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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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OuterWorldVoice said:
Senator Obama has never taken on his party! I have!

He is looking for props because his party is an incompetent trainwreck...that you should vote for.
It is also their big selling point (supposedly) for Palin . . . she's a "reformer". Basically, the bar is sooooo low for the GOP these days that their selling point is "Vote for me, I'm not corrupt." YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE CORRUPT! YOU DON'T GET BROWNIE POINTS FOR THAT!

I guess it is actually "I'm not corrupt and I'm anti-abortion" . . . that's all you need to get elected in red-state land if you can win your primary. Of course, the best part is that you don't actually have to not be corrupt or be anti-abortion . . . you just need to convince the voters your are.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Palin Uses Yahoo email Account to Avoid Scrutiny, Email Hawt pix


Short version - she uses a Yahoo account - bringing up questions about legal records and more. Her staff claims it's legal and above board. Frankly, even if it didn't reek to high heaven, a Yahoo account is about the most insecure thing I can even imagine - and this is the Governor of a state directly tied to our energy policy.

WTF. Yahoo? I bet we can guess her password using the Name Generator.


Pakkidis said:
Am I the only one who thinks Biden can make the biggest impact for Obama when debate time comes.

Hiding Palin from media could have serious disastrous results come debate time, plus she has said nothing new in her stump speeches her interview with 'Charlie' didn't seem to pan out as well as everybody had hoped.

Biden is best when you let him loose, shake the box up open the cage and watch him tear it up. The debates could be a little problematic for him because he has to be very careful in what he says because you can be damn well sure the McSleezy caimpaign are going to through the 'sexism card' every single chance they get.

Biden needs to thoroughly destroy her at the debates so that their can be no question of her lack of knowledge on all the issues. He needs to be the champion. If the McCain camp is smart and they proven not to be they will try to shift as much attention AWAY from Palin before the debates and then hype her up after. The more they bring her up, the more they hype her up, the more they hide her from the media, the greater the fall will be.

The only real issue with Biden (other than the verbal gaffes, most of which are quickly forgotten/forgiven) is the media's unfortunate tendency to ignore him. Biden has been doing everything he needs to be doing and has been attacking McCain/Palin in a very effective manner, moreso than probably anyone else in the Obama campaign. The problem is that these speeches and soundbites going mostly unreported in the mainstream press, and if people aren't made aware of Biden's speeches and their content, then they're automatically and shamefully trivialized.

I really don't understand the MSM's insistance on ignoring Biden and everything he says, though. It'd be one thing if the guy was boring or had nothing to say, but it's clearly not an issue of charisma or content, so what's the problem? He's a much better speaker than anyone else involved in the campaign not named Obama, yet the media treats him like a non-entity.

This is what gives me little hope than even when/if Biden completely destroys Palin in the debate from a policy standpoint, the media will either trivialize that or put most of the emphasis on Palin having done "better than expected", or some such nonsense.


Fatalah said:
Can someone find me the complete finalized Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate schedule?

* September 26: First CPD Presidential Debate in Oxford, Mississippi at the University of Mississippi on Foreign Policy & National Security. The debate will be formatted into nine nine-minute segments, with the moderator introducing the topics.
* October 2: Vice Presidential Debate in St. Louis, Missouri at Washington University in St. Louis. The format and issues have not been decided.
* October 7: Second CPD Presidential Debate in Nashville, Tennessee at Belmont University. It will have a town meeting format and will include any issues raised by members of the audience.
* October 15: Third CPD Presidential Debate in Hempstead, New York at Hofstra University on Domestic and Economic Policy. Like the first CPD debate, this debate will be formatted into nine nine-minute segments, with the moderator introducing the topics.


Fatalah said:
Can someone find me the complete finalized Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate schedule?

- September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
- October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
- October 15, 2008:presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

edit: beatdown
OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Uses Yahoo email Account to Avoid Scrutiny, Email Hawt pix


Short version - she uses a Yahoo account - bringing up questions about legal records and more. Her staff claims it's legal and above board. Frankly, even if it didn't reek to high heaven, a Yahoo account is about the most insecure thing I can even imagine - and this is the Governor of a state directly tied to our energy policy.

WTF. Yahoo? I bet we can guess her password using the Name Generator.
Uh oh, Detective GAF is on the case.

Palin's email will be public in 5..4..3..2..


OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Uses Yahoo email Account to Avoid Scrutiny, Email Hawt pix


Short version - she uses a Yahoo account - bringing up questions about legal records and more. Her staff claims it's legal and above board. Frankly, even if it didn't reek to high heaven, a Yahoo account is about the most insecure thing I can even imagine - and this is the Governor of a state directly tied to our energy policy.

WTF. Yahoo? I bet we can guess her password using the Name Generator.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if some oppo guy had already broken into it.:lol


PhatSaqs said:

- September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
- October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
- October 15, 2008:presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

edit: beatdown
Funny thing is, that's the same link I got as well. I think we used the same google search terms. :lol
You can cut the irony of this speech with a knife. McCain talking about how we're not the type of country to amass a shitload of debt that future generations have to pay off.




over the weekend I went over to my uncle's house and his son(college-age, the 'brains' of the house) told me how impressed he was with how Palin handled that ABC interview(which he only watched 10 mins of).

