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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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typhonsentra said:
GAF is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off on this one, the debate was a disaster for McCain and Obama will receive a bump for his performance tonight.

Big time. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here. Were people expecting WWE RAW?


What the fuck to everyone in this thread who think McCain did well. He did fucking terrible, and this was supposed to be his debate to lose. And to think next week we have the VP debate, he's so fucked.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
RubxQub said:
A draw in the foreign policy debate is essentially an Obama win. This was supposed to be Mccain's strongest area of expertise, and where he is polling the most favorably.

If McCain comes out of this debate equal or weaker on foreign policy with American voters, he's lost his biggest seen asset.
Absolutely correct. Couldn't agree more.


typhonsentra said:
Because coming off as an asshole might you know, piss off potential voters?

GAF is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off on this one, the debate was a disaster for McCain and Obama will receive a bump for his performance tonight.

You must be mad to think that this debate was in any way a disaster for McCain. Also lies and bullshit don't counter themselves.


Wraith said:
Again, she's going to be taught by some of the best. Assuming that she wont be prepared for the debate is insane. We all said Bush was an idiot and where did it get him? Do you still agree that the man is an idiot, having won two campaigns? I know that some do, but I find it hard to totally dismiss him after he's been so successful in pushing his party's priorities.

Bush is a genius in comparison to Palin. That's how bad she is.


typhonsentra said:
Because coming off as an asshole might you know, piss off potential voters?

GAF is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off on this one, the debate was a disaster for McCain and Obama will receive a bump for his performance tonight.

See, if a sizeable portion of freakin' GAF thinks that McCain won, how do you think the country at large is going to view this? :/


If anything, McCain sounded better on foreign policy but that doesn't mean Obama is completely informed either. I don't know if naive would be the correct description, but he may bring something different to the table.

Otherwise, Obama did well in other points. McCain pulled the sympathy card with the whole veteran thing. Evil bastard.

I call it a draw.

Red Scarlet

I thought Obama won the debate; McCain lost his cool a few times and Obama took control of the discussion a few times. It didn't help IMO that McCain started off with talking about Ted Kennedy and not answering the first question, either.


Also, this isn't the 80's, stop bringing up Ronald Reagan.


Setec Astronomer
I don't think it's possible to say who won tonight or not. In the end, it's what sticks in the collective consciousness... or at least whatever the media wants to stick.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Obama did what he had to do, that's pretty much all I have to say.

He will be even stronger at the next two debates, and they will be in his favor topic wise.
Jesus christ this needs to be stated again:


This was his only night to CLEARLY come out on top, since this is his strongest topic, and he DIDN'T.


If pundits say its a draw McCain won its that simple. Average joe independent voter is not well established tv pundit with lots of politics knowledge.

McCain got the soundbites he needs and even got a new one to use from Obama and trustme it will be used. "I agree with you John." "I agree with John." "I again agree with John."

Average dumb voter McCain dominated


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Obama blew it. Even though I know half of McCain's comments are lies regarding things he says Obama said or did, Obama never strongly corrected him or made a case for himself. I kept dying for him to say "What is winning Iraq, John? The war is over, it's an occupation now, and we need to stop hanging out in Iraq and move to Afghanistan" but he never made the connection visible to the dumbfuck Americans that would be watching this and wanting to know what Obama is going to do about Iraq.

I know Obama's tax plan is better, and I know that McCain's tax breaks on corporations cancel out his tax cuts or spending vetoes, but the American people weren't told that. Obama got close, and he did explain it, but he never got in that one sentence that would just strongly drive home how bad McCain's tax ideas are.

The worst was that Obama kept talking about education, and he never said a single thing about exactly what he'd change about it other than that he'd focus on it. It was the story of his candidacy. The guy speaks in broad generalizations and ideas, but he never succinctly gets his point across or explains in detail to the people exactly why his idea is better. He just tells you he has an idea and leaves it at that.

Hopefully next time Obama will get more aggressive at dismantling McCain's lies and misquotes on Obama, because to me, as a likely Obama voter, McCain walked all over him tonight.

Agree, Agree, Agree.

Obama sounds like me when I debate, which is not a good look. He got close so many times, but never connected.


Really the fact is Obama should have done better. He has better policies and is more charismatic and arguably smarter. Obama should have been the clear cut winner tonight, but he wasnt. In a way that is bad for Obama, but he doesnt come out a loser because he didnt take a battering which is what McCain needed to gain points in the polls.
reilo said:
If Obama was being snarky, mean, and condescending, he would be proclaimed "elitist."

Either way, Obama being the "Change" candidate that runs a clean campaign means that he needs to keep his cool and be respectful, but not scared to answer a tough question.

