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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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giga said:
What are the chances of this happening?

273/265 is what I came up with, too. Same states. Colorado is key and he must not lose New Mexico. It's probably going to be very close...
Hay guise I just got back from a long car ride and holy shit NPR (i know i know librul media) is ripping into the McCain campaign's lies and all around tomfoolery like crazy. Is the rest of the MSM actually calling the McCain campaign out on their lies finally?
Hillary defends Obama on 'Lipstick'

t a Capitol Hill news conference today, Hillary Clinton defended Obama's "lipstick on a pig” comment, accusing McCain of using the controversy to distract from substantive issues in the campaign.

"Barack has made this clear," she said responding to a question about the lipstick remark, which Republicans have condemned as a “disgraceful” and “sexist” attack on Palin. "It was no way meant as an affront."

During the press conference, which addressed equal pay for women, Clinton added that "Republicans need to lift up the dialogue" and blamed McCain's campaign for trying to "divert attention away from challenges facing Americans."

But, even given the opportunity through repeated questions from reporters, the woman who won “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” continued to refuse to attack or criticize Palin.

Asked about Palin and her candidacy, Clinton responded only that the campaign should be about the issues. "What I see as critical in this election ... are the differences over issues." She added, "What happens in people's lives is what really counts... That's what it should be about."

Clinton and fellow Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin held the press conference to discuss the findings of a new GAO report on the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws. When asked if Clinton was disappointed that Palin had not raised equal pay issues on the campaign trail, she directed her fire at McCain. Clinton said it is assumed that the VP nominee is in sync with the presidential candidate's views, reminding reporters John McCain voted against it. "McCain is at the top of the ticket," she said. "And we know where he stands on equal pay."

The former Democratic presidential candidate told reporters that she'll soon return to the campaign trail to stump for the Obama-Biden ticket, "working very hard to make the case for Sen. Obama ... being as forceful as I can to lay out the contrast" between the two camps.



Chris Matthews just showed a clip of Obama on David Letterman tonight joking about the phony lipstick outrage.

This whole thing is being turned around on the McCain campaign and it's hilarious.


polyh3dron said:
Hay guise I just got back from a long car ride and holy shit NPR (i know i know librul media) is ripping into the McCain campaign's lies and all around tomfoolery like crazy. Is the rest of the MSM actually calling the McCain campaign out on their lies finally?

So far, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and the AP have weighed in, along with a lot of other sources.


This is just too good.


McCain finds it tough without Palin

PHILADELPHIA - Republican presidential candidate John McCain cut short his first public appearance without running-mate Sarah Palin after chanting supporters of Democratic rival Barack Obama interrupted his speech.

After lunching with a roundtable of women at Philadelphia’s Down Home Diner, McCain shook hands with supporters and strode up to a podium to deliver a statement. But as he spoke, chants of “Obama, Obama, Obama” filled the room.

Reporters craned forward trying to hear the Arizona senator. Unfortunately for McCain — and possibly overlooked by aides who planned the event — a section of the diner opened up to a market where a crowd had gathered behind a cordon.

A large contingent of Obama supporters showed up, mixed with some who had bumper stickers reading “Democrats for McCain”.

“It’s time to leave the talk behind and start shaking up Washington and fixing our economy, taking care of the problems facing our families. We’re going to give a tax cut to every family with a child,” he said.

His words were barely audible.

McCain’s supporters shouted “John McCain”, “John McCain,” “John McCain”. The duelling chants nearly drowned out the presidential hopeful’s voice.

“Pennsylvania is a battleground state as we can tell,” McCain said.

Meanwhile Palin, the Alaska governor, was on a flight back to her state.


Door2Dawn said:
What's this I hear about CNN doing a live presidential forum on Thursday?

Can't be a forum, probably just live coverage of their 9/11 appearance together. There's no way they'd do a debate on that day.
speculawyer said:
Ah screw it . . . here is a left-leaning email floating around. PoliGAF overanalyze it!

