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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Guts Of Thor said:

This is the 2nd time someone mentioned this and I'm still waiting on a much better source other than Mark Levin. This is exactly the sort of thing people on the right will cling to as proof total of the media's agenda against Palin and by extension, all Republicans, and it just serves to feed their already sizable persecution complex so it would be nice to know this isn't just meaty bullshit to chew on for those with the appetite for such things.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
bob_arctor said:
This is the 2nd time someone mentioned this and I'm still waiting on a much better source other than Mark Levin. This is exactly the sort of thing people on the right will cling to as proof total of the media's agenda against Palin and by extension, all Republicans and it just feeds their already sizable persecution complex so it would be nice to know this actually isn't just meaty bullshit to chew on.

If we could get an unedited unvetted interview, the republicans would be crying foul about that too.

Meanwhile, democrats can have entire elections stolen from under their nose, and they kow-tow so as to not raise the ire of angry hypocritical republicans.

If that shit happens again... people better be making a huge fucking noise. 1 in 500,000 doesn't just 'happen'. Especially when you weigh it up against the possibility of a rigged election (slight to be sure, but higher than 1 in 500,000)...

if it happens again... its 1 in 500k squared. If it's not a point brought up close to election day, or during, then its safe to say that Americans only care to pay lip service to democracy... it's like that Sideshow Bob bit... Your concsience may cause you to vote democrat, but you secretly long to be ruled like peons under an iron fist. (something like that).


artredis1980 said:
you guys seen RIM (creator of BlackBerry) Wikipedia page yet?



From the RIM WikiPage:

John McCain v RIM
On September 16th, 2008, according to John McCain's (The 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate) top economical adviser, it was John McCain who created the BlackBerry device. "He did This" said Douglas Holtz-Eakin while holding up his BlackBerry when asked what John McCain did while serving as the Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee. He further said "you're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that's what he did."[13]. RIM was not available to comment immediately on the development but it was a fascinating accomplishment for a man who cannot type because his fingers hurt and Ofcourse that is because he was a POW (Prisoner of War).

:lol :lol
artredis1980 said:
you guys seen RIM (creator of BlackBerry) Wikipedia page yet?


lolololol but look at it NOW
John McCain v RIM
On September 16th, 2008, according to John McCain's (The 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate) top economical adviser, it was John McCain who created the BlackBerry device. "He's the best mayne, he did it" said Douglas Holtz-Eakin while holding up his BlackBerry when asked what John McCain did while serving as the Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee. He further said "you're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that's what he did."[13]. RIM was not available to comment immediately on the development but it was a fascinating accomplishment for a man who cannot type because his fingers hurt and Ofcourse that is because he was a POW (Prisoner of War).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Just watching McCain's performance on Morning Joe...All the blinking must be his subconscious self trying to send us a coded message about the lies his mouth is spewing.

His BS rhetoric about how the tenor of the campaign would change if Obama would just agree to townhall meets with him sounds a lot like his declaration that he knows how to catch Bin Laden, but won't do so unless he's elected president.


testicles on a cold fall morning
kaching said:
His BS rhetoric about how the tenor of the campaign would change if Obama would just agree to townhall meets with him sounds a lot like his declaration that he knows how to catch Bin Laden, but won't do so unless he's elected president.
honestly, i didn't mean to abuse my wife, but she just won't listen to me! it's her own fault - really!


That one little McCain surrogate asswipe who keeps getting smacked down by various anchors is on MSNBC babbling about something, looking pre-pubescent as usual.

EDIT: The anchor let him escape without an ass-beating this time.


Sucks at poetry
Can somebody post that image that shows the breakdown of bills supported (and help passed) by Obama. I'm trying to convert a would be McCain voter. Any other links or helpful info would be nice, as the guy's political beliefs are pretty sheltered (but shakey). I'm not sure what else to send besides Obama's website and wiki entries.


Setec Astronomer
kaching said:
His BS rhetoric about how the tenor of the campaign would change if Obama would just agree to townhall meets with him sounds a lot like his declaration that he knows how to catch Bin Laden, but won't do so unless he's elected president.
To me it's extraordinarily childish. "WELL YOU DIDN'T LET ME HAVE MY WAY NYAH NYAH."
Extollere said:
Can somebody post that image that shows the breakdown of bills supported (and help passed) by Obama. I'm trying to convert a would be McCain voter. Any other links or helpful info would be nice, as the guy's political beliefs are pretty sheltered (but shakey). I'm not sure what else to send besides Obama's website and wiki entries.

just show him the bills McCain did from 1990 to 2000 and then the ones from 2001 to 2007 and say, would you vote for a man who flipped a complete 180 to get elected that he will not even carry his own state (then show arizona polls)


seriously guys, what are the chances that america won't collapse in on itself this or next year?

what are obama's chances at reviving it?


