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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Obama campaign hitting Clinton pretty hard on NAFTA

"And the attack of the day is on NAFTA in the Clinton schedules. On a campaign conference call just now, chief strategist David Axelrod said Clinton "owes an apology to the people of this country" for suggesting that she hadn't been involved in passing NAFTA when her schedules provide "direct, incontrovertible evidence that Sen. Clinton was involved on this issue.""

I bet Clinton released her schedules as a wild goose chase for reporters. Get the feel good headline that you're being more open and then make them sift through 10 years of worthless crap. Haha.


siamesedreamer said:
And that's fine. Just as long as Obama accepts responsibility for the aftermath.
I disagree, since Shrub has failed to take any sort of responsibility for everything he's done.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Synth_floyd said:
I bet Clinton released her schedules as a wild goose chase for reporters. Get the feel good headline that you're being more open and then make them sift through 10 years of worthless crap. Haha.

they have already found interesting things though.. like the NAFTA stuff.. and the missing days where she met with her brothers who were attempting to help a convicted drug-dealer .. so.. its not really working.
syllogism said:
Obama campaign hitting Clinton pretty hard on NAFTA

"And the attack of the day is on NAFTA in the Clinton schedules. On a campaign conference call just now, chief strategist David Axelrod said Clinton "owes an apology to the people of this country" for suggesting that she hadn't been involved in passing NAFTA when her schedules provide "direct, incontrovertible evidence that Sen. Clinton was involved on this issue.""


It should be interesting to see if this picks up attention in the news. Releasing of those documents may do some serious damage to Hillary or not. Faux Newz will slip in bits between commentary about pastor Wright and playing the video for the 1000th time each day.


Synth_floyd said:
I bet Clinton released her schedules as a wild goose chase for reporters. Get the feel good headline that you're being more open and then make them sift through 10 years of worthless crap. Haha.
She (or National archives) was forced to release them thanks to a Judicial Watch lawsuit. It's funny how she attempted to spin it as voluntary though.
syllogism said:
She (or National archives) was forced to release them thanks to a Judicial Watch lawsuit. It's funny how she attempted to spin it as voluntary though.

I didn't know that (though I assumed something forced her hand). This may have enough golden nuggets to last through the summer. Conservatives and Faux News will have a field day.

So when her tax info is released, who will then be the bigger liability for the democratic party?

Despite all the bad press now, I still think it's better for all this to come out now and dealt with, a long time before the GE. Sure it will be brought up again, but people will be more desensitized to it and hopefully focussing more on the real issues.

When things finally settle in the democratic camp you can be sure that the media will start doing a lot more digging on McCain. Obama and Hillary seem to have the spotlight right now.
siamesedreamer said:
I take it you missed the NYT "affair" article?

Even though the scandolous nature of the article was pretty thin, the media pretty much missed the bigger story there, McCain being rode dirty so to speak by lobbyists.

As is, the media is pretty much parroting the bunk concept of McCain's "Strait talk" still.


maximum360 said:
Nope. But there's always more dirt to dig up. It's just a matter of time. McCain is getting a free ride for the moment though.
He's been getting a free ride for years. Won't change when the dems settle on a candidate.


maximum360 said:
Nope. But there's always more dirt to dig up. It's just a matter of time. McCain is getting a free ride for the moment though.

All they need to do is look at his record and see all the times he's flip flopped in the last decade, pounce on it like they did Kerry, and he's finished. It's staggering how many contradictory statements the guy's got.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Clevinger said:
All they need to do is look at his record and see all the times he's flip flopped in the last decade, pounce on it like they did Kerry, and he's finished. It's staggering how many contradictory statements the guy's got.

The difference there is that the GOP was ready to pounce in March as soon as it became apparent Kerry was going to be the nominee. Kerry had 3-4 months of the GOP labelling him before the convention.

In this case, the dems and the media are going to be tied up until probably at least June with the dem race.


Master of the Google Search


UPDATE: And: In an interview, he says Stanford, not Pitt. Last minute adjustment?
Incognito said:
Is it June 3rd yet?

June 3rd is a big day for me. It's when my County Legislature campaign will officially kick into swing. Had a meeting about it today. Pretty psyched.

