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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Cheebs said:
Awesome. But I think its at the point where we can deem national polls useless. With so few states left and the fact no one is going to open up a GIGANTIC lead, I cant see the sway of national polls. Good, still.
Agreed. Though, the Rasmussen seems to swing around almost randomly. That combined with thier past accuracy has me putting more stock in the Gallup poll.
Schattenjagger said:
Your opinions have the lowest merit out of every poster on this thread.
The Wright story was his biggest obtacle and yet he overcame it with relative ease. You are beyond predictable at this point.

Polls show otherwise, but by on means continue to live in your fantasy world. And v1cious with respect to it being a Rasmussen poll: it's still more than capable of showing voting patterns, which is the point.
The whole thing about Obama repeatedly missing his chances to secure the nomination seems a bit silly. It's not like each new election brought a newly revised national result, but unique states with their own demographics and preferences. Hillary victories have been interspersed with Obama's, yes, but that doesn't make it a series of reversals.

It's weird how being in first earns one attention that amounts to "What's wrong with you that you're only THIS much ahead instead of THAT much ahead?"
Triumph said:
How would you characterize the economy, friend?

A cyclical downturn that may end up being a bit worse than the most recent ones we've experienced. Hardly something that should result in significantly expanded government oversight like Obama is proposing.


JoshuaJSlone said:
The whole thing about Obama repeatedly missing his chances to secure the nomination seems a bit silly. It's not like each new election brought a newly revised national result, but unique states with their own demographics and preferences. Hillary victories have been interspersed with Obama's, yes, but that doesn't make it a series of reversals.

It's weird how being in first earns one attention that amounts to "What's wrong with you that you're only THIS much ahead instead of THAT much ahead?"
And lately, it's been said that the Texas and Ohio primaries were his knockout chances, and he missed them. But really, with the proportional delegates, he wouldn't be THAT much further ahead if he had squeeked out wins. Maybe what, 20? Not enough to get Hillary to drop out or change the narrative much. ("it's close")


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
For everyone mad at "the media," (which I gather means the cable news stations and whatever their on-air talent says extemporaneously) I suggest tuning into the Jim Lehrer Newshour and making donations to your local PBS station. Also you could subscribe to your local daily newspaper.
Guileless said:
For everyone mad at "the media," (which I gather means the cable news stations and whatever their on-air talent says extemporaneously) I suggest tuning into the Jim Lehrer Newshour and making donations to your local PBS station. Also you could subscribe to your local daily newspaper.

Funny story about PSB -- had some friends over Tuesday night to watch Idol and BB and as we watched them, I was also taping "Bush's War", the Frontline special on PBS. Well, after the two shows ended I started Frontline. After about an hour, a friend looks up and asks "Are there no commercials or what? This shit is damn good...". :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
PhoenixDark said:
It's gaining some support according to a recent poll. Your point?
PhoenixDark + Polls == Edwards + Mills
siamesedreamer said:
What exactly hasn't worked?

Specificallyl to the housing market and financials or generally? Here's a general example of the issues with de-regulation.

Derugulation of Energy has been a massive failure nearly everywhere it's been rolled out, leading to higher prices CA being the worst example. In general american deregulation (and gov. "privatization" along with it) means to re-write the rules in favor of a few specific, generally larger companies. Remember the Brown outs in CA about 6 years ago? The ones that occured because Consumption dropped, and production remained the same, yet costs somehow skyrocketed. Good times.

Article on the failure of energy Deregulation.

Or how bout internet/phone services in the US where we pay nearly twice as much as Europe for comparable service?

A big reason the current housing crisis is so big and hitting the economy in general is because the companies were able to hide how risky these loans were from there investors. Better regulation, especially regulation requiring transparency could have greatly reduced the damages.

If you can't tell, I approved of much of what Obama said in his speech this morning ;).
bob_arctor said:
My point? Stop masturbating to polls.

I'm actually masturbating to Gia Darling right now, thank you very much.

Trends are interesting, and right now it's hard to deny the downward nature of Obama's. Hillary has to find a way to ensure he stays on the defensive until late April when she wins Penn.; she'll get a bump in the polls by default then.


