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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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God damnit, I watch on the news how Obama is "standing up to his statement." But it's all cut like he actually said a sexist term. It just cuts him saying "LIPSTICK ON A PIG" and then the statement in his speech where he says "They're not actually offended!"



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Odrion said:
God damnit, I watch on the news how Obama is "standing up to his statement." But it's all cut like he actually said a sexist term. It just cuts him saying "LIPSTICK ON A PIG" and then the statement in his speech where he says "They're not actually offended!"


With all this drama in the DNC...


Cooter said:
I think he should win about 330 to 350 EV's when it's all said and done. Like I've said before the only thing I see really giving McCain a chance is if Palin beats Biden at the debate and McCain ties or wins 2 out of 3.

The "Dem EC votes > 300" contract on intrade is a steal, but I'm not THAT confident. I'll be happy just doubling up and watching the swearing in on my new 6020.


Cooter said:
I think he should win about 330 to 350 EV's when it's all said and done. Like I've said before the only thing I see really giving McCain a chance is if Palin beats Biden at the debate and McCain ties or wins 2 out of 3.

You are really in a fantasy land then. Obama would need to win Ohio,Florida,Virginia, Nevada and Colorado to get over 330 electoral votes.

Obama will either just make it with 273 or McCain will make it with 274
Hey . . . I got a left-wing email. It is relatively clean . . . can I post it here so PoliGAF can over-analyze it to see whether it is fair, sexist, funny, true, untrue, etc.?


El_TigroX said:
You guys do realize that the people that check the boxes (ME!) make funding possible for candidates outside the Democrat and Republican system. It democratizes the race and gives people that otherwise couldn't raise the money or compete a shot at the very least.

That may be your superficial intent / a reason you think McCain-Feingold et. al is a good thing, but in all honesty, the reality is that access to these funds are just one more advantage that the Big Two don't need in perpetuating a de facto two party state. Most of the time, the barriers are set so that only Republicans and Democrats can grab up public matching funds anyway.

Plus, my guys could not, in good conscience, take and use the money, since it goes against everything we're about. When Paul berated the RNC and DNC for wasting $16 million in public funds each, he meant it. We don't use public money, even when we're "entitled" to it.

Couple that with restrictions on fundraising and you've got a perfect storm of bullshit.


*drowns in jizz*
The mainstream media is a fucking joke, as always. Its painfully obvious theyre trying to sow some doubt into viewers about he said, with their shitty choices of cuts. Then they bring in the pundits to 'analyze' something that neednt be analyzed, and we get to hear the altruistic truths of GOP strategists and their opinions. Shameful.


Slurpy said:
The mainstream media is a fucking joke, as always. Its painfully obvious theyre trying to sow some doubt into viewers about he said, with their shitty choices of cuts. Then they bring in the pundits to 'analyze' something that neednt be analyzed, and we get to hear the altruistic truths of GOP strategists and their opinions. Shameful.

I agree. In the states their job is to entertain rather than to inform. Dry, unbiased news is a ratings killer.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:

Chris Matthews for the fucking win
JayDubya said:
Plus, my guys could not, in good conscience, take and use the money, since it goes against everything we're about. When Paul berated the RNC and DNC for wasting $16 million in public funds each, he meant it. We don't use public money, even when we're "entitled" to it.
I understand the concept, but it is self-defeating. W/o public funding, it is all private funding . . . and as every Libertarian knows, there is no such thing as a free lunch. So much of those private donations come attached with strings. String that inevitably mean big tax cuts or subsidies to the people that make those private donations. Big tax cuts and subsidies that far outweigh the amount that decent publicly funded campaign would cost.

JayDubya said:
Couple that with restrictions on fundraising and you've got a perfect storm of bullshit.
Yeah, because politics just isn't corrupted enough by money.


