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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
RiZ III said:
O please. This is the same guy who owns multiple Hummers and has been an outspoken fan of the vehicle.
I never understood how owning multiple Hummers makes him less environmentally friendly, unless he can somehow drive all of them at once.
RiZ III said:
O please. This is the same guy who owns multiple Hummers and has been an outspoken fan of the vehicle.

And that diminishes the point of what he said how?

I'm so sick of people resorting to personal attacks on people that have nothing to do with what they say. Who cares if he's personally a hypocrite (which, I might add, driving a Hummer does not make you one,) the point is he had the balls, as a Republican who endorsed McCain, to call him out on his bullshit....and he's absolutely correct.
RiZ III said:
O please. This is the same guy who owns multiple Hummers and has been an outspoken fan of the vehicle.

Well he has definitely changed his tune more recently. A few years back he started pushing the development of a network of hydrogen fueling stations in California. And actually, even though it's strictly a non-production vehicle, he helped prod GM to crate a hydrogen powered Hummer. He also converted one of his Hummers to run on biodiesel. Though the reality is he pretty much doesn't drive any of them anymore anyway.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hootie said:
Pfft, who the hell abides by that ancient scribble anymore?
I recall certain people questioning whether McCain was eligible since he was born in Panama (at a US base) and there are still idiots trying to prove that Obama's birth certificate is fake.

The Constitution is in play... until you're elected.


Several donors took the occasion to speak to Obama. Lanny Davis, a vociferous Clinton defender on television, introduced himself to Obama, who responded, "I know who you are." Davis fidgeted. But he thanked Obama because he son felt for the first time invested in politics. But Obama had to understand: he's known Hillary before she was a Clinton. "I don't want you to take out of context what I said during the campaign," he told Obama.

Heh, he was probably smiling when he said that though
Isn't anyone going to burst the Obama bubble? All his change stuff is BS. He backpeddled on his claim to want to run a publicly financed campaign by saying the system is "broken." That's like claiming bias in the media if they run a bad story about you. It's a lame rhetorical technique. "It's not my fault, it's the system's!"

He also backpeddled on filibustering the bill giving immunity to telecoms. And he backpeddled on town halls with McCain and issued a wishy washy "offend no one" statement on the recent 2nd amendment case. John McCain is a scumbag but Obama is showing himself to be another opportunistic pol who's number 1 priority is getting elected. A shame really.


Setec Astronomer
Synth_floyd said:
Isn't anyone going to burst the Obama bubble? All his change stuff is BS. He backpeddled on his claim to want to run a publicly financed campaign by saying the system is "broken." That's like claiming bias in the media if they run a bad story about you. It's a lame rhetorical technique. "It's not my fault, it's the system's!"

He also backpeddled on filibustering the bill giving immunity to telecoms. And he backpeddled on town halls with McCain and issued a wishy washy "offend no one" statement on the recent 2nd amendment case. John McCain is a scumbag but Obama is showing himself to be another opportunistic pol who's number 1 priority is getting elected. A shame really.
Campaign financing? Probably. FISA bill? Maybe. Town halls? No, McCain rejected the counteroffer. 2nd Amendment? He's never been gung-ho about banning guns in the first place.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Synth_floyd said:
who's number 1 priority is getting elected.





Synth_floyd said:
Obama is showing himself to be another opportunistic pol who's number 1 priority is getting elected. A shame really.
It is a shame. In fact, it's a damn shame. These opportunistic politicians. I'm so tired of them trying to get elected. If only he could focus on bringing about change while he's not in power, instead of trying to get into a position of power where he'll actually be able to bring about real change.

If only we had more politicians who ran their campaigns without a care of getting elected. God knows that's not actually the point of running for office.


Synth_floyd said:
Isn't anyone going to burst the Obama bubble? All his change stuff is BS. He backpeddled on his claim to want to run a publicly financed campaign by saying the system is "broken." That's like claiming bias in the media if they run a bad story about you. It's a lame rhetorical technique. "It's not my fault, it's the system's!"

He also backpeddled on filibustering the bill giving immunity to telecoms. And he backpeddled on town halls with McCain and issued a wishy washy "offend no one" statement on the recent 2nd amendment case. John McCain is a scumbag but Obama is showing himself to be another opportunistic pol who's number 1 priority is getting elected. A shame really.

