Sometimes a typo is so far off, it must be addressed. Especially from someone with four years of polisci and philosophy college education like you.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
OuterWorldVoice said:

Sometimes a typo is so far off, it must be addressed. Especially from someone with four years of polisci and philosophy college education like you.
THAT'S what that was supposed to be. :lol

Funky Papa

LuCkymoON said:
the retards on Fox will definitely spin this. Anyone with intelligence will see that Obama was not talking about Palin, but McCain's new theme of "Change". Although I do not expect republicans to get this; they still believe trickle down economics is good for the economy.
Eh, I'm pretty sure they tried to use Palin's image as the proverbial lipstick on McCain. I don't find it sexist at all, they are just pointing the obvious (and of course, Republicans feel really unconfortable about their cognitive dissonance since they know it's true). People offended by this are dwabs.
Tamanon said:
They've actually been doing more off-the-cuff stuff recently, especially Biden, he does a lot of just rambling. During the primary itself, most GAFfers could probably know what position Obama was going to mention next in the stump or what story Hillary would tell.

Biden doesn't seem to get much coverage, huh? Everything I've heard from the man I've liked. It's really too bad.

I just got knee surgery and now work from home, so now I'm completely immersed in the madness. During the primary, I wasn't up on all the details.

I'm not sure which position is better, to be honest. This is too much. I can only imagine what GAF went through in the primaries.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Special Comment by Keith tomorrow on how Giuliani and McCain have exploited 9/11 and used it for political and personal gain.


This is a complete nonissue. And obviously by my "grow a pair" comment, I was insinuating that Palin is not qualified to be VP because she has no pair.

Very shovanistic of me :lol

I'm telling you, once the Obama campaign wraps this manufactured controversy (all of 5 minutes old) back into PORK barrel spending... BAM, epic win.


Here are the movers and shakers of the PoliGaf thread for 9/8/08

Username | Post Count
AniHawk 224
GhaleonEB 166
CharlieDigital 163
speculawyer 156
Tamanon 141
polyh3dron 135
Zeliard 130
gkrykewy 124
Stoney Mason 119
reilo 92


capslock said:
Holy Crap, McCain just came out as pro-pedophile!!!!

Sorry if posted already


I am speechless, the gloves are off!

For clarification, the law Obama supported is to teach kids the difference between 'good touching' and 'bad touching'.

Can Obama sue for slander? Pretty low on McCain's part.

Or maybe just a counter ad. "Obama, passed legislation to keep kids safe from sexual predators. John McCain has released an ad saying he is against it. How can a man who won't even protect our children be ready to protect our country?"


Fatalah said:
Here are the movers and shakers of the PoliGaf thread for 9/8/08

Username | Post Count
AniHawk 224
GhaleonEB 166
CharlieDigital 163
speculawyer 156
Tamanon 141
polyh3dron 135
Zeliard 130
gkrykewy 124
Stoney Mason 119
reilo 92

Damn ani :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
O'Reilly just showed Ellen and Michelle Obama dancing as "cute,"

and called Elisabeth Hasselbeck a "pinhead" for dissing Michelle and praising Mrs. McCain.



This is obviously the first sign of the Large Hadron Collider firing up.
OuterWorldVoice said:
O'Reilly just showed Ellen and Michelle Obama dancing as "cute,"

and called Elisabeth Hasselbeck a "pinhead" for dissing Michelle and praising Mrs. McCain.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is exactly the sort of twit that somebody like Palin appeals to.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Ever since I got banned, I've been less active in PoliGAF threads :(


Gold Member
Mike Huckabee just stuck up for Obama on Hannity and Colmes. He basically shot down the "lipstick on a pig" thing.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
OuterWorldVoice said:
O'Reilly just showed Ellen and Michelle Obama dancing as "cute,"

and called Elisabeth Hasselbeck a "pinhead" for dissing Michelle and praising Mrs. McCain.



This is obviously the first sign of the Large Hadron Collider firing up.


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