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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Instigator said:
You end the occupation in Iraq and use a fraction of those troops to finish the fight in afghanistan. Cheaper.

And leave Iraq to the terrorists :lol

Great strategy. If the going gets tough, get the f outta there.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think Grumpy McCain is going to be the lasting harm out of this for McCain.

He didnt come off as likable, which is part of what propelled Bush in 2004.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Bumblebeetuna said:
And leave Iraq to the terrorists :lol

Great strategy. If the going gets tough, get the f outta there.

I'll give you three tries! But you must get the first try right!


Death_Born said:
And...how exactly?
Because he gave more smug smiles and laughs while Obama spoke. Sheep will always be sheep. Its really ironic that they choose to vote McCain/Palin though, when their main concern is experience. What a joke.


Are all American debates like this? UK politics is so much more fun, politicians get interrupted, called on their bullshit, and are agressively pursued with questions. There was no point in even having a questioner in that debate, you might aswell have given them a list of topics and given them two minutes to say what they want and then a loud buzzer goes off if they overrun.

Funky Papa

I'm pretty much sold on McCain after this debate. I especially liked how McCain is supposed to be the one with the temper but Obama was angry almost the entire time. Plus, according to Obama, McCain is basically right on everything anyway
What the fuck is this shit. McCain was a bucket of rage for the most part, you could tell he was tense like cello.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
giga said:
gaf freakout as always. the media isn't reporting an obama failure at all.

Exactly, tonight was a Success for Obama.

Combined with the even better polling numbers, and the upcoming disaster of a VP debate for Palin, and the final 2 presidential debates where Obama should do even better.

Obama's chances at president are looking very very good.
besada said:
I think people underestimate how poorly Republicans thought Obama would do. People who've been followers of McCain's have been told over and over how inexperienced Obama was, how facile and ego seeking. And while Obama might not have knocked it out of the park, he stood up to a 26 year Senator, never got lost or confused, and held his own.

At least, that's the only explanation I can think of for the weirdly pro-Obama real-time audience polling and the number of conservative pundits crediting Obama with a win.

The irony being that the entire debate lacked a lot of actual substance. For all the talk, most of it was reiterated talking points, with the two each sticking to a singular theme (experience/he doesn't understand vs. he's bush/hypocrit). My point being, VP debate's not likely to have anymore substance, so it's all about those soundbytes and so forth.
Instigator said:
You end the occupation in Iraq and use a fraction of those troops to finish the fight in afghanistan. Cheaper.

There is another key point here: NATO forces are engaged in Afghanistan. The cost is spread because there are more non-US forces there whereas, for all intents and purposes, we are solo in Iraq with some token troops from the Australians (are they even still there??) and Japan (are they still there?).

So again: the war in Afghanistan will be less costly to run because it is a joint NATO operation.


And so the Debate over who won "THE DEBATE" continues...but
The truth is....


McCain and his people know, hence the theatrics this week.
Now let's finish this thing.


Gold Member
reilo said:
Murdoch has said that an Obama presidency would sell him more papers. Does that mean they are going prObama, or further to the right to sell more papers?

I think there's a good chance they're really going to go moderate. Their ratings are insane, and a good way to improve them is to actually put some credibility to their fair and balanced crap. O'Reilly has been sticking up for Obama over and over and over again. It's eerie.

Moving further to the right would only prove useful and Obama really starts to fuck up in office.


StoOgE said:
Poligaf is in freakout mode.

In reality Obama did just fine, and held his own on foreign policy and really beat McCain on the early part of the debate on domestic issues.

Probably a slight Obama win, and the next 2 debates will go better for him + the VP debate.

The freaking out is bizarre. Obama got this, people. Economy, economy, economy.


AndersTheSwede said:
Surprised by the poll on CNN being so overwhelmingly for Obama. But then again, CNN is just a librul propaganda outlet am i rite?

These polls aren't exactly professional. In reality, the number of people who will pay attention to the debate and head out to the website to vote is a very small subset of voters and may not represent the electorate. I'd be happy if they do, though.


All you guys saying Mccain lost are being overly hopeful.

You're misunderestimating the simplicity of the average american voter.
Staying in Iraq indefinitely means victory! We can't leave! Urination economics! They've gobbled up those lies before and they'll do it again.

Now Mccain did a very good job of talking from experience, and did a very good of selling that. This can't be denied.

Of course, he did come off as a snide, condescending, crank. How is he supposed to be the "bipartisan" hero if can't even have a cordial debate?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Notice how after Barack was done, Biden steps in and does the clean-up on all the cable networks?