Well it depends on if you are willing to look at McCain's change stuff as well. And while we're discussing Obama backpeddling on a publicly financed campaign, maybe we could discuss McCain's illegal use of campain finance.

So where to start...

  • McCains now is against his own immigration plan
  • He now is for offshore drilling, of which he has been against in the past
  • He is for the Bush tax cuts he once opposed
  • He has been against torture and wants Guantanamo Bay closed, yet has recently called the Supreme Court decision allowing Gitmo detainees to challenge their detention in US courts "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country"
  • He used to be for privatized Social Security, now he is against it
  • He was for abortion in the cases of rape and incest victims, now against it

I could go on for about 20 more bullet points...

I'm not saying one 'flip flops' more than the other. My point is, it's BS to call one out without calling the other. They are politicians and people.... their views are going to legitmately change over time because of outside influence and because they want people to vote for them.


testicles on a cold fall morning
we appeased North Korea! they're going to screw us over and diminish US prestige! how could we offer unilateral talks to that tyrant!

Cheney and his staff must be smarting, along with Bolton (who's likely twisting his mustache in furor). too bad this news is about 6 years too late...


First tragedy, then farce.
Synth_floyd said:
Isn't anyone going to burst the Obama bubble? All his change stuff is BS. He backpeddled on his claim to want to run a publicly financed campaign by saying the system is "broken." That's like claiming bias in the media if they run a bad story about you. It's a lame rhetorical technique. "It's not my fault, it's the system's!"

He also backpeddled on filibustering the bill giving immunity to telecoms. And he backpeddled on town halls with McCain and issued a wishy washy "offend no one" statement on the recent 2nd amendment case. John McCain is a scumbag but Obama is showing himself to be another opportunistic pol who's number 1 priority is getting elected. A shame really.

I dont think public financing is that bad. There was an assumption that McCain would squash independent swiftboat groups, which he is not. Obama didnt say that explicitly (since it would be illegal) but it was implied. Obama has crushed several groups already, McCain hasnt which is why Obama backed out of it.
Susan Rice destroys David Gregory and Joe Scarbs this morning. The one thing I appreciate about Susan Rice is that she won't tolerate nonsense spin from anyone. I also didn't realize David Gregory was such a cheerleader for Bush and the war.


maximum360 said:
Susan Rice destroys David Gregory and Joe Scarbs this morning. The one thing I appreciate about Susan Rice is that she won't tolerate nonsense spin from anyone. I also didn't realize David Gregory was such a cheerleader for Bush and the war.
Greggory got signaled out and personally attacked in Scott McClellan's book. McClellan basically said Greggory refused to do anything to question the war effort at all in his days as white house correspondent for MSNBC/NBC.
xBigDanx said:
Well it depends on if you are willing to look at McCain's change stuff as well. And while we're discussing Obama backpeddling on a publicly financed campaign, maybe we could discuss McCain's illegal use of campain finance.

McCain is worse than Obama but I was just disappointed in Obama, who has taken the mantle of change and shown himself to be just a token Democrat with good rhetorical skills.


Synth_floyd said:
McCain is worse than Obama but I was just disappointed in Obama, who has taken the mantle of change and shown himself to be just a token Democrat with good rhetorical skills.
Because of literally a handful of issues?

Did you pay attention at all in 1992, 2000, or 2004? Clinton, Gore, and Kerry moderated a lot of their stances. A LOOOOOT more than Obama has done. Obama has changed very little to what they did. As did Bush in 2000.

You can't win unless you run a bit more moderate. You govern however you want when you are in power.

Bush went rightward once elected. Clinton went to the left till he lost congress in 1994. Obama wont lose his congress so he is free to govern as left as he pleases.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
"I think he [then Secretary of State Colin Powell] has proved that Iraq has these weapons and is hiding them, and I don't think many informed people doubted that." (Susan Rice, NPR, Feb. 6, 2003)

She has also advocated American military intervention in Darfur.
Diablos said:
Do you think Obama shifting positions (FLIP FLOPPER OMG) on public financing is really a game changer as Lindsey Graham said? I can understand why this is upsetting, but I really don't think this is a game changer.

