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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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First tragedy, then farce.
CharlieDigital said:
No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."

Slamdunk answer, throw in some "the next presidents number 1 job is going to be stearing this economy and the American people deserve to know where we stand"

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Depending upon the Obama reply, the election could be won or lost today or in the next few days. This is also a way for the McCain campaign to try to conserve their public financing money


I can imagine the conversation....

McCain: "Hello Senator Obama, I've decided to suspend my campaign...."
Obama: "Oh helllllllll yeah bitches, we won this!"
McCain: "...temporarily to focus on the bailout."
Obama: "Say what? Damn you old man."

(or something like that....)


RubxQub said:
This move is total bullshit. It infuriates me because it puts Barack in an indefensible position.

Still have the debate: "The Senator from Illinois is putting politics before country."

Don't have the debate: "Senator McCain was putting country first, something the Senator for Illinois should have done. Clearly his own personal vendetta to attain the highest office in America comes before the country's deepest crisis."

This is definitely what he's going for, but suspending his presidential campaign 40 days before the election? I really don't see that playing well.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Depending upon the Obama reply, the election could be won or lost today or in the next few days. This is also a way for the McCain campaign to try to conserve their public financing money

i agree 100% with this. If the Obama response is on point and well thought out, it will pretty much kill McCain


theviolenthero said:
Also, anyone else find it weird that someone like Ahmadinejad who's been made out to be a person who want's to destroy America can freely come to this country and speak?
Seems odd to me....

Well he's in the US for the UN summit, I don't think the US can prevent him from doing that. I'm not sure though.

But yeah, he really had a chance to mess with the election by endorsing Obama. I think he realizes though that Big O will win and he'd want to be on his good side. Steel in his spine and all that.... :D
CharlieDigital said:
No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."

Yup. Maybe this is a game changer


Gary Whitta said:
Quoting this so that everyone will remember exactly when you said it.

:lol Oh shit; America had better not let me down.

But seriously, this will not end well for McCain. When the Commies put nuclear missiles in Cuba, did Kennedy request a time-out so he could get his shit together? Americans may be dumb, but one thing they do not tolerate is someone who won't face the music. This has defeated old-man written on all over it.


or obama could say:

-yes i will join you in washington to get this done
-no the debate will not be delayed
-no i will not suspend my campaign
gcubed said:
this is what i am thinking, but it needs to be worded correctly by Obama, and it would be the knockout blow to McCain.

100% Co-Sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Obama gives in to this bullshit i'm gonna be very dissapointed.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
CharlieDigital said:
No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."

StoOgE said:
Perfect Response:

"I thought the fundamentals of the economy are sound, why do you have to suspend your campaign for an emergency bailout when supposedly the economic naysayers are just a bunch of whiners?"

oooooh, I like that one, too.


CharlieDigital said:
No way.


"While I agree that this is an important time for our economy, it is our duty, as the candidates to lead this country after this crisis, to us this opportunity to help educate the American people on the issues which are at stake now.

It is thusly that I propose we alter the debate order to focus on the economy instead of foreign policy."

This is exactly what he should do.


WTF move by McCain.
Obama should destroy it on it.
2 points should be made:
  • As already mentioned here - especially because this is a time of crisis, it’s important that the American public engage in a healthy policy debate about the future.
  • Just say – “so I assume that because of the crisis you’re going to suspend your character attack ads. No? ok then, STFU”.


First tragedy, then farce.
Zeliard said:
This is definitely what he's going for, but suspending his presidential campaign 40 days before the election? I really don't see that playing well.

Dukkakis did it to go do some governor stuff.

That worked out well.


Joe said:
or obama could say:

-yes i will join you in washington to get this done
-no the debate will not be delayed
-no i will not suspend my campaign

Yep. God forbid we ask McCain to multi-task!

Plus, how much help is McCain and/or Obama going to be? There aren't enough eyes and opinions on this thing already?

Adding more voices to the argument is always the best way to get to solution quicker! :lol


Door2Dawn said:
Just heard the news. Holy hell what a curve ball.

Obama will probably suspend his campaign also.

No he won't, because he isn't stupid.

Only a moron would suspend their campaign if they were in Obama's position. This is a pathetic attempt by a loony old man trying to stop the boulder from crushing him.
McCain might have Mavericked himself into a corner here. The networks will be pissed. The Obama camp are none too happy and there was probably a large segment of the country waiting for the debates tomorrow.


First tragedy, then farce.
CharlieDigital said:
It throws the ball back into their court with the bonus being that McCain is not going to be ready to debate economics.

yeah, throw in some cheap jabs of "McCain had 26 years to fix this, why is he concerned now" kinda stuff and you are ready to go.


I wouldn't call this move a hail mary, this is much closer to a fake punt. just when the other team isn't paying attention you try and sneak one past them.

this was is good ploy by McCain, it makes him look like the guy who is trying to fix things, country first and all that shit. He's putting his whole put aside the democrat and republican labels spin on this.
lawblob said:
No he won't, because he isn't stupid.

Only a moron would suspend their campaign if they were in Obama's position. This is a pathetic attempt by a loony old man trying to stop the boulder from crushing him.

Sounds like he's going to go along with it and also release a joint statement with McCain.


we all knew her
This is like two kids wrestling in the living room. The smaller, weaker one is getting the shit kicked out of him, and just as the bigger, stronger one is about to try to pick him up and throw him to the floor, the smaller one yells "TIME OUT!" and runs the fuck out of the room.

If I were Obama I'd be apoplectic, but I bet he had a good chuckle over this.


It'd be funny if the bill was passed Thursday night, the debates were back on, and the focus was the economy aka McCain's favorite subject. :lol


captscience said:
Sounds like he's going to go along with it and also release a joint statement with McCain.

I think this means Obama will go along with it in terms of re-scheduling the debate, which is something Obama can't control. Either McCain shows up or he doesn't. But canceling Obama's campaign would be ridiculously stupid, IMO.


According to MSNBC: Obama called McCain at 8:30 this morning to talk about issuing a joint statement over what needs to be done with the bailout.
McCain called Obama back at 2:30 agreeing to it.

Obama will be issuing a statment shortly regarding postponing the debate.
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