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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Miroku said:
I'm in NC and I think its gonna be close for sure. There has been lots of growth in the Triangle, mainly of tech and internet based jobs, which means higher educated college boy elitists for Obama. There's tons of college kids here and if they can get off their asses that will make a difference. There's also a sizable black population.

Plus, Obama is damn good at basketball. That's like +5 polling points in NC.


Anyone else feel like it's Obama versus McCain and Palin? Where the hell is Obama's attack dog everyone (including me) was excited about?



Shouldn't it have (Odrion take notice) been 'mongering' though?


Hey, won them two elections and it fits with their "Take out the President and you get someone equally as bad or worse" strategy.
Odrion said:
Anyone else feel like it's Obama versus McCain and Palin? Where the hell is Obama's attack dog everyone (including me) was excited about?

biden is out there playing the attack dog role everyday. its just that the media's not paying attention.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
biden is out there playing the attack dog role everyday. its just that the media's not paying attention.

Which means he is ineffective and worthless. His appeal to the Catholic voter bloc hasnt surfaced and lately they have said more catholics have swung to the Republican ticket. I can tell you why too.

Cardinals and Archbishops have come out and verbally bitchslapped Biden and Pelosi on the abortion topic. Once they started talking Church teachings it opened up the Pandora's box and the Church could get involved and that sways opinions


Odrion said:
Anyone else feel like it's Obama versus McCain and Palin? Where the hell is Obama's attack dog everyone (including me) was excited about?

Biden's been beating the hell out of McCain on the stump, he's out there doing his thing. It's just not newsworthy it seems.


Tamanon said:
Biden's been beating the hell out of McCain on the stump, he's out there doing his thing. It's just not newsworthy it seems.
Yeah, you're right. Damn shame.

You know who would of snatched the attention of the media?
laserbeam said:
Which means he is ineffective and worthless. His appeal to the Catholic voter bloc hasnt surfaced and lately they have said more catholics have swung to the Republican ticket. I can tell you why too.

Cardinals and Archbishops have come out and verbally bitchslapped Biden and Pelosi on the abortion topic.

biden wasn't put on the ticket to bring in votes. he was put on there because obama believes he'll be one of the best VPs in history
Guess who got a call to meet up and do some walking around the olde neighborhood for Obama in the Miami area on Saturday? *finally takes a breath*

This guy. Although I have to admit: I chuckled at the idea of meeting up at Starbucks :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Olbermann: "Terrorist are not what you John McCain fight. Terrorist are what you John McCain, use."

EDIT: Holy shit, McCain has been on Follieri's boat. Wow.
so I just randomly flipped past Larry King and heard Ari Fleischer essentially saying "Obama wasn't targeting Sarah Palin with that comment...but the audience certainly took it that way. Obama should've immediately chastised the audience and told them this isn't the right kind of politics"

wtf? :lol


I just got back from volunteering for the Obama campaign today in CO. Last weekend they registered 5500 people over 4 days. They were shooting for 4000. I asked the people working on entering a few hundred of the voter registrations and they said about 50% were democrats, around 50% were independents, and only a few were registering as republicans. Everyone there seems to think that the race is extremely tight in CO.

As a side note, I overheard someone on the phone say that the reason they weren't planning on voting for Obama is because he is a "Celebrity." I guess those ads really do work with some people.


soul creator said:
so I just randomly flipped past Larry King and heard Ari Fleischer essentially saying "Obama wasn't targeting Sarah Palin with that comment...but the audience certainly took it that way. Obama should've immediately chastised the audience and told them this isn't the right kind of politics"

wtf? :lol

Chuck Norris just broke a massive story, Obama has no part in writing his speeches folks. This is HUGE.
soul creator said:
so I just randomly flipped past Larry King and heard Ari Fleischer essentially saying "Obama wasn't targeting Sarah Palin with that comment...but the audience certainly took it that way. Obama should've immediately chastised the audience and told them this isn't the right kind of politics"

wtf? :lol

FUCK ME with the Large Hadron Collider

I assume this has been posted here and brought up on TV more than the 1 time I saw.

"How Do We Beat the Bitch" followed by a yuckfest


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
reilo said:
They could have told it the way it was without editorializing the article... Ugh, for shame AP.

You're surprised? :lol
Palin administration released 1100 emails, but withheld 40 citing executive privilege.

A lot of the 40 were forwarded to husband Todd, a private citizen not in the government...thus making her claim of executive privilege highly suspect, and probably not good enough to hold up in court.

(Found this all out on Maddow)

Maybe a nice October surprise coming for Palin?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Smiles and Cries said:
is there another website like this with less GOP crap?

HuffingtonPost... but like I said earlier, it's Drudgereport for liberals.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Obama campaign's 'Alaska mythbusters' lay bare Palin facts
4 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Officials from Alaska teamed up Wednesday with the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama to launch a group aimed at exposing the truth and debunking myths about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Palin's surprise nomination as John McCain's running mate has boosted the Republican ticket in opinion polls and, some observers say, put the Democrats on the defensive.

On Wednesday, former Alaska governor Tony Knowles and Bob Weinstein, mayor of Ketchikan, the town at the heart of the controversial "bridge to nowhere" project, teamed up in the latest salvo fired by the Democrats at the Palin nomination: the "Alaska Mythbusters."

The two officials questioned Palin's ethics and the judgment of McCain in choosing her to run alongside him in the race for the White House.

