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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Walking around New York City today gave me a lot more hope about Obama. Everyone was buying Obama t-shirts and all around very supportive of Obama.

Put a smile on my face.


NBC News just destroyed McCain on the fake lipstick controversy... it was pretty glorious.

Hopefully the other Big 2 networks were as smart.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Burnett: "Give Barack Obama and John McCain both $100bil, and Obama will spend it to fund healthcare or provide some tax relief for middle class families. John McCain on the other hand, will use it to cut the capital gains tax on businesses. It just depends on which economic theory you believe in."

Very well said. In conclusion, McCain's plan is fucking ridiculous. Trickle down economics can go fuck off and die.

Odrion said:
you know hillary really should of been veep

Oh, phew. At least you don't think she should have been veep.
Ah screw it . . . here is a left-leaning email floating around. PoliGAF overanalyze it!

> Your Pocket Guide To Speaking Palinguage (Vol. 1)
> >
> > Up in the Twin Cities, folks are speaking a new language. Or, should I say
Palinguage. It sounds sorta familiar because it's Latin based. But
different from the plain English we're used to speaking, in Palinguage
recognizable words take on new meanings.
> > Won't you take a moment to learn some Palinguage? Here are some of my
helpful tips, a version of which appeared here earlier today.
> >
> > If you're a minority and you're selected for a job over more qualified
candidates you're a "token hire."
> > If you're a conservative and you're selected for a job over more qualified
candidates you're a "game changer."
> >
> > If you live in an urban area and you get a girl pregnant you're a "baby
> > If you're the same in Alaska you're a "teen father." (Actually, according to your
own MySpace page you're an F'n redneck that don't want any kids,
but that's too long a phrase for the evil liberal media to take out of context
and flog morning, noon and night.)
> >
> > Black teen pregnancies? A "crisis" in black America.
> > White teen pregnancies? A "blessed event."
> >
> > If you grow up in Hawaii you're "exotic."
> > Grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers, you're the quintessential "American
> >
> > Similarly, if you name your kid Barack, you're "unpatriotic."
> > Name your kid Track, you're "colorful."
> >
> > If you're a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting the
individual, you're "reckless."
> > A Republican who doesn't fully vet is a "maverick."
> >
> > If you say that for the "first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of
my country," it makes you "unfit" to be first lady.
> > If you are a registered member of a fringe political group that advocates
secession, that makes you the governor's "first dude."
> >
> > A DUI from 20 years ago is "old news."
> > A speech given without proper citation from 20 years ago is "relevant
> >
> > And, finally, if you're a man and you decide to run for office despite your
wife's recurrence of cancer, you're a "questionable spouse."
> > If you're a woman and you decide to run for office despite having five kids
including a newborn... Well, we don't know what that is 'cause THAT'S
> >

Certainly quite partisan and makes an unfair attack with the teen pregnancy bit (unless someone can back it up with an actual quote). But mostly harmless.
thefro said:
NBC News just destroyed McCain on the fake lipstick controversy... it was pretty glorious.

Hopefully the other Big 2 networks were as smart.

I'm not sure if that was despite the 'NBC NBC NBC' chant at the RNC or in spite of it.


thefro said:
NBC News just destroyed McCain on the fake lipstick controversy... it was pretty glorious.

Hopefully the other Big 2 networks were as smart.

I watched it. It was totally unequivocal, they KILLED McCain.

Amazing... McCain crossed the line with the media, and they aren't putting up with it. Bout' damn time. Even Brian Williams expressed his disgust.
thefro said:
NBC News just destroyed McCain on the fake lipstick controversy... it was pretty glorious.

Hopefully the other Big 2 networks were as smart.

Well CBS already banned the latest ad from YouTube, so I hope Katie Couric would get down and start hitting hard as well.


lawblob said:
I watched it. It was totally unequivocal, they DESTROYED McCain.

Amazing... McCain crossed the line with the media, and they aren't putting up with it. I love it!!

Which means we'll have to put up with another few weeks of McCain whining about media coverage and saying they're in the tank for Obama. Lovely.

