Not so much wrong as completely disingenuous, since it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the reason Obama is campaigning in so many states is his surprising strength in many traditionally Republican states.avatar299 said:Uh what there is wrong?
And let's not forget his unique indepenant appeal in states like Calfornia.grandjedi6 said:"Its revealing that John McCain has now been forced to expand the states on his map because hes so weak in traditional Republican targets such as Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada, not to mention his ongoing problems in Florida and New Mexico," said Obama spokesman I'mMakingThisUp.
maximum360 said:
Nader says he's on to Obama strategy:
"He wants to show that he is not a threatening . . . another politically threatening African-American politician. He wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as black is beautiful, black is powerful. Basically he's coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it's corporate or whether it's simply oligarchic. And they love it. Whites just eat it up."
grandjedi6 said:I see Nader is trying to compete with Barr for my coveted "Most hated 3rd party candidate" award
The Lamonster said:Holy shit, just read that Obama disagrees with the Supreme Court decision on the death penalty for raping a child. This is the second time in a week that I've been disappointed with Obama's position (first was FISA).
He isn't as liberal as I hoped![]()
5-4 ruled it's unconstitutional to execute a child rapist.BenjaminBirdie said:Did the Supreme Court vote in favor of it?
Agreed. A dead man can't learn from his mistakes.The Lamonster said:5-4 ruled it's unconstitutional to execute a child rapist.
And I agree with them. In fact, I'm flat-out against the death penalty in any circumstances.
Dax01 said:Agreed. A dead man can't learn from his mistakes.
I don't blame Nader for 2000. He had every right to run under the rules. My dislike of Nader mostly comes from his energy policy and egotistical view of electionsGaborn said:I would think the 2000 election would've already awarded Nader that crown permanently.
grandjedi6 said:I don't blame Nader for 2000. He had every right to run under the rules. My dislike of Nader mostly comes from his energy policy and egotistical view of elections
Most people don't think they'll be caught - so you can't argue that the death penalty is a detractor to crime. As for revenge, it's not really a trait to be proud of...Gaborn said:Or repeat them. I'm generally in favor of the death penalty for murderers but I really don't care either way if a child molester is executed, especially if there was penetration (as opposed to just "touching" as it were) then I think there's a stronger reason to execute though rather than just isolating them from society.
The Lamonster said:Most people don't think they'll be caught - so you can't argue that the death penalty is a detractor to crime. As for revenge, it's not really a trait to be proud of...
By executing a man for murdering another, we are being as bad as he was, if not worse (for seeing it as some form of justice).Gaborn said:Or repeat them. I'm generally in favor of the death penalty for murderers but I really don't care either way if a child molester is executed, especially if there was penetration (as opposed to just "touching" as it were) then I think there's a stronger reason to execute though rather than just isolating them from society.
I generally don't frame things in liberal/conservative terms, so I was surprised that was a conservative position. I'm for the death penalty in those cases. I wasn't before I became a parent. I'm glad he supports that position.The Lamonster said:Holy shit, just read that Obama disagrees with the Supreme Court decision on the death penalty for raping a child. This is the second time in a week that I've been disappointed with Obama's position (first was FISA).
He isn't as liberal as I hoped![]()
People in his camp advised him against running in closely contested states.grandjedi6 said:I don't blame Nader for 2000. He had every right to run under the rules. My dislike of Nader mostly comes from his energy policy and egotistical view of elections
Dax01 said:By executing a man for murdering another, we are being as bad as he was, if not worse (for seeing it as some form of justice).
HeartAttackJones said:My only issue with the death penalty is the whole flawed jud. system thing - innocent people are sometimes convicted.
That said, I don't want to see if we can reform the guy who tortured that Columbia student for 19 hours. He should be gone.
I disagree. I don't think the death penalty is appropriate in any situation.Gaborn said:No, because society is protecting itself. It's a form of collective self defense from the murderer. It's also a consequence of their actions, it's no more murder to execute a murderer than it is murder to kill a burglar breaking down your front door. If they didn't break down your door you wouldn't respond with deadly force, and if they weren't murdering people society wouldn't execute them.
Dax01 said:I disagree. I don't think the death penalty is appropriate in any situation.
Even then I still can't blame Nader for 2000 since under the rules he had every right to run. As for your very last part I was actually throwing that under the "egotistical view" part of my criticism for NaderChichikov said:People in his camp advised him against running in closely contested states.
And while I think the blame on 2000 is still mostly on Gore (and the supreme court, but dont get me started on that) where Nader lost many points with me is with his notion that theres no real difference between GWB and Gore, and notion he still holds to this day (for the best of my knowledge).
So...if some dude brutally rapes, tortures, and kills everyone in your family including your dog, you want what to happen to him?Dax01 said:I disagree. I don't think the death penalty is appropriate in any situation.
I'd want him to rot in prison for the rest of his natural life. I don't want him to get a free pass in the form of death.HeartAttackJones said:So...if some dude brutally rapes, tortures, and kills everyone in your family including your dog, you want what to happen to him?
the dog is the only member of the family worthy of unique identification?HeartAttackJones said:So...if some dude brutally rapes, tortures, and kills everyone in your family including your dog, you want what to happen to him?
Diablos said:Do you think Obama shifting positions (FLIP FLOPPER OMG) on public financing is really a game changer as Lindsey Graham said? I can understand why this is upsetting, but I really don't think this is a game changer. Most of us are pretty informed when it comes to this kind of stuff, but the general public, that is, people who aren't heavily interested in the wonderful (lol) game of politics, are not going to care a whole lot. Obama disagreeing with the Supreme Court and saying those who rape children should get the death penalty, on the other hand, is likely a bigger deal to those people.
I'm playing devil's advocate here but...HeartAttackJones said:So...if some dude brutally rapes, tortures, and kills everyone in your family including your dog, you want what to happen to him?
Wanted to inject a little humor into a dark subject.scola said:the dog is the only member of the family worthy of unique identification?
Isn't that the standard for applying the death penalty?If you think that killing someone is justified simply because they did something bad enough to make me want them dead, you might as well just legalize murder.
That isn't a very good standard for applying the death penalty.
The Lamonster said:Holy shit, just read that Obama disagrees with the Supreme Court decision on the death penalty for raping a child. This is the second time in a week that I've been disappointed with Obama's position (first was FISA).
He isn't as liberal as I hoped![]()
Diablos said:Most of us are pretty informed when it comes to this kind of stuff, but the general public, that is, people who aren't heavily interested in the wonderful (lol) game of politics, are not going to care a whole lot.
The Crimson Kid said:The MSM will keep making a big deal out of the smallest insignificant things hoping that people will give the slightest damn about it.
Frank the Great said:You guys better get used to Obama being more centrist. I know this board was a giant liberal circle-jerk during the primary season, when Obama and Clinton were trying to see who could appeal to most Democrats, but Democrats are going to vote for Obama no matter what in the general, and no longer need to be fought over.
Now that it's time for the general, both candidates (Obama and McCain) are beginning to gravitate towards the middle.
It sucks, but it happens every election with every candidate. One of the main negatives of a two party system.
Incognito said:Lindsey Graham is quite possibly the biggest concern troll ever. Nothing he says should ever be taken seriously.
James Dobson said:Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.
Obama has a sister :0Deus Ex Machina said: said:The Daily Show seriously has some of the best oppo researchers in the world, pulling a James Dobson clip talking about Leviticus from back in the day and how it's in the scriptures so it must be right.:lol
Mandark said:If we're talking about quotes from the good doctor, nothing beats this:
The context? A Dobson column where he gives advice on how to prevent your kids from becoming homosexuals.
This is definitely the case with campaign-finance-gate.Arde5643 said:The MSM will keep making a big deal out of the smallest insignificant things hoping that people will give the slightest damn about it.
should have gone with peanut butterHeartAttackJones said:Wanted to inject a little humor into a dark subject.
Isn't that the standard for applying the death penalty?
edit:It's to keep people from taking the law into their own hands.
Hootie said::lol The Colbert Report is so much better than the Daily show. Those videos were so awesome.
Oh shi-- Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Report!