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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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maximum360 said:
If the media bites on this as well, it will be a sad day for America.
As Obama said, we'll focus on one distraction after another rather than on the stuff that matters. Gas prices and the lack of energy policy, pollution, health care costs, college...the list goes on. Issues that are actually impacting me and my family right now, or will be soon. And this is the shit we spend our time focusing on, and deciding elections on. I get so fucking pissed watching us scurry about like brainless ants when we focus on these distractions. As Amir0x said, if we blow this we deserve what we get. But I literally shudder at the consequences of that happening.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I just hope everyone outraged at the media running the Wright story was equally outraged when the NYT "story" of McCain cheating on his wife hit.
Okay, I'll put myself out as the crazy Obama fan and I'll say, his speech yesterday changed the lens from which I see these things. I watched those videos, and re-watched the wright videos. Instead of the words being said standing out to me, this time the cheering of the crowds struck me.

Both pastors, they say these things that are pretty terrible, and these huge churches are screaming their fucking heads off. Not sitting uncomfortably, going crazy in a frenzy for what is being said. They more than agree with what's being said. Wright isn't creating anti american feelings like the media is suggesting, he's representing and channeling them. It underscores the absolute truth of Obama's speech yesterday. Distancing himself from Wright doesn't help this world, because Wright obviously represents the feelings of many no matter what's going on. Leaving the church doesn't help anyone, outside of a cynical purely political, everyone in my life must be perfect kind of thing.


siamesedreamer said:
Alright, from what I've been able to gather, the link to Rev. James Meeks comes from this article written in 2004. Gonna need more than that.

Yeah, all it really shows is that they both were state senators. This is rapidly becoming a witchhunt....and I don't think that's going to be very good for race relations at this rate.

Obama loses the nomination fairly or in the general fairly, no problem. If he loses because FOX or some other media outlet went on a massive smear campaign on various black preachers.....

I mean, now suddenly the Black Panthers endorse him, and he rejects the endorsement....and yet....that's still running on FOX!
schuelma said:
I just hope everyone outraged at the media running the Wright story was equally outraged when the NYT "story" of McCain cheating on his wife hit.
Pretty sure I was critical of that one. I think Amirox eventually was against it too.


schuelma said:
I just hope everyone outraged at the media running the Wright story was equally outraged when the NYT "story" of McCain cheating on his wife hit.
It came accross as a hit piece, in both the content (very lightly sourced) and timing. But it never gained the kind of traction that the Wright issue has; that one faded to the background. I generally have a low view of MSM, and that includes the Times, partly for stories like that. (They also called Halo 3 "Halo 2 in high definition", but let's not go there.)
GhaleonEB said:
As Obama said, we'll focus on one distraction after another rather than on the stuff that matters. Gas prices and the lack of energy policy, pollution, health care costs, college...the list goes on. Issues that are actually impacting me and my family right now, or will be soon. And this is the shit we spend our time focusing on, and deciding elections on. I get so fucking pissed watching us scurry about like brainless ants when we focus on these distractions. As Amir0x said, if we blow this we deserve what we get. But I literally shudder at the consequences of that happening.

I shudder at the fact that there are enough Americans idiotic enough to make that happen.


Junior Butler
So I decided to switch on Fox news, just to see if they had at least slowed down on the Wright=Obama=Evil propaganda.

Unsurprisingly, not at all.

I had almost got my hopes up when they were interviewing a veteran on Hannity and Colmes and after about maybe 30 seconds, one of them (I don't know which, I don't watch the show of course) after complimenting the veteran on his duties and services, decides to remind him that they (Fox news) brings the news "like it is" just like they did with the Obama/Wright story, the story that they were being "attacked for covering". Did that stop them, no. The people "deserved to know the truth" and those "truth" crusaders did just that. Again, and again.

Ten seconds after the veteran segment was over, the bitch that could've been a stunt double for the beast on the 90's Beauty and The Beast TV series dives right back into the Obama/Wright story.

It gets even better.

SheBeast decides they need to hear an unbiased opinion on the matter and informs us of their new expert and interviewee coming on;Carl FUCKING Rove.

I don't need to tell you how negative things got from there, I'm sure you can guess.

Yes, that really happened.
Triumph said:
2004. George W. Bush. Never forget.

Hillary was in the White House during all those times Bill was messing around with Monica? Seems a little odd to me. Who cheats on their wife, with their wife in the house? Regardless of how big that house is?


ToyMachine228 said:
Hillary was in the White House during all those times Bill was messing around with Monica? Seems a little odd to me. Who cheats on their wife, with their wife in the house? Regardless of how big that house is?

Was probably an open relationship.


Holy shit did Frank Luntz actually say "First thing is he read that from a teleprompter and he didn't read it that well":lol

Justin Bailey

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Tamanon said:
Wow, I had totally forgotten how bad Falwell's post 9/11 speech was. Colbert just played it.
Jerry Falwell said:
I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'
you helped this happen
you helped this happen
you helped this happen
Why didn't they disown him?!?!?!?


CoolTrick said:
Fox News jumped on the other bigoted Chicago pastor that the Obama campaign has touted the endorsement of.
When did Obama tout an endorsement from James Meek?

gluv65 said:
no he exposed sean hannity and they conviently cut him off, see my prior post.

Different person


CoolTrick said:
Fox News jumped on the other bigoted Chicago pastor that the Obama campaign has touted the endorsement of.

You mean when he announced that Meeks had supported him as another Chicago senator? HOW DARE HE ACKNOWLEDGE ANOTHER POLITICIAN!


Justin Bailey said:
Why didn't they disown him?!?!?!?


To be fair, like a lot of things, McCain was right at first in saying Falwell was "an agent of intolerance", but that makes his later pandering and wooing all that much worse.


gluv65 said:
that meeks stuff is very week and reaching.

Yup, first FOX went with the Black Panthers guy and now Meeks. This is getting dangerously close to trying to spark a race war. It's a damn shame too.


Master of the Google Search
Clevinger said:
To be fair, like a lot of things, McCain was right at first in saying Falwell was "an agent of intolerance", but that makes his later pandering and wooing all that much worse.

ToyMachine228 said:
Hillary was in the White House during all those times Bill was messing around with Monica? Seems a little odd to me. Who cheats on their wife, with their wife in the house? Regardless of how big that house is?
im gonna guess that the white house is fairly huge.....yea, im gonna assume that. :/

Tamanon said:
Yup, first FOX went with the Black Panthers guy and now Meeks. This is getting dangerously close to trying to spark a race war. It's a damn shame too.
I don't think obama would complain all that much when he just made an entire speech on the race card. :p
topsyturvy said:
im gonna guess that the white house is fairly huge.....yea, im gonna assume that. :/

I don't think obama would complain all that much when he just made an entire speech on the race card. :p
Way to miss the point of the speech..


topsyturvy said:
im gonna guess that the white house is fairly huge.....yea, im gonna assume that. :/

I don't think obama would complain all that much when he just made an entire speech on the race card. :p

Huh, when did he make that speech?
siamesedreamer said:

He basically said Obama is as delusional as his followers and contradicted his statement about listening to the commanders on the ground.

And what does that mean for Hillary's plan?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Also,I like how you threw your smart ass comment on how delusional his followers are,when there were no mention about "delusional followers" in the interview.
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