I guess the question now is, will they be better or worse off lifting the embargo on Palin?
McCain probably didn't want that scandal in the interior department to come out-the violators were in Denver, Colorado. It's no secret that the federal government has been bending over Western states for years on energy exploitation on public lands, to the point where it is become a serious issue with respect to hazardous materials pollution (wow@the shit they use to get natural gas) and species conservation (want to be depressed? google 'sage grouse' and 'gale norton'. Shameful).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Fragamemnon said:
McCain probably didn't want that scandal in the interior department to come out-the violators were in Denver, Colorado. It's no secret that the federal government has been bending over Western states for years on energy exploitation on public lands, to the point where it is become a serious issue with respect to hazardous materials pollution (wow@the shit they use to get natural gas) and species conservation (want to be depressed? google 'sage grouse' and 'gale norton'. Shameful).

Yeah, shit, I didn't realize that this oil-sex-drugs scandal will not put the GOP in a favorable light in Colorado. This could be a plus for Obama.


Any clip of the NBC news piece? I won't be mad if the Dems lose fair and square but ENOUGH with these dirty tricks! >_<
The problem with these liberal blogs spreading lies about Palin is that it uses up political capitol with the American people; in other words, crying wolf. The McCain camp has used a general brush to dismiss all Palin attacks, claiming that she's being smeared. The problem for Obama is that as his campaign keeps talking about Palin 24/7 the accusations keep flying, and people may automatically dismiss them now - even when they're true (bridge, earmarks, etc).

The Obama camp has been totally off message for the last ten days and this Palin thing is festering. She's not running for president. 538's suggestion that the whole "lipstick" thing was calculated by the Obama campaign is interesting, and would actually suggest they have a message, but who knows if that's true. All the republicans are doing is using Palin as a shield, and the democrats are too preoccupied with attacking that barrier than going for what's behind it. It's been two weeks and we're ONLY talking about Palin. Come on.
On another note, "October surprise" is by far my favorite phrase of the political season. I mean, there's just such a euphemistic quality to it.

"Yeah, so I took this chick back to my apartment last night and showed her the october surprise."
The Lamonster said:
Normally I'd scoff at a backlash, but since you said it, there is hope

There is always hope


OuterWorldVoice said:
Backlash building.

Everything is proceeding exactly as I have forseen.

LETTERMAN: Let me ask you a question here, have you ever actually put lipstick on pig?
OBAMA: The answer would be no. But I think it might be fun to try …. This is sorta silly season in politics. Not that there’s a non silly season but it gets sillier . It’s a common expression in at least illinois. I don’t know about in New York City. I don’t know what you put lipstick on here. (Silly cringe from Letterman. Laughter from audience) In Illinois, The expression connotes the idea that if you have a bad idea — in this case I was talking about McCain’s economic plans — calling them ‘change,’ calling them something different doesn’t make them better. Hence lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

“Keep in mind, that technically had I meant it this way she would be the lipstick,” Obama added. “The policies of John Mccain would be the pig.”

Letterman asked what Obama and the campaign thought of Palin when she was picked: “We didn’t know much about her. Honestly, she’s a skilled politician.

“There’s no doubt that she has been a phenomenon,” Obama added. “I mean, as somebody who used to be on the cover of Time and Newsweek, (laughter from audience) those were the days, I had a recent offer with Popular Mechanics, centerfold with a wrench. (More laughter.) Look, she’s on wild ride and there’s no doubt that she has energized the base. “

Obama also talked about his plans to visit Kenya if he’s elected, about his life in Hawaii, and about his grandmother.



PhoenixDark said:
It's been two weeks and we're ONLY talking about Palin. Come on.
I originally agreed that Obama should still focus just on McCain, but he tried acting like Palin didn't exist, and it wasn't having any effect. Now that we're seeing that voters really like Palin, Obama needs to go after her and put a chink in her armor. However, I think that the attacks have been too much, and too uncordinated, and Obama needs to go back to attacking McCain soon, lest people forget about the old white guy with horrible judgement who would actually become President were everyone to vote for Palin.


Fragamemnon said:
McCain probably didn't want that scandal in the interior department to come out-the violators were in Denver, Colorado. It's no secret that the federal government has been bending over Western states for years on energy exploitation on public lands, to the point where it is become a serious issue with respect to hazardous materials pollution (wow@the shit they use to get natural gas) and species conservation (want to be depressed? google 'sage grouse' and 'gale norton'. Shameful).