Jak140 said:
Yes, abortion is "rewarding" the parents. I can't imagine how pro-lifers, who spend so much time painting abortion in the worst light possible are able to think of it as some kind of joy to the parents. I'd say that you are the one holding "children responsible for their parent's sins" because you are the one who would force them into a world where they are unwanted or born into squalor, while ignoring the fact tht we have the highest infant mortality in the industrialized world. Why not care for the babies who are born wanted by helping government improve child health care instead of worrying about potential babies (note again that I am talking about pre-viability abortion, which are the vast majority of all abortions)? What is insane to me is that so many conservatives seem to care about abortions, but don't seem to give a damn once the baby is born.
The "tough emotional choice" is largely bullshit.

In many countries, like Sweden for examples women have abortions becuase they don't want kids. There is no crying, no second guessing, no nothing. Many abortions are decisions focused on the life of the mother, not worried about the welfare of the child. Only in a America do i see this idea that all abortions are this "tough moments" and they all come from "rape" and if they don't have abortions the children are "doomed to third world poverty"

One thing about Scandinavian countries is that they don't lie to themselves.

Odrion said:
seriously guys, what are the chances that america won't collapse in on itself this or next year?


Setec Astronomer
From a more pragmatic perspective, abortion laws are like prohibition laws in that they do not reduce their targeted activity as intended but only drive it underground and into the realm of lawlessness.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

Odrion said:
seriously guys, what are the chances that america won't collapse in on itself this or next year?

what are obama's chances at reviving it?
The US cannot afford McCains tax plan....


Odrion said:
seriously guys, what are the chances that america won't collapse in on itself this or next year?

what are obama's chances at reviving it?

Well Obama's a pretty smart guy. And I think he would surround himself with conservative critics (that aren't just Bush's buddies). As far as stopping the bleeding, I think he can do it. It's gonna take a lot to reverse it though.

McCain/Palin would be an absolute nightmare though. We'd no longer be considered the top superpower after their combined efforts.
avatar299 said:
The "tough emotional choice" is largely bullshit.

In many countries, like Sweden for examples women have abortions becuase they don't want kids. There is no crying, no second guessing, no nothing. Many abortions are decisions focused on the life of the mother, not worried about the welfare of the child. Only in a America do i see this idea that all abortions are this "tough moments" and they all come from "rape" and if they don't have abortions the children are "doomed to third world poverty"

One thing about Scandinavian countries is that they don't lie to themselves.
So, you're extrapolating foreign viewpoints onto what goes on here? Both your argument, as well as the one you're countering, are largely presumptuous and irrelevant to the debate.
McCain loses his cool on morning Joe


John McCain defended his campaign from charges that it has a problem with the truth and batted back suggestions that he is economically out-of-touch during appearances on all seven morning shows Tuesday.

It was an uphill task, perhaps best illuminated by the Senator's appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe. McCain was forced to redefine what he meant when he declared the "fundamentals of our economy are strong" just yesterday. He offered curt responses to charges that one of his ads falsely accuses Barack Obama of supporting sex education for kindergartners. (Later in the show, in fact, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds sent an email to host Mika Brzezinski defending the ad, which she subsequently read on air.)

Most glaringly, McCain openly sparred with Brzezinski, whom he accused of being an open supporter of Obama. Asked by the host to assess whether an ad attacking him on the economy was out of bounds, McCain replied:

"I'll leave that for the American people to decide. I still say to you, and I know you are a supporter of Senator Obama, if you would urge him to come and do town all meetings with me as I have asked him to do time after time the whole tenor of the campaign would change."

The charge created an awkward and tense environment for the rest of the segment, with Brzezinski forced to note (as she has done in the past) that one of her brothers works for the McCain campaign (another brother works for Obama, and her father was once an adviser).

"Senator," she said, "as a characterized Barack Obama supporter, I take objection. I'Il just say, take care of my brother working at the campaign."

"Thanks," replied McCain, "that was a cheap shot."

But the issue clearly hung over the rest of the morning. Later in the show, Brzezinski addressed it once again.

"In light of the John McCain interview, I feel I need to say not only does my brother work for the McCain campaign, but he worked for George Bush for six years," she said. "I'm proud of him."

Meanwhile, Republican strategist and former McCain aide Mike Murphy was left to explain away the Senator's humor, albeit adding that he thought the campaign's antagonism to the media had crossed a line.

"i don't think he meant it as an attack," he said. "There's definitely become a mentality inside the McCain campaign which is very hostile for anybody in the media they think is at all favorable to the other side. I think that's mistake. I think they overreact. I think doesn't do McCain well to have that mentality in the campaign. I don't really understand it because it's not his natural way."

video in link
Steve Youngblood said:
So, you're extrapolating foreign viewpoints onto what goes on here? Both your argument, as well as the one you're countering, are largely presumptuous and irrelevant to the debate.

It's avatar...

