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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Gold Member
Well... anyone wanting Obama to attack McCain can see Biden do it eloquently on CNN, and reminds us all how he could potentially incinerate Sarah Palin.


Biden could be the man to change this around, he seems to know what he is talking about and seems relatively straight to the point


Biden OWNS McCain on CNN. He would've taken a big fat shit on McCain in the debate. Even Hillary could beat Palin at a debate, his talents are wasted.


And Obama could have easily joined McCain in being a dick. But he kept his cool, smiled & let him finish his rant.

Me? I woulda yelled "FUCK YOU JOHN!", but i'm not a frontrunner for President.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
This is really all it comes down to. Obama didn't have a single strong, motivating, concise statement about anything, while McCain rolled out the one-liners and bullshit that Americans love. What did Obama say for like half an hour about education other than that he'd focus on it? He never clarified.



Here are some lessons for BOTH candidates and the future moderators to absorb so that we can all have a better debate next time.

  • The questions were pretty good in all honesty. However many of the actual moderating duties were surprisingly lax on follow-up questions
  • You can't let John McCain constantly interrupt both Barack Obama and you. It makes for a terrible "debate" and makes you look weak for continuing to let him do it.

  • It should not be a courtesy you should decide to extend or revoke to not be a dick to your opponent. The very least you could do is acknowledge Barack Obama even if you disagree with him.
  • The only reason whatsoever people are saying that you were in this debate is because they are too uninformed to know that you were simply giving them smooth creamy bullshit. I would suggest that the next time you go to a debate you do not presume that Obama will be so generous.
  • You have a benefit coming up in the next two debates in that you will probably not be discussing Iraq in much detail. The majority of Americans think that Iraq was a mistake so you get some slack there. However the majority of Americans also think you're wrong on the economy. Try to avoid both.

  • You were right on absolutely every subject. When McCain makes a gigantic glaring error you don't have to be a dick about it but make sure that everyone knows he was wrong.
  • You shouldn't start almost everything you said with any variation of "John is right..." Agreeing that he's not totally wrong on every issue is one thing but it isn't your job to find common ground with McCain if he is not willing to do the same.
  • Try to wait for your brain to catch up with what you're saying. It's obvious that you're a bright guy but McCain is an expert bullshitter. I mean he's got a gold medal in it. And you got to take that into consideration. Don't wait for a moderator to cut him off when he's making shit up because the possibility and probability is that he isn't going to do it. Be a little more aggressive.
MaddenNFL64 said:
And Obama could have easily joined McCain in being a dick. But he kept his cool, smiled & let him finish his rant.

Me? I woulda yelled "FUCK YOU JOHN!", but i'm not a frontrunner for President.
The pundits wanted a blood bath and Obama wouldn't give it to them. So McCain won...

MSM sucks.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
This is really all it comes down to. Obama didn't have a single strong, motivating, concise statement about anything, while McCain rolled out the one-liners and bullshit that Americans love. What did Obama say for like half an hour about education other than that he'd focus on it? He never clarified.

But if you really look at things, a lot of what Obama says comes across as general vague ideas though. Of course, this debate was overall a draw I think. Some might get into the semantics of it, saying that because McCain didn't destroy Obama that it's an Obama victory, but the analysis done by people on GAF (a community that knows American politics perhaps a bit better than your average American voter.... and many of us aren't even American) and the reality of the situation for those average American's are two very different things. Not to mention, with a lot of media outlets pouncing on things such as Obama being very agreeable, and Obama not pouncing on the bs (but lets be fair, both were sticking to the fundamental "He's Bush again" vs. "He doesn't understand/inexperienced" tune underneith all their pretty words), it could work in McCain's favor. Who the media overall declares a winner is perhaps even more important than anything said IN the debates. Those soundbytes and the media telling the voters who won almost makes the choices for them. So the next couple debates will be... interesting to say the least.

... I wish the Canadian debates were as fun :(


Gold Member
Fox polling room shows an Obama victory.


This lady said McCain stuttered, but Obama didn't.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Richard Wolffe with the great point:

"McCain's view on a state [Pakistan] that is harboring Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qeada terrorists is that you need to be nice with them."

Such a stark contrast to his rhetoric against Iran and NK.


On substance, I think Obama won. But I'll call it a draw cos McCain attacked him successfully at times.

Obama did waaay better than I expected :D


StoOgE said:
Fucking get out of the spin room CNN. I thought most news networks came out of the spin room years ago.

Ever since Fox topped the news ratings with spin despite what O'Reilly says, it's been spin spin spin at all news networks and even broadcast networks are getting into it. Shame really. We still have PBS, C-Span, CNBC, etc. lol
I'm pretty much sold on McCain after this debate. I especially liked how McCain is supposed to be the one with the temper but Obama was angry almost the entire time. Plus, according to Obama, McCain is basically right on everything anyway :lol

But a major issue for me is Obama supporting a set withdrawal date from Iraq. That is beyond retarded, imho. Especially when all he talks about is the $10,000,000,000 a month a spend there but then he says we should put more focus on Afghan. So the war there is free, apparently? At least his spiel was mostly about the economic downside of war in Iraq, not Bush-esque circa 2004 fear mongering that his VP candidate loves to dote on and on about.


Gold Member
PS2 KID said:
Ever since Fox topped the news ratings with spin despite what O'Reilly says, it's been spin spin spin at all news networks and even broadcast networks are getting into it. Shame really. We still have PBS, C-Span, CNBC, etc. lol

I get the feeling Fox is, for real, slinking into moderate territory. Call it Rupert Murdoch seeing the future. :lol
Tamanon said:
Eh, McCain would make an ad about anything. Let him waste his money.


Moderator: "What do you think is necessary for America to thrive as a nation, Sen. Obama?"

Bad edit of Obama: "John McCain..."

"I'm John McCain and I approve of this message."


Bumblebeetuna said:
I'm pretty much sold on McCain after this debate. I especially liked how McCain is supposed to be the one with the temper but Obama was angry almost the entire time. Plus, according to Obama, McCain is basically right on everything anyway :lol

But a major issue for me is Obama supporting a set withdrawal date from Iraq. That is beyond retarded, imho. Especially when all he talks about is the $10,000,000,000 a month a spend there but then he says we should put more focus on Afghan. So the war there is free, apparently? At least his spiel was mostly about the economic downside of war in Iraq, not Bush-esque circa 2004 fear mongering that his VP candidate loves to dote on and on about.

WAT. And not just at the bolded segment. The entire post. You accidentally the ENTIRE POST.
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