GhaleonEB said:
And lately, it's been said that the Texas and Ohio primaries were his knockout chances, and he missed them. But really, with the proportional delegates, he wouldn't be THAT much further ahead if he had squeeked out wins. Maybe what, 20? Not enough to get Hillary to drop out or change the narrative much. ("it's close")

i know the Clintons have this whole "never say die" thing, but i predict Hillary will be out the race if she loes both may 6 primaries. there's just no chance for her to catch up. if the press touts yet another big state for Hillary, and then she gets stomped hard again like post-mini-tuesday, she will either go quietly, or the DNC will force her out.
PhoenixDark said:
I'm actually masturbating to Gia Darling right now, thank you very much.

Trends are interesting, and right now it's hard to deny the downward nature of Obama's. Hillary has to find a way to ensure he stays on the defensive until late April when she wins Penn.; she'll get a bump in the polls by default then.

:lol :lol

Someone really needs to expose this account.


PhoenixDark said:
He obviously still has a chance to win the presidency but at the end of the day Obama is damaged goods. The "magic" and luster of his campaign died with the Wright story.
Sorry you are calling who delusional? :lol


PhoenixDark said:
I'm actually masturbating to Gia Darling right now, thank you very much.

This means that the only "surge" working is the one in your pants and even that one will fail once you withdraw your troops.


PhoenixDark said:
I'm actually masturbating to Gia Darling right now, thank you very much.

Trends are interesting, and right now it's hard to deny the downward nature of Obama's. Hillary has to find a way to ensure he stays on the defensive until late April when she wins Penn.; she'll get a bump in the polls by default then.

*** Not the one you’d think: But the poll didn’t indicate the past couple of weeks’ news hurt Obama the most; it was Clinton (sniper fire?). She’s sporting the lowest personal ratings of the campaign. Her 37% positive rating is the lowest the NBC/WSJ poll has recorded since March 2001, two months after she was elected to the U.S. Senate from New York. As for the damage this controversy did or didn't do to Obama, it's a mixed bag. Yes, Obama saw some of his numbers go down slightly among certain voting groups, most notably Republicans. But he's still much more competitive with independent voters when matched up against John McCain than Hillary Clinton is. And he still sports a net-positive personal rating of 49-32, which is down only slightly from two weeks ago, when it was 51-28. Again, the biggest shift in those negative numbers was among Republicans.
ari said:
polls are shit, so is some biased liberal on youtube.
So ignore the bias and look at the raw numbers. zomg
electricpirate said:
If you can't tell, I approved of much of what Obama said in his speech this morning ;).

Of course you did...his followers are devout and hang on every word.

FWIW, I agree that the mortgage industry needs changes in the laws.


GhaleonEB said:

So ignore the bias and look at the raw numbers. zomg
problem with that is that there's someone else ready to prove or disprove the raw numbers. Kinda my point. I don't give a shit about poll numbers.

EDIT: These threads is like a song and dance. NOBODY question when any of you posted and based your arguments on shear poll numbers. Why can't PD do so?


ari said:
problem with that is that there's someone else ready to prove or disprove the raw numbers. Kinda my point. I don't give a shit about poll numbers.

EDIT: These threads is like a song and dance. NOBODY question when any of you posted and based your arguments on shear poll numbers. Why can't PD do so?
Well, I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to PD, and on a specific point about the support for the war as shown in a recent poll (not sure if that was the one he was talking about). If you don't care, don't inject yourself into the conversation.
siamesedreamer said:
Of course you did...his followers are devout and hang on every word.

FWIW, I agree that the mortgage industry needs changes in the laws.

I had also said that no candidate had actually addressed regulation in the Mortgage market properly before his speech, and criticized him for it, so I must be a prescient obama supporter!


ari said:
problem with that is that there's someone else ready to prove or disprove the raw numbers. Kinda my point. I don't give a shit about poll numbers.

EDIT: These threads is like a song and dance. NOBODY question when any of you posted and based your arguments on shear poll numbers. Why can't PD do so?

Because he is inconsistent with his arguments.
electricpirate said:
I had also said that no candidate had actually addressed regulation in the Mortgage market properly before his speech, and criticized him for it, so I must be a prescient obama supporter!