Certainly quite partisan and makes an unfair attack with the teen pregnancy bit (unless someone can back it up with an actual quote). But mostly harmless.

maybe this was the inspiration.. I dunno
Bulla564 said:
Actually, the only risk is northern Florida. Broward county will come out IN A BIG WAY for Obama, and new generation Cubans are not that thick-headed. I'm willing to say that Dade will go Obama too (I think it did in 2004).

Dade/Broward/WPB ALL went Blue in 2004. The rest of my fucking state is an extension of the south.



The best-kept secret in this presidential campaign is Barack Obama's substantial package of middle class tax cuts--most political junkies can't even tell you what's in it and most working-class swing voters don't even know it exists

--Obama would provide an immediate $1,000 tax cut to 95% of working families.

--Obama would eliminate income taxes altogether on seniors earning less than $50,000.

--Obama would more than double the Hope tax credit for college, up to $4,000 and make it fully refundable.

--Obama would eliminate all capital gains taxes on small business start-ups.

--Obama would not raise income, payroll, capital gains or any other taxes on any family making less than $250,000.

--McCain's tax cut plan would provide no new direct relief to 100 million households, but would give a $4 billion tax cut to Exxon Mobil (which recently posted a $40 billion profit) and other big oil companies.

Someone email that to the Obama camp. I dunno if they're waiting for the Palin hype to die down first but EVERY ad they run should highlight the tax plan and healthcare plan CLEARLY!

Funky Papa

SCReuter said:
Chris Matthews just showed a clip of Obama on David Letterman tonight joking about the phony lipstick outrage.

This whole thing is being turned around on the McCain campaign and it's hilarious.
It is pretty incredible that there are several media conglomerates at it and a presidential candidate explaining what he meant to say.

Such a fucking circus.
Trakdown said:
So far, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and the AP have weighed in, along with a lot of other sources.
I know they've weighed in but NPR (All Things Considered) was ripping McCain's campaign a new asshole. You're saying all those other outlets are doing it with the same vigor?

so awesome.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh god. I kind of feel bad for this guy. It's become clearer and clearer that he's just a pawn in his own campaign at this point.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Dade/Broward/WPB ALL went Blue in 2004. The rest of my fucking state is an extension of the south.
I try not to mix PoliGAF with gaming GAF, but I was hugely disappointed in my recent PAX outing. I was meeting up with a gaggle of fellow Halo fans from GAF, and was thinking - yay! I finally get to meet up with Halo fans. GAF is teh liberal and we'll get to talk politics as well.

They were from Louisiana, Georgia and northern Florida. Raging conservatives, the lot. I was like, dammit people! The demographics alone make this statistically unlikely!



polyh3dron said:
I know they've weighed in but NPR (All Things Considered) was ripping McCain's campaign a new asshole. You're saying all those other outlets are doing it with the same vigor?

so awesome.

Well, not exactly the same vigor (save for MSNBC, Matthews had his ownage mojo working).
They are, however, actually calling them on their bullshit, which is far more than I expected at this point. Follow the links at this page.



polyh3dron said:
I know they've weighed in but NPR (All Things Considered) was ripping McCain's campaign a new asshole. You're saying all those other outlets are doing it with the same vigor?

so awesome.

Chris Matthews pretty much destroyed the lipstick/pig "controversy".
Tamanon said:
She's been campaigning this whole time for Obama. She's done everything he's asked of her.

media coverage of Hillary pre and post convention has been pretty hilarious.

pre-convention: "Will the Democrats be united?? Could this be a repeat of 1968?? Will she endorse him?!? What does Bill think?!?"

post-convention: "Clinton who?"
GhaleonEB said:
I try not to mix PoliGAF with gaming GAF, but I was hugely disappointed in my recent PAX outing. I was meeting up with a gaggle of fellow Halo fans from GAF, and was thinking - yay! I finally get to meet up with Halo fans. GAF is teh liberal and we'll get to talk politics as well.

They were from Louisiana, Georgia and northern Florida. Raging conservatives, the lot. I was like, dammit people! The demographics alone make this statistically unlikely!


My condolences.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Dade/Broward/WPB ALL went Blue in 2004. The rest of my fucking state is an extension of the south.

