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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Stoney Mason said:
For the first time, I'm starting to think Virginia is possible. That 3 point lead gets even bigger when you look at registered voters.

Registered Voters VA:
Obama 50, McCain 44

As a Virginian I was very happy that the state actually managed to ditch that racist bastard George Allen (however narrowly, as one of the pundits that night said "Northern Virginia is trying its best to secede from the Confederacy" - or something like that). I would probably literally jump for joy if the state went for Obama.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

"Those are fabulous shoes" :lol

I love Bill. I wish he could run again. Fix it, Amerka.
Door2Dawn said:


Obama should paraphrase him: "I'll take any muthfuckas votes if he giving it away!



man i will feel so much more hopium if he can clear this foreign policy debate unscathed. There's already a perception benefit in favor of McCain there, so maybe since we all know he is actually incompetent on foreign policy it'll show and it'll be a bad night for McCain.

Of course since it's all just theatrics and sound bites, that won't be the case, but I'll be happy once that specific debate dies down and the memory fades


Chiggs said:
I don't think there's been a more depressing time to be an American (save for The Great Depression). We really are on the verge of an economic collapse. Whoever gets in is going to have it rough, because this whole country is in dire need of sweeping reform. I was really leaning towards voting for McCain, even defending him at times, but he just doesn't get it. That's becoming more and more clear to me as I hear him speak. He just doesn't get it.

Furthermore, I don't think I've ever been more embarassed to be a Republican. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to prep a noose and log in to my Fidelity account.

I've been saying this for a while: whoever wins won't be re-elected. Things are that unmanageable.

On the bright side: should McCain lose, this will give the Republican Party a chance to re-evaluate its positions. I'm hoping that Barr takes a chunk of votes so that the GOP might be forced in his direction, at least fiscally.


Amir0x said:

man i will feel so much more hopium if he can clear this foreign policy debate unscathed. There's already a perception benefit in favor of McCain there, so maybe since we all know he is actually incompetent on foreign policy it'll show and it'll be a bad night for McCain.

Of course since it's all just theatrics and sound bites, that won't be the case, but I'll be happy once that specific debate dies down and the memory fades
Forgot to add one more:

PPP on New Mexico:

New Mexico
Obama 53, McCain 42
Sen: Udall (D) 57, Pearce (R-i) 37

I think it's safe to say the NM is pretty much out of play for McCain.
Door2Dawn said:
Forgot to add one more:

PPP on New Mexico:

New Mexico
Obama 53, McCain 42
Sen: Udall (D) 57, Pearce (R-i) 37

I think it's safe to say the NM is pretty much out of play for McCain.
gg Bill Richardson!


Amir0x said:

man i will feel so much more hopium if he can clear this foreign policy debate unscathed. There's already a perception benefit in favor of McCain there, so maybe since we all know he is actually incompetent on foreign policy it'll show and it'll be a bad night for McCain.

Of course since it's all just theatrics and sound bites, that won't be the case, but I'll be happy once that specific debate dies down and the memory fades

I wonder if Obama should play up with the McCain gaffe/bullshit about Spain the past week in regards to our relationship with our NATO allies.


dabig2 said:
I wonder if Obama should play up with the McCain gaffe/bullshit about Spain the past week in regards to our relationship with our NATO allies.
Obama interviewed with the same media that McCain made that statement to and called him out on it.


"Of course. Spain is a NATO ally, and the fact that Senator McCain indicated that he might not meet with Zapatero I think indicates that he wants to continue the Cheney policies of trying to dictate American foreign policy instead of trying to build cooperation. I think that's a mistake."


Amir0x said:

man i will feel so much more hopium if he can clear this foreign policy debate unscathed. There's already a perception benefit in favor of McCain there, so maybe since we all know he is actually incompetent on foreign policy it'll show and it'll be a bad night for McCain.

Of course since it's all just theatrics and sound bites, that won't be the case, but I'll be happy once that specific debate dies down and the memory fades

I think Obama should simply hit that every foreign policy idea McCain will blabber are the same ideas of the Bush administration for 6 years that got us into so much shit. He should just keep tying McCain to Bush.


