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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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force push the doodoo rock
GreekWolf said:
Truthfully, I think most of us will be flying overseas to join you after November.

I would invite you all over for dinner, but I don't have room for 30,000 people.


Alright to improve the quality of posts in here I will no longer post :lol :lol :lol after my posts unless i am directly quoting someone who does the :lol :lol :lol argument against me.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.

Hitokage said:
Meh, Obama never directly addressed the surge.
Pretty much the biggest mistake. He could have devoured the surge issue, but I suppose people would have criticized him for overthinking it. I honestly expected him to respond on Iraq with "What the hell is victory, John?".


Hitokage said:
Meh, Obama never directly addressed the surge.

It's like using impactful or irregardless. Everyone with some education knows it's wrong, but you're never going to win the argument.


Not as deep as he thinks
Wraith said:
Well, Obama held his own. That's all that I could have asked for. Still, I disagree with those of you who don't believe that Obama needs to be more agressive. America wants a cowboy in Washington. Agreeing with his opponent and refusing to respond to the accusations of naivete in kind did not help Obama.
I agree with you 100%. Although he is trying to be polite and civil, he needs to be aggressive and get his point across.
Foreign policy is clearly Obama's weakness, and it showed. He didn't get destroyed, and thankfully this is the first debate and not the last one.


Chuck Todd is talking about how McCain let Obama get under his skin. "Something about Obama really bothers him." Said his reactions as Obama spoke showed he was rattled.


Given the tactics McCain used, at the most I think a level-headed individual would call it a draw. A lot of lying, twisting of words, and shouting to drown out his opponent

Next time Obama probably shouldn't be so polite and be a bit more agressive, he let McCain get away too often with flat out lies and bullshit.

worst case scenario, if McCain is seen as being the winner by undecided voters, there's still lots of time to make up for that


Master of the Google Search


The physical form of blasphemy
I think Obama got this. Real-talk though, McCain can debate his ass off. There were a couple of spots where I was looking like "Obama step the fuck up", but, I think he faired well enough. Still, McCain is a jackass it seems. Some of that shit he was saying was overly ridiculous and all of the lies = :lol It's a shame that some of that shit is actually going to work though. :/


Zeliard said:
It's no wonder you think that Obama is being naive when he says he'll meet with our enemies.

This silly egotism really needs to end. It's played a huge part in fucking us over in this decade.
I never said Obama is being naive when he meets with our enemies, I thought Obama walked right into a trap McCain slam dunked him on. He even got the crowd to laugh. Its all about perception, and I thought McCain made Obama look foolish on that point whether he was right or wrong.
Those wondering how McCain can be perceived as the winner here obviously don't give a fuck about nonverbal communication. Obama may have had better arguments and may have had more facts, but the fact is McCain presented himself as a condescending prick, and therefore as more dominant and aggressive in this debate.

People may only remember a handful of the statements each person stated, but they're ultimately going to remember each candidate's presence.

Obama really needs to stop being so primp and proper and throw some of the condescension back in McCain's face during the next debate.


Obama did alright, he could have done a lot better and been much more aggressive. McCain did much better than he was expected which was shocking to most people including myself.


Chiggs said:
Fred Barnes says it's a draw...which is bad for McCain.

I think a draw is as best as he could hope for on a foreign policy thing. The economy is where he needs a strong ending. McCain needed a knockout win tonight and he didn't do it.


GhaleonEB said:
Chuck Todd is talking about how McCain let Obama get under his skin. "Something about Obama really bothers him." Said his reactions as Obama spoke showed he was rattled.

Yes yes yes

McCain looked like the wiry unpredictable guy. In the foreign policy debate. This is a big win for Obama with the economy debate still to come.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
wiid said:
obama won this one.

helped to look presidential.
Don't know why, but I find it hard to believe you!


A Human Becoming

More than a Member
This thread is funny when the bias of both sides comes out.

I think McCain won with the public, Obama won the actual debate. Either way, I think they were both strong.


force push the doodoo rock
GhaleonEB said:
Chuck Todd is talking about how McCain let Obama get under his skin. "Something about Obama really bothers him." Said his reactions as Obama spoke showed he was rattled.

Chuck Todd is right. I think what the general public takes away from this is that McCain flew off the handle too many times.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
You guys need to take some things in consideration before you declare anyone the winner.

1. Obama was hyped to win this
2. McCain is suppose to be the foreign policy expert.

Don't freak out, guys. Obama did fine, and so did McCain. I really don't think there was a clear winner on this.

In elections, you're not trying to convert Liberals and Conservatives, you're going for the undecided folks. The main attack Obama is that he doesn't have the experience to be President, but he held his own.


I thought it was pretty much a wash. Neither really got in a decisive blow on the other. They both had their talking points and stuck to them. The only real moment of weakness I saw from either of them was McCain's whole "The lesson of Iraq is failed strategies don't work".
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