The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel. Judges 5:7
During the dark days of the Judges of Israel there were some bright and precious lights. There was no king and Israel no longer viewed the LORD as their Sovereign Protector. So
every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25
Societal Law (advocated by Sir Oliver Wendell Holmes) provided no utopia, and Israel degenerated into jungle warfare. America cannot escape the historical lesson; either the Law is king, Lex Rex or Mob Rule prevails.
America is cursed with weak leaders from the house and church, to the White House and Supreme Court. When strong and compassionate male leadership is absent, God will sometimes raise up a woman. Case in point
.DEBORAH! While the Iron Chariots of the Midianites terrorized the Hebrews for twenty years, a man could not be found to stand in the gap. A prophetess named Deborah arose, and with optimistic faith and clear vision, she challenged Barak (a military leader) to lead the battle. But Barak did not feel assured of heavens blessing unless Deborah was by his side.
The exciting story ends with Deborah and Barak routing the armies of Midian and the Iron Chariots of Sisera. Deborah was a great and yet self-effacing woman. She came on the stage of human drama as an unknown heroine, and she left the public spotlight with nothing but a song on her lips. (Judges 5:1)
A hockey mom from Wasilla, Alaska has created more stir than hurricane Ike. Sarah is no prophetess, but like Deborah she has decided to be part of the solution and not just accentuate the problem. A devout Christian and mother of five, she committed herself to make a difference in Americas fiftieth state. With the approval of her husband Todd, Mrs. Palin trusted the Lord and accepted the challenge from Senator John McCain to be his running mate. Governor Palin could be Americas Deborah, and Senator McCain might be our Barak.
Barak {NOT BARACK!} was a brave and godly man but Deborah made him a leader. The Iron Chariots of the Liberal Media have been destroying America for over twenty years, and now a mother in Israel has arisen. Sarah Palin, as did Deborah, could lead our nation back to a moral reprieve, if only for a few years. Liberals and Hollywood celebertards will weep and wail should the Pro-life Sarah be elected. Righteous rejoicing is long overdue. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting. Proverbs 11:10
If Barack Obama wins the election, Patriotic Tax gouging will further weaken our cyclical economy, and moral evils, such as Sex Education for six year olds, will be made more accessible.
The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. Psalm 12:8
When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden. Proverbs 28:12
While no minister should infringe on the privacy to vote ones conscience; he should challenge the integrity of each conscience to be true to our great American heritage and to moral absolutes.
A much greater hope for CHANGE is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Biblical Christianity has done more for America than all political posturing and partisan demagoguery. Jesus Christ is THE ONE and Only, not Barack or John McCain.
If Conservatives want to question whether God will use a woman for Leadership in a civil context, consider Jael, a woman blessed above women. Jael did more than skin a moose, she drove a tent spike through the head of a human monster named Sisera, and received an honorable mention from the LORD Himself in Judges 5:24.
Praise God for women like Sarah Palin. The Liberal media only extols women if they are Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay, and Anti-Biblical values. Mrs. Palin is a refreshing oasis in a dry and thirsty land, and if John McCain (Barak) is wise, he will keep her by his political side.
This next month will be messy politically on both sides, but especially from Democrat Surrogates who are classless and down right vulgar.
Let the Liberal Media and Follywood escalate their immature tirades, because such attacks will only further disenfranchise mainstream America from the lunatic left.
My faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ and His soon Return, but until then, let us pray for a mother in Alaska to rise up and defeat the Midianites with all their Iron Chariots.