He didn't know anything about Palin, and curiously enough, this was the same guy saying that if Hilary won the presidency, he would move to Canada.

I told him some of Palin's history and he was unfazed, " but she's such a great speaker!"

Sometimes you just want to punch your relatives so bad..


Fragamemnon said:
Does anyone have the exact email address? I wonder if she's ever used it to post anything on message boards.

WaPo actually printed it in one of their op-eds by her before the Veep announcement, I'm trying to track it down now. I'm sure it was Governor_Sarah or something like that.

Got it!



PhatSaqs said:

- September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
- October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
- October 15, 2008:presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

edit: beatdown

Why do most of these take place in the South?
OuterWorldVoice said:
I wonder if Cuban Americans will ever accept that they're not getting that property back. And I wonder when US politicians will stop pandering to that idea.

When it stops sounding so good to the bitter old Cubans. They fall for it all the time.


polyh3dron said:
You can cut the irony of this speech with a knife. McCain talking about how we're not the type of country to amass a shitload of debt that future generations have to pay off.

It amazes me the Republicans went to such great lengths to portray Obama as the 'fluff' candidate of all style, no substance; only to then trot out the most substance-free politician in modern American politics. McCain is like a low-brow motivational speaker. Any conservative with even a modicum of dignity should be ashamed that THIS is the Republican ticket.

For Christ's sake, he actually uses phrases like: "we're gonna take those fat cats in Washington down a notch!" I haven't heard language this shallow / corny since Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!


Zeliard said:
The only real issue with Biden (other than the verbal gaffes, most of which are quickly forgotten/forgiven) is the media's unfortunate tendency to ignore him. Biden has been doing everything he needs to be doing and has been attacking McCain/Palin in a very effective manner, moreso than probably anyone else in the Obama campaign. The problem is that these speeches and soundbites going mostly unreported in the mainstream press, and if people aren't made aware of Biden's speeches and their content, then they're automatically and shamefully trivialized.

I really don't understand the MSM's insistance on ignoring Biden and everything he says, though. It'd be one thing if the guy was boring or had nothing to say, but it's clearly not an issue of charisma or content, so what's the problem? He's a much better speaker than anyone else involved in the campaign not named Obama, yet the media treats him like a non-entity.

This is what gives me little hope than even when/if Biden completely destroys Palin in the debate from a policy standpoint, the media will either trivialize that or put most of the emphasis on Palin having done "better than expected", or some such nonsense.

Tell me about it. I supported him in the primaries and the situation was the same.


PhatSaqs said:

- September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
- October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
- October 15, 2008:presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

edit: beatdown

Aren't these wrong? Did they move around the topics? Hofstra was supposed to have issues of domestic policy...

Boston Globe:


Did john McCain just criticize people who bought 2nd and 3rd houses for investment purposes.... erm didn’t he say some of his 7 houses were investment properties?
McCain was unaware of kids having to pay $40 to participate in Florida school sports.

He then goes on to say how great No Child Left Behind has been in improving education.
Oh, I've seen the gov.sarah@yahoo.com one. I was hoping that someone found a more personal, longer-running email address where she had been doing official business from, to see if she hadn't registered and posted somewhere something that could be dug up. People tend to say the nuttiest things on the internet.


qwertybob said:
Did john McCain just criticize people who bought 2nd and 3rd houses for investment purposes.... erm didn’t he say some of his 7 houses were investment properties?
Clearly he meant that you need to buy more for investment purposes.
qwertybob said:
Did john McCain just criticize people who bought 2nd and 3rd houses for investment purposes.... erm didn’t he say some of his 7 houses were investment properties?
He was just saying that the government shouldn't have a responsibility for them because they speculated and failed. He never said the government should be responsible for single home owners however, so there was no point in making a comparison in regards to his policies.
Steve Youngblood said:
I'd like to have some faith in the Show Me State, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. If you don't deliver, though, it just fuels my regard of the state with disdain as I cross the river everyday going back home from work and return to lovely Blue State Illinois.

You should register to vote in MO instead of IL if possible.
Obama's been wedging the Cuban issue well this year-using the Bush and McCain positions on 'no aid, even though the country has been wrecked by two huge hurricanes' and making them seem cold and detached since relatives can't send extra money, care packages, or take a quick trip to go and help their extended families.

McCain got owned with it on Univision during an interview at the RNC. Then again, McCain got totally owned period throughout that interview, because he can't win without the immigrant haters and xenophobes.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
ronito said:
anonymous, don't let me down now. the lulz could be epic.

I hope they leave it alone. Wouldn't it be harder for any incriminating Troopergate emails from that account to hold up in court if the internetz hack her account?
OuterWorldVoice said:
WTF. Yahoo? I bet we can guess her password using the Name Generator.

I think you'd need a dictionary approach . . . Track was named because it was track & field season. Piper was named after a snowmobile. :lol


Captain Pants said:
I hope they leave it alone. Wouldn't it be harder for any incriminating emails from that account to hold up in court if the internetz hack her account?
You're so cute when you think laws apply to politicians/rich.
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