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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Why the hell is NBC giving fricken Rudy this type of airtime to spew his idiocy of decisive victory. There better be some democrat coming up.


typhonsentra said:
Ever occur to you Obama being cordial is a part of his strategy? People don't tend to like arrogance and snark, I'll guarantee focus groups will react negatively.

Why would you be cordial with McCain HELLO this guying being president will HARM america!!! We are in too much of a crisis of a nation to be saying thanks to the policies that got us here.


Not as deep as he thinks
Star Power said:
Yeah, you guys... as much as I hate to admit it I think McCain took this one. Not on substance, obviously, but on soundbites & perceived strength. Obama was too deferential to McCain, he let certain opportunities to stick it to McCain go right by him.... Obama was good, but there is a lot of room for improvement and hopefully he performs much stronger in the next debate. And stop saying "I Agree with McCain", when McCain isn't returning the gratitude... McCain was being downright rude and condescending, clearly he has no respect for Obama.
How many times are YOU going to continue copying and pasting this same thing on this thread?


typhonsentra said:
Ever occur to you Obama being cordial is a part of his strategy? People don't tend to like arrogance and snark, I'll guarantee focus groups will react negatively.

There's a big difference between arrogance/snark and being aggressive. The public doesn't like the former but they seem to adore the latter.
It was a draw, maybe a slight edge to Obama because of all the economic talk.

McCain was far more negative, though. Obama would talk about the issues and how he would fix something, McCain would come back with "Obama wants to raise taxes!" or some other shallow attack. No substance from him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
If Obama was being snarky, mean, and condescending, he would be proclaimed "elitist."

Either way, Obama being the "Change" candidate that runs a clean campaign means that he needs to keep his cool and be respectful, but not scared to answer a tough question.

Also, McCain looked like he didn't want to be at the debate. Like he'd rather be at home watching football.


Zeliard said:
I don't understand the reaction from people here. McCain acting like a condescending prick is only going to appeal to people who were going to vote for him to begin with anyway. Others will be turned off. We don't need an asshole president after Bush.

I want to believe.


When Obama confronts McCain, at worst he ties him. He needs to confront McCain. McCain, is taking shots at Obama every chance he gets, Obama needs to answer them.


What was a bit worrying is how much on the defensive Obama was tonight. Then again attacking too much might cost him too.
Askani said:
Too much Hopium. Obama clearly didn't get destroyed and McCain didn't win all but see it for what it is.

OK fine, it wasn't a knockout. But McCain kept spreading FUD the entire time, saying that we would be "defeated" if we entered a phased withdrawal, and lying about Obama's plans with the war and negotiations. I'm wondering why the hell Obama was ignoring this when he could have called McCain out on it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*

1. if there a feed where I can rewatch the debates?

2. How did it go? sounds like a draw from friend's reactions.


Wraith said:
If Biden treats her this lightly then he'll get blown away next week. She's going to be prepared to meet the challenge of the debate. She's no idiot. Hopefully Biden realizes this.

The most wrong statement I've seen all night.

She is an idiot. Even staunch Republicans have begun saying so. Her negatives are through the roof and Republicans are floating suggestions of jettisoning her from the ticket.


typhonsentra said:
Ever occur to you Obama being cordial is a part of his strategy? People don't tend to like arrogance and snark, I'll guarantee focus groups will react negatively.

I've heard CNN's reaction bar didn't like it.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
giga said:
this was a draw. most stations seem to agree with that.
A draw in the foreign policy debate is essentially an Obama win. This was supposed to be Mccain's strongest area of expertise, and where he is polling the most favorably.

If McCain comes out of this debate equal or weaker on foreign policy with American voters, he's lost his biggest seen asset.


I'd give the edge to McCain.

I think his experience showed a bit actually. His 'condescension' and 'rudeness' were savvy political moves that carried throughout his delivery tonight. Honestly, it seemed like Obama fell into a trap when he began laughing at what he felt untrue (making it seem retaliatory). Obama continued be the 'I agree with' guy and McCain was on the offensive for a majority of the debate.

Issues and Facts, with help of a good imagination, can be quantitatively swayed in one direction or another, but it doesn't really matter in debates. Face-value is what counts and it seemed McCain outplayed Obama tonight.


SpeedingUptoStop said:

1. if there a feed where I can rewatch the debates?

2. How did it go? sounds like a draw from friend's reactions.

Yeah it was a draw people will argue that McCain or Obama won and if one of them did it was slighty
SpeedingUptoStop said:

1. if there a feed where I can rewatch the debates?

2. How did it go? sounds like a draw from friend's reactions.

1 - no, you will never be able to see it. you missed it, so sad.

2 - it went horrible for obama, and horrible for mccain, and horrible for the american people. i hear pbs and nintendo made out well, though


besada said:
The most wrong statement I've seen all night.

She is an idiot. Even staunch Republicans have begun saying so. Her negatives are through the roof and Republicans are floating suggestions of jettisoning her from the ticket.

It says a lot that they won't even let her go on to speak on NBC after Biden. It's 5 minutes of "rah rah Johnny did great rah rah" and repeating talking points.


Slight win for Obama, in my opinion. McCain just came off as angry at times and like he was twisting Obama's previous statements to the point of stupidity.