Odrion said:
Anyone else feel like it's Obama versus McCain and Palin? Where the hell is Obama's attack dog everyone (including me) was excited about?

yeah i haven't heard shit about Biden since his vp announcement speech (except saying Clinton would have been a better candidate lol). they need to try to get some publicity on him to remind people that Obama has a VP also


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Odrion said:
Anyone else feel like it's Obama versus McCain and Palin? Where the hell is Obama's attack dog everyone (including me) was excited about?
AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah i haven't heard shit about Biden since his vp announcement speech (except saying Clinton would have been a better candidate lol). they need to try to get some publicity on him to remind people that Obama has a VP also
You two are made for each other. :lol
Frank the Great said:
Palin administration released 1100 emails, but withheld 40 citing executive privilege.

A lot of the 40 were forwarded to husband Todd, a private citizen not in the government...thus making her claim of executive privilege highly suspect, and probably not good enough to hold up in court.

(Found this all out on Maddow)

Maybe a nice October surprise coming for Palin?

Posted this a while back but it bears repeating:
Dozens of e-mails exchanged among several government employees and Todd Palin, the husband of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin who has no formal role in her administration, are not being turned over in response to an open records request in the state.

The e-mails are being kept secret ostensibly because they deal with policy deliberations between the governor and her staff, the contents of which do not have to be disclosed to the public. However, Todd Palin's presence in the e-mail chains seems to belie concerns that their contents need to remain strictly in the domain of the state government.

Another possible reason for the withholding is the political damage that could accompany disclosure of the e-mails. According to subject lines of the e-mails, they seem to deal with a public sector union representing Alaska state troopers that the Palins have been feuding with for years as well as one of the governor's main political opponents.

Mother Jones' David Corn outlined the backstory behind the missing e-mails Monday.

In June, Andrée McLeod, a self-described independent government watchdog in Alaska, sent an opens record act request to the office of Governor Sarah Palin. She requested copies of all the emails that had been sent and received by Ivy Frye and Frank Bailey, two top aides to Palin, from February through April of this year. McLeod, a 53-year-old registered Republican who has held various jobs in state government, suspected that Frye and Bailey had engaged in political activity during official business hours in that period by participating in a Palin-backed effort to oust the state chairman of the Alaska Republican party, Randy Ruedrich. (Bailey has been in the national news of late for refusing to cooperate with investigators probing whether Palin fired Alaska's public safety commission because he did not dismiss a state trooper who had gone through an ugly divorce with Palin's sister.)

In response to her request, McLeod received four large boxes of emails. This batch of documents did not contain any proof that Frye and Bailey had worked on government time to boot out Ruedrich. But there was other information she found troubling. Several of the emails suggested to her that Palin's office had used its influence to reward a Fairbanks surveyor who was a Palin fundraiser with a state job. In early August, McLeod filed a complaint with the state attorney general against Palin, Bailey, and other Palin aides, claiming they had violated ethics and hiring laws. Palin, now the Republican vice-presidential candidate, told the Alaska Daily News that "there were no favors done for anybody."

But more intriguing than any email correspondence contained in the four boxes was what was not released: about 1100 emails. Palin's office provided McLeod with a 78-page list (PDF) cataloging the emails it was withholding. Many of them had been written by Palin or sent to her.

Of the withheld e-mails, at least four dozen include Todd Palin, and many of those refer either to the Public Service Employees Association, a union representing law enforcement officers in Alaska. Others including Todd Palin reference Andrew Halco, a former state lawmaker who ran as an independent against Sarah Palin in 2006. Since losing that race, he's become a blogger who frequently criticizes Palin's administration.

A string of e-mails sent over several days in late March and early April refer to "PSEA Ads" and a "PR Campaign," although nothing but the subject line in the e-mails has been released on the grounds that they deal with "deliberative process" and executive privilege.

It's unclear precisely what the ads or PR campaigns were, but municipal elections were held in Anchorage on April 1, during the timeframe the e-mails were being exchanged. RAW STORY has left a message with the PSEA's executive director seeking more information.

PSEA represents Alaska State Troopers, and Gov. Palin is alleged to have fired the state's Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan after he refused to have her former brother-in-law fired from the state police force.

Monegan showed the Washington Post separate e-mails from Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo! e-mail account in which she showed intense interest in the investigation of trooper Mike Wooten, who allegedly threatened Pallin's family while divorcing her sister.

In one e-mail from July of 2007, Palin criticized the fact that Wooten was "not even reprimanded by his bosses" after allegedly threatening to kill her father, and she implied that the union was protecting him.

"Remember when the death threat was reported, and follow-on threats from Mike that he was going to 'bring Sarah and her family down' -- instead of any reprimand WE were told by trooper union personnel that we'd be sued if we talked about those threats," she wrote to Monegan.

Whether the e-mails circulated between Palin's husband and the governor's staffers were similarly critical of the union is not known, but activists hope such information may come to light before the election.

McLeod, who filed the initial public records request, said she will appeal the decision to keep the 1,100 e-mails private.


Why in the hell do they have Chuck Norris as a political analyst? He's completely clueless, he only seems able to put fourth the most basic of Republican talking points.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
harSon said:
Why in the hell do they have Chuck Norris as a political analyst? He's completely clueless, he only seems able to put fourth the most basic of Republican talking points.

So, he's the male Nancy Pfotenhauer?


RubxQub said:
You two are made for each other. :lol
Aw shit. :(

It's really pathetic that even though we all KNEW the post-convention bump was coming, we're (well I) are acting pathetic when we look at the polls. I just really want Obama to be elected, I can't even comprehend what a McCain administration would do.


I can't tell if Biden's endorsement of Hillary for his and Obama's jobs is weird pandering or weird honesty. But I do know that this is the strangest election ever.
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