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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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omg rite said:
Hey where can I see the latest gallop poll?


: )
maximum360 said:
Brokaw's been a McCain shill for the last several weeks and doesn't seem to be too shy about either.

I heard he mentioned Palin not coming on Oprah on MTP this week to Biden. I hope Biden asked if that was somehow relevant to the issues facing American right now.

I had hope we'd get some fair debates but Brokaw's a Charlie Gibson clone as far as I'm concerned.

theres a reason why Kieth Olbermann does not want Brokaw leading MSNBC


Gary Whitta said:
Really? I thought the popular image of NBC was as the most left-wing network.

The popular image of the right-wing is that, yes. They have some left-wingers and some right-wingers, if anything I'd say MSNBC has the most extremists.:lol


I know at my school in Michigan I've seen maybe 10 voter registering people. I even saw two around 10:30 on a friday night while I was on the way to a party.


Funky Papa said:
So, fellas, what do you think about a possible McCain presidency? Would the lousy job in Afghanistan and a possible fuck up in Iraq/Iran force a draw?

Just thinking in the worst case scenario.

Worst-case scenario?

Scalia retires and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone 30 years his junior.

John Paul Stevens dies or becomes too ill to remain on the bench and is replaced with a Rehnquist clone.

Between Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer, at least one dies or has to retire and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone.

The right wing controls the courts for decades to come. Either Roe v. Wade is overturned or dies the death of a thousand cuts. In the Bible Belt, access to abortion and birth control is extremely difficult for all but the rich, and school sex-ed classes spew Christianist propaganda. Trillions of dollars are drained from the government to pay for orphanages to take care of millions of unwanted babies. In 10-15 years, when these babies reach adolescence, crime rates soar.

The right wing completes its hijacking of government agencies like the EPA and DOJ, which become apparatus of the Republican Party. The Republicans will completely control the Executive and Judicial branches of government. The Democrats may control the Legislative, but it will have no real power and function as political theater.

With control of the courts in Republican hands, say hello to the Imperial Presidency. The Executive will have the power to spy on citizens with no oversight, detain citizens indefinitely without filing charges against them, deny citizens access to legal counsel, torture citizens, and ship citizens off to secret prisons. Needless to say, they will have the power to do all these things and more to noncitizens as well.

The Republicans' cronies in big business will loot the treasury and the taxpayers dry.

War, war, war.

The well-educated who can find jobs overseas will start immigrating to Canada and Europe in large numbers.

In a few decades, as the collapse of this country is imminent, the elites will slip away in their private jets to Europe, to the Caribbean, to far away from this country with the wealth they looted away. And the Christianist nutjobs who didn't give a shit about what they did to the world because the Rapture was going to take them away and only the heathens would have to live with the consequences will be in for a rude awakening when they have to live in the hellhole they created and their invisible man in the sky doesn't take them away.
Shiggie said:
There is no way Biden will lose the debate.

I think it will be harder for Biden to get any bounce out of the debate though. The bar is set so low for Palin that all she has to do is show up and the media will make her seem competent. Also, republicans will be ready to push the "he's unfairly attacking a woman" at every opportunity to stir up some controversy and the media will be happy to oblige by pushing this angle as well.

For the presidential debates you would think that well thought out answers would make this an easy go for Obama. Not so. Clearly the media gets excited by stump speech answers and ancedotes to every question so I expect McCain to come out looking good in those as well.

Obama's best bet is to campaign hard, get good surrogates out on the trail and on tv, continue pushing the ground game hard, and get some smart, pointed advertising on policy differences in place.

I believe the Obama campaign understands that they can't win the press/media battle but electoral college war is what matters in the long run and not the tv hype.


Azrael said:
Worst-case scenario?

Scalia retires and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone 30 years his junior.

John Paul Stevens dies or becomes too ill to remain on the bench and is replaced with a Rehnquist clone.

Between Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer, at least one dies or has to retire and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone.

The right wing controls the courts for decades to come. Either Roe v. Wade is overturned or dies the death of a 1,000 cuts. In the Bible Belt, access to abortion and birth control is extremely difficult for all but the rich, and school sex-ed classes spew Christianist propaganda. Trillions of dollars are drained from the government to pay for orphanages to take care of millions of unwanted babies. In 10-15 years, when these babies reach adolescence, crime rates soar.

The right wing completes its hijacking of government agencies like the EPA and DOJ, which become apparatus of the Republican Party. The Republicans will completely control the Executive and Judicial branches of government. The Democrats may control the Legislative, but it will have no real power and function as political theater.

