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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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*drowns in jizz*
Chichikov said:
fixed URL (I think) -

And she hardly pwn her, she had a damning clip of McCain (once again, I'm shocked that his staff didn't check if he went on record using that phrase against a woman) and she let the BS slide.
She could have pinned her hard on the subject but she lingered on small matters.

Yeah, that wasnt anywhere near ownage. She let her go on and on, to dominate the segments with her bullshit talking points instead of interrupting her and calling her on her shit.
TDG said:
I originally agreed that Obama should still focus just on McCain, but he tried acting like Palin didn't exist, and it wasn't having any effect. Now that we're seeing that voters really like Palin, Obama needs to go after her and put a chink in her armor. However, I think that the attacks have been too much, and too uncordinated, and Obama needs to go back to attacking McCain soon, lest people forget about the old white guy with horrible judgement who would actually become President were everyone to vote for Palin.

These pushbacks on Palin are also pushbacks on McCain:
1) He is impulsive and picked an unexperienced lying earmark-grubbing fundamentalist.
2) McCain's campaign is campaigning on lies such bridge to nowhere lies and as the faux-outrage.


I'm starting to like this whole lipstick thing... it's backfiring on McCain.

The only shame is that the sex-ed ad didn't get much more attention.


when is my burrito
lawblob said:
I watched it. It was totally unequivocal, they KILLED McCain.

Amazing... McCain crossed the line with the media, and they aren't putting up with it. Bout' damn time. Even Brian Williams expressed his disgust.

NBC Nightly was the same thing yesterday. After they gave both campaigns their equal time at the top of the show, they laid into the Palin lies.


Xisiqomelir said:
Well, I'm glad someone's reading my posts! I think it's beautiful that this is a CO Bush scandal. Every little bit helps in the TRUE battleground state this year!

My current EC map:


I don't know. I would put Florida as a tossup. The Palin pick seeems to have done zero for McCain there with Obama actually tying him in the latest Rasmussen where the rest of the states polled got worse for him. I have an odd feeling that Florida could redeem themselves for 2000 this election.


Bulla564 said:
I'm starting to like this whole lipstick thing... it's backfiring on McCain.

The only shame is that the sex-ed ad didn't get much more attention.
We don't know that yet.

Al Gore invented the internet ya know.


Kusagari said:
I don't know. I would put Florida as a tossup. The Palin pick seeems to have done zero for McCain there with Obama actually tying him in the latest Rasmussen where the rest of the states polled got worse for him. I have an odd feeling that Florida could redeem themselves for 2000 this election.

I can get behind this thinking, but I'd need to see some positive polls a little further away from the RNCbump.


This would be like Obama getting mad at McCain for using the phrase "pot calling the kettle black"

Obama: "OMG! Youz a racist."

Has Palin said anything regarding the issue? I assume that political ad is her official stance since her campaign paid for it.


Kusagari said:
I don't know. I would put Florida as a tossup. The Palin pick seeems to have done zero for McCain there with Obama actually tying him in the latest Rasmussen where the rest of the states polled got worse for him. I have an odd feeling that Florida could redeem themselves for 2000 this election.

This morning I heard (I think on CNN) that Florida's actually taking steps to make sure they don't have a repeat of 2000. Of course, believed when seen.

MIMIC said:
Has Palin said anything regarding the issue? I assume that political ad is her official stance since her campaign paid for it.

Palin's not allowed to talk to the media (except for her upcoming stroll with Charlie Gibson).


I want to see Chris Matthews eat a man's heart on live TV but I'm at work.
Kusagari said:
I have an odd feeling that Florida could redeem themselves for 2000 this election.
Never underestimate Florida's ability to disappoint you.
It's fucking Florida after all.
MIMIC said:
Has Palin said anything regarding the issue? I assume that political ad is her official stance since her campaign paid for it.

Palin doesn't talk to the press, which should send serious drudge sirens to America given that we are evaluating her as a potential step in should an old fart with a cancer history croak or become incapacitated (say, with MORE CANCER) during his term.


when is my burrito
Trakdown said:
This morning I heard (I think on CNN) that Florida's actually taking steps to make sure they don't have a repeat of 2000. Of course, believed when seen.

Their electronic voting machines have a paper trail now.
Xisiqomelir said:
I can get behind this thinking, but I'd need to see some positive polls a little further away from the RNCbump.

i do like, however, at the super top of the bump, cnn polls show mccain down 6 in NH and 4 in Mi. that bodes well for both of those states. mccain up 4 in virginia and up 5 in MO are also interesting - i was expecting more of a bump in at least missouri, because those numbers have remained static since late july/early august (pollster).

i can't wait for a week or two to see where the polls go...what can i say?


