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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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when is my burrito
BrandNew said:
So really, fill me on the economic status right now. Did we get into this because of Greenspan's policies of low interest and subprime whatevers? I need to take an economy class, but can someone fill me in on what these are and why they led to such a clusterfuck?

Blame the disciples of Reagan and Phil Gramm (McCain's chief economic advisor), specifically, for this one.
Sen. Biden (Del.) believes the office he is seeking is solely in the executive branch, according to his staff. But aides to Alaska Gov. Palin did not answer the question.

“Unlike Dick Cheney, Joe Biden won’t have to create a full employment plan for lawyers and scholars to clear up something that was unquestioned for about 200 years. The vice president is part of the executive branch, period. End of story,” said Biden spokesman David Wade.

In turn, a spokesman for the Republican presidential campaign did not answer the question. Instead, he e-mailed remarks Palin gave at a campaign rally in Golden, Colo., on Monday.

Palin did not say what branch of government she believes the vice president’s office is part of in those remarks. Instead, Palin said she and Republican presidential nominee John McCain had discussed what responsibilities she would take on as his second-in-command.

“My mission is going to be energy, security and government reform and another thing near and dear to my heart: It’s going to be helping families who have special needs and children with special needs,” said Palin.

A Cheney spokesperson declined to comment for this story.

I like the fact both Biden AND Obama were Constitutional Law professors.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!


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Bishman said:
Woot! All we need is Obama to hit the 50% mark and hold it into the debate.
Just to take away the mindless talking point of "Obama can't seem to break the fifty point threshold!" if nothing else.
He's worked in Alaska's oil industry and as a fisherman. But in recent times, he's had another role. Some call him the "Shadow Governor."

In government circles and among the family's acquaintances, Todd Palin is known as his wife's greatest adviser and most loyal protector. One family friend said, "Todd is incredibly supportive and is willing to do whatever it takes to help Sarah."
He's not on the state payroll, but lawmakers say he is a central figure in his wife's policy agenda.
CNN has seen thousands of e-mails released this year from the governor's office that show that Todd Palin was copied on hundreds of them. The topics of the e-mails ranged from public criticism of Sarah Palin to her meetings with corporate leaders.
Todd Palin hasn't spoken publicly about the case, but his wife's attorney said Thursday Mr Palin would not comply with the subpoena request.
I like how they frame it as a 'subpoena request'. it's not a request. a subpoena is an official order under penalty of contempt charges.

But besides that issue, did anyone else know this about Mr. Palin?


kkaabboomm said:
Hey now, thats only +18 McCain here
looking at pollster:
SUSA in Alabama it's +30
ARG Idaho it's +43

+18 isn't bad comparatively...

Actually I think that poll is a good sign. In one of the more hardcore Republican states, McCain barely breaks 50%.
Ironically, Obama might be able to prove Hillary Clinton right by carrying West Virgina. Afterall, no Democratic president has won an election without carrying West Virginia...


gcubed said:
ugh, i dont even want the dem 527's to even bring it up. Throw some bait to the media and let them run with it without it being attached to you or your party. Disappointing

It's a clip from a documentary by a progressive group, it's not an ad.
kkaabboomm said:
Hey now, thats only +18 McCain here
looking at pollster:
SUSA in Alabama it's +30
ARG Idaho it's +43

+18 isn't bad comparatively...
It is actually great to see McCain run it up in these red states. That just means those national polls are even more misleading than the seem . . . McCain will win a few states by large margins and Obama will win a lot of states by a small margin, the latter is the ultimate win.
Rur0ni said:
New Poll 9/19/08

Research 2000
55% McCain
37% Obama
[B]+18[/B] McCain

Hmm, a friend of mine is going to law school at one of the university's up there. While out at a bar she was told by a middle age guy, "I don't have a problem with black people, but you guys shouldn't be going to law school". This was only prompted by him asking if they were students.

Maybe blacks shouldn't go to law school, cause then they can run for the white house... amirite?
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