With control of the courts in Republican hands, say hello to the Imperial Presidency. The Executive will have the power to spy on citizens with no oversight, detain citizens indefinitely without filing charges against them, deny citizens access to legal counsel, torture citizens, and ship citizens off to secret prisons. Needless to say, they will have the power to do all these things and more to noncitizens as well.

The Republicans' cronies in big business will loot the treasury and the taxpayers dry.

War, war, war.

The well-educated who can find jobs overseas will start immigrating to Canada and Europe in large numbers.

In a few decades, as the collapse of this country is imminent, the elites will slip away in their private jets to Europe, to the Caribbean, to far away from this country with the wealth they looted away. And the Christianist nutjobs who didn't give a shit about what they did to the world because the Rapture was going to take them away and only the heathens would have to live with the consequences will be in for a rude awakening when they have to live in the hellhole they created and their invisible man in the sky doesn't take them away.

...That sounds about right.

I keep thinking it'd be easy to just move away if things got to be so bad, but I'm the sentimental type, and it would be really difficult to leave the place that my grandfathers and great-uncles fought to protect in WWII, the place where my ancestors fought to preserve the union, and even further back for the fight for independence from Britain. When I think about that, of almost 400 years of history, I can't just stand by and watch this country get hijacked by the neocons.
Azrael said:
Worst-case scenario?

Scalia retires and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone 30 years his junior.

John Paul Stevens dies or becomes too ill to remain on the bench and is replaced with a Rehnquist clone.

Between Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer, at least one dies or has to retire and is replaced by a Rehnquist clone.

The right wing controls the courts for decades to come. Either Roe v. Wade is overturned or dies the death of a 1,000 cuts. In the Bible Belt, access to abortion and birth control is extremely difficult for all but the rich, and school sex-ed classes spew Christianist propaganda. Trillions of dollars are drained from the government to pay for orphanages to take care of millions of unwanted babies. In 10-15 years, when these babies reach adolescence, crime rates soar.

The right wing completes its hijacking of government agencies like the EPA and DOJ, which become apparatus of the Republican Party. The Republicans will completely control the Executive and Judicial branches of government. The Democrats may control the Legislative, but it will have no real power and function as political theater.

With control of the courts in Republican hands, say hello to the Imperial Presidency. The Executive will have the power to spy on citizens with no oversight, detain citizens indefinitely without filing charges against them, deny citizens access to legal counsel, torture citizens, and ship citizens off to secret prisons. Needless to say, they will have the power to do all these things and more to noncitizens as well.

The Republicans' cronies in big business will loot the treasury and the taxpayers dry.

War, war, war.

The well-educated who can find jobs overseas will start immigrating to Canada and Europe in large numbers.

In a few decades, as the collapse of this country is imminent, the elites will slip away in their private jets to Europe, to the Caribbean, to far away from this country with the wealth they looted away. And the Christianist nutjobs who didn't give a shit about what they did to the world because the Rapture was going to take them away and only the heathens would have to live with the consequences will be in for a rude awakening when they have to live in the hellhole they created and their invisible man in the sky doesn't take them away.

dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria
maximum360 said:
I believe the Obama campaign understands that they can't win the press/media battle but electoral college war is what matters in the long run and now the tv hype.
Uh, winning the press/media battle is a pretty big part of winning votes.

I hate the fact that the "expectations game" is even a part of the equation; the idea that the expectations are low for Palin being some kind of advantage sickens me. If the expectations are low why the fuck is she even in the picture? Expectations for this job should be the highest possible!

I need to go sit in a dark room with a cool washcloth on my forehead for a while.


Rasmussen is tied today, BTW. Down from +3 yesterday. Using fivethirtyeight's estimated daily amounts, that means McCain was ~+3 on Saturday.
Azrael said:
Worst-case scenario?

This is pretty much how it plays out in my head.

I tend to agree with the theory that the legalization of abortion and the wide availability of contraceptives has played a critical role in reducing crime rates in the US by reducing the number of unwanted births or births into families/single parents that really can't afford to offer the level of support required to raise a mentally and physically healthy child.

The justices are pretty much my number 1 long term concern followed by healthcare.

Short term concerns? The economy, wrapping things up in Iraq, education, and the environment.

On every front, Obama has better ideas and much more detailed policy already laid out.


Azrael convinced me to vote for Obama.

StoOgE said:
This woman should be mocked openly not celebrated. We have a word for people who believe this nonsense... batshit insane.
But that's two words.


