Diablos said:
Do you think Obama shifting positions (FLIP FLOPPER OMG) on public financing is really a game changer as Lindsey Graham said? I can understand why this is upsetting, but I really don't think this is a game changer.
Its a game changer in that it virtually gaurantees McCain will be the last candidate from either party to accept public financing under the current laws.
What Obama did was incredibly selfish and short-sighted. Not only did he flip on something he claimed was vitally important - especially for future campaigns, he called it "broken" (when it wasn't 6 weeks earlier) and blamed the REP 527 Boogyman - another
But everybody remembers the most famous 527 group of all, the 2004 "Swift boats" attack ads questioning John Kerry's bravery in Vietnam. Here are the numbers: The 527 spending has heavily favored Democrats over Republicans in every election cycle since 2000. In 2004, Democratic-leaning 527 groups spent $316 million to Republican-leaning 527s' $113 million. So far in 2008, the 527 spending has been $116 million to $69 million in favor of the Democrats.
So, yeah, he's now going to be able to raise a shit ton of money and force McCain to spend in states he shouldn't need to. I mean, its fucking June and I see at least two Obama ads a night in GA. June...Democrat...ads...GA. He'll now be able to create a huge army of people getting the vote out. He'll now be able to afford virtually anything that will help him get elected. That includes bribing the cultists on ObamaGAF with free t-shirts for every donation.
What's happened is that he's opened the floodgates and there's a little something called
unintended consequences. What they may be is anyone's guess. But, one can only imagine they won't be good.
And remember what Lindsey Graham said Sunday: "This will not be forgotten". To me, that was a reference to 2012. After four years of full DEM government control, the GOP will be rejuvinated and hungry. You can bet your asses this decision will come back to bite Obama bigtime.