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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
You know how you guys were talking about conservative radio hosts talking about things in non-technical language as a means to relate to and delude their audience into thinking they can fix it in four simple steps?

Glenn Beck just did it... by relating subprime mortgages to Tickle Me Elmos... http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/17/beck.wallstreet/index.html

He says nearly nothing with this long, winding, basic explanation of what happened.

He misses the part where the price of the loan dramatically increased and the Tickle Me Elmo dealer couldn't afford to pay it back.

He missed a lot of things really.
adamsappel said:
Pfft. I voted for freakin' Mondale. It still itches.

I missed it by a couple of years but I'm such a liberal I would have happily voted for Dukakis. As a young fellow at that time I couldn't understand how being photographed in a tank and not doing a lot of empty chest thumping about a hypothetical about your wife getting raped meant you couldn't be president.

Then I grew up :(


Clothed, sober, cooperative
El_TigroX said:
You know how you guys were talking about conservative radio hosts talking about things in non-technical language as a means to relate to and delude their audience into thinking they can fix it in four simple steps?

Glenn Beck just did it... by relating subprime mortgages to Tickle Me Elmos... http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/17/beck.wallstreet/index.html

He says nearly nothing with this long, winding, basic explanation of what happened.

He misses the part where the price of the loan dramatically increased and the Tickle Me Elmo dealer couldn't afford to pay it back.

He missed a lot of things really.

He actually does say something. he said that it's the stupid consumer's fault for buying things they can't afford. Which of course deflects blame from coprorations who enticed, marketed to and approved the stupid consumer who they knew couldn't afford the "Tickle Me Elmo." It's actually patronizing and insulting in every way imaginable and speaks to the Republican belief that Unfettered Capitalism can literally do no wrong.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Fragamemnon said:
Rasmussen changed their likely voter weighting to represent a higher share of Republican voters, and they did so right after the GOP convention. I don't bash them for doing so-certainly McCain's base is more euthanized than before the Palin pick-but he tipped it too much in the wake of the GOP convention/Palin pick bounce, which was IMO folly.

Simple word substitution error, or sinister Freudian slip?
I can't help but think that McCain doubling down on his Spanish Inquisition is a calculated move to try to get people talking about furrin policy instead of the economy, even if it is in the context of a gaffe ANYTHING is better right now than having McCain painfully stumble through talk of phony economic populism.


OuterWorldVoice said:
He actually does say something. he said that it's the stupid consumer's fault for buying things they can't afford. Which of course deflects blame from coprorations who enticed, marketed to and approved the stupid consumer who they knew couldn't afford the "Tickle Me Elmo." It's actually patronizing and insulting in every way imaginable and speaks to the Republican belief that Unfettered Capitalism can literally do no wrong.

It's also completely defeatist. You can't cure stupid, it'd mean that the US economy was doomed no matter what anyone does.
El_TigroX said:
You know how you guys were talking about conservative radio hosts talking about things in non-technical language as a means to relate to and delude their audience into thinking they can fix it in four simple steps?

Glenn Beck just did it... by relating subprime mortgages to Tickle Me Elmos... http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/17/beck.wallstreet/index.html

He says nearly nothing with this long, winding, basic explanation of what happened.

He misses the part where the price of the loan dramatically increased and the Tickle Me Elmo dealer couldn't afford to pay it back.

He missed a lot of things really.

They always do it. Every problem this country has is basically as simple as buttering and toasting some bread. That's the only card dumb-ass hosts can play to talk about issues. It is what it is. People listen to them and think they have a real understanding of an issue which is the appeal.

Beck is especially annoying because he is another one that takes the O'Reilly faux position and pretends he is playing it right down the middle. At least Limbaugh generally has the balls to say where and who he stands with.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kildace said:
It's also completely defeatist. You can't cure stupid, it'd mean that the US economy was doomed no matter what anyone does.

Yep, when a fifth grader could probably describe the cure:

Sensible, well thought out regulation and enaction of said regulations.

Corporate America however, even at the level of individual CEOs is so used to being rewarded quarterly with cash, that it will flip out at the merest hint of regulation. It's that individual human greed and focus on short term results that drives many of the underlying problems. Everyone's colluding because if they do, they get quick and frequent reward.
scorcho said:
Yep, and that's a problem with a man of 'extensive' foreign policy experience

So I just read up on Zapatero's history...the dude fucking rocks.