Kinitari said:
Yeah I read that, it wasn't an interesting read - feminists like this hurt my head, they want to vote for girls just because they are girls. Comment # 3 put it pretty nicely - way to not get suffrage lady.
Feminists like this claim that all sex is rape.
speculawyer said:

It is pretty clear that the McCain campaign is not familiar with "the google". :lol

Wasn't that how they vetted Palin? Oh they know teh google alright. More like their google-fu is weak. Very weak.


speculawyer said:
I understand the concept, but it is self-defeating.

While I recognize it's a lot more practical to sell out your values at every turn if it helps you win, no.

W/o public funding, it is all private funding . . . and as every Libertarian knows, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I'm not quite sure you understand how that phrase is used.

So much of those private donations come attached with strings. String that inevitably mean big tax cuts or subsidies to the people that make those private donations. Big tax cuts and subsidies that far outweigh the amount that decent publicly funded campaign would cost.

I say the above because there's no obligation to do anything for anyone just because they helped fund your campaign.


Awesome. O'Donnell on MSNBC:

"On the eve of the most serious day in recent American history, the media has sunk to its most absolute low in this campaign."
JayDubya said:
While I recognize it's a lot more practical to sell out your values at every turn if it helps you win, no.

How can one 'sell out your values' if one of your values is being a sell out? :lol

Edit: Better phrased: How can one not 'sell out' when if you refuse to 'sell out' you are then called a 'sell out'? :lol

JayDubya said:
I say the above because there's no obligation to do anything for anyone just because they helped fund your campaign.
And they have no obligation to help you when it is time for re-election. And they have no obligation to give you a lucrative consulting or lobbying job when your term ends. But we all know how the game works.


*drowns in jizz*
O'Reilly Obama interview Part 3:


I have to say, O'Reilly's monologues are absolutely pathetic and the height of satire. How dare he call other news networks 'biased and a 'dishonest interprise'. I sometime wonder if these people believe what they're saying, or if its all an act. Id fell better about the 2nd one.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
thekad said:
Awesome. O'Donnell on MSNBC:

"On the eve of the most serious day in recent American history, the media has sunk to its most absolute low in this campaign."

I had to do a double take when they kept flashing "REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST" on the screen, as I was convinced it was a typo.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Trakdown said:
Thanks! And props to Matthews for doing some decent journalism work.

At least host it on your own photobucket account, JERK.
Obama supporter attends a McCain/Palin rally

Then, it got interesting. A group of 20-30 Obama supporters came by and started chanting. The line was livid. They were spat at, called cowards, and chants of USA, USA, USA kept blaring over and over. One amusing line they had was "Have a Brain, Vote McCain." The friend of the woman behind me showed up and started screaming at them. Yelling, "Obama wants to abort 40 million babies in his first term." She wailed over and over on this. When the ruckus died down, I said to her, "I don’t think he wants to abort babies." The woman was kinda shocked I said that, "He wants to abort as many Republicans as possible to keep a Liberal Majority. He would abort Bristol’s baby if he could. He will force abortions on every Republican woman in this nation if he is president!"

completely anecdotal of course, but :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: We are not winning in Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON - A top Pentagon official conceded Wednesday that coalition forces are not winning the battle against an increasingly deadly insurgency in Afghanistan, adding that the U.S. would revise its strategy for the region to include militant safe havens in neighboring Pakistan.


Obama +1?


Also I want to talk about what happened when I saw the Female Republican Strategist on the news talk about how women who are pro-choice are pretentious latte-sipping feminists, as opposed to the new generation of feminists for Palin.

I puked blood. :(
jmdajr said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

The real lulz is that the stupid congress woman didn't give up her position.

Matthews should have asked: "Congresswoman, does this mean that no one can ever use that term again without referring to Governor Palin?"


How about a quick Maladministration scandal to remind us why 8 is Enough?


WASHINGTON (AP) — Government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties improperly engaged in sex with employees of energy companies they were dealing with and received numerous gifts from them, federal investigators said Wednesday.