Even when he does something no other candidate dares do by actually laying forth a way to solve a problem, mentioning race at all, he gets shit for it from the media instead they stick tightly to the Wright crap.

Obama by all rights is the nominee. He's got the delegate advantage by 200, he has the popular vote by 1+ million, and he knows how to respond to attacks well and quickly.

Hillary on the other hand creates her own attacks. And can't give them a good response once unearthed.
JoshuaJSlone said:
The whole thing about Obama repeatedly missing his chances to secure the nomination seems a bit silly. It's not like each new election brought a newly revised national result, but unique states with their own demographics and preferences. Hillary victories have been interspersed with Obama's, yes, but that doesn't make it a series of reversals.

It's weird how being in first earns one attention that amounts to "What's wrong with you that you're only THIS much ahead instead of THAT much ahead?"

Agreed 100 percent.

I'm sick of the fucking media acting as though everytime Hillary wins a state, that she is on some "comeback" or "the voters still want more time to decide"...fucking bullshit, the states vote in an arbitrary order, and she is simply winning the states that she would have won regardless of the order or what states she had lost before. The media spin on Ohio and Texas was just ridiculous, would she NOT have one those states, regardless of what momentum Obama had? They make it seem like Obama would have had a better shot at these states had he not one 13 in a row before them...fucking bullshit.


when is my burrito
mashoutposse said:
It's over, but the party is being forced to stick with it so as not to disenfranchise supporters of the losing side. Obama should have won Texas and put things to bed.

He did win Texas.
electricpirate said:
So where are these "new" wright stories? I don't have cable news, and I don't see any mention of it on the front of CNN.com or others.
PhoenixDark said:
Damn, you can't blame him everything, especially if he didn't even knew about it....

bu bubu the pastor daughters posted this!

Get this silly shit out my face! media is dumb as fuck or just care about ratings
Thunder Monkey said:
He definitely got the delegate count from Texas. Lost the primary by a small amount, and won the caucus by a huge amount.

And will probably expand that a little more at the county then state conventions. The Clinton campaign only started to prepare for the county conventions this week while the Obama camp has been hassling delegates to attend training sessions for the last couple weeks.
Liara T'Soni said:
Anti-Israel remarks.

I wonder how long it'll be until the media picks up on some of the things that McCain's pastor has said about destroying Islam, or how 9/11 and and Katrina were God's reactions to liberal policies in America. That's why McCain's staying quiet on the Wright thing.
harSon said:
Because he is inconsistent with his arguments.

Please explain this. I rarely bring up polls, but when I do it's an onslaught of information to back my claims - and my current claim is that the Wright thing has really damaged Obama, in more ways than one. As the dude from MyDD said it's time to have an adult conversation on this and face reality. Just last month people were writing McCain off.


*drowns in jizz*
To be fair to Phoenix Dark, he basically lives on this message board and on the internet, and probably has lost almost all touch with the outside world and reality, dealing with real people/situations, which goes hand in hand with sensibility and common sense.

His posts are more humor than anything, and I always read them as such and pretend he's being sarcastic, to avoid feeling too much pity for him that he actually takes himself and his disconnected views seriously.


harSon said:
Because he is inconsistent with his arguments.
No he's not! Anything that is bad for Obama, PD will put forth as his argument du jour. Now, if that's not jiving with yesterday's argument or last week's argument then oh well!


PhoenixDark said:
Please explain this. I rarely bring up polls, but when I do it's an onslaught of information to back my claims - and my current claim is that the Wright thing has really damaged Obama, in more ways than one. As the dude from MyDD said it's time to have an adult conversation on this and face reality. Just last month people were writing McCain off.
What exactly is your point? That Hillary has a better chance of winning?


Slurpy said:
To be fair to Phoenix Dark, he basically lives on this message board and on the internet, and probably has lost almost all touch with the outside world and reality, dealing with real people/situations, which goes hand in hand with sensibility and common sense.

His posts are more humor than anything, and I always read them as such and pretend he's being sarcastic, to avoid feeling too much pity for him that he actually takes himself and his disconnected views seriously.
You know, politics show the ugly side of people some time. You guys might not be complete dicks, but...
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