Also, I'm glad Obama is finally attacking Hillary on NAFTA. She touts her support of the middle class, yet it was her husband who signed NAFTA. Granted, she is not her husband. The problem is, she is claiming that she had a major role in her First Lady years in passing legislation, and that she was involved and had an impact. If that's the case, then she needs to explain her involvement in the passing of NAFTA, and why she's now opposed to it. She can't pick and choose to take only the good things from the Bill Clinton years, she has to take the bad as well, and the Obama camp needs to bring out those bad legislation choices such as NAFTA.

Also, going to Pennsylvania to campaign for Obama this weekend. Registering voters, tabling/canvassing etc. Pretty excited.
Smiles and Cries said:
there is a town hall feed on CNN

I'm not watching I'm on Obama blackout until PA
just too tired of the media mess

I'm thinking of doing a self-imposed media blackout as well and probably check back in June.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
grandjedi6 said:
It would be awesome if he won one of the big tournament bracket prediction leagues, like Facebook's or something :lol
Obama needs to fully explain his comment today and put the race issue to bed. His mistake was continuing to talk about it. He should focus on the economy, Iraq, and whatever else is important and leave the issue alone. If he gets baited into making comments and making mistakes the media will never let him live it down. He had a good shot at putting this all behind him after Tuesday but now he's becoming his biggest liability.


I think the whole Pastor ordeal is going to ultimately sink Obama. He can talk about race all he wants, but Middle America is going to be disgusted at the whole "god damn America," "America deserved 9/11", etc. thing. That goes beyond race to most people; it's likely viewed as a slap in the face to the entire country, and that's the problem. Obama's talking about race, but Jeremiah Wright was talking about a lot more. Not to mention, given that this guy has been Obama's Pastor for years, and has been there during important times during his (and his family's) life, I just can't see him being able to disassociate himself with this guy to the point where most people would let it slide.

The comments don't really make me think any differently about Obama, but I know others will definitely be changing their minds.

...Hillary may be the party's best chance, now.
Diablos said:
I think the whole Pastor ordeal is going to ultimately sink Obama. He can talk about race all he wants, but Middle America is going to be disgusted at the whole "god damn America," "America deserved 9/11", etc. thing. That goes beyond race to most people; it's likely viewed as a slap in the face to the entire country, and that's the problem. Obama's talking about race, but Jeremiah Wright was talking about a lot more. Not to mention, given that this guy has been Obama's Pastor for years, and has been there during important times during his (and his family's) life, I just can't see him being able to disassociate himself with this guy to the point where most people would let it slide.

The comments don't really make me think any differently about Obama, but I know others will definitely be changing their minds.

...Hillary may be the party's best chance, now.

Middle America wasn't going to vote for him anyway, nor Hillary. Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska... McCain has them locked up without even a thought.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Thunder Monkey said:

Middle America wasn't going to vote for him anyway, nor Hillary. Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska... McCain has them locked up without even a thought.

I think by Middle America, he probably also means voters in the Midwest.


Master of the Google Search
This controversy isn't big enough to shift a significant portion of voters away from Obama. Especially when you consider the disadvantage Mccain is in
Obma is fine. The glacial pace of the primary when set against the inherent drama of a horse race that has gone on this long just has people in a tizzy.

The general election season will sport far worse crises for both candidates. If anything, Obama supporters should feel pretty good that he's handled this whole thing very well, there is still tons of good news coming from his campaign, and that in the general election this will be "old news that's already been dealt with" and get little media attention.

And FFS Dems stop worrying about McCain. He's an easy mark and he'll largely do the work of destroying his candidacy for us.

Sorta on topic-Tom Reynolds (R-NY) is leaving the House at the end of the year. (link). The righteous purge of the GOP that started in 2006 continues unabated-this is the 29th retirement in the House GOP ranks this cycle.
grandjedi6 said:

Clearly pandering to the suburban Raleigh-Durham crowd. He must feel pretty confident about his showing in Durham (as he should, I doubt anyone will vote for the Destroyer of Hope over him there) to knock them out before the Final Four.


From the other thread, but this one's more appropriate:




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
Yes, Wright at a Clinton dinner is comparable to Obama's 20 year relationship with the man

Guilt-by-association baby. Guilt-by-association. The Clinton camp is using it against Obama, it's only fair to use it against them.


PhoenixDark said:
Yes, Wright at a Clinton dinner is comparable to Obama's 20 year relationship with the man

Why's he sitting by Hillary and shaking Clinton's hand if he hates white people and America so much?
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