Palin cannot do this.

Barack's wingman is fucking ace, and McCain really crushed his ability to spread out by picking someone who is completely useless.


I thought Obama got in some good punches with lines like "you pretend like the Iraq war started in 2007, it started in 2003". I also think he came across visually very well. He kept his cool, smiled, and was clear. A much better performance than Kerry 4 years ago. I think everyone also has to remember that this topic is supposed to be McCain's strong point(foreign policy), and so since he didn't hit anything out of the park, Obama won.

Also, I believe that when the news starts back up again on Monday, this first debate will remain in the news cycle up until Tuesday night. Then the talk turns to the Vice President Debate. That's when the fun will begin. I expect the national polls to go back to almost a tie up until about Wednesday, and then the polls will swing back into Obama's court.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ronito said:
All you guys saying Mccain lost are being overly hopeful.

You're misunderestimating the simplicity of the average american voter.
Staying in Iraq indefinitely means victory! We can't leave! Urination economics! They've gobbled up those lies before and they'll do it again.

Now Mccain did a very good job of talking from experience, and did a very good of selling that. This can't be denied.

Of course, he did come off as a snide, condescending, crank. How is he supposed to be the "bipartisan" hero if can't even have a cordial debate?
70% of the country wants to get out of Iraq. Staying in Iraq bullshittery is just pandering to his base.


RubxQub said:
Notice how after Barack was done, Biden steps in and does the clean-up on all the cable networks?

Palin cannot do this.

Barack's wingman is fucking ace, and McCain really crushed his ability to spread out by picking someone who is completely useless.

She didn't even show up. Rudy is on team evil cleanup while Palin sits in the corner.


lacks enthusiasm.
Wasn't the foreign policy debate supposed to be Obama's weakest one? McCain has legitimate rep in that department, so everyone needs to calm down.


RubxQub said:
Notice how after Barack was done, Biden steps in and does the clean-up on all the cable networks?

Palin cannot do this.

Barack's wingman is fucking ace, and McCain really crushed his ability to spread out by picking someone who is completely useless.

Yep. It's like one team has a legendary Pokemon in reserve and the other team has Bidoof.
Halperin's score:

Obama A-
McCain B-

BTW, I thought Obama did a great job taking the time on the economy to make a clear point about their tax plans, and really tossed McCain's plan into a negative light with a very devastating framing. The earmark focus by McCain was also pretty dumb, because that really only plays well with the base. Most people understand that earmarks aren't that big of a share (and Obama pointed it out) and serve as the often disgusting, but essential, casing of legislative sausage.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Brannon said:
Yep. It's like one team has a legendary Pokemon in reserve and the other team has Bidoof.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Thank you so much, man.

I needed to laugh so fucking bad. :lol
Overall, Obama hangs tough with Mr. Experience on the issues of foreign policy. McCain doesn't work so well during long periods because he so much relies on simpler language, while Obama wears better the longer he talks. I suspect the other Prez debates will GREATLY favor Obama since McCain will have to talk at length about the parts of his platform which are just not popular with the masses. McCain needed to be stronger here in this one and only debate focused on foreign policy and I don't think he knocked it out of the park while Obama pretty much tied or bested him on John's supposed strong suit.
I thought Obama held his own, he did very well. I found that Obama stating that John is right was him saying lets not belabor the point. Everyone knows John is an expert in Foreign Policy experience. So why challenge him on a point you agree with after all this is america and we do have policy that we follow. I like Mark Halpern thought Obama won, People forget John's the expert, but Obama was solid and re assured me that he has a grasp of the issues.

He wanted to show that hey america me and john have the same views on some of this foreign policy stuff, so I'm safe.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Brannon said:
Yep. It's like one team has a legendary Pokemon in reserve and the other team has Bidoof.
What the fuck did you just say?


reilo said:
70% of the country wants to get out of Iraq. Staying in Iraq bullshittery is just pandering to his base.
You forget how quickly people shift their views on Iraq when you start talking in terms of "defeat"
Bumblebeetuna said:
And leave Iraq to the terrorists :lol

Great strategy. If the going gets tough, get the f outta there.

:lol The only sections in Iraq we're winning in is because the US army are acting as enforcers (Check the death rates between the sides ;) ) as soon as they leave, no matter when or how much money's spent Iraq's going to descend into chaos between the religious factions there.


force push the doodoo rock
chaostrophy said:
I think a lot of people here don't understand that regular people have different standards of civility and decorum than Internet forum dwellers. Obama catered to them, not to us.

Obama was Nintendo and McCain was Xbox?
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