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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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First tragedy, then farce.
Gary Whitta said:
This is a chess move but not a particularly dumb one.

disagree.. I think this blows up in his face. Why didnt he suspend the campaign Monday to go to the hearings? It didnt seem more important than Palin's photo-op with world leaders.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The media should be pissed off. This was their big money maker for this weekend, and McCain is asking them to lose money. Not only that, but if he was serious about this shit, he wouldn't have been making appearances with his wife on bullshit like RACHAEL FUCKING RAY.

McCain is such a shill. What an asshole.


Nice to know that McCain is incapable of working more than a single track at once.

This is now officially the weirdest election in living memory. From McCain's war with the press to suspending your campaign months before the election? Wat?


lawblob said:
What in the fuck!?

How is this not terrible for McCain??!

This makes him look like an incompetent old man who can't face the nation during it's hour of need! Isn't this basically game over for him?

this is what i am thinking, but it needs to be worded correctly by Obama, and it would be the knockout blow to McCain.

While the financial crisis in this country needs to be fixed ASAP, I feel I can lend my support and thoughts to congress and run the campaign at the same time. If a candidate can only work on 1 thing at a time how are they going to handle the immense pressure of running the United States of America. Terrorists don't stop attacking you because your country is in a financial crisis. Diseases don't stop spreading because of our economic woes. To focus solely on one issue in this world is not the way to get things done.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gary Whitta said:
This is like when they had that nuclear plant disaster during the campaign on the West Wing.
Speaking of which, you ever going to team up with Aaron Sorkin to make a politically oriented sci-fi thriller with an alien invasion and shit not named Independence Day?


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RubxQub said:
This move is total bullshit. It infuriates me because it puts Barack in an indefensible position.

Still have the debate: "The Senator from Illinois is putting politics before country."

Don't have the debate: "Senator McCain was putting country first, something the Senator for Illinois should have done. Clearly his own personal vendetta to attain the highest office in America comes before the country's deepest crisis."
Exactly right you righteously correct motherfucker!
Incognito said:
Shorter McCain: Obama, please stop campaigning, mayne!!

Sums up his entire campaign. "If only Obama agreed to my ideas this would have been a clean race"

"If only Obama would have put country first during the hurricanes!"

"I've had my hand in the cookie jar for 26 years but now I'm putting country first. It's time for Obama to do the same!"


I'm just wondering how someone that admitted that they don't understand economics is going help. What is he going to do exactly? Be the secretary and take notes? Fetch coffee?


I hope he won't get away with it.

If he wanted to cancel the debate he should have done it last Friday.

He had a week. A whole week. The media should put him in the fire for this total bullshit stunt.
JavyOO7 said:
This is a hell of a curve ball to Obama. He's sort of backed into a corner right now.

This is cheese over the plate. All Obama has to say is that McCain already spent 26 years in Washington, had ample time and warning to forestall this crisis, and instead did nothing but champion the deregulation that led to the current financial meltdown. Simply suspending your campaign so you can spend a few days in Washington is nothing but a cynical ploy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"I don't believe that the bail-out plan will pass, and we are running out of time. That's why I was making appearances on Rachel Ray the entire week while the shit was hitting the fan!"


Look, the American people may be stupid, but they aren't this stupid. Trying to cancel a Friday night debate and asking your opponent who is WINNING in the polls to quit campaigning for a while..... this smacks of bizarre desperation so bad! This will not end well for McCampaignSuicide
JavyOO7 said:
This is a hell of a curve ball to Obama. He's sort of backed into a corner right now.

No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."
So...if you're in Obama's war room right now, you've got Obama to your left, Axelrod to your right, and Scarlett Johansson on your lap...what do you do/say?





learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
And here we thought that the Palin selection was his Hail Mary pass. Dude's still chucking!


First tragedy, then farce.
Perfect Response:

"I thought the fundamentals of the economy are sound, why do you have to suspend your campaign for an emergency bailout when supposedly the economic naysayers are just a bunch of whiners?"


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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Palin Turtling and Depends Wearing


Gary Whitta said:
Shit just got real! Can't wait for Obama's response, their war room must be in overdrive right now.

Now is the time to go for the jugular. Do not be intimidated, call this what it is, an old man who can't face the music in America's hour of need!

Finish Him!!!


CharlieDigital said:
No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."

Very nice.
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