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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hannity: "I thought there was a life years of experience in difference between Obama and McCain, while Obama has book knowledge... even though there's nothing wrong with book knowledge."


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sp0rsk said:
What did I say!?!?!
...I don't see Nintendo polling well at all.

You lose! GOOD DAY SIR!


Gold Member
Somebody please tell me that someone is also watching Sean Hannity's subdued tantrum. None of his guests are agreeing with him. :lol

reilo said:
Hannity: "I thought there was a life years of experience in difference between Obama and McCain, while Obama has book knowledge... even though there's nothing wrong with book knowledge."

Good, you're watching it, too. :D


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
Somebody please tell me that someone is also watching Sean Hannity's subdued tantrum? None of his guests are agreeing with him. :lol
I am. He believes Obama took Kissinger's quote out of context. I bet you he doesn't even know what the Kissinger quote Obama referenced is.

Wexler is smacking him with a twelve inch dildo right now.


Chiggs said:
Somebody please tell me that someone is also watching Sean Hannity's subdued tantrum? None of his guests are agreeing with him. :lol

Good, you're watching it, too. :D
I'm eating it up, hahaha.


Gold Member
reilo said:
I am. He believes Obama took Kissinger's quote out of context. I bet you he doesn't even know what the Kissinger quote Obama referenced is.

Wexler is smacking him with a twelve inch dildo right now.

:lol :lol :lol


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Wasn't Obama's performance in the debate more or less an extension of his entire strategy up to this point? Keeping cool, only refuting specific points as they arise and then moving on to detail his policy views? Isn't that whole approach what popularized the posting of that picture of him nonchalantly sipping from a water bottle?

I'm not being facetious here, I thought he did really well and stuck to the approach that brought him this far, but both the people I watched the debate with and GAF seem to think that he should have been more aggressive.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I seriously did not expect public opinion to be that Obama won, holy crap


You guys do realize the VP debate is much more restrained than these. There will be very little opportunities to fight back on the opponents issues. Either way Palin has 6 days to get her shit together. I think it would be wise to hide her and practice, practice practice


Watched the entire debate, felt Obama did great on foreign policy.

I believe McCain may gain a few points from the debate, but Obama definitely held his own.
Chiggs said:
Fox is moving to the middle. Swear to God. Murdoch is no dope.

I don't watch Fox, but here in Australia he did the same thing through his vast newspaper network, just before the incumbent government was wiped out in the election late last year.
Chiggs said:
The Ecomony has really fucked John McCain. Any other night, he wins this one.

Suikoguy said:
I seriously did not expect public opinion to be that Obama won, holy crap

I'm starting to see it from this angle. I think everyone is forgetting the x-factor: the economic crisis we're in now. I think the viewers were almost expecting more substance on this issue and here is the kicker: McCain came out with the same-old, same-old; we've heard these same lines in previous campaigns! Meanwhile, Obama was definitely more nuanced in how he would directly help people.

I think that the economic portions of this debate, due to the current situation, were probably weighted higher in the minds of viewers.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
MaddenNFL64 said:
Likeability is fucking huge in politics. We have our entrenched biases, but Obama's ability to make people "feel" good about a topic is big. I KNOW, we in this Poli-GAF community are immune to it, but people who don't hear him alot? It makes an impact.

All the current focus groups & snap polling suggest this. So far. It could change, and I could be wrong in the end, but I think most people saw Obama in a good light tonight.

He was nice. John is right sounds bi-partisan. McCain was condescending.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
:lol :lol :lol
"You wanna bomb ally countries? You wanna invade ally countries?!"

That's stopped us before?!

"I think one of the issues American people will benefit from, and I'm taking my partisan hat off. I think the American people will benefit from the distinct differences on issues."

They are playing the "You are right" ad now :lol

HAHAHA. He had a huge smile on his face ready to show it, and they didn't have it. Dude looked deflated.


Gold Member
SealSqueal said:
I don't watch Fox, but here in Australia he did the same thing through his vast newspaper network, just before the incumbent government was wiped out in the election late last year.

I keep telling my friends this, but they just give me this look and say shit like "Rupert Murdoch loves Bush" or some shit, but they're wrong. He will go where the money is.
SealSqueal said:
I don't watch Fox, but here in Australia he did the same thing through his vast newspaper network, just before the incumbent government was wiped out in the election late last year.

I still curse Aussieland everyday for giving us that fucker.




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SpeedingUptoStop said:
looking at the polls...Is Poli-GAF really underrating Obama's success tonight?
I'd say it's a safe assumption to state that a majority of PoliGAF doesn't have faith in the average American.

I am VERY glad to hear we are wrong.
Apparently I don't know much about debates, because I thought McCain won rather handily. It's nothing Obama did, it's just the way McCain controlled the narrative and dismissed Obama as naive on a matter of subjects.

Also, can't wait for Thursday.





learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
NomarTyme said:
How can liberal even watch a minute of this shit?
Dude. It's HILARIOUS. It's like the Colbert Report for 4 hours straight.


Well, that was interesting.

I'm obviously biased and a dirty foreigner so my opinion is worthless, but everything I'm hearing on CNN, and reading in the different polls/audience reactions... well, Obama won.

He won in the eyes of the public that watched the show, and the media narrative tomorrow is going to reflect that, driving that fact home to those who haven't watched. A good night for Obama supporters.
Pakkidis said:
You guys do realize the VP debate is much more restrained than these. There will be very little opportunities to fight back on the opponents issues. Either way Palin has 6 days to get her shit together. I think it would be wise to hide her and practice, practice practice

They have coached her for every second before her limited media exposure and she still takes softball questions in the face every time they're thrown at her. There is no chance that she will be ready for the debate next week.

Think about it; the whole plan was her to coast by on a victory tonight and McCain didn't even come close to securing that (As I said before these poll numbers came out). She's going to face Biden (A seasoned and very aggressive statesman) on the national stage coming off of a significant hit in the form of a failed opportunity tonight; she has no chance.
typhonsentra said:
It never felt so good to be wrong, eh guys? :D :D :D
You can say that again! :)

Sometimes it's really hard to predict what the MSM and Public will remember and highlight from certain news items. Especially when you're sheltered in a place like gaf which has such a narrow demographic, focus and point of view.

I'm glad Obama seems to have done the best according to the general public.


Gold Member
reilo said:
HAHAHA. He had a huge smile on his face ready to show it, and they didn't have it. Dude looked deflated.

Sean Hannity took about five punches to the face in that segment. I've never seen him so abused. It's usually the Hannity hour, but not this time.


iby.h said:
Yup, it states the name of the candidate who has the highest percentage, to which Obama has all.
Snap. So one poll shows independent voters giving it to Obama 2:1 over McCain, and CNN's poll has Obama winning across the board. And Mark-conventional-wisdom-Halperin gives it to Obama across the board.

End of times.
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