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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Kulock said:
Biden did a good job on MSNBC. I think that's one of the best things about the choice of him: if you're not completely comfortable with voting on Obama's judgment and expertise, Biden is there to push you over the line as a second, intelligent voice with a different angle. It feels like on the McCain side that if there is an area McCain lacks at, Palin doesn't fill that void in the same way. She may be seen as a conduit to the people, but she seems to barely qualify as a vice presidential choice, the short list of things she has that are seen as strengths, other than her gender, overlap with McCain's strengths completely, and in no cases do they seem to exceed McCain's for the people they matter to.

when i was watching him on countdown then i realized how much of a secret weapon he is. the right brags about how much more attention she's brought to the campaign, but when the least expect it they have to put her up against one of the most experienced and aggresive statesmen in our country.
GhaleonEB said:
Snap. So one poll shows independent voters giving it to Obama 2:1 over McCain, and CNN's poll has Obama winning across the board. And Mark-conventional-wisdom-Halperin gives it to Obama across the board.

End of times.

Beginning Of Times.


Hey, why are they called Reagan Democrats instead of Clinton Republicans?

If a swath of people vote for all Republicans except for Clinton......


reilo said:
Aaww man. Fox text poll.

"82% are correct that McCain won. Only 16% think Obama won."

Hannity all giddy and shit.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Hannity says that Obama was combative, immature, and inexperienced in the debate.
What? If anyone that was McCain, always laughing when Obama spoke, telling him he doesn't know anything. God, hes such a jackass.


I'm not even into either candidate, and even I'm having a haemorrhage watching Hannity on Fox News on Foxtel for a few seconds.

Exact Hannity quotes:
"82% are correct, McCain won the debate"
"(Obama) came off as interruptive, and a bit immature; he had his lines memorized. And he has no life experience..."

I tuned in for the lulz because I knew it would be bad. Never expected it to be that bad. Strewth. :lol I'm glad there aren't any dedicated news channels in Australia.

Edit: reilo beat me.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dot50Cal said:
What? If anyone that was McCain, always laughing when Obama spoke, telling him he doesn't know anything. God, hes such a jackass.
Dude. Hannity.


I still remember the first time I saw Obama speak. He was speaking about foreign policy with an intelligence I never even saw from my university professors, but with the delivery of a great orator in the style of the old greats. I thought then that I'd be delighted if he ran for president in 2016. But I'm certainly not complaining now that he's on track for 2008.


McCain won the debate in my view, he had Obama constantly on the defensive. Obama needs to take a page out of Biden's book, the man had some excellent refutations to most of the things McCain said.


AniHawk said:
So here's the 2004 Presidential Debate thread, from before PoliGAF was PoliGAF. Only 600 posts for the whole thread. Oh how much more paranoid we've become since then.

The first debate was considered a huge Kerry victory.

Some quotes:

Though I could've sworn there was one debate where GAF thought Bush overwhelmingly won and they were all flipping out over it.

What were the poll numbers like during the debate?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
AniHawk said:
This debate was actually the one that helped Kerry close in on Bush after a very long September of trailing him by 8-10 points at some parts.
Why do I feel like requoting the Frogurt episode with you again? :lol

The polls showed Obama did well!
That's good!
...but Kerry did equally well and lost the election...
That's bad...
...but the debate brought Kerry back within reach!
That's good!
...but Kerry was arguably French...
That's bad!


MaddenNFL64 said:
The polls didn't move because Kerry won. I doubt it will this time.

BAD NEWS for McCain.


Oct 1-3 numbers are from JUST after the first debate. It honest-to-god helped Kerry. And with all these polls coming out, saying Obama won, well...


aka iby.h
whats more surprising than the fox news 82% McCain text message poll is that people who watch fox news actually know how to text message :0
Obama won this debate. Not a home run. But by like a 10-12% margin. Mccain's offensives didn't land as well as Bushes did against Kerry. He's just not good enough to hit the mark.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
when i was watching him on countdown then i realized how much of a secret weapon he is. the right brags about how much more attention she's brought to the campaign, but when the least expect it they have to put her up against one of the most experienced and aggresive statesmen in our country.