Also, McCain looked like he didn't want to be at the debate. Like he'd rather be at home watching football.

Obama doesn't necessarily need to be snarky, he just needs to call McCain out on his snarkiness and spell out the tactics that he's using to some of the viewers who may be too blind to see it. Some people will read condescension as power. Some people will read disrespect as confidence.

Actually, Obama can afford to be snarky so long as he makes a contrast between McCain and his possible voting demographic. If he can call out McCain's tactics (or would that be strategies?) as ridiculous, but then go on to say how he's confident that people won't fall for them then that demographic now becomes more inclined to examine McCain more critically.


I didn't like the way McCain kept insinuating that Barrack didn't know what he was talking about. Really poor showing there, having to resort to attacks.

Also, exploitable :D

Red Scarlet said:
I thought Obama won the debate; McCain lost his cool a few times and Obama took control of the discussion a few times. It didn't help IMO that McCain started off with talking about Ted Kennedy and not answering the first question, either.


Good to see I wasn't the only one who noticed that McCain was dodging questions. Does everyone on this thread get their opinions from the Drudge Report?

I kept dying for him to say "What is winning Iraq, John? The war is over, it's an occupation now, and we need to stop hanging out in Iraq and move to Afghanistan" but he never made the connection visible to the dumbfuck Americans that would be watching this and wanting to know what Obama is going to do about Iraq.

Yes, yes, yes.


MoxManiac said:
Bush is a genius in comparison to Palin. That's how bad she is.

Sounds eerily similar to 2000. Even were I to concede that she is an idiot(which I don't), it doesn't matter. The point is that I believe she will be well-prepared for the debate and that dismissing her will be a costly mistake.


Now you see how McCain has been sliding through life, just constantly bullshitting his way through everything with the backing of influence and money. He's a good bullshitter I'll give him that, but we've had a bullshitter in office for 8 years and thats not change I can beleive in.


MoxManiac said:
regardless, Obama held his own even if the consensus is that Mccain won, and the next two debates are in Obama's favor.
But the consensus isn't that McCain won, the consensus is that the debate was a stalemate.


CBS just pointed out what we've been saying here all night - Obama agreed with McCain entirely too often, giving viewers a very distinct impression.


I think McCain clearly won the debate, but Obama delivered his message and his character better.

I'm not sure if "winning" one of these really means all that much though - is winning measured by how much you own your opponent, or how much you look presidential and full of a good ideas and vision?
My wife isn't all that political, but she watched the debate with me and although she did like McCain, she said that he came off like an angry old man that's pissed off because he might not get the promotion that he always wanted.

She's decided to vote for Obama.


Although, McCain's agressiveness and condescending nature will not play well to women. By acting like this (like another Bush basically) any lapsed Hillary voters might be brought into line.
Anyone else find it funny that McCain said he didn't need any on-the-job training as an attack on Obama? He attacked Palin more than Obama with that statement :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
If pundits say its a draw McCain won its that simple. Average joe independent voter is not well established tv pundit with lots of politics knowledge.

McCain got the soundbites he needs and even got a new one to use from Obama and trustme it will be used. "I agree with you John." "I agree with John." "I again agree with John."

Average dumb voter McCain dominated
So, McCain rambling and ranting to his base is going to bring in the independent vote that opposes the Iraq war... how?


First tragedy, then farce.

this was a wash with McCain coming off looking mean.

He also opened very very weak.

This is a slight Obama win, which in these circumstances is good for him.
Odrion said:
you dumbasses who think mccain won't get a bump from this aren't going to be posting when the polls come in. will you

Under normal circumstances I think McCain would see a modest bump from a performance like tonights but in the shape the country's in now I don't think people care very much that he nailed Obama on whether or not he should talk to Iran :/


Wraith said:
Sounds eerily similar to 2000. Even were I to concede that she is an idiot(which I don't), it doesn't matter. The point is that I believe she will be well-prepared for the debate and that dismissing her will be a costly mistake.
:lol :lol :lol

There's not much Palin can do to ready herself enough to debate with Biden. That debate will be epic.


All mccain needed to do was to make himself look like an actual respectable candidate. He took advantage of "experience" in the references to previous politicians he met with, spoke with a strong tone, and even made jokes about his health.

He succeeded, he's going to stick the image of a "fighting maverick" into the heads of the American people.


Won't stop picking the right nation
aceface said:
See, if a sizeable portion of freakin' GAF thinks that McCain won, how do you think the country at large is going to view this? :/
I don't think that GAF understands the average American either. Sure the average American is hardly an intellectual, but there is a danger in reducing an entire aggregate to a few simplistic characterizations. A lot happened in the debate, and it's a complicated thing that a myriad of people will respond to across a spectrum of factors.
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