I cannot wait for the Biden/Palin debate.


has calmed down a bit.
On the bad side, McCain finished strong and took this debate.

On the good side, the parts where Obama was stronger, the economic stuff at the beginning, will be the focus of an entire debate. It should be a massive Obama ass-kicking.

Though I'll agree with the CNN guy, that when McCain hit his stride late in the debate, and started firing off specific names, places, instances, alliances, etc. he was masterful. Dude is older than my dad and still ridiculously sharp (at times). Sydney for Secretary of Defense. Do it Obama. :lol
My two quick viewpoints:

McCain has to cut back on some of his references to that past. It reinforces the "old fogey" mindset that people tend to see when they look at him.

Obama has to pace his thinking better. His brain was going 100mph while his mouth was going 50mph causing him to stutter. He was too anxious to get his thoughts out.

I would say this was a draw. McCain did pretty good considering the comedy of errors that led up to this debate. Obama did well considering this is one of his weaker areas.
Obama blew it. Even though I know half of McCain's comments are lies regarding things he says Obama said or did, Obama never strongly corrected him or made a case for himself. I kept dying for him to say "What is winning Iraq, John? The war is over, it's an occupation now, and we need to stop hanging out in Iraq and move to Afghanistan" but he never made the connection visible to the dumbfuck Americans that would be watching this and wanting to know what Obama is going to do about Iraq.

I know Obama's tax plan is better, and I know that McCain's tax breaks on corporations cancel out his tax cuts or spending vetoes, but the American people weren't told that. Obama got close, and he did explain it, but he never got in that one sentence that would just strongly drive home how bad McCain's tax ideas are.

The worst was that Obama kept talking about education, and he never said a single thing about exactly what he'd change about it other than that he'd focus on it. It was the story of his candidacy. The guy speaks in broad generalizations and ideas, but he never succinctly gets his point across or explains in detail to the people exactly why his idea is better. He just tells you he has an idea and leaves it at that.

Hopefully next time Obama will get more aggressive at dismantling McCain's lies and misquotes on Obama, because to me, as a likely Obama voter, McCain walked all over him tonight.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mike Murphy: "McCain looked like the tough guy, and Obama looked like the cerebral guy that knew his facts right. The question is what kind of leader America wants."


Star Power said:
Yeah, you guys... as much as I hate to admit it I think McCain took this one. Not on substance, obviously, but on soundbites & perceived strength. Obama was too deferential to McCain, he let certain opportunities to stick it to McCain go right by him.... Obama was good, but there is a lot of room for improvement and hopefully he performs much stronger in the next debate. And stop saying "I Agree with McCain", when McCain isn't returning the gratitude... McCain was being downright rude and condescending, clearly he has no respect for Obama.

Yeah, it would have been really smart to be the angry, goofy, aggressive black guy.

"McCain was being downright rude and condescending, clearly he has no respect for Obama"

You said it yourself - this is not a good thing. For McCain.
HolyStar said:
Why would you be cordial with McCain HELLO this guying being president will HARM america!!! We are in too much of a crisis of a nation to be saying thanks to the policies that got us here.
Because coming off as an asshole might you know, piss off potential voters?

GAF is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off on this one, the debate was a disaster for McCain and Obama will receive a bump for his performance tonight.


besada said:
The most wrong statement I've seen all night.

She is an idiot. Even staunch Republicans have begun saying so. Her negatives are through the roof and Republicans are floating suggestions of jettisoning her from the ticket.

Again, she's going to be taught by some of the best. Assuming that she wont be prepared for the debate is insane. We all said Bush was an idiot and where did it get him? Do you still agree that the man is an idiot, having won two campaigns? I know that some do, but I find it hard to totally dismiss him after he's been so successful in pushing his party's priorities.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Hopefully next time Obama will get more aggressive at dismantling McCain's lies and misquotes on Obama, because to me, as a likely Obama voter, McCain walked all over him tonight.

Honestly, have some of you never seen a presidential debate before?
Obama could of brought McCain down so easily there. From Iraq to the suspension of spending whilst offering the top 2% massive tax breaks, not even mentioning McCain's lies. Honestly I can't for the love of me understand why he didn't make a major point in calling out McCain's "I'm more experienced so I make the right choices" with his vote for Iraq at the end, if your opponent in a debate continues to make the same flawed statement you keep on elaborating on how stupid he's being. This was a loss for Obama, even if it's wasting the perfect opportunity to hammer your opponent. It's like he made the effort to put all the dots up there, but didn't connect the lines for the viewers.
PBS has some good commentary now.

Coming from behind, McCain really needed to knock this out of the park. By not doing so, he didn't do himself any good.


bish gets all the credit :)
Wow those split-screens when Obama was talking was ridiculous. McCain's is a fucking condescending asshole.
There isn't any independent that is going to watch this debate and think that McCain won. This was a time where McCain needed to do something other than appeal to his base and he didn't do it. He was vague, he rambled through stories that had nothing to do with the questions that were asked of him.

McCain needed to dominate and this wasn't anything close to that. He was dominated on economic clarity and he either tied or had a slight edge in foreign policy with Obama.
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