The McCain campaign will spend the weekend coming up with a plan to delay or cancel the VP debate. There is no way they can allow it to go forward no matter how much time they spend trying to prepare Palin. As soon as she opens her mouth, they're fucked. Perhaps they can firebomb the venue and blame it on terrorism?
RubxQub said:
Why do I feel like requoting the Frogurt episode with you again? :lol

The polls showed Obama did well!
That's good!
...but Kerry did equally well and lost the election...
That's bad...
...but the debate brought Kerry back within reach!
That's good!
...but Kerry was arguably French...
That's bad!

... can I go now?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tobor said:
Is the media picking up on the Palin no show? Biden was everywhere tonight.
I have to believe that the Obama camp purposely shoved Biden all over the place to introduce exactly that topic in the media for the weekend.

Not sure if it'll surface, but it's very apparent.


aka iby.h
Tobor said:
Is the media picking up on the Palin no show? Biden was everywhere tonight.

wolf said something like, it would be nice to have Sarah palin on the show to see her input to which Anderson replied don't count on it or something.
Tobor said:
Is the media picking up on the Palin no show? Biden was everywhere tonight.

Anderson Cooper made a quip earlier. Wolf Blitzer was exiting the Biden interview and said that he wished they could have gotten Palin to agree to something similar.

Anderson Cooper:


"Good luck."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MassiveAttack said:
The McCain campaign will spend the weekend coming up with a plan to delay or cancel the VP debate. There is no way they can allow it to go forward no matter how much time they spend trying to prepare Palin. As soon as she opens her mouth, they're fucked. Perhaps they can firebomb the venue and blame it on terrorism?



Unconfirmed Member
KyanMehwulfe said:
You know what I really found interesting.... and I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned on CNN yet...

Body language.

And specifically, Obama and McCain looking and addressing one another.

Obama constantly looked at McCain and specifically spoke to him...

I think I only saw McCain do that 1 time for more than a brief second.

Perhaps folks have been talking about it here but I haven't seen anyone else even bring it up yet. It seemed to me at least to give Obama great stature and confidence.

Am I the only one who found it so notable?
No, I noticed this too. Obama looked like a diplomat, someone who would stand there and talk to the public and to his adversary at the same time. McCain looked annoyed and irritated most of the time and didn't seem to feel comfortable giving Obama credit enough to be able to look him in the eye as an equal.

It was a pretty clear stylistic difference, and I think it's one area where Obama clearly won.


WickedAngel said:
But McCain did the same thing to Obama, on the surge and the Georgia invasion, and Obama did not respond strongly. I don't think McCain won overwhelmingly, but he was able to leverage his foreign policy experience better than Obama was able to leverage his foreign policy choices, and Obama just wasn't going after him enough when he was wrong. Nearly every time he stepped in it was more of a correction, and McCain just talked over him. He needs to be more assertive in putting down McCain.

Of course, if the polls disagree... *shrugs.*
RubxQub said:
Why do I feel like requoting the Frogurt episode with you again? :lol

The polls showed Obama did well!
That's good!
...but Kerry did equally well and lost the election...
That's bad...
...but the debate brought Kerry back within reach!
That's good!
...but Kerry was arguably French...
That's bad!

:lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
WickedAngel said:
This is not the beginning of the beginning, but rather the beginning of the end of the middle.
But who has end...?

Okay. I'm done.


worldrunover said:
Speaking of which... WTF did McCain mean when he said "this isn't the beginning of the end, it's the end of the beginning..." that just made no sense.

He was confused about the Smashing Pumpkins song in the Watchmen trailer.


Gold Member
Hey, guys, a little piece of info: the 82% poll is a Hannity and Colmes poll, not an overall Fox News poll.


WickedAngel said:
Anderson Cooper made a quip earlier. Wolf Blitzer was exiting the Biden interview and said that he wished they could have gotten Palin to agree to something similar.

Anderson Cooper:


"Good luck."

Excellent. Brian Williams commented on it as well. At the very least, bloggers will be all over it.
Sharp said:
But McCain did the same thing to Obama, on the surge and the Georgia invasion, and Obama did not respond strongly. I don't think McCain won overwhelmingly, but he was able to leverage his foreign policy experience better than Obama was able to leverage his foreign policy choices, and Obama just wasn't going after him enough when he was wrong. Nearly every time he stepped in it was more of a correction, and McCain just talked over him. He needs to be more assertive in putting down McCain.

Of course, if the polls disagree... *shrugs.*

I agree with you. I thought Obama's retorts were fleeting with little enthusiasm behind them. Even the quip about McCain singing songs about bombing Iran seemed to be only a passing comment. McCain's barbs stuck a little better in my opinion.
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