Its a game changer in that it virtually gaurantees McCain will be the last candidate from either party to accept public financing under the current laws.

What Obama did was incredibly selfish and short-sighted. Not only did he flip on something he claimed was vitally important - especially for future campaigns, he called it "broken" (when it wasn't 6 weeks earlier) and blamed the REP 527 Boogyman - another fabrication:

But everybody remembers the most famous 527 group of all, the 2004 "Swift boats" attack ads questioning John Kerry's bravery in Vietnam. Here are the numbers: The 527 spending has heavily favored Democrats over Republicans in every election cycle since 2000. In 2004, Democratic-leaning 527 groups spent $316 million to Republican-leaning 527s' $113 million. So far in 2008, the 527 spending has been $116 million to $69 million in favor of the Democrats.

So, yeah, he's now going to be able to raise a shit ton of money and force McCain to spend in states he shouldn't need to. I mean, its fucking June and I see at least two Obama ads a night in GA. June...Democrat...ads...GA. He'll now be able to create a huge army of people getting the vote out. He'll now be able to afford virtually anything that will help him get elected. That includes bribing the cultists on ObamaGAF with free t-shirts for every donation.

What's happened is that he's opened the floodgates and there's a little something called unintended consequences. What they may be is anyone's guess. But, one can only imagine they won't be good.

And remember what Lindsey Graham said Sunday: "This will not be forgotten". To me, that was a reference to 2012. After four years of full DEM government control, the GOP will be rejuvinated and hungry. You can bet your asses this decision will come back to bite Obama bigtime.


testicles on a cold fall morning
bitter tears! i can't imagine, of all things, that opting out of public financing will have these unintended consequences. the GOP is just bloviating because Obama's money will (for once) put the GOP and its candidate at a distinct disadvantage in shoring up traditional states. boo hoo.

btw, how the heck did you get banned again so quickly?


"We dont know what will happen, but because Obama did it, it must be bad" :p

And I don't know what your problem with "free" T-shirts is, because BUYING a T-shirt from a campaign is a donation.


siamesedreamer said:
He'll now be able to afford virtually anything that will help him get elected. That includes bribing the cultists on ObamaGAF with free t-shirts for every donation.

Whaaa..? Free t-shirts? Where?!

*reaches for wallet*

Thanks for the heads-up!


BTW, McCain's offering a chance to win a ride on the Straight Talk Express(As seen on McCain's Cribs!) for a random donor.

And he's rolled out a commercial with his 3134342352432th new slogan. "Putting the country first"

Dude really needs to find a message, any message and stick to it if he wants any resonance. Even Mark Penn is thinking his image vacillates too much.


Tamanon said:
BTW, McCain's offering a chance to win a ride on the Straight Talk Express(As seen on McCain's Cribs!) for a random donor.

And he's rolled out a commercial with his 3134342352432th new slogan. "Putting the country first"

Dude really needs to find a message, any message and stick to it if he wants any resonance. Even Mark Penn is thinking his image vacillates too much.
That slogan is as much about McCain as it is implying Obama doesn't do the same. Between that and Lieberman playing the Wright card yesterday, I think we're heading to fun times, quick.

(I still think "hot bottled water" should be his slogan.)


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm not even sure what that slogan is supposed to mean - 'putting the country first' by...voting for McCain? surely there are more effective ways to better the country by voting for that old curmudgeon...


RiZ III said:
O please. This is the same guy who owns multiple Hummers and has been an outspoken fan of the vehicle.

All of his Hummers are modified to hydrogen fuel cells and various other technologies.

Awww, ain't that cute? These two are getting on a plane heading to Unity, NH.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Republicans that still think pushing the Rev. Wright thing will hurt Obama are crazy. They need a new angle.


siamesedreamer said:
there's a little something called unintended consequences.
This is politics. There are constant deluges of unintended consequences, and no one ever cares. See e.g. gas tax relief.


mckmas8808 said:
Republicans that still think pushing the Rev. Wright thing will hurt Obama are crazy. They need a new angle.

It's all they've got... I don't think most people responded to the campaign finances thing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Door2Dawn said:
I'm pretty sure they are considering her for vp.
i highly doubt that. Patty Solis Doyle's hire is an almost guarantee that such a thing isn't going to happen.
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