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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Amir0x said:

McCain wants to suspend debate to go back to Senate and work on the Paulson plan.

Obama called him in the morning to propose they issue a joint statement.

McCain jumped the shark and says he wants to suspend campaign and debate.


i've been waiting for mccain to get in his own way and really mess up his own campaign...i think he just did it.


for the record, politically... I believe this is a big loser for Obama. There is so many potent ways this can be spun. Much like McCain kept goading Obama to go to Iraq for weeks, the ads about him "refusing to stop the debates" because of his "HORRIBLE AMBITION AND CELEBRITY DESIRES"



via DailyKos
gluv65 said:
This is my Obama statement

America must move forward as we always have, this is a time for leadership and I will continue to work on the bail out plan and campaign for the President of the US. With todays technology I am instantly updated and aprised of every situation. We both have our own private jets for this campaign we can work in Washington during the day and debate for 90 min in Miss.

A Leader should be able to multi task and I will work in a bipartisan way, but I will not suspend my campaign and I will be in Miss to debate John McCain, Rick Davis, Steve Schmidt or Sarah Palin on Friday. Questions.

Quoting myself again.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Amir0x said:
for the record, politically... I believe this is a big loser for Obama. There is so many potent ways this can be spun. Much like McCain kept goading Obama to go to Iraq for weeks, the ads about him "refusing to stop the debates" because of his "HORRIBLE AMBITION AND CELEBRITY DESIRES"
I agree.

And nice thread title change :lol


Man, this reminds me of when in cartoons somebody seems something little and thinks nothnig of it, and it ends up being part of a giant whale or some shit


Amir0x said:
for the record, politically... I believe this is a big loser for Obama. There is so many potent ways this can be spun. Much like McCain kept goading Obama to go to Iraq for weeks, the ads about him "refusing to stop the debates" because of his "HORRIBLE AMBITION AND CELEBRITY DESIRES"
I think after all those attempts that would seem kind of empty handed if McCain tried to pull it again.


Reporter: "McCain is suspending his campaign and his ads. Are you not going to do the same?"

Obama: "I'm planning on preparing for the debate on Friday."


This is some great shit.
“It’s my belief that this is exacty the time the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible with dealing with this mess.”

“It’s more important than ever that we present ourselves to the American people and describe where we want to take our country and where we want to take our economy.”

“What I’ve told the leadership in Congress is that if I can be helpful then I am prepared to be anywhere, anytime. What I think is important is that we don’t suddenly infuse Capitol Hill with presidential politics…”

“Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time. It’s not necessary for us to think that we can only do one thing and suspend everything else.”






Amir0x said:
for the record, politically... I believe this is a big loser for Obama. There is so many potent ways this can be spun. Much like McCain kept goading Obama to go to Iraq for weeks, the ads about him "refusing to stop the debates" because of his "HORRIBLE AMBITION AND CELEBRITY DESIRES"
The near universal reaction has been: the only thing that changed in the past few days are McCain's polling numbers. His camp spent the morning damage controlling the ABC News poll. And Obama just shot him the fuck down.

Okay, bad metaphor.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
welp that just about wraps it up for McCain fries. McKenny vs. Obama next week plz
So it sounds like McCain told Obama about suspending the campaigns, but the Obama camp thought it was just something the McCain camp was mulling over. I liked Obama's reaction: "It's seems he was more decisive on that...in his own mind."

Also did any discussion actually take place during the 8:30 call? It seems more like nobody picked up and they just left a message.
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