Well, I'm glad someone's reading my posts! I think it's beautiful that this is a CO Bush scandal. Every little bit helps in the TRUE battleground state this year!

My current EC map:



PhoenixDark said:

Chris Matthews for the fucking win
This is how any self-respecting journalist should handle this mess. The fact that Republicans even tried to spin this against Obama is a fucking insult to anyone with an IQ in the double-digits or above.

Glad to see it's been shot down that harshly and decisively. Everyone should concentrate on the important stuff now. Issues, policies, plans for the future, how McCain/Palin are trying to bring change, how Obama is trying to bring change etc. etc.
PhoenixDark said:
The Obama camp has been totally off message for the last ten days and this Palin thing is festering. She's not running for president. 538's suggestion that the whole "lipstick" thing was calculated by the Obama campaign is interesting, and would actually suggest they have a message, but who knows if that's true. All the republicans are doing is using Palin as a shield, and the democrats are too preoccupied with attacking that barrier than going for what's behind it. It's been two weeks and we're ONLY talking about Palin. Come on.

Obama's message has been on issues since the week started. It's later morphed into a form of opportunism to attack McCain's campaign as "the same old politics" as McCain went onto the attack. Fact is, running these kinds of ads cuts hard into McCain's positioning on himself as a different kind of candidate, a different kind of Republican. It makes him look just like George W Bush in 2004 or any brand X Republican in a nasty Senate campaign.

I don't think it's a good thing for Obama right now to be stuck debating bullshit, but at least he's attacking it forcefully and shaming the media for the coverage. Judging from the reactions on the TV, it seems that he might be winning the media war-and this would likely drive down McCain's positives if he did so, something that McCain MUST keep high if he even has a chance at pulling this election off.

There's no clear winner for today's disgraceful events. The rest of the week looks equally muddled-Ike is going to start dominating the news here in a day or so, and we won't hear about issues again until next week. The Republicans certainly haven't converted their message of reform or change agents to the media in any coherent format after that being a key theme of their convention. Obama can't get people talking seriously about issues.

Looks like a deadlock in until at least next Monday.


Obama should of gone with what the public were initially thinking and turn her into the obvious vagina grab she is before she could control the narrative. You don't ignore the elephant in the room.


*drowns in jizz*
Fuck Nancy Pfrolehjkfhsdjkfhjks-whatever. Why do they let these sacs of shit lie endlessly, with hardly a challenge? 'Obama was obviously referring to Palin, and the American people will see that' The response? Thank you very much Nancy for being with us.


Xisiqomelir said:
Well, I'm glad someone's reading my posts! I think it's beautiful that this is a CO Bush scandal. Every little bit helps in the TRUE battleground state this year!

My current EC map:


Where did you make that EC map?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Odrion said:
Obama should of gone with what the public were initially thinking and turn her into the obvious vagina grab she is before she could control the narrative. You don't ignore the elephant in the room.

Well, too bad he ofn't.


Everytime I turn on Lou Dobbs, maybe every couple of weeks, he is ALWAYS talking about illegal immigrants. Today's issue is the stalemate of the Mexico border not being built.


Haunted said:
This is how any self-respecting journalist should handle this mess. The fact that Republicans even tried to spin this against Obama is a fucking insult to anyone with an IQ in the double-digits or above.

Glad to see it's been shot down that harshly and decisively. Everyone should concentrate on the important stuff now. Issues, policies, plans for the future, how McCain/Palin are trying to bring change, how Obama is trying to bring change etc. etc.

The media's actually showing shades of competency today- and even Huckabee called this nonsense.

They're not horrible when they actually do their job.


PhoenixDark said:
The Obama camp has been totally off message for the last ten days and this Palin thing is festering. She's not running for president.

I don't think that's true at all. With each attack from McCain, Obama and Biden have been pretty disciplined about pointing out it's ridiculous, how it's ridiculous, and then the main reason it's ridiculous because McCain won't talk about actual issues, which then always bridges into the problems our country faces and how they plan to address them.

What they're doing now is better than our country's political discourse level, which is probably why it's not working out all that great.




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lou Dobbs: "I haven't used or heard that language since I think I was in middle school."

Dobbs is a full fucking moron CONFIRMED.
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