Didn't the Cubans go for Bush in 04 though? Polling shows them all being heavily Obama this time maybe finally realizing they have no reason to vote Republican. They could be the key to Obama narrowly winning Florida.


Tamanon said:
She's been campaigning this whole time for Obama. She's done everything he's asked of her.

She needs to come out with stronger attacks on Palin besides No McCain - Palin. It's like her heart isn't into it. She needs to be more spirited.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kusagari said:
Didn't the Cubans go for Bush in 04 though? Polling shows them all being heavily Obama this time maybe finally realizing they have no reason to vote Republican. They could be the key to Obama narrowly winning Florida.

I don't know why Cubans would be against Obama. He's the most likely candidate to lift the sanctions on Cuba.



McCain is now trying to say that he's launching personal attacks at Obama after having promised not to because Obama won't join him in town hall meetings.

"That might have changed the tenor of this campaign somewhat."
Kusagari said:
Didn't the Cubans go for Bush in 04 though? Polling shows them all being heavily Obama this time maybe finally realizing they have no reason to vote Republican. They could be the key to Obama narrowly winning Florida.

Florida is a bit more complicated this year than it has been since,well, 2000. Here are some of the new crap on the table. This is all based on being a Florida Democrat in Leon County for years before moving to NC, and talking with my parents about some of the issues, who are also longtime southern democrats (though they voted Reagan in '84 and Bush in '88).

A) drill baby drill - No Florida pol gets elected to statewide office promoting drilling.
B) foreclosure crisis - Florida is harder hit than almost any other state in the union by foreclosures and business failures thanks to the lack of transparency and regulation of the lending industry. The local municipalities and state's finances are a wreck because the state is very vulnerable to shifts in the economy for tax revenue-the state has no state income taxation.
C) For the first time in like forever, there are credible Democratic challengers to the corrupt mafia-bought Cuban Republican congressmen in the Miami-Dade area. They are competing and running hard on a message of change.
D) Cuba has been hammered so far this year by two devastating hurricanes, Obama quietly proposed last week a temporary lifting of parts of the embargo so families could help members in Cuba rebuild and send money/care packages as aid. The administration denied this, of course.
E) Florida continues to grow as a state and directly faces a host of environmental issues squarely in the face. The most obvious is global warming and rising sea levels, but stuff like drinking water availability and quality and wetlands preservation and restoration are now big, across the isle issues.

Now, Palin is going to play well in the Panhandle, no doubt. But there's a certain uphill fight that McCain was going to have to deal with in Florida, and the fate of the state on Nov. 4th is really far from clear at this point. I chalk it up as another state where if Obama can keep close, he can steal through his primary-proven high turnout machine.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
PS2 KID said:
She needs to come out with stronger attacks on Palin besides No McCain - Palin. It's like her heart isn't into it. She needs to be more spirited.

She doesn't want to be viewed as talking down on other woman.


reilo said:
I don't know why Cubans would be against Obama. He's the most likely candidate to lift the sanctions on Cuba.
I'm pretty sure the majority of American-Cubans are hardline anti-Castro who support the sanctions.
Tamanon said:
The RNC machine has actually been stoking Elian sentiment there.

The RNCC has also been really active in the area. There's a huge congressional melee going in Miami-Dade that is going to make a fuck awesome book one day.


Zeliard said:

McCain is now trying to say that he's launching personal attacks at Obama after having promised not to because Obama won't join him in town hall meetings.

"That might have changed the tenor of this campaign somewhat."
That's because McCain doesn't have balls to lie like this to Obama's face.


PS2 KID said:
She needs to come out with stronger attacks on Palin besides No McCain - Palin. It's like her heart isn't into it. She needs to be more spirited.

She has flat out said she will not be used to attack Palin. She is not the Vice President candidate so she has no obligation to say anything at all let alone attack Palin.


PS2 KID said:
She needs to come out with stronger attacks on Palin besides No McCain - Palin. It's like her heart isn't into it. She needs to be more spirited.

It's better that she's constantly thrusting the focus back on McCain. Palin's really not all that important, and McCain wilts in the spotlight.
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