The alleged transgressions involve 13 former and current Interior Department employees in Denver and Washington. Their alleged improprieties include rigging contracts, working part-time as private oil consultants, and having sexual relationships with — and accepting golf and ski trips and dinners from — oil company employees, according to three reports released Wednesday by the Interior Department's inspector general.

The investigations reveal a "culture of substance abuse and promiscuity" by a small group of individuals "wholly lacking in acceptance of or adherence to government ethical standards," wrote Inspector General Earl E. Devaney. Devaney's office spent more than two years and $5.3 million on the investigations.

The reports describe a fraternity house atmosphere inside the Denver Minerals Management Service office responsible for marketing the oil and gas that energy companies barter to the government instead of making cash royalty payments for drilling on federal lands. The government received $4.3 billion in such royalty-in-kind payments last year. The oil is then resold to energy companies or put in the nation's emergency stockpile.

Between 2002 and 2006, nearly a third of the 55-person staff in the Denver office received gifts and gratuities from oil and gas companies, including Chevron, Shell, Hess Corp. and Denver-based Gary-Williams Energy Corp. the investigators found. Two oil marketers who received gifts and gratuities on at least 135 occasions displayed no remorse when confronted with their activities, Devaney said. He singled out Chevron as refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

Don Campbell, a Chevron spokesman, said Wednesday that the company "produced all of the documents that the government requested months ago."

The reports also said former head of the Denver Royalty-in-Kind office, Gregory W. Smith, used cocaine and had sex with subordinates. The report said Smith also steered government contracts to a consulting business that was employing him part-time.

Smith, contacted by e-mail by The Associated Press, said he had not seen the report and could not respond. He and nine other employees in the Denver office are mentioned in the reports.

MMS Director Randall Luthi, in an interview with the AP, said the agency was taking the report "extremely seriously" and would review the allegations and weigh taking appropriate action in coming months. The Inspector General is recommending that current employees implicated be fired and be barred for life from working within the royalty program.

House Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., said "this whole IG report reads like a script from a television miniseries and one that cannot air during family viewing time. It is no wonder that the office was doing such a lousy job of overseeing the RIK program; clearly the employees had 'other' priorities in that office."

One of the employees named in the investigation, Jimmy Mayberry, has already pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Washington to violations of conflict-of-interest laws. The Justice Department declined to prosecute Smith and former Associate Director of the Minerals Revenue Management program Lucy Querques Denett, who the report says manipulated contracts to ensure they were awarded to former Interior employees.

The findings are the latest sign of trouble at the Minerals Management Service, which has already been accused of mismanaging the collection of fees from oil companies and writing faulty contracts for drilling on government land and offshore. The charges also come as lawmakers and both presidential candidates weigh giving oil companies more access to federal lands, which would bring in more money to the federal government.

"This all shows the oil industry holds shocking sway over the administration and even key federal employees," said Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. "This is why we must not allow Big Oil's agenda to be jammed through Congress."

While most government royalties for drilling on federal lands are paid in cash, the government in recent years has been receiving a greater share of its oil and gas royalties in the actual product. More of that oil is also being sold on the open market, versus being deposited in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the nation's emergency oil stockpile. Congress earlier this year passed a law halting deposits of oil to the reserve to alleviate high gasoline prices.

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who was asked about the reports earlier in the day before they were given to him and congressional offices, said the investigation was prompted by a 2006 phone call from anemployee who said there were ethical lapses in the Denver office.

"I look forward to having the opportunity to review the inspector general's findings so we can take the appropriate actions," Kempthorne said.
LuCkymoON said:
Feminists like this claim that all sex is rape.

Not at all, you're bringing up radical feminists and not all these women are. Those women would be the kind that have a natural bias to who they are (women in this case ;) ) and are too stupid to realize that bias isn't one of the issues you should consider when you elect candidates, yet for these people it's the only variable they pay attention to.


Love the line by the women on Hardball

"If Republicans want to talk about makeup then lets talk about how they make up stories...." nice pun!!!!
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