Sucks at poetry
HylianTom said:
I've been saying this for a while: whoever wins won't be re-elected. Things are that unmanageable.

I don't know if that's necessarily true. It's unmanageable, but it doesn't mean things can't get better. If Obama can come through with most of what he's promised and show that he's capable of managing economic issues and foreign problems efectively then I think he'll have a good shot at being reelected. A lot of this depends on who else is running of course, and the general favorabilty of Obama at the end of his term. A lot can change in 4 years.


Door2Dawn said:
Forgot to add one more:

PPP on New Mexico:

New Mexico
Obama 53, McCain 42
Sen: Udall (D) 57, Pearce (R-i) 37

I think it's safe to say the NM is pretty much out of play for McCain.

So New Mexico is out of play, Iowa is out of play, Colorado seems out of McCain's reach..

Being totally conservative and assuming that polling numbers will at some point in the next 5 weeks re-bound to the usual average (+2 or 3 points ahead), our biggest concern seems to be centered around holding-onto Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Am I alone in this view?


McCain's likely biggest piece of ammunition will be that the Surge "worked", which he was for... while Obama was against it. He can even point to Obama's own comments about how the surge works.

If Obama can dodge that bullet, then it may be easier to trip up McCain elsewhere.

It is also going to be extra difficult to use the line "McCain is like Bush" and then "even Bush agrees with me on troop withdrawl" or some shit.
If you actually listen to Obama discuss foreign policy, I think he has a really good chance of doing well. If he can articulate his views on The Surge adequately without letting McCain win with a TEN WORD ANSWER, he can really come out looking great. The key to these debates are that he really is Bartlett and the McCain really is the other dude. If Obama can do what Bartlett did, he's got it in the bag and David Axelrod can grab Plouffe and say "No spin. It'd be undignified. No press. We let the surrogates talk, but that's it."

(Sorry, I just watched that episode again this weekend.)


Amir0x said:
McCain's likely biggest piece of ammunition will be that the Surge "worked", which he was for... while Obama was against it. He can even point to Obama's own comments about how the surge works.

If Obama can dodge that bullet, then it may be easier to trip up McCain elsewhere.

It is also going to be extra difficult to use the line "McCain is like Bush" and then "even Bush agrees with me on troop withdrawl" or some shit.
I'm hoping Obama parries that and counters with how McCain was both wrong on getting into Iraq, and on how to get out.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping Obama parries that and counters with how McCain was both wrong on getting into Iraq, and on how to get out.

and then McCain counters with 'but now we're in there, why do you want Americans to lose a war?'

i think we're basically transcribing the debate, we don't even have to watch it now
Extollere said:
I don't know if that's necessarily true. It's unmanageable, but it doesn't mean things can't get better. If Obama can come through with most of what he's promised and show that he's capable of managing economic issues and foreign problems efectively then I think he'll have a good shot at being reelected. A lot of this depends on who else is running of course, and the general favorabilty of Obama at the end of his term. A lot can change in 4 years.

he's probably going to have the biggest challenge in modern american history. i sort of feel sorry for him, because i bet you by the end of his term(s) he won't look like the same person. he'll look 15 years older. and the sad thing is he was pretty much drafted for this thing (in axlerod's own words). of course there's always the chance everything could turn drastically. but this is one of those times where even great policy may not be able to do good in certain areas.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping Obama parries that and counters with how McCain was both wrong on getting into Iraq, and on how to get out.

If he repeats that 60 Minutes line ("People seem to think that the Iraq War started with The Surge and forget that there were FIVE YEARS of the war before that.") he could do well.

Of course McCain would counter "I didn't forget, Senator Obama. I could never forget the valiant sacrifice of our servicemen and women over the course of those five years."



Sucks at poetry
Tyrone Slothrop said:
he's probably going to have the biggest challenge in modern american history. i sort of feel sorry for him, because i bet you by the end of his term(s) he won't look like the same person. he'll look 15 years older. and the sad thing is he was pretty much drafted for this thing (in axlerod's own words). of course there's always the chance everything could turn drastically. but this is one of those times where even great policy may not be able to do good in certain areas.