AniHawk said:
I was under the impression that CNN had several loons now.
There is some chart showing that a larger portion of CNN viewers are going to vote for Obama than MSNBC viewers.
Azrael said:
Worst-case scenario?
At least in this scenario I can gtfo of the country and laugh at the idiots who are going to experience the downfall they helped vote for.

But seriously yeah this is how I envision the path America will go down on if the Republicans win again.


Gary Whitta said:
Holy shit, that was scarier than anything in the ghost story thread. Seriously, that scared the fuck out of me. Because it can all happen.
That was indeed scary. I'd be one of the ones on a plane!


The Supreme Court falling out of leftist hands seems like a pleasant dream after the run your team has had with it.

adamsappel said:
That's what it took to draw you out? 10 pages of privatizing roads argument and you're nowhere, but someone mentions ol' Yellow Stripes and you come running.

Spending slightly less time browsing GAF at late.


BTW, Palin will give an interview coming up, it'll be a hard-hitter, lots of really tough questions!


It's almost sexist how McCain's camp is treating her.
JayDubya said:
The Supreme Court falling out of leftist hands seems like a pleasant dream after the run your team has had with it.

Spending slightly less time browsing GAF at late.
The more a government takes away the free will of a person to do what they want to do with themselves without harming others, those others being conscious individuals that are able to make decisions for what they do and don't want, the less happy society will become.


so_awes said:
you guys know any republican atheist?

i didn't know the two can go together...

I think JayDubya was a registered Republican. And then there's Dawkins. Keep in mind, the evangelical movement is still a relatively new face of the Republican party.


TheKingsCrown said:
The more a government takes away the free will of a person to do what they want to do with themselves without harming others, those others being conscious individuals that are able to make decisions for what they do and don't want, the less happy society will become.

I agree completely. I have no idea why you said this.

Tamanon said:
I think JayDubya was a registered Republican.

Thankfully, I did not need to be in my state in order to support Ron Paul in the primary. If I had to have done so, I would have gladly held my nose and done it.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tamanon said:
BTW, Palin will give an interview coming up, it'll be a hard-hitter, lots of really tough questions!


It's almost sexist how McCain's camp is treating her.
Almost? :lol

His entire selection of her was sexist, or like...reverse sexist. He picked her because she represented a hardcore evangelical conservative...and she had the good 'ole double X chromes to offer. Everyone can agree that a male with her qualifications and unknown status would not be on the ticket. No one disputes this.

It was a move on Hillary voters and women in general.

John must not think very highly of women:

  • Cheated on his first wife
  • Equal pay for equal work
  • Palin pick

This guy rules for women!
I think I know what will be the highlight of Hannity's show for the next two months. Apparent on ABC, Obama said something to the effect of:
McCain nor his camp has said not said anthing about my muslim faith. Then he said you know I mean they have not questioned my christian faith.

Monday's show should be rich. :lol
JayDubya said:
The Supreme Court falling out of leftist hands seems like a pleasant dream after the run your team has had with it.

What exactly are you downgrading them for? Where has the SC gotten it woefully wrong?

I mean, things could be better for sure (especially the economy), but it's not exactly like we're in the shitter. So I'm really curious what you think is so bad about the overall direction taken by the SC.


so_awes said:
you're in the top 1%??

My favorite think is hearing rich people bitch about how Obama will be raising taxes. It won't even make a dent in the way you live. Shut the fuck up.
JayDubya said:
Aside from utterly raping the Constitution? Oh, nothing.

That's quite general.

And you think that the Republican Executive and Legislative (for 6 years) branch hasn't "raped" the Constitution and shit on balance of power?

So you know, instead of keeping them in check, we should have McCain in office and dramatically tilt the Judicial branch towards the right as well?

I really don't understand why that would be a good thing. I'm willing to hear you out, but if all it comes down to is babies, guns, and your right to own a fully automatic assault rifle, well, then I have a fundamental disagreement (not because I don't like guns), but because I think there are more important social, legal, and economic issues at hand other than guns and a woman's choice.


McCain nor his camp has said not said anthing about my muslim faith. Then he said you know I mean they have not questioned my christian faith

I just watched it and he obviously meant the implication that he's muslim lol


omg rite said:
My favorite think is hearing rich people bitch about how Obama will be raising taxes. It won't even make a dent in the way you live. Shut the fuck up.
and when you hear poor people (not in the top 1%) say Obama will raise their taxes.

and i heard about some email going around about Obama and taxes? wtf is that shit?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
StoOgE said:
Biden just tore Brokaw/the surge a new asshole.
I'm sad I missed it :( I'll have to check it out online when it pops up.
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