I'm still speechless from how clueless McCain was. Like...totally fucking clueless.
PhatSaqs said:
Obama chants while McCain is speaking :lol
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.
Steve Youngblood said:
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.
Well, the thing is...you could try to chant at an Obama rally. But it wouldn't get heard. But it does at Mccain rallies.


The Blue Jihad said:
So I just read up on Zapatero's history...the dude fucking rocks.

I'm still speechless from how clueless McCain was. Like...totally fucking clueless.

She tells me she doesn't believe that McCain didn't know who Prime Minister Zapatero is or where Spain was. Instead, she believes that McCain was deliberately ducking the question of whether he'd meet with the Spanish Prime Minister.

"I didn't get the impression that he didn't know who Zapatero was or where Spain was," the reporter, Yoli Cuello, told me. "Honestly, what I thought was that he didn't want to answer the question with a yes or no answer."
Steve Youngblood said:
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.

Are you being sarcastic?
TheKingsCrown said:
Well, the thing is...you could try to chant at an Obama rally. But it wouldn't get heard. But it does at Mccain rallies.
Of course it won't be heard. The guy is like a rock star after all. People always scream hysterically when they see celebrities, and this guy is the biggest of them all.
ixix said:
Simple word substitution error, or sinister Freudian slip?

neither-intentional wording chosen to sound like "energized", while accurately desrcibing the current brain-dead state of the rank and file GOP.

if this was a less polite board, I'd include other meanings but hey let's not go there.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Steve Youngblood said:
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.

Keep screaming at the top of your lungs so someone hears you. While I think it's not appropriate and it's somewhat classless... shameful? Come on man, keep the hyperbole out of this.

Goons? keep lowering yourself.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Steve Youngblood said:
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.

Let's Occam's Razor this problem.

Which is more likely - that some individual, passionate about a candidate, is vocally expressing their first ammendment right?

Or that Obama's campaign believed that sending one noisy individual to a McCain event to jeer McCain would be super helpful?

Seriously. Get a fucking grip and don't use words like "shameful" until you watch McCain's paid Campaign ads.

EDIT: Unless my sarcasm meter is busted.


I'm not implying or claiming causation, but I love the declining Dow in the lower-right corner of the TV screen while McCain was speaking. Now, whenever these clips are repeated later throughout the day, that subtle reminder will be there lurking in the corner. How painfully apropos. :D

edit: below 10500!


OuterWorldVoice said:
Let's Occam's Razor this problem.

Which is more likely - that some individual, passionate about a candidate, is vocally expressing their first ammendment right?

Or that Obama's campaign believed that sending one noisy individual to a McCain event to jeer McCain would be super helpful?

Seriously. Get a fucking grip and don't use words like "shameful" until you watch McCain's paid Campaign ads.

EDIT: Unless my sarcasm meter is busted.

It's Youngblood. And shouldn't you be halfway to a hospital by now?

If it's a girl, call her Hope. If it's a boy, call him Oldie McDodderington.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:

Or Madison... god help me... we're going to be knee deep in Madisons in a few years...


Steve Youngblood said:
I bet that guy is a paid staffer. What kind of sleazy campaign is Obama running? First, he won't do the town hall meetings, and now he sends in his goons so that McCain can't even speak at his own events? Shameful.

That sounds like loser talk ;)
Steve Youngblood said:
Of course it won't be heard. The guy is like a rock star after all. People always scream hysterically when they see celebrities, and this guy is the biggest of them all.

Heh, you're busting everyone's sarcasm meter
Byakuya769 said:
Heh, you're busting everyone's sarcasm meter
That either means that my wit is razor sharp and flies over the heads of some, or that I'm not as funny as I'd like to give myself credit for.

To fuel my ego, I'm just going to assume it's the former and ignore anyone who says otherwise.


Cheebs said:
there is no way you actually think that
Self-reflexive expectations setting: I have been on a roller coaster the past few weeks. (In more ways than one.) If he is more than tied, I am happy.



See? Success. :p
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