MIMIC said:
Has Palin said anything regarding the issue? I assume that political ad is her official stance since her campaign paid for it.

She's flying around the country with McCain, and being sheltered by the campaign. She'll respond to this in an interview when pigs fly.
reilo said:
Lou Dobbs: "I haven't used or heard that language since I think I was in middle school."

Dobbs is a full fucking moron CONFIRMED.

Lou Dobbs knows who butters his bread. He knows he'll never be close to the presidency and he gets viewers by expressing faux outrage against republican incompetence (mostly). If you actually get someone in the whitehouse with half a brain and who isn't corrupt there will be a lot less to complain about and he may lose his base of viewers. The guy sits, whines, and complains about everything without ever offering a solution. Loser confirmed.


kkaabboomm said:
i can't wait for a week or two to see where the polls go...what can i say?
They could shift quite a bit in two or three weeks.

Countdown to the first presidential debate: 16 days
Countdown to the vice presidential debate: 22 days

They'll be the most watched debates in history.


Chichikov said:
I want to see Chris Matthews eat a man's heart on live TV but I'm at work.
Never underestimate Florida's ability to disappoint you.
It's fucking Florida after all.
Fuck you!

I think Florida will come through this time. We have a huge Obama presence in Jax and Gainesville, of course that's the only places I've looked.


Chichikov said:
I want to see Chris Matthews eat a man's heart on live TV but I'm at work.
Never underestimate Florida's ability to disappoint you.
It's fucking Florida after all.


Gah, I was just listening to NPR's "All Things Considered" discussing Hillary supporters for McCain discussing the lipstick comment at some rally. She obviously didn't know what she was talking about but got roaring cheers from her uninformed attacks against Obama. Even more so perplexing was the contrived laughter over her misinterpretation of the lipstick comment and referring to Obama as a 5th grader.

It's surprising to see these Hillary supporters suddenly become "politically informed" simply by following these baseless attacks and would rather vote out of spite and vengeance without realizing McCain's record for women's rights.


distantmantra said:
I'm shocked that NH was ever considered a swing state.
It's because McCain is really popular there for the Republican primaries as 2000 and this year prove, and the media runs with it, assuming it means he can magically win the state in the GE. But, yeah, it's pretty dumb to label it as a swing state, I agree.

Incognito said:
I truly believe Obama will squeak out wins in both Ohio and Florida. Just a hunch. Of course, I could be wildly off the mark...
Everyone said you were out of your mind when you predicted 2006 election results, but look at what happened. If you are right this time, too, you shall be declared the Chuck Todd of NeoGAF. ;)
End of september polling should be more interesting. Right now there's just too much noise out there.

Keep in mind that polling in Missiouri was WHACK. A week before Obama won the state bu nearly 1.5 points, SurveyUSA had Clinton up by eleven, and there's really been no change in polling methodology since then.

I'm not saying Obama's going to beat a five point spread over McCain, especially with that fundie wretch of his in tow, but if it narrows to two or three points you start to approach anything goes territory. Especially in a high turnout race like this one.


Palin: "I liked to ride horses when I was little"

Obama: "Never look a gift horse in the mouth"

Door2Dawn said:
No way Obama wins Florida.

Too many cubans and old people that vote republican.

It'll forever be on my "not gonna happen period" list. But the current polling is definitely moving in the right direction. I just don't see him winning that state.


PhoenixDark said:
It'll forever be on my "not gonna happen period" list. But the current polling is definitely moving in the right direction. I just don't see him winning that state.

Gotta agree. I'm not that sure about Ohio, either. I think Obama's gotta concentrate on Colorado and Virginia a lot. I think he was in Virginia today, actually, as well as McCain.


PhoenixDark said:
It'll forever be on my "not gonna happen period" list. But the current polling is definitely moving in the right direction. I just don't see him winning that state.
I can't find the article, but Obama's camp is trying to energize something like 400k registered black voters that didn't come out to vote in 2004, as well as adding a lot to that total. Registered Democrats out number Republicans by a wide margin there, they just don't bother to show up.


Door2Dawn said:
No way Obama wins Florida.

Too many cubans and old people that vote republican.

Actually, the only risk is northern Florida. Broward county will come out IN A BIG WAY for Obama, and new generation Cubans are not that thick-headed. I'm willing to say that Dade will go Obama too (I think it did in 2004).

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Price Dalton said:
Matthews is pretty great today.

Damn, this Oklahoma congresswoman is an utter hack.

Liberal media, I guess.

I think Matthews lit a fire under his own ass after he and Olbermann got removed from the broadcasts. When they were broadcasting live, you'd often hear Matthews say stuff like "that's not my opinion keith...." I think he feels he lost focus a bit and got lumped into a group think that wasn't his own.

He's not going to let that happen again.
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