Pro-choice has never meant pro-abortion for alot of people in this country. It means exactly what it says. Pro Choice. However that choice is arrived at is a personal matter for individuals.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
mamacint said:
My friends, rawr

We are entering Uncharted territory. My opponents would like to portray me as a War Hawk, but I won't be drawn into their Lair, I'm not that Little - and this is a Big Planet ah fuck I can't be bothered.
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, I was reading a quip from First Read just a bit ago about that:

Then again, why is that when Republican candidates attend fundraisers with celebrities (like McCain’s recent event with Jon Voight, Jon Cryer, Patricia Heaton, Angie Harmon, Robert Duvall), it garners less attention than when Democrats do?

Is the clip of Ralph Nader lamenting his campaign's lack of coverage to a parrot new?

So that's why Palin looks familiar.

also, Republican Hollywood doesn't have the same draw as "librul" Hollywood.
2nd 2004 swiftboater refuses to attack Obama

Another veteran of the Swift Boat campaign against John Kerry has indicated he will not participate in financing ads attacking Democrat Barack Obama.

Already, Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens said in interviews that he would bow out to pursue a campaign to end the nation's dependence on foreign oil. Now a second major donor, Texas billionaire Sam Wyly, who has given about $10 million to Republican candidates and causes since the 1970s, has said publicly he will not participate in independent group efforts to tarnish Obama this year.

A number of veterans of the withering ad campaign against Kerry in 2004, which was sponsored by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, are trying to reorganize in the final weeks of the 2008 campaign through the American Issues Project, The Post reported over the weekend. But in an interview with the Associated Press published this morning, Wyly was asked if he would finance another Swift Boat-type campaign this year.

"No, no, no," Wyly said. Laughing, he said, "I've done that, and other people can do that now."

One clue as to why he might be sitting this election out can be found in his 2000 campaign efforts. Wyly gave $2.5 million to a group that favored then-Gov. George W. Bush over Sen. John McCain. McCain complained bitterly about the ads, calling on the Federal Election Commission and the Federal Communications Commission to investigate the group, which went by the name Republicans for Clean Air.



AniHawk said:
Well Obama's a pretty smart guy. And I think he would surround himself with conservative critics (that aren't just Bush's buddies). As far as stopping the bleeding, I think he can do it. It's gonna take a lot to reverse it though.

McCain/Palin would be an absolute nightmare though. We'd no longer be considered the top superpower after their combined efforts.

It really is frightening that amidst the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression, America is potentially on the cusp of electing a geriatric President who in the past has said he doesn't know much about the economy; and a Vice President who doesn't know shit about anything. This is so depressing...


Steve Youngblood said:
So, you're extrapolating foreign viewpoints onto what goes on here? Both your argument, as well as the one you're countering, are largely presumptuous and irrelevant to the debate.
So? Sweden and other European models aren't very different from our own at all.

If you want to know what happens when you legalize abortion, look across the Atlantic. Is it good or bad, I don't know but many of these arguments are bullshit.

Pro-choice has never meant pro-abortion for a lot of people in this country. It means exactly what it says. Pro Choice. However that choice is arrived at is a personal matter for individuals.
:lol I never said that wasn't the case, but continue to pull stuff out of thin air.
avatar299 said:
:lol I never said that wasn't the case, but continue to pull stuff out of thin air.

Your argument about the realities of how or why abortion are performed are largely irrelevant to how and why they are performed in the US. You are the one making blanket statement about "bullshit".


lawblob said:
It really is frightening that amidst the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression, America is potentially on the cusp of electing a geriatric President who in the past has said he doesn't know much about the economy; and a Vice President who doesn't know shit about anything. This is so depressing...

It's really scary the disparity between the two campaigns.

One represents the New America. It uses technology and the power of grass-roots organization to get things done. Relies on solutions and plans to solve problems. Focuses on issues and the American people. Its candidate is smart and young.

One represents the Old America. Clueless about technology and uses the power of disenfranchisement. Relies on nasty commercials to distract voters. Relies on money from lobbyists and special interests. Focuses on empty rhetoric and no real plans for the future. Rips off the other campaign to a large degree. Its candidate is not very bright and incredibly old. Also has a mean streak of selling out his country that goes all the way back to the 60s/70s during a stay at the Hanoi Hilton.
avatar299 said:
So? Sweden and other European models aren't very different from our own at all.

If you want to know what happens when you legalize abortion, look across the Atlantic. Is it good or bad, I don't know but many of these arguments are bullshit.
I'm not arguing that. What I'm arguing is that the fundamentals of the debate, namely whether or not an unborn fetus should have the same rights as everyone else, are divisive enough without needing to argue nuanced hypothetical situations. We can waste page after page after page arguing individual circumstances, but perceptions aren't going to change. The crux of the debate boils down to a basic question that most can't agree upon. It's unnecessary to introduce nuance into the debate.


Stoney Mason said:
Your argument about the realities of how or why abortion are performed are largely irrelevant to how and why they are performed in the US. You are the one making blanket statement about "bullshit".
There is no difference into why they are performed here or in other first world countries.
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