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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Incognito said:
Great news. On election day, if by 730pm cst Virginia is called for Obama you can be sure I'll be doing backflips at the polls in Denver. :lol
By the nature of Virgina being so red in the past I expect most of the media to restrain on calling it till counting is nearly complete as possible even if Obama has a decent lead.


reilo said:
It's a new poll that literally started days ago. We don't know how good it is, yet, but I think they enlisted Research 2000, which is a well respected firm.
As Kos said when he kicked off the poll, he commissioned the poll but does not run it. Research 2000 does. And to his credit, the full cross tabs are disclosed, so if people want to dismiss it they can do so while being informed about it. Over-sampling women, or Democrats? Under-sampling Republicans? Sample size? It's all there.

It's worth noting that Research 2000 is a decent polling company, though, and the state and senate polls they do for Kos are right in line with the others (some, like North Carolina, are even worse for Obama than most).
The Lamonster said:
Do you have a link for that?

Missouri - SUSA on the week of Super Tuesday had Clinton up 11%, Obama won by 1.3%
Virginia - SUSA on the week of the Potomac Primaries had Obama up 22%, Obama won by 28%
North Carolina - SUSA had Obama up 5%, Obama won by 15%.

Pretty much anywhere they polled with a large Afriacan-American population, their likely voter screen failed almost completely.
Fragamemnon said:
Missouri - SUSA on the week of Super Tuesday had Clinton up 11%, Obama won by 1.3%
Virginia - SUSA on the week of the Potomac Primaries had Obama up 22%, Obama won by 28%
North Carolina - SUSA had Obama up 5%, Obama won by 15%.

Pretty much anywhere they polled with a large Afriacan-American population, their likely voter screen failed almost completely.
Thank you. This gives me hope for Obama's chances in the GE here.
AniHawk said:
Is WaMu next?

They've always been fucked by the mortgage securities collapse, to be honest. They were always one of the first names mentioned by everyone when talk about bad mortgage debt load was mentioned-they have a ton of it, and a lot of it is really bad.


Holy shit. The last SUSA poll was only 9 days ago? So in 8 days, Obama jumped up 6 points in Virginia. It's the first lead SUSA's pegged Obama at there since June (which was +2).

Eric P

McCain's Responses to Science Debate 2008


In November, 2007, a small group of six citizens - two screenwriters, a physicist, a marine biologist, a philosopher and a science journalist - began working to restore science and innovation to America’s political dialogue. They called themselves Science Debate 2008, and they called for a presidential debate on science. The call tapped a wellspring of concern over the state of American science.

first of many questions with answer posted.
1. Innovation. Science and technology have been responsible for half of the growth of the American economy since WWII. But several recent reports question America’s continued leadership in these vital areas. What policies will you support to ensure that America remains the world leader in innovation?

I have a broad and cohesive vision for the future of American innovation. My policies will provide broad pools of capital, low taxes and incentives for research in America, a commitment to a skilled and educated workforce, and a dedication to opening markets around the globe. I am committed to streamlining burdensome regulations and effectively protecting American intellectual property in the United States and around the globe.

Transformative information and communications technologies permeate every aspect of our daily lives. In the last decade, there has been an explosion in the ways Americans communicate with family, friends, and business partners; shop and connect with global markets; educate themselves; become more engaged politically; and consume and even create entertainment. America has led the world into this technology revolution because we have enabled innovation to take root, grow, and prosper. Nurturing technology and innovation is essential for solving the critical problems facing our country: developing alternative fuels, addressing climate change, encouraging commercialization of new technologies, deploying technology to manage cost and enable new jobs, stopping the spiraling expense of health care, and better educating our children and our workforce.

I am uniquely qualified to lead our nation during this technological revolution. While in the Navy, I depended upon the technologies and information provided by our nation’s scientists and engineers with during each mission. I am the former chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. The Committee plays a major role in the development of technology policy, specifically any legislation affecting communications services, the Internet, cable television and other technologies. Under my guiding hand, Congress developed a wireless spectrum policy that spurred the rapid rise of mobile phones and Wi-Fi technology that enables Americans to surf the web while sitting at a coffee shop, airport lounge, or public park.

Above all, my commitment to innovation is a commitment to the well-established entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of America’s thinkers and tinkerers whose inventions have improved our lives and promoted prosperity. To maintain American leadership, I believe we must nurture the conditions under which entrepreneurs can continue to prosper by bringing new innovators to market and the American people can reap the rewards.