We will see...

On the plus side if McCain gets elected we can watch the downward spiral of America and see the dissinigration of the Republican party along with it (...I hope)
BenjaminBirdie said:
If he repeats that 60 Minutes line ("People seem to think that the Iraq War started with The Surge and forget that there were FIVE YEARS of the war before that.") he could do well.

Of course McCain would counter "I didn't forget, Senator Obama. I could never forget the valiant sacrifice of our servicemen and women over the course of those five years."


sad but true

btw I thought Obama ROCKED 60 minutes


BenjaminBirdie said:
If he repeats that 60 Minutes line ("People seem to think that the Iraq War started with The Surge and forget that there were FIVE YEARS of the war before that.") he could do well.

Of course McCain would counter "I didn't forget, Senator Obama. I could never forget the valiant sacrifice of our servicemen and women over the course of those five years."

"I hope you don't forget them, John, because you have to answer to them for sending them there without need, andthen voting against getting them the equipment and body armor they needed. And when it came time to support them when they got home with a new GI bill, you didn't show up to vote."

Slightly off topic but I finished re-reading David Foster Wallace's Rolling Stone piece "Up Simba" on the 2000 McCain campaign the day he passed away. Really hit me pretty hard.

I think everyone in this thread would greatly enjoy the piece. It's reprinted in Consider the Lobster. It provides a really interesting context with which to view McCain's current actions.


Door2Dawn said:
Forgot to add one more:

PPP on New Mexico:

New Mexico
Obama 53, McCain 42
Sen: Udall (D) 57, Pearce (R-i) 37

I think it's safe to say the NM is pretty much out of play for McCain.

This is purely anecdotal, but driving around Albuquerque I more Obama signs than I do McCain ones, with a number of McCain signs being in like center divides on streets and Obama signage being on cars and people's property.

McCain is visibly more supported outside of the city, where I've seen his signs on people's property on highway 14 (though when you hit Madrid it goes back to Obama), but not by a lot.

TBH it never felt like McCain was in play here. I think how the Democrats handled their primary should have been an indication, considering the record turnout they simply were not expecting.

Also, voter registration here is at record highs. My girl friend registered to vote and her registration wasn't full processed for almost 3 months because of the shear volume of people registering to vote.


Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.


I've just gotten off the phone expressing my displeasure to my congressperson. I hope others will do the same. Regardless of anyone's opinion on the necessity of a bailout, the idea that we'd turn over $700 billion to an appointed official with zero oversight is ridiculous.
captscience said:

Slightly off topic but I finished re-reading David Foster Wallace's Rolling Stone piece "Up Simba" on the 2000 McCain campaign the day he passed away. Really hit me pretty hard.

I think everyone in this thread would greatly enjoy the piece. It's reprinted in Consider the Lobster. It provides a really interesting context with which to view McCain's current actions.

Seconded. It's pretty great and I honestly can't help but think that seeing McCain devolve into everything he hated while he was following him around probably didn't help DFW's worldview any.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Amir0x said:
and then McCain counters with 'but now we're in there, why do you want Americans to lose a war?'

i think we're basically transcribing the debate, we don't even have to watch it now

This is how Obama needs to phrase it:

"I am happy to admit that the TACTIC of the Surge was a successful one, I hope that Sen. McCain will reciprocate by admitting that the STRATEGY of a war in Iraq was a tremendous blunder in terms of both foreign policy, economic impact, and most importantly, lives lost."


Amir0x said:
It is also going to be extra difficult to use the line "McCain is like Bush" and then "even Bush agrees with me on troop withdrawl" or some shit.

"McCain is like the Bush we've had for 7 years. Only now does Bush realize his mistakes. McCain is now the only Bush around."

Might be too much nuance. :lol


Gold Member
captscience said:
It's reprinted in Consider the Lobster. It provides a really interesting context with which to view McCain's current actions.

Excellent compilation if anyone's interested.
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