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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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reilo said:
I don't know why Cubans would be against Obama. He's the most likely candidate to lift the sanctions on Cuba.

This is evidence that you don't know OLDDDDDDD Cubans. The one's that consider Reagan their hero. Their wrinkled faces are crusted with the unwashed tears from the Bay of Pigs failure.

Younger Cubans who've come to FL, however, are more in line with what you posted.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
If Hillary wants to avoid Palin from being the first woman in high executive office in the USA, then she should be campaigning for Obama and not campaigning against Palin.

And she is doing just that.

It's not about woman versus woman, it's about the issues and policies that McCain/Palin are advocating that are so opposite to everything Hillary stands for.
McCain's whining about the town halls is such crap. Obama didn't want to do them becuase it would have worn out the electorate on face to face issues before Labor day, turning September-Nov. into a prolonged 'silly season'.

Look at the Democratic primaries. Were all those debates at all necessary? I stopped caring after a while-I only tuned in becuase Hillary Clinton is 100 kinds of awesome.
GhaleonEB said:

Those Obama fans remind me of Ron Paul supporters :lol

PS2 KID said:
She needs to come out with stronger attacks on Palin besides No McCain - Palin. It's like her heart isn't into it. She needs to be more spirited.

The Clintons will not be used on the national scene. They will be used for what they are best at - local campaigning in blue collar areas.

(That's just my conjecture, but that would be the best arrangement for both parties)


Fragamemnon said:
McCain's whining about the town halls is such crap. Obama didn't want to do them becuase it would have worn out the electorate on face to face issues before Labor day, turning September-Nov. into a prolonged 'silly season'.

Look at the Democratic primaries. Were all those debates at all necessary? I stopped caring after a while-I only tuned in becuase Hillary Clinton is 100 kinds of awesome.

Just out of curiosity, was Hillary your #1 choice for VP?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Slurpy said:
I love Campbell brown. Rare mix of beauty and brains. And one of the only CNN anchors I can stand.

If she was on MSNBC, she would have been labeled as a liberal elite that is in the pocket of Obama.
Well . . . McCain's team wanted this election to be about 'personality' and not issues.

It looks like he got his wish . . . . unfortunately, the fake outrage has painted McCain's personality as a whining liar.


Fragamemnon said:
McCain's whining about the town halls is such crap. Obama didn't want to do them becuase it would have worn out the electorate on face to face issues before Labor day, turning September-Nov. into a prolonged 'silly season'.

Look at the Democratic primaries. Were all those debates at all necessary? I stopped caring after a while-I only tuned in becuase Hillary Clinton is 100 kinds of awesome.
And part of Obama's reason, as stated recently, was it would impare his ability to spend more time in swing states that he's trying to put in play. Travel and prep would take 1-2 days of campaigning out of each week.
Zeliard said:
Just out of curiosity, was Hillary your #1 choice for VP?

Yes. It's not like she wouldn't have been without issues and the GOP would have made a huge mountain out of stuff said in the primaries, but I feel that electorally she would have been stronger than any other choice. Her appeal to the very group Obama has trouble with would have shaken things up quite a bit.
Odrion said:
Huh, so according to Olbermann Here Come the Liberal 527s.

The Obama team gave the go-ahead this week for them to start doing their thing after seeing how much McCain prevented GOP 527s from acting (he didn't stop them).

I'm really not a fan of 527s becuase usually their ads blow complete ass. I'm hoping that some veterans groups can really go at McCain in swing states, that's an area where 527s could really shine this cycle (and did well in 2006).

Edit: Also, stem cell research would be a really good thing to 527 McCain on. Can we bring back Michael J. Fox? His ad for McCaskill was one of the best ads in 2006, period.
Fragamemnon said:
The Obama team gave the go-ahead this week for them to start doing their thing after seeing how much McCain prevented GOP 527s from acting (he didn't stop them).

I'm really not a fan of 527s becuase usually their ads blow complete ass. I'm hoping that some veterans groups can really go at McCain in swing states, that's an area where 527s could really shine this cycle (and did well in 2006).

Edit: Also, stem cell research would be a really good thing to 527 McCain on. Can we bring back Michael J. Fox? His ad for McCaskill was one of the best ads in 2006, period.
OK, serious question: What exactly is a 527?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
OK, serious question: What exactly is a 527?
Its a group designed to viciously attack, outside of campaign financing, the opponent of the person for whom it is advocating.

To be honest, it is very very difficult for me to agree with Obama here, if the decision came from him (which it probably did!).

That doesn't mean I won't vote for him, but I can't exactly see the logic.
Tamanon said:
Oh hey, Obama's back on the air in NC it seems.

Doubt he ever left. :) I'd like to point out to people who say NC is a pipe dream based on recent polling. Here's the polling from the primaries versus actual results.

Final Results -- -- 56.2 41.5 Obama +14.7

Insider Advantage 05/05 - 05/05 774 LV 47 43 Obama +4.0
Zogby Tracking 05/04 - 05/05 643 LV 51 37 Obama +14.0
SurveyUSA 05/02 - 05/04 810 LV 50 45 Obama +5.0
PPP (D) 05/03 - 05/04 870 LV 53 43 Obama +10.0
Rasmussen 05/01 - 05/01 831 LV 49 40 Obama +9.0
Research 2000 04/29 - 04/30 500 LV 51 44 Obama +7.0
Mason-Dixon 04/28 - 04/29 400 LV 49 42 Obama +7.0

Polling here failed to accurately determine turnout and % of African American voters. No idea if the polling models have changed, but it's a big reason why people in the state think that if Obama can try to keep it close, NC is winnable. Missouri is a very similar story.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Olbermann just said he'd donate $100 for everytime Palin repeats the "Bridge to Nowhere", "ebay", or "fired Chef" lie.

He'd also donate $300 if Palin proclaims that she sold her chef on eBay. :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
polyh3dron said:
What happened with Drudge?

Democratic primaries are over, he can't hate on the Clintons because they're not running anymore, and now he's back to his right-wing shill self.
reilo said:
Olbermann just said he'd donate $100 for everytime Palin repeats the "Bridge to Nowhere", "ebay", or "fired Chef" lie.

He'd also donate $300 if Palin proclaims that she sold her chef on eBay. :lol
holy shit I can't wait to see this tonight.

Funky Papa

reilo said:
Democratic primaries are over, he can't hate on the Clintons because they're not running anymore, and now he's back to his right-wing shill self.
In all fairness, it is not like the Huff is much better.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Funky Papa said:
In all fairness, it is not like the Huff is much better.

Huffingtonpost? Yeah, they're pretty much the left-wing version of Drudge.
reilo said:
Democratic primaries are over, he can't hate on the Clintons because they're not running anymore, and now he's back to his right-wing shill self.
EDIT: lol I was at the Drudge RETORT. (drudge.com) no wonder. Holy shit.


I'm in NC and I think its gonna be close for sure. There has been lots of growth in the Triangle, mainly of tech and internet based jobs, which means higher educated college boy elitists for Obama. There's tons of college kids here and if they can get off their asses that will make a difference. There's also a sizable black population.
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