As President, I will ---

• Focus on addressing national needs to make the United States a leader in developing, deploying, and exporting new technologies;

• Utilize the nation’s science and technology infrastructure to develop a framework for economic growth both domestically and globally;

• Appoint a Science and Technology Advisor within the White House to ensure that the role of science and technology in policies is fully recognized and leveraged, that policies will be based upon sound science, and that the scientific integrity of federal research is restored;

• Eliminate wasteful earmarks in order to allocate funds for science and technology investments;

• Fund basic and applied research in new and emerging fields such as nanotechnology and biotechnology, and in greater breakthroughs in information technology;

• Promote greater fiscal responsibility by improving the scientific and engineering management within the federal government;

• Encourage and facilitate commercialization of new innovations, especially those created from federally funded research;

• Ensure U.S. leadership in space by promoting an exploration agenda that will combine the discoveries of our unmanned probes with new technologies to take Americans to the Moon, Mars, and beyond;

• Grow public understanding and popularity of mathematics and science by reforming mathematics and science education in schools;

• Leverage technologies to create employment in rural areas and deploy the displaced workforce;

• Create greater transparency in government and encourage more citizens-government dialogs using current technology; and

• Develop and implement a global competitive agenda through a series of business roundtables with industry and academia leaders.
The Lamonster said:
Thank you. This give me hope for Obama's chances in the GE here.
I'd like to have some faith in the Show Me State, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. If you don't deliver, though, it just fuels my regard of the state with disdain as I cross the river everyday going back home from work and return to lovely Blue State Illinois.


Am I the only one who thinks Biden can make the biggest impact for Obama when debate time comes.

Hiding Palin from media could have serious disastrous results come debate time, plus she has said nothing new in her stump speeches her interview with 'Charlie' didn't seem to pan out as well as everybody had hoped.

Biden is best when you let him loose, shake the box up open the cage and watch him tear it up. The debates could be a little problematic for him because he has to be very careful in what he says because you can be damn well sure the McSleezy caimpaign are going to through the 'sexism card' every single chance they get.

Biden needs to thoroughly destroy her at the debates so that their can be no question of her lack of knowledge on all the issues. He needs to be the champion. If the McCain camp is smart and they proven not to be they will try to shift as much attention AWAY from Palin before the debates and then hype her up after. The more they bring her up, the more they hype her up, the more they hide her from the media, the greater the fall will be.
Survey USA:

Does McCain's choice of Palin make you more likely or less likely to vote for him


Does Obama's choice of Biden make you more likely or less likely to vote for him


Did the RNC make you more or less likely to support John McCain


How long should US troops stay in Iraq


Was it worth going to war in Iraq


Regardless of what you think of Bush, Do you approve or dissapprove of Bush handling of Iraq


Do you think the United States can Win or NOT win the war in Iraq


Who is better suited to handle Iraq, McCain or Obama


if you were to vote today, who will win the minnesotta election, Coleman or Franken


If you were to vote today (minnesotta), Who would you vote for



So my in-laws came to visit last night (Utahans, ergo republicans)

And asked who we were supporting. My wife said it was no contest, Obama.

My Mom in law then said, "But Obama has nothing to run on. He hasn't written one law, but he's written two memoirs."

I told her that was a flat out lie that the republicans have been selling, it's verifiably false just like that whole Bridge to Nowhere lie. I came out with facts listing several legislations that Obama had written and commented about Mccain voting against his own immigration bill. Followed up with how silly it is to expect change from the party that had sole power for 6 years and ran it all into the ground. To which I got the reply,

"Well I don't have time for all that stuff."

sigh...I told her I bothered to get the facts but accepted that most people will accept what they're told without bothering to verify it's true, ergo I wholly expect Mccain to win. She agreed.


Though they did have to admit Palin's a joke and believe me when my "republicans can do no wrong" in laws think that Palin's a joke, you know it's starting to get bad.
If John McCain were Al Gore...

Under my guiding hand, Congress developed a wireless spectrum policy that spurred the rapid rise of mobile phones and Wi-Fi technology that enables Americans to surf the web while sitting at a coffee shop, airport lounge, or public park.

This guy thinks he invented mobile phones and Wi-Fi technology! Who does he think he is??!!?! /media


ronito said:
So my in-laws came to visit last night (Utahans, ergo republicans)

And asked who we were supporting. My wife said it was no contest, Obama.

My Mom in law then said, "But Obama has nothing to run on. He hasn't written one law, but he's written two memoirs."

I told her that was a flat out lie that the republicans have been selling, it's verifiably false just like that whole Bridge to Nowhere lie. I came out with facts listing several legislations that Obama had written and commented about Mccain voting against his own immigration bill. Followed up with how silly it is to expect change from the party that had sole power for 6 years and ran it all into the ground. To which I got the reply,

"Well I don't have time for all that stuff."

sigh...I told her I bothered to get the facts but accepted that most people will accept what they're told without bothering to verify it's true, ergo I wholly expect Mccain to win. She agreed.


Though they did have to admit Palin's a joke and believe me when my "republicans can do no wrong" in laws think that Palin's a joke, you know it's starting to get bad.

On the plus side... it's just Utah.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I wonder if Cuban Americans will ever accept that they're not getting that property back. And I wonder when US politicians will stop pandering to that idea.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fragamemnon said:
Furthermore, SUSA undersold Obama in virtually every state with a major African-American population in the primaries. NC and Missouri especially were total lollerskate performances.

This poll is terrific news.
See, that's what is throwing me off. SUSA has consistently underestimated Obama...I thought they were almost biased against him. If they're a good polling house, then good.




there he goes with that town hall meeting stuff again, and it being the reason for the tone for his campaign.

"come on Senator Obama, why don't you come stand on these stages with me? I'll even pay for the plane, I promise not to fly it!"



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Holy shit he looks old and frail.

"Next time you talk to your Democrat friends EEEUEUUUUGH!

Oh, NOW the economy is in a crisis. YOU FUCKING OLD PIECE OF ShIT HYPOCRITE.



DNC launches "Count the Lies" page.


Between the new ad, Biden's speech and surrogates like McCaskil fanning out and being so effective, I think Obama is starting to take the upper hand again. And the media calling McCain out just seals the deal. Obama has found his counter-attack theme.

And oh boy at the Virginia poll.

*takes giant drag on the hopium pipe*

Edit: Palin STILL LYING about the bridge to nowhere. And sounding defensive about it, too.



McCain is arguing with McCain of this morning. This morning it was "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" and now it is "this is a crisis!"


GhaleonEB said:

DNC launches "Count the Lies" page.


Between the new ad, Biden's speech and surrogates like McCaskil fanning out and being so effective, I think Obama is starting to take the upper hand again. And the media calling McCain out just seals the deal. Obama has found his counter-attack theme.

And oh boy at the Virginia poll.

*takes giant drag on the hopium pipe*

Edit: Palin STILL LYING about the bridge to nowhere. And sounding defensive about it, too.




Clothed, sober, cooperative
regulations that were designed in the 30s!

(And then eviscerated by every Republican congress since)

Senator Obama has never taken on his party! I have!

He is looking for props because his party is an incompetent trainwreck...that you should vote for.
Y2Kev said:
See, that's what is throwing me off. SUSA has consistently underestimated Obama...I thought they were almost biased against him. If they're a good polling house, then good.

They are, in general, really good. However, what kind of wacko voter screen gets a poll that puts NC +20 McCain one week, and Obama +4 in Virginia the next. Makes zero sense.
My head is gonna fucking explode.

Candidates split on strength of economy
Mike Allen 2 hours, 46 minutes ago

The candidates split Monday on the strength of the U.S. financial system, with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) declaring in Florida that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" and the Obama campaign mocking the remark as out of touch with reality.

Sen Joseph Biden (D-Del.), the Demcorats' vice-presidentiall nominee, said in St. Clair Shore, Mich: "I could walk from here to Lansing, and I wouldn’t run into a single person who thought our economy was doing well, unless I ran into John McCain."

The 'fundamentals are strong'? You say that when we just effectively nationalized both mortgage giants that back most American mortgages? The day when a 158 year old investment bank filed for bankruptcy and another was swallowed under duress.

Oh . . . did I mention that this guy is in the lead to become president?

"Demcorats"? This is two-thousand-fucking-eight. Spell-checker-mother-fucker-spell-check!

I'm really understanding that the USA is deserving of its current woes . . . it is being run by idiots.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sarah's beehive height corresponds directly to her lying. It's her pinocchio nose.

Fragamemnon said:
They are, in general, really good. However, what kind of wacko voter screen gets a poll that puts NC +20 McCain one week, and Obama +4 in Virginia the next. Makes zero sense.

Was that them?


OuterWorldVoice said:
regulations that were designed in the 30s!

(And then eviscerated by every Republican congress since)

Senator Obama has never taken on his party! I have!

He is looking for props because his party is an incompetent trainwreck...that you should vote for.

Martin: In a sample taken in this very classroom, a state inspector found 1.74 parts per million of asbestos!
Bart: That's not enough! We demand MORE asbestos!
Class: More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Full Recovery said:
quick help, just bought my first macbook 2 days ago, downloaded flip4mac and I still can't stream CNN. 'pluggin error' What do I do gaf!

firefox is having issues with the new flip4mac.. either install an older version, or use safari to watch the stream.
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