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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Yeah, you guys... as much as I hate to admit it I think McCain took this one. Not on substance, obviously, but on soundbites & perceived strength. Obama was too deferential to McCain, he let certain opportunities to stick it to McCain go right by him.... Obama was good, but there is a lot of room for improvement and hopefully he performs much stronger in the next debate. And stop saying "I Agree with McCain", when McCain isn't returning the gratitude... McCain was being downright rude and condescending, clearly he has no respect for Obama.


Son of Godzilla said:
Pretty much the biggest mistake. He could have devoured the surge issue, but I suppose people would have criticized him for overthinking it. I honestly expected him to respond on Iraq with "What the hell is victory, John?".

Exactly Obama didn't "loose" badly but I want him to be more aggresive. This is the man who will continue on with Bush's policies. He should say McCain is right on this but he... Instead of saying he agrees with McCain and then making a statement that doesn't engage McCain.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Awww shit. Buchanan even saying McCain looked contemptuous and mean.


Illuminati said:
Serious question, but why can't Nadar be in these debates?

After Perot shat all over Bush and Clinton, the 2 major parties made it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to make it into the debates.
Obama kicked McCain's sorry ass. I only wish he called McCain out on his lies even more than he already did.

Also, MSNBC :lol :lol :lol


Frenck said:
How many US Americans watch these debates anyway?

Does it matter at all what happened tonight.

It's estimated to have 100 million viewers, so about a third of the U.S. Since only half of those 300 million vote routinely, 2/3rds of voters likely watched this evening.
I think it was a draw, to be honest. CNN says the same thing.

And that, my friends, is actually a McCain loss.

I'm sort of disappointed Obama didn't talk more about McCain's bullshit this past week, but whatever. The economical debate hasn't been had yet.


I wanna fucking slap McCain. First off, he's back at it again spewing bullshit while all Obama can do is get in muffled objections. Second, he constantly kept saying 'Obama doesnt get it, doesnt understand". As if he was hoping for the guy who just tuned in would hear him say that and figure that Obama was clearly lacking in understanding. Bush did this a lot. Straight from their playbook.


The good thing is that Obama will analyze his performance and be better next time. McCain is an arrogant prick who will rumble on with the same approach every time. If McCain keeps being condescending, Obama will play it up in the subsequent debates.


Death_Born said:
Obama kicked McCain's sorry ass. I only wish he called McCain out on his lies even more than he already did.

Too much Hopium. Obama clearly didn't get destroyed and McCain didn't win all but see it for what it is.


starchild excalibur said:
Those wondering how McCain can be perceived as the winner here obviously don't give a fuck about nonverbal communication. Obama may have had better arguments and may have had more facts, but the fact is McCain presented himself as a condescending prick, and therefore as more dominant and aggressive in this debate.

People may only remember a handful of the statements each person stated, but they're ultimately going to remember each candidate's presence.

Obama really needs to stop being so primp and proper and throw some of the condescension back in McCain's face during the next debate.

Again this is true also remember this is a Friday night the only reason I'm here is that I'm studing biochem. Think of the soundclips of the debate that will be broadcasted on monday.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
People seem to forget that even a DRAW for Obama is a loss for McCain. McCain is playing catch up, not Obama.


Obama won, not handily but he definitely came out on top. Obama wins the night regardless of a win or tie, he's the front runner and it was Mccain that needed to make a splash among voters.


ryutaro's mama said:

Both did well enough to fire up their respective bases but yeah, Palin is gonna crumble next week.

If Biden treats her this lightly then he'll get blown away next week. She's going to be prepared to meet the challenge of the debate. She's no idiot. Hopefully Biden realizes this.
I haven't heard (or read) anyone mention this but was I imagining things when McCain started talking about Madeline Albright as though she was the current Secretary of State or was that a story he was telling about the past?


Wow, the Biden interview on NBC is good. He brings up the strategy/tactic thing about the surge.

And LOL, it's Guiliani instead of Palin.


Palin refuses to talk with NBC... so instead.. Juliani


McCain should have picked huckabee, or just fuck it... anyone else. lol!


Oldschoolgamer said:
McCain can debate his ass off.

I would hope so, he's been a senator for 20+ years. Pretty good debate with actual real issues. I think Obama held his own pretty well for a subject he should not of done well at.
starchild excalibur said:
Those wondering how McCain can be perceived as the winner here obviously don't give a fuck about nonverbal communication. Obama may have had better arguments and may have had more facts, but the fact is McCain presented himself as a condescending prick, and therefore as more dominant and aggressive in this debate.

People may only remember a handful of the statements each person stated, but they're ultimately going to remember each candidate's presence.

Obama really needs to stop being so primp and proper and throw some of the condescension back in McCain's face during the next debate.
Ever occur to you Obama being cordial is a part of his strategy? People don't tend to like arrogance and snark, I'll guarantee focus groups will react negatively.


thefit said:
Everyone agrees McCain was a dickhead. he's gonna win the middle"dickhead" of the road vote.

America fails.

I don't understand the reaction from people here. McCain acting like a condescending prick is only going to appeal to people who were going to vote for him to begin with anyway. Others will be turned off. We don't need an asshole president after Bush.


I'll say it again, McCain needed a knockout win. VP debates are Thursday. Town Hall will again favor McCain, but economic debate will favor Obama.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Palin was supposed to be on NBC and declined at the last minute or something?


~Kinggi~ said:
I wanna fucking slap McCain. First off, he's back at it again spewing bullshit while all Obama can do is get in muffled objections. Second, he constantly kept saying 'Obama doesnt get it, doesnt understand". As if he was hoping for the guy who just tuned in would hear him say that and figure that Obama was clearly lacking in understanding. Bush did this a lot. Straight from their playbook.
and bush won twice.


Joe Biden just spoke on NBC, then Brian Williams said that Sarah Palin declined to appear. Shocking. And in steps Rudy...
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