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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Oh for the love of god Obama, go for the kill here. Start namedropping every motherfucker you can think of, and even make some up!
Ninja Scooter said:
Obama is being more calm and cordial but its making him seem passive. He's just giving up on questions when McCain out shouts him.

He's also black. If he starts yelling, he will be seen as the angry black man


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Chiggs said:
What a tremendously dumb response by McCain.
Depends on how Obama counters, but yes, that was fucking bad.


Crisis said:



GenericPseudonym said:
I don't see what the hell is wrong with you Americans. Obama agress with McCain when the two agree, he makes complete and accurate answers, and is quite honest. I don't see how he's losing, unless you're going by pure presentation, which is why you guys have such problems in the first place.


drawer by drawer
Azrael said:
Obama needs to stop trying to cut in on McCain and then let McCain talk over him. It makes him look weak.

He's had a balance of cutting him of and attempts of cutting him off and then letting him finish.

Funky Papa

aceface said:
Obama lost this debate. Good thing there's two more.
Pretty much. He may have the facts, but he is coming unexperienced as fuck. And some of you people may not care about his stuttering, but it is becoming problematic considering McCain's smooth tone and the way he pours the BS.


First tragedy, then farce.
gkrykewy said:
People here think McCain is WINNING?!?!?


I think its basically a wash with a slight Obama tilt right now, which is overall a win for Obama considering this is the FP debate.


pretty shitty that the moderator has consistently cut off obama's responses but has let mccain keep shouting


gkrykewy said:
People here think McCain is WINNING?!?!?


Ok, try this. Listen to nothing of what they are actually saying. Focus on tone of voice and the occasional sound bite. Now you're watching the debate like ~70% of Americans do.


This thing will come down as a "tie"...which is to say that Obama has passed the threshold he needed to do tonight. McCain is a good debater and he's on his turf but he didn't do enough to move the polls I'd wager.


drawer by drawer
Azrael said:
Obama needs to stop trying to cut in on McCain and then let McCain talk over him. It makes him look weak.

He's had a balance of successful "cut-offs" and letting him finish his point. For a moment during the debate I thought he was doing it too much.
Funky Papa said:
Pretty much. He may have the facts, but he is coming unexperienced as fuck. And some of you people may not care about his stuttering, but it is becoming problematic considering McCain's smooth tone and the way he pours the BS.



Obama is right on the issues but he's not forcing through on this. Lehrer and Obama just let McCain interrupt whenever the hell he feels like it. And Obama being cordial would work nicely if McCain was too. He obviously is not being cordial.


Gold Member
HolyStar said:
Russia won't just let "peacekeepers" leave Georgia

The point was to dismantle the peacekeeping disguise by trying to displace them with international peace keepers. In this way the Russian ability to propagandize this event as an attack on their and only their 'peacekeepers' would be hobbled and would contrast drastically to the more restrained reaction an international force would have had.

It would also have mitigated a Georgian attack when they potentially endanger their NATO bid by accidentally killing of NATO allies in a conflict.


aceface said:
Ok, try this. Listen to nothing of what they are actually saying. Focus on tone of voice and the occasional sound bite. Now you're watching the debate like ~70% of Americans do.

Yes, McCain sounds like a weird old Red Bull addict. Obama is the calm one. Confident. No mistakes. He won. At worst tied, which is winning for the FP debate. He answered the question, "can this young weirdo hold his own?"


force push the doodoo rock
Askani said:
Who and in what regard?

The people saying Obama needs to interrupt and throw more attacks at McCain. He has been doing it, but he knows when to play his